Thursday, December 28, 2006
Caleb's answer "It's a good plan". It can't get more simple than that.
Jockey is in a new phase (please Lord, let it be temporary) of waking up at YIKES 6:30AM. I know for some people that doesn't sound early, but it is for us non-morning people who often don't get into bed and sleeping until 11 or Midnight! And have I mentioned that naps are rare these days too. Either the boys are timing them right (especially if Josh is up at 6:30 and wants his first nap when Caleb wakes up) or I have to get other things done during their naptimes.
At this stage, I'm also wondering why we gave Jockey the perfect hitting toy... a pretend lightsaber/ hit-your-brother-wand.... Sometime I have great foresight, other times my desire to not have them share makes me shortsighted.
Caleb has gotten exceptionally more clingy lately. I'm not sure if it is a natural phase or whether it is a by-product of me having to go to "work" more and leave him with Daddy or Grammy more. I am thinking even both are options. He was clingy and not wanting to participant in gymnastics class, but that was before I began to "work". And now, he wants to cuddle and fights for his time with me, and often I wake up to him having climbed into bed and is trying to cuddle next to me. Even the warmer Pjs didn't solve that problem so I don't think he is just cold at night. Well, I hope this works itself out.
Jockey is a rebel. When I say "Josh no no, don't ----" this is quickly translated into "full speed ahead, run away and do it anyway Josh....and don't forget to giggle so it looks cute!" He's a mischief maker alright, and I think he has figured out that he is younger and he gets away with a lot more... well, time to crack down. Like I told the boys, there is a reason that God made me bigger and older than them, because hopefully that means I'm smarter, or at least big enough to sit on them until they giggle and behave.
Well, off for devotions time. Caleb tries to tell me he is really big and strong and he can fight off the bats or ants or whatever it is... He's really getting an ego. Is that possible, already? Ok, good night, and I hope to return with other gems of conversation with the kiddos soon.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
First, THANK YOU to all of the friends and family who made this Christmas so cheery and love-surrounded. For the Christmas Eve party there were 37 people, all of which were related in some way to everyone else. It was nice to see those I hadn't seen in a while, and let them see my little show-offs in action.
Also, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone for the kind, thoughtful and generous gifts. They weren't needed, just you and your love is needed, but certainly everything will be enjoyed. I will be honest and say that every toy has been given it's due, but Jockey is almost constantly chewing on the toothbrush that came in his stocking. Go figure!! He has come to enjoy the indoor jumpy house he received, he was rolling on it even before it had air. And to be even further honest, Caleb really likes all his toys, but a few have hit the stellar list. He likes the Bob the Builder Tool kit (wants to take them everywhere), he plays with just the action figures of Buzz and Woody off of the remote control car, and really enjoys the Leap Frog learning pad and the Leap Frog Talking Words Factory DVD. He also liked the $ store robots that he received. There were other things that I was touched by my kiddos getting: a learning Pre-school and Toddlers Magazine from Grandma/pa Bishop (I've even told the playgroup moms about this one), and some real Steiff bears from Grandma/pa Bill.
Well, pictures are to come soon. I just have to find a little more time to download them, life gets really busy as you all know. TTFN.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
We have been busy here, as always. Playgroup this week for the last time until after the new year. Christmas gift making and wrapping. Caleb is now an experienced wrapper (note: I did not say expert wrapper). We put the Christmas songs on, made up some hot cocoa and I got him started on the wrapping. He really had a good time. I've also been playing the piano a good deal for the kids. Josh LOVES music, and Caleb likes it and likes to listen. I wanted to share a song that I stumbled upon this season. It is a little off the beaten path from the typical Jingle Bells, but it Caleb asks for it frequently and it really hit home this season with the kids and trying to teach them about Christmas.
"Little One" by Shirley Watson
He sat by the fireside
'til his eyes became too heavy.
And he wandered off in dreams with elves at play.
Daddy found him sleeping
and took him up to bed.
Where he would spend the night in Santa's flying sleigh.
Christmas was a whisper in his ear.
Sounds that only children's hearts can hear.
Little one, in the morning when you waken
you'll find your ev'ry dream has taken form
There'll be joys
Christmas Day will come to life
because of you
And you are loved, Little one.
Mary lay and pondered
"til her eyes became too heavy.
And she fin'lly found the rest she struggled for.
Joseph sat in silence
and watched the baby sleeping.
And wondered what the future held in store.
Angel voiced whispered in his ear
Reaching down he drew the baby near
Little one, in the morning when You waken
the world will find that God has taken form
There'll be joy
and the earth will have new life
because of You,
For You are love, Little one.
Caleb is really excited for Christmas. We went shopping and he wanted to buy Santa a present. I thought that was cute. If you ask him, Caleb says that Christmas is Jesus' birthday AND Santa is coming. OK. Not sure where he got that, but that's his perception. We have had fun wrapping gifts and for the most part he is holding in his enthusiam about the presents, although he is like me and eager to give them away. I am not sure he has the understanding that there are presents under the tree for him and thus it isn't about the presents and commercial greed this year. I am praying that this will hold out. It's about Jesus' birthday and Caleb has asked to get Jesus a birthday cake....
This last Sunday night, we went to a walk through, outdoor living nativity and salvation story called the "Path of lights". It was night time and we were guided through by a "Roman soldier". He took us along the way to various stops, where the lights would come on and the scene would tell their part of the story. It was very neat, and Caleb finally got to see "baby Jesus" as he has been asking for. It was a doll, but I don't think he noticed. Then we went inside and had cocoa and listened to an informal choir sing carols. Flanking the carolers were two artificial christmas trees with nothing on them but white lights. Caleb said that they were pretty but where were the stars? And I was in awe to realized from a child's perspective that a tree, something of nature, is beautiful all by itself, and the only thing that it was missing was the STAR, that which has pointed the way to Jesus for the last 2000 years. I was near tears and speechless with his pure perspective. And then he wanted to see baby Jesus outside again, so much for ending the curiousity.
Other Caleb news: every thing is his "FAVORITE" . If he likes it and wants it or wants to play with it or wants to watch it then it is "FAVORITE". That kid has so many favorites it is hard to keep track of them all.
He is still strong in the "I have a plan" language. He says that everyday. I have a plan, gonna eat and orange. I have a plan gonna find my juice cup. My tummy hurts, I have a plan, gonna use the potty.
He also is saying "Hmmm, I'm thinking no" which is so funny it is hard not to laugh when he says that about dinner. "Caleb eat your dinner"....."Hmmm, I'm thinking no." And he doesn't say it mean, just matter of fact. Hilarious.
Things I didn't think I'd say:
"Yes, I'll help you find/get your Woody (THE DOLL, from Toy Story)"
I knew I'd say "Don't bite your brother" but not "don't bite your brother's bum".
I knew I'd say "Don't play in the toilet" (leaning into the water with toys splashing), but I didn't think "Get OUT of the toilet Joshy!"
I know Mike didn't think he'd say "Did you poo on me Caleb?!"
About Joshy: This last Sunday I was praying about Josh. We all know that Caleb is sensitive and has a special gift and softness and several other gifts. And I was praying because I wanted to know if Josh was special in any way (other than the usual cute, happy and healthy which I'm already grateful for); because it would be hard to be the younger brother living in the shadow of a great big brother. Well, the answer from the Lord came almost instantly. Joshy's speaking/communication/understanding is his special gift. I had been surprised before at it, but now I was told that that was his special talent. And then I was reminded about Moses and Aaron (BROTHERS) of the Bible. Moses might have lead, but it was Aaron who was the speaker for all communications, it was Aaron that enabled Moses to address Pharoh, etc. Aaron played a vital role because of his speaking... and Joshy will too. I thought I'd share that special news about our little Jockey! Praise the Lord for quick answers to prayers.
Ok, good night.
And for most of the family, see you on Christmas EVE!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
We finally went out and got our Christmas Tree. We drove all the way up to Skykomish and chopped a tree down in the National Forest... don't worry, we got a permit to do so.
I'll have to post a picture or two later of that day. It was really fun, although a little scary at times. Why is it that the passenger side always seems closest to the cliff when we are stuck in the snow?!
Caleb asked me "Mommy, where polar bears? I want to see them." It took some convincing that they didn't live in Washington. And then he spent the rest of the time pointing out the trees/Christmas trees.... in a forest, can you imagine how many times we heard "there's a tree."
The dogs loved getting out and running in the snow. Caleb threw snowballs and Josh thought that that was the most wonderful thing. Snowballs are just like balls that he has at home you know... only cold. I had to change him into a snow outfit that allowed him to actually touch the snow. He was getting frustrated that he couldn't touch it when we was wearing the parka that covers his hands. And when it was time to go, Josh screamed in frustration as Mike put in him the truck. Josh was NOT ready to go!
We got a sufficient tree. I like it, though Mike thinks it could be fuller. On a Nobel "Full" is a relative term. We might try a different type of tree next year.
Caleb and Josh helped decorate it. They are in awe when it is all turned on and lit up. The lower half of our tree is significantly les decorated than the top. Josh thinks that the things at the bottom are just so interesting. He likes to pull them off and squeal and run off and play keep away! So we are going to have to get some PLASTIC red bulbs for the bottom of the tree or Josh might re-live one of the not so fun times of Mike's infanthood... biting into a red shiny bulb thinking it's an apple... But as we decorated the tree, Josh would come over and give kisses and then run away and then come back again. I think he was excited with all the activity going on.
Caleb insist he help, which was sweet. And when I put up the nativity, he sat and I told him the Christmas story as each piece came out of the box. He and I do that every year, next year Josh will listen too! Caleb and Josh are both in love with the Nutcrackers we have. I had one, and then Grandpa Bill gave the kids one. So now they are standing post on the mantel. Josh keeps running over and pointing at them, or the nativity, or ANY of the decorations. He is just interested and mesmerized with the lights and everything new in the house.
Caleb has gotten to see a lot of the Christmas movies. He keeps asking for "that movie the boy drumming". That was one that I particularly wanted to show him this year, and it feels special each time that he asks and wants to share that with me. He and I watched Polar Express too. When ever there was a touching moment in the movie, Caleb would look over at me with a little grin and then give me a hug... it happened several times. It was a nice, Jockey-free, time that he and I shared. He really is getting excited, but mostly curious. Caleb loves the lights that are in the neighborhood. The most difficult thing for me is that he keeps asking to meet/see Jesus. I remember this stage when I was little too, and I'm trying hard to remember how I finally understood so that I can pass it along to him. He loves Jesus so much, it's hard to explain not seeing Him.
Zuma was particularly grumpy tonight, so Caleb laid hands are her and prayed for her. I thought that was so cute.
Well, it's late and the day will come sooner than I expect. Good night.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
This last weekend we spent a nice evening in the brisk cool weather seeing an amazing Christmas light display at Warm Beach Christian Camp and Convention Center. It was beautiful, a millon lights. I read that if they strung all the lights end to end, it would make it from the camp all the way to the Space Needle. 11 MILES of extension cords. I really liked showing Caleb the Nativity. It is life size and it made an impact on him. In all the beauty, this year we also got to DO a couple things. We heard a story read out loud, Caleb made a toy in the Joyland Toy workshop, he even got the courage up enough to ride a pony. Caleb and Josh both saw a person dressed like Santa. Caleb was too shy to do much talking or sit with Santa... although if asked about it he would tell it like he had a long conversation with his old pal Santa. Caleb talks like he is going to see him soon. Makes me wish that there was someone dressed up to look like Jesus, because that is who Caleb's really been asking to see. It feels unjust to have a Santa figure but not a Jesus figure... maybe I'll suggest it somewhere! Josh, on the other hand, was not so thrilled about being anywhere near, let alone held, by a oddly dressed stranger! He burst into tears the moment that Santa picked him up. Josh LOVED everything else. He is really and outdoorsy type kid, and he just took off when he was finally set down on the ground. He ran from lights to lights touching them and (glup) banging on them to make them dance and dazzle.
It was a nice evening of family and festivities. Rene, Mel, Matthew, Nick, Tyler, Grandpa Bill and Grandma Judy, Grammy Dahl, and Grandpa Dahl and then of course my own family were all in attendance.
Monday, Jockey was picked up by Grammy Dahl. When asked, Caleb elected Joshy to go with Grammy. He stood at the door and waved and said good by over and over and "take care Jockey grammy!" and then shut the door. He realy wanted time with just me. And we did. We played with the toy he made at the toy workshop. We finger painted followed IMMEDIATELY by a bath, we watched a show together, made dinner and muffins together... He really liked it. At one time he did ask where Jockey was, was Joshy in his room sleeping. And then this morning he looked for Josh and asked where he was again... but he is still enjoying being the only one that I have to hold.
For those who know who Garfield is, you'll find it funny that Caleb calls him "Catfield." Caleb came into my room one night and told me he was scared that it was a bad show. He said that there was a bad black cat in the show "Catfield". It took me a while to figure out who "Catfield" was.
The other funny thing is that Caleb calls Littlefoot, from the movie Land Before Time, "Babyfoot". All during the movie he said and I corrected him "what Baby foot doing? where Babyfoot mommy?" No Caleb, it's littlefoot. Regardless, it was cute.
Caleb is also hilarious when I tell him that I have to use the restroom. He says, "I know, I show you where" and then has to walk me to the bathroom and say "here, here it is" and point. In my own home, I need a tour of where the bathroom is...
Ok, Caleb says it is time to play...thanks for reading.
Monday, November 27, 2006
We arrived in the late afternoon on Thursday, and visited the beach quickly before dark and before the rain started. Then it was a turkey and ham dinner in Grammy and Papa Dahl's motorcoach. They went all out with decorative, Thanksgiving themed paper plates and napkins that gave the whole place a festive look.
Friday, it was raining when we woke up, but then quickly stopped. We ate, what is fast becoming traditional group family breakfast, sausage gravy over biscuits with scrambled mushroom eggs prepared by Grandma Judy and Papa Bill. We chatted in the motorcoach until the second rain shower was complete and then walked down to the beach. Caleb and the dogs had a lot of fun. After the beach was time to go hot tubbing. It is a good way to get warm. (or in my case, to have some quiet time...)
Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. After breakfast we drove to Ecola State park and mini-hiked down to the beach. We then drove to the viewpoint and watched the parasailers have fun over the cliffs and trees. It was truly a lovely day. We did visit the hetic KB Toy's outlet, but with sales and no sales tax... for Christmas it was a necessary evil. Then it was back to camp for hot tubbing. The RV Resort hosted a turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing dinner with the campers bringing the rest. It was a nice time. Caleb was surrounded by a TV, arcades, and all sorts of bread type foods and desserts, so it was a peaceful meal for the rest of us too. Then back into the hot tub for the evening calm down.
Sunday. By this time we have heard the snow reports and decided after a hot shower (because our water heater was broken at home and this might be the last for a while) we packed up and headed home. We drove straight through other than a gas stop and two Caleb potty breaks. We got home at 2:30 as the rain began to mix with snow. By 3:00 it was all snow and had dropped 3-4 degrees and was starting to stick. (Mike fixed the hot water heater while I unpacked the trailer. Then he decided to get the trailer to the club before too much of the snow was on the ground it was parked in front of our house indefinitely.
So we are home safe, and had a good time. Here are a couple pictures.
With the snow on the ground and additional snow forcasted, I think we will probably stay close to home for warmth if nothing else. That's all for now.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Today, I only had Josh to look after. Caleb went to spend time with Grammy, Daddy, and Papa. He tried gymnastics and the Daycare...success??? Well, we'll reserve judgement. He says that he misses us (mommy and daddy) and Joshy gets all the time and attention. So, we've got to make up some time with him to reassure him of his loved place in this world.
The flip side, Joshy and I got to spend time together. I thought I should update everyone on the person Joshy is becoming. He really likes to play catch (rather he throws, we catch and then roll it back to him). He really likes to listen to music. His new thing that causes giggles: sommersaults, he needs help, but loves it when we cause him to do them. He runs back for more. He's also enjoying the Baby Einstein movies. When Caleb's away we get a chance to pull out the shows that don't have words just visual stimulation, and he likes them! (Thank you Grammy and Papa Dahl for INVESTING in these when Caleb and Tessa were little, they are getting their use with the next grandchild.)
I should mention that we are going to be away this Thursday through Sunday. Thanksgiving will be sent in Cannon Beach (OR) this year with GG Dahl, Grammy and Papa Dahl and Papa and Grandma Judy. Pray for good weather because we are CAMPING not hotelling it!
Short and sweet, that's it for now.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Life is still busy. But here are the things that we are up to and the funny things taking place.
Yesterday, I actually had to say "Josh don't pick your brother's nose". Followed shortly by, "Caleb if you turned around he wouldn't be able to reach your nose." All of this was while we were at a craft bazaar in Monroe, and other than this incident and a couple other minor things, the kids were really well behaved. A few other people even commented about that.
This last week, we went to playgroup and Monday and Wednesday. Caleb was very excited about seeing his friend Donovyn. It's been a while since Donovyn got his adenoids removed. The boys played long, hard and nicely. It's fun to see Joshy trying to be a big boy. He follows them back and forth from one end of the gym to the other as best as he can.
Caleb is either very kind, gentle, and considerate to his brother or the rough, aggressive bully. I've seen both daily for quite some time. Although, the cutest thing happened. Caleb told me he was "scared" and I asked him about what. Suddenly he said he wasn't scared anymore. I mentioned that that was fast. He said that he had a button to turn it off, to which I said "wow, Jesus must have given you that button". He said "Yeah, He gives me lots of buttons. I share Jockey, 1 button... not now later. I take care Jockey." I thought that that was sweet. Caleb didn't believe me that one day they would both be big enough that Jockey would try to take care of him. He insisted that he was bigger than Jockey.
We took Caleb and Josh to Gymnastics classes. For Caleb, Grammy and I were shocked that Caleb's participation was bust. He pulled some kind of shy, "i need you to hold my hand/come with me mommy" behaviour... so we gave up on trying to make him go with his class.
JOSH, however, was a joy to take to class. He really enjoyed it. He had just woken up, so it took a couple of minutes for him to get orientated, and to find something to catch his interest. The minute he found something he liked, he started smiling and giggling. He liked to be bounced on the trampoline, although he didn't want the trampoline to bounce under him. He didn't know what to do with the foam block pit or the climbing wall. He did love the inclined mats which mommy helped him somersault down once he climbed up them. Joshy is a HUGE climber. He will climb anything, especially if it will get him closer to an object he wants to hold/put in his mouth. (Yes, Josh is still a really mouthy kid.) Josh climbed up a wooden play structure and the instructor came over and said that the way he manuevered the top was something some 5 year olds have problems with! He was doing fine, but then the MUSIC came on and the absolute JOY came out in Jockey. He started swinging his arms, raising his hands, and nodding his head to the beat and skip/walking. He is so funny to watch as he enjoys music. All kids have an interest and respond to music, but I'm having a great time being entertained by my little guy!
Thursday and Friday were days where they got to spend a bit more time with Daddy. They went to the dog park on one of those days and a neighborhood walk on the other. (Mommy tried and experimental, one time only job on Thursday, and a Dr. appointment on Friday.)
Caleb is in love with "Blue's Clues" Aka "Jockey's show". I thought it would dissuade him from wanting to watch it if I told him it was a show for Jockey's age. NOPE... with a big N! He will watch that ALL the time if we let him. So instead I've tried to focus and get him to watch "Leap Frog's LETTER FACTORY". And it has worked, I'm still having to watch Blue's Clues, but Caleb is now recognizing letters in the alphabet! Practice practice and more practice and we will get it down. We are thinking that the next phase is soon, the "Leap Frog WORDS FACTORY". He already likes the word CAT, because it is on his Cat in the Hat book. He is really excited when we exclaim how proud we are that he is reading, a real source of pride for him. But I've seen this week that he likes kudos and recognition, but he doesn't like to be in the spotlight for it. It's funny because that would seem like opposites, kudos without spotlight, and especially since every time we try to get Josh to do something Caleb has to cut in and try to steal the show. But I think that the latter is a sibling rivalry and the former is the actual personality trait. And of course, he is different with Mom and Dad than he is with others.
Well, winter is here and the plastic "play cube" is now in my living room. I figured that Joshy is going to climb whether it is a good thing to climb or not, so I'd better get a good thing inside to climb. The weather is so icky lately that it is unpleasant to send the kids out in the cold and rain to play on wet toys. So I brought a toy inside. I didn't get it even fully set down on the floor in the living room before Joshy had begun to climb up onto it. So I think that is proof that I did a good thing.
Joshy continues to talk... if you listen closely. He isn't always bell clear. But he says I did it, where mom, and other advanced things. I wish he would say please and understand what I say when I say wait. He whines because he has no patience and is easily frustrated. But he tries hard and is determined.
Today, he whined that I wouldn't let him play with Tigger's boy parts. I know, I'm awful, I don't let him do anything fun.
If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm so glad that Caleb is potty trained. I do have to remember that fact when I have to stop every 45 minutes to go to the restroom (and not for my own purposes!) I have determined that I will have Jockey trained earlier, I will NOT have 2 1/2 more years of diapers.!!! In the meantime, Joshy thinks toilet paper is the most fun toy and he would play with the plunger if I'd not put it out of reach. If I only listed the items that my kids have liked and fixated on (without explanation), you would think that we never bought our kids real toys. Caleb: broken fleecy dog toy/bone, swiffer, tape measure. Josh: new toilet bowl brush, swiffer.
Caleb's new phrases (that I'm sure he picked up from the adults in his life.)
"I mean it!" He also asks "Mommy, mean it, do you mean it mommy?" (I'm betting his one came from me)
"hmm, let me think, no" (thanks daddy)
"I'm thinking no." (thanks daddy) Especially funny (although also mildly cross eyed frustrating) when he says this to "Bedtime?" or "Brush your teeth?" "Get dressed?" I know, either stop asking, or ask "open" questions that don't require yes or no answers, I've read the books. I wonder if the authors actually have had children for some of things that they suggest.
Last story for now. Caleb and I drove to the store for our admittedly guilty pleasure, Slurpees. I drove up and got out and peeked in the window to see if the machine was "working" (not re frosting or out). I came back to the car and got in and was getting out the money and Joshy. Caleb asked if it was working and I said yes, he responds with "well, what are we waiting for!?" in an excited happy tone and starts struggling with his buckles in an uncontrollable anticitpation. I had to laugh. "What are we waiting for?!" indeed.
Good night. (at 6 it sure feels like 9!)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Mostly from Toppenish...
GG dutifully followed Joshy around to ensure his safety; note his choice toy, not the ball or other toys we packed, but the fly swatter.

We did bring Caleb's bike, but for Josh we brought the trike which also folds into a rocker. He liked it, and as you can see is a stunt devil in the making...
Dinner my motorhome and flash light...
Lake Easton State Park the morning we left....
And for those who haven't seen Tigger in a while, I'll get a better picture, but you might be able to assess a little bit of his size from this picture... Yup, this is our beloved (most of the time) 6 MONTH old puppy!
Ok, that's all for now. Good night.
It's been too long again between posts, I apologize.
So here is what's been going on in the meantime.
Joshy is a climbing wonder. He has learned the tricks from Caleb and is attempting to climb up onto everything, and often with success... or whining when unsuccessful. I'm not sure which I like better, quiet success and high elevations, or noisy failure at the safe ground level. He is talking up a storm, although you have to listen carefully because it isn't all bell clear. But he asks questions like "wha doon?" (what are you doing?) and he answers most questions with a shake or nod of the head. He says "gahh iii" (got it). Puh is please. Several others. He is remarkable in his talking and every shocking in his understanding. Joshy is interested in everything, he is a watcher and a thinker; he is successful with most of the things that he tries, which makes me think that he has watched and waited until he can do things... which means he has understood for a long time. Amazing. The downside is that he is a big whiner for just about everything: Caleb wants privacy, Joshy whines because he wants to be in the bathroom too. He wants juice and I have to refill the cup first, he whines. He can't make a truck stay on the table when he pushes it, he whines.... The littlest things rock his world. I'm weary of it. But I should realize that it means he is smart and knows/understands what he wants and is eventually going to be able to communicate it clearly.
Joshy is mercifully gone back to sleeping through the night, I pray sincerely that this will continue. I might be able to glimpse what a life of normal sleep patterns looks like for the first time in a little over 3 years. Thank you Joshy for going back to sleeping through the night. However, he might be trying to give up his morning nap... We'll see.
Caleb is getting a little cooped up in the bad weather. This week instead of him staying with Grammy and Papa Dahl... Joshy did. That means that Caleb and Mommy got to go to Chuck E. Cheese and play. He really liked it, and for the first time he showed that he remembered from one visit to the next. Unfortunately, the last thing he remembered was a spider squashing game in California's Chuck E. Cheese and they don't have that in Bellevue. But he adjusted fast to the other games. He had a good time. Then it was off to the pool for a swim with Mommy and Daddy. He likes to play in the water, as long as he is on the stairs or in the hot tub. Beyond that we really need to work on his fear of the water. I think it might take consistent visits to the pool with just Caleb where we can work on new things, or the same old things over and over to build confidence. I look forward to the day that he will have fun and joy in the pool without reservation.
Caleb is in a "WHY" phase, heaven help me. It is why about everything. Why are we turning left (to go to the bank), why are we going to the bank (to put a check in), why do we need to put money in the acct (to pay bills), why do we have to do that.... etc. It's endless. Why does he need to put his socks on, why does he need to put his shoes on, why are we leaving, why are we going there, why does Grammy and Papa Dahl want to see him, WHY WHY WHY. I've tried to explain things, he asks why again... to the same question! I've tried saying because I'm in charge... why. I've tried to say I don't know... WHY! This is the phase that I knew the most about prior to having kids, and the phase I was least looking forward to... and now I know WHY.
So, what have we been keeping busy with...
Two weekends ago, we camped in Toppenish with Grammy, Papa and GG Dahl, and Papa Bill and Grandma Judy. It was a nice trip, good visiting, and there were bike rides and times in the pool. The most eventful item was, however, on the Sunday when we tried to get home. That's right, TRIED. Thanks to the road updates from Papa Bill (and the 1610AM) it was decided that the snowy and treacherous road conditions weren't worth the risk and we pulled off to camp in Lake Easton State Park for the night... about 10 minutes after unhooking the truck, the 1610Am was updated that the pass was completely closed due to dangerous road conditions, multiple accidents and deicing equipment to work. It's actually an interesting story. We got several calls from Papa Bill and listened to the radio a bunch, but home was sounding pretty good. So good that it was hard to make a decision. So I prayed and said, "Lord, I just don't know what to do. I know what I want to do, but I'm not sure what to do. So I'm going to ask Caleb and whatever he says that is what we are going to do, so please give him the right answer". So I turned and asked Caleb "Do you want to go home (I held up one hand) or camp one more night (and held up the other hand)?" He looked at me, paused, I repeated the question, and then with absolute certainity, he said Camp One more Night. So we did. The second miracle of the night was after dinner in Cle Elum, we were stuck on the shoulder of the road between semi's and the guard rail with two, luckily, sleeping kids, in a HUGE back up with the road closed and everyone with their engine and lights off. (I thought the next ramp off was just a mile up and no one would care if we just drove up and ducked off... some person was parked too far to the right to allow us passage.) So with no sign of movement, I told the Lord that we needed a miracle; with no word of lie, not 10-15 minutes later we heard the updated report that the pass was open and then we saw movement. In a back up and pass closed for 4.5 hours, we were only sitting for 40 mintues! Blessing, I think so!
Well, I'd like to go on. But my hands are tired, and the rest of me isn't that much farther behind. For those who pray and know Jesus, please pray for my Grandma Severson (Norma). She's not doing so good, and it's nearing her time. Of course, I want that to be with Jesus, and I want a pain-free, peaceful, not overly drawn out experience... and of course, remember all of those who know and love her in your prayers too. It effects everyone who knows and loves her. THANKS.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Grandpa Bishop took Caleb to Starbucks a few times. Caleb now knows Starbuck's logo as well as 7-11 the land of Slurpees and shouts out every time he sees one from the back seat. He met Grandpa Bishop's friend Bob, and had to meet Bob's dog Brandy, and show off his bike to the guys at Starbucks.
Josh really is an outdoorsy kid. He wants to see everything and touch and even try to taste everything. While Caleb was on his first bike ride with Papa, Josh was outside with Mommy and Grandma looking at trees, lights, mailboxes, clouds (yes 2 in the sky), grass, rocks, flowers, bushes. He wanted everything named and labeled for him, and I think he would have walked a mile if we would have kept on explaining things to him. I can see the information sponge happening right before my eyes. This trip was a huge experience for Josh. And his interest and attempt at words was astounding. He said Balloon, Ball, Bird, ME (****a big favorite), and several more. He ran after a person with cotton candy saying "ME ME ME", he really wanted some and he knew it. He did the same about the case of toys at Chuck E. Cheese. It is just amazing that the knows and has desires and is trying to get what he wants now verbally! He even nods his head or shakes it in response to questions! I can not believe that, and he is actually responding not just randomly answering!
Those who know Caleb, know that he is sensitive. And those that have kids, most likely know the story "Monsters, Inc." Well, the last 10-15 mintues were on and this was a better selection that the adult shows that were on the other channels. Well, all of a sudden Caleb started crying, he was terribly sad and want the channel changed. He was very upset that the big blue "monster", Sully, had to say goodbye to the little girl "boo". He was so so so upset, and he said this was a bad show. He was so compassionate to the sad feeling that Sully was having that he just was so upset on the "monster's" behalf. I love my sensitive guy, but I worry about him too. So as cute as that show is, it is a no go in our home.
Saturday, while in California. Caleb came to the conclusion that "Jesus likes funny jokes". This comes on the heels of a coversation about not crying wolf (a bad joke) because it is actually lying and Jesus doesn't like lying... so Caleb decided the flip side was that if Jesus didn't like bad jokes, he must like funny jokes. Caleb has also decided that Jesus is the biggest Rescue Hero, cute if you remember his obsession with Rescue Heroes. And we often have to include in our nightly prayers for Jesus to protect Caleb from Bats... I don't know why Bats, but we had to have a 45 minutes conversation with Caleb about how Jesus is stronger than bats. Caleb has decided that bats are bad and will get him, and he started a thing about owls and spiders but to a significantly lesser degree.
Cute Brief: Caleb grabbed Joshy's hand in the back seat and was making Joshy's hand wave and saying "Hi-lo Grammy" and "Hi Papa". Joshy loved it and giggled and then pulled on Caleb's sweatshirt and Caleb let him and thought it was great.
Cute Brief: We were all walking through the parking lot and Caleb was out ahead (the lot was closed to traffic). He hopped and leaped over a speed bump and thought it was a big one. So he ran back and said "here grammy" and took her hand and carefully helped her over the speed bump to make sure she made it. How kind and caring is that?!
Cute Brief: Caleb was sleeping in our bed one morning. Joshy woke up and I got him and brought him into the bed hoping that he would lay down and sleep again. No such luck. He rolled over and started talking, poking, rolling onto Caleb and trying to get Caleb to wake up and play with him. Caleb finally did sit up and gave his brother a little push and said "I'm not a toy Jockey! I'm a boy."
Well, that's all I have time for, and I'm still not done with the stories from all of California.
More soon, and always accummulating more. Good Night, God Bless.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Today, I will share some very random cute things that the boys have done. I apologize in advance for the disconnectedness. I thought it was better to share the cute things rather than agonize over the sentence and paragraph structure or even the chronology. These things have happened with in the last 2-3 weeks, some before and some in California.
About three weeks ago, Caleb saw Papa Bill. Papa Bill had spent some time cleaning and tuning up the old "rocking" Wonder Pony that Mommy and Uncle Jeff had played on when we were little. It is a hard plastic/fiber glass horse suspended at the 4 corners with big springs and held about 2-3 feet off the ground. So you can rock back and forward (squeak) and jump up and down (squeak squeak and clang). Caleb was introduced to this Wonder Pony (really a wonder that it survived 30 years, or that they sold them as toys for children with exposed springs just waiting for little fingers... but I survived and so did it.) Caleb was a bit shy about it the first time he saw it. His curiosity sometimes comes out as shyness. Well, he must have gotten the story of Mommy on the Wonder pony because he came home that night and wanted Mommy to tell him stories about when she was a little BOY! (yeah, Caleb, Mommy never was a little boy.) The next time that we were at Papa Bill and Judy's, Caleb jumped right up on it and began to rock and jump and make that horse squeak and clang to his hearts content. Joshy was put up on it too and he thought it was wonderful and got a big toothy grin on his face.
For those of you who are counting, Josh has 12 teeth now, and just today I noticed more inflamed gums... more could be on the way. Which is good because he has the front four (top and bottom) and then big gaps then his molars top and bottom.
Joshy learned what soap was. (Don't think of the details, just the face value of the story please.) Josh and I were taking a shower and I was holding him up. The ledge with the soap was there and he pointed at it. I suds up my fingers and rubbed it on his arm and then rinsed it off. Well, he tried to pick it up but dropped it, so I put him down on the shower floor. He then picked it up and got a little on his fingers and then rubbed my leg. So Josh now knows what so if for. He's very smart.
Caleb's Toy Story obsession has strengthened with Grammy Dahl's purchase of ZURG. Zurg is supposedly Buzz's arch rival in the galactic empire, however, in the second movie (star wars fans will like this) Zurg turns out to be Buzz's long lost father. I'm actually quite glad that that ironic and near cheesy twist happenend since I wasn't so keen on the bad guy aspect, but since Caleb only sees Zurg as Buzz's father, I'm ok. And Zurg had to go with us to the airport, he had to be carried through the airport not ride in the toy backpack, he showed Zurg to all who looked in his direction, Zurg got to ride and see the inside of the security xray screening machines... So Caleb's happy.
Caleb has become obsessed with the weather. His favorite is to annouce "It's a SUUUNNNnnny DAYYYY!" If you haven't heard it, let me assure you that the retyping of it can't mimic the cute emphasis and voice he uses. But he has to ask if it is a sunny day. "No is a sunny day mommy? It's a gray dark day?" He really likes the sunny days! I agree. And there were alot in California.
The special thing about sunny days in California is that every morning Caleb got to search the house for rainbows on the walls, floor, ceiling and whereever else they appeared. He liked the search and discovery every day. He likes rainbows, they are quickly becoming something special to him. I am going to have to make a point to sit and tell him the Noah's Ark story when he has the focus to listen.
Well, Caleb is still Potty Trained... !!!! And Caleb likes to ask "You proud me mommy?" Again, is sounds so cute, and yes, I'm proud of him. (I'm also trying to reinforce that he should be proud of himself too...self-esteem starts with ones self.)
So the plane was delayed 3 hours going down to Sacramento. I mentioned that before. But what I didn't mention were the nearly 10 people that came up to me in that 3 hours, on the plane, while deplaning, and waiting for the baggage who said to me that they boys were wonderful, that they were so well behaved and good. I was very proud of them, and each of those people were amazed even more when I told them that this was the boys' nap time too. (They also mentioned that I was handling them good, and there were times I thoguht I'd loose it, so hearing that meant a little to me as well.)
So Grandma and Grandpa Bishop had dutifully sought out a couple toys for the boys to have when they arrived... But you'll never guess what Joshy's favorite was.... the brand new (thank the Lord) toilet bowl brush. HE TOOK THAT EVERYWHERE. He played with it everyday, right up until we left. He took it into the hot tub even! Hey, whatever makes him happy, as long as it was brand new. And he would scream if we took it away.
Ok, he did like one other thing pretty well. LONG long ago, Grandma was going to make a bathrobe... but her little girl (that would be mommy) played with the baby pink with white polka dot material so much it never reached the sewing stage. Well, Joshy was in love with the fleecey stuff when Grandma laid it out on the floor. He would flop himself onto it and lay his head down and rub and kick his legs, or he would turn over and do the same on his back. Caleb got into the action too and Grandma ended up rolling him up like a little burrito and then shaking him out a few times. Why is 4 yards of pink fleece so fun??!!
Oh, when we got off the plane, we were greeted by Grandma and Grandpa Bishop. And Caleb said hello, and then we were off the the potty. In the restroom Caleb had to say that Grandma was happy to see him and he was happy to see her and Grandpa was happy to see him and he was happy to see grandpa... and then he had to tell me that Grandma has girl parts. Little for than a how do you do and out comes that.... Normally you have to get to know someone a little better before you start to talk about parts. But the two of them did spend good time together, so I guess Caleb knew where things were headed.
Grandpa Bishop also let Caleb sit with him and ride in their electric wheel chair in the garage. There wasn't a lot of space, but enough to do donuts and make Caleb happy.
This wheel chair came in handy another couple of times. Grandpa and Grandma each took it to the park as Caleb rode his bike to the park. Joshy even got to be a passenger on one trip with Grandma. He liked it... it was different than the stroller and Mommy liked it because then she could help Caleb get accross the street and back up on the sidewalks as we went several blocks.
Well, I have lots more of these small disconnected stories to tell, but I'm just getting a little tired for tonight, so they'll have to keep until another time. Thanks for reading and visit again soon.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
It was a great trip once we got there. To summarize: 3+ HOUR DELAY *DURING* the kids' supposed naptime! So instead of a 2:15 arrival, we didn't get in until almost 6pm!
This post is the brief, day to day activities run down with a few pictures. I will give more special stories later. This is just meant to high the activites high notes. The precious moments highlights are still to come.
*****CALEB WENT ALL THE TRIP POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******* (and still going strong since we've come home) I'm proud of him, he's proud of himself!
Our first day was quite an adventure. Caleb took his first trip to Starbucks this morning. Then after early morning recovery-from-traveling naps, we were off to Chuck E. Cheese. A Caleb favorite! And for the first time, Josh was actually able to participate, not just sit in the high chair and eat. Although, he was happy enough to eat, he didn't want to participant until he had watched for quite a long time to get a feel for the place.

As if one pumpkin patch/festival wasn't enough, we went to another on Sunday. And although it sounded like more of the first, it was amazing and very different. It was called the Bishop Pumpkin Farm, and it was huge with LOTS to do; it had a wonderful atmosphere too with the BBQ, baked goods that made you hungry, fresh apple cider slushies, etc! We saw pig races put on by Mother Goose. Caleb climbed in an old "settlers fort" and had the chance to "go to jail" (but he didn't go for it.) He went up on a "Coyote Mountian", which featured a couple great slides. Caleb panned and mined for marbles; he loved this because he got to keep the marbles and we all know how he loves small things to treasure and either hold in his hands or put in his pockets. Caleb liked to climb in the barn maze and slide down the slide there and wade in the dried corn silo. We all rode the miniature train, which Caleb especially loved because it went through a tunnel and he happened to get to turn on his flashlight that he'd been carrying in his pocket. The kids, both, got to climb on his all wood, miniature play train. This was Joshy's highlight. He must have spent 30 minutes climbing and laughing from the inside of the train. We were going to ride the ponies, but that line would have been an hour long wait and Joshy's time was ending before his afternoon nap, so Caleb instead jumped, climbed and ran on the old tire maze until his bum was VERY dirty and his shoes had fallen right off of his feet! The evening ended with a nice hot tub time.

Monday was very fun. It was something very new and special for Caleb, and it appealed to Mommy's creative side. Although, I had to remember that it was Grandma's idea and Caleb's project. We went to a paint your own pottery studio. Caleb made a special plate of all the things he had seen or done on his trip so far. Well, with the active trip we'd had there was no way we were going to fit it all on the plate, but the things that did make the list: a blue bike, a pumpkin, a black horse, a GREEN pig, and a dog (which I don't know when he saw other than on our rides to the park, but it came out looking alot like Tigger.) Caleb had fun, and if he will eat all of his dinner off of it like he promises, then the 2 hours spent making it would have have been worth every minute and a priceless idea of Grandma's! The day rounded out with a bike ride, slurpees, time in the hot tub and Rescue Heroes shows right up to bed time.
Tuesday was an attempt at many fun things that ended up being closed during the mid morning and early afternoon (the local communities' attempt at preventing truancy). So it was just a Farmer's Market, antique shopping, Old Navy shopping kind of day with a bike ride and the new "Over the Hedge" movie to round off the day. We did see my Aunt Sunny, cousin Meghan and the boy's cousin Alexandra too. And Caleb got a special play tent from Grandma for being a big boy (potty trained) all trip. He really liked that, and so did Joshy for that matter.
Wednesday, Great Grandma Dyer came over to see the boys in the morning. And despite all plans to do something next, every one fell asleep for early naps. So once we were all up mid-day, it was time for more Chuck E Cheese. This time, Josh really liked it... as long as we let him go and explore at his own pace. He really didn't want to be cocerced into any specific activities. And it is a good thing that this is a noisy, kid's place because Josh was just squealing and screaming and clapping his hands with happiness! We picked up Caleb's plate from the pottery studio, and he really liked his plate. It was surprising how much the rest of us were looking forward to seeing it too. Caleb then stayed with Grandpa, while Mommy, Joshy and Grandma went to explore and antique store before dinner. Dinner was special because a good friend Phinas came over. He's like part of the family, although in a photograph he wouldn't exactly look related. He brought the boys small gifts which Caleb insisted get opened right away. Dinner was good; Josh surprised us. I kept giving him the food that I thought that he could eat... but he still kept fussing. Finally, I gave him a rib... and he loved it and was quiet for 10-15 mintues. He chewed and sucked that thing clean and then wanted another! Sure, whatever kiddo. As long as you eat, don't choke, and let us all eat in peace too! Grandma, the boys and I were off to the hot tub again. At the first part of the trip, Josh would just sit mellow in my lap in the hot tub, but by the end of this night he was standing in the shallow area slapping the sides of the hot tub, laughing and popping up out of the water and kicking his legs! He really had a good time and was experiencing water with joy! Caleb made a huge leap in developement too! He now was pushing off one side of the hot tub, diving underwater towards me where I would lift him out of the water. He would only be under for 1-3 seconds, but that was a great leap from not wanting to get his face wet to actually diving under! I'm very proud of him!
Thursday was the last minute packing, get to the airport, final good byes, struggle through security and flying times and actually getting home day. Fortunately, it went fairly smoothly and all on time. We arrived safe, and all the luggage too. We are home with unforgettable memories and good times. I'll go into greater detail of the special moments when I have more time because they are priceless times/actions on the boy's parts. However, now you've at least got the day-by-day play of what we did.
Look for more stories SOON.!!!!
I actually walked into the room to find Caleb this way!
Joshy eating ribs, good food, good size mess, very happy kiddo.
Packing Day, Josh gives a patented toothy grin.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Before we are off to California. I should share in pictures that which I don't have time to detail in words.
Joshy having fun at playgroup. He is really branching out in the activities he wants to try.
Caleb, the grocery cart superhero.
Our little boys having fun TOGETHER. They are playing with Rescue Heroes, and yes that aircraft carrier is really that big.
Well, that is all I have time for. I will be gone to California from 10/12 through 10/19. I hope to have lots of great stories to tell when I return. Pray for our safe trip.
Friday, October 06, 2006
We have had some wonderfully sunny days in which a few walks have been squeezed in. Caleb even tries to bike ride the distance. He is maxed at the 2 miles it takes to get to and back from the park... of course he runs around and plays at the park and that could be why the return trek includes many (MANY) helpful pushes from Mom or Dad.
We, of course, went to play group this week. Caleb really does look forward to those days o the chance that he will see his friend. He plays well with all the kids, but he has his favorite. Josh does well at playgroup. He is getting more and more curious about the other kids, but the individual toys and balls have a greater interest still.
Josh is over his flu, has been for this week. Thank goodness for that. However, he is getting two more teeth. Painful, but they will help him keep up with his eating habits... ALOT! He can out eat Caleb most days. Although, we are battling an awful rash from our new experience with peanut butter this week. Josh is so demanding and somehow lets us know tht he is HUNGRY! And lately, he is thirsty. He has discovered all things liquid. Caleb spent the the last year and a half liking Apple Juice (and the occassional Slurpee), but Josh wants no such limitations. If we have it and are drinking it, then he insists quite vocally and loudly, that he is entitled to some.
Caleb is getting remarkably better at eating with the family at the table, and eating what the family is eating. Fish is his favorite so far, with yams, squash and fruit as his favorite side dishes. He eats it up, although sometimes Daddy has to bribe him. But if all else fails, he has discovered which drawer in the fridge has the apples in it. If I hadn't have stopped him, he would have eaten 4 (FOUR) full apples yesterday. And he is ever so helpful, because when he gets an apple, Josh wails to get one too, so Caleb doles them out to Josh too! I think I will have to take up stock in an Apple or Nectarine orchard!
Caleb is getting smarter in how to reach things that have previously been out of reach. He discovered how to get a chair pushed to the kicthen counter, get up ON the counter and then reach the top shelf IN the cabinets! I found him eating straight brown sugar... the stuff I use for cooking. What possesses him somedays! But he is always so generous to share with Joshy. Yeah, thanks Caleb. What I actually thankful for is the kindness and sincere appreciation that Caleb is showing lately. He is constantly saying thank you anything: for cooking him dinner, for cooking Joshy and Daddys dinner, for putting in his Rescue Hero movie, for helping do anything, for cleaning "his" house/toys, for taking him bike riding. He says thank you without prompting and sometimes even a day late, but I am very proud of him for his polite and kind behaviors. Somethings you try to teach and they never take, and other things you can teach and the kid surprises us by going one step further. Caleb is the later; he has surprised me, and I feel very blessed by him. He is also beginning to grasp the concept of "you proud me, Mommy?" He is very interested and excited to do things that make mommy or daddy proud of him. And is sounds so cute when he asks. I hope that this is something that in the future will motivate him to do good and correct behaviors and push him towards challenges and seek success. I'm also trying to instill the idea of being proud of himself. He needs to get self-esteem from inside as well as from outside influences.
Josh is getting a little taller and the heights that he is able to reach are higher now. I have had to move things up to a safer level to avoid his grabby hands too. And he is an earlier climber too. I think he had watched and learned from big brother. That has been this week's motto... "Caleb, Josh saw you doing that and now he wants to do it, but neither of you should be doing it!" Josh is a really smart guy. He understands no, but thinks about it and decides that he wants the object more than he wants to give it up. He said Moon and Banana this week. And Caleb says he heard Please and Thank you out of Josh. Amazing. Josh refuses to sign language anything, but he is talking. Caleb was the opposite, for the longest time he knew the words and chose to sign!
Well, we have begun to get all the laundry in the house completed so that we have as many options for packing as possible. We leave next Thursday for a week long trip to California. Caleb has been talking about this for a month. He is excited to see the Grandparents Bishop, and he knows that he has to ride a plane to get there. And Grandpa Bishop has planned all sorts of fun activities. I'm sure that we will keep Caleb busy! And a busy kiddo takes naps and sleeps through the nights!
Well, I have quite a few pictures to post here, the next time that I get a few moments to take. But for now, this is all I have time for. Hope to post again soon. TTFN.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Well, Josh is nearly over his flu. He still has a runny nose occassionally, but he is feeling better overall.
Caleb is, of course, back from camping. He has a wonderful time. He talks a lot about riding the bike in Toppenish. He tells all of his activities in this whirlwind of speech, it is hard to decipher all of what he did. But it is all told in a happy and excited voice, so I know he had a good time.
Grammy and Papa said that he was well behaved, which I'm proud of. And about the hopes of potty training getting firmly imprinted.... no such luck.... thanks to one of the automatic toliets that scared the wits out of him. But we are trying again here at home, as always.
Caleb went to playgroup this Monday and saw his good friend.
Tuesday, Josh was the lucky little guy who got to go see Grammy and Papa Dahl. Which meant that Caleb and Mommy got to spend the day with each other. We got to go to a couple stores, the library, and the park. We fed the goats. We went on a walk. We even watched his Rescue Hero Movie! He had a good time. And even with all those activities, I even got some projects begun! I was wonderful. And Joshy came home with a wonderful smile and hug on his face. He had a good time away and a good time coming home... the best of both worlds!
Wednesday was just a typical day that ended in a nice 2 mile family walk.
Today, Caleb got to see Papa Bill. Mike and Caleb drove out to Papa Bill's house and then they all hopped on bikes (Caleb in the new-to-us/garage sale purchase bike trailer) and rode the Centennial trail. The weather was beautiful and cooperated. Then they came home for lunch. All in all, not a bad way to spend a day. And Caleb is extra happy because he is ending today watching his Rescue Hero movie, AGAIN!
Well, I don't know what the plans are for the rest of the week or weekend, but I'm sure the time will get filled up. I hope that it is filled with sunny days and healthy walks.
Good night.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Caleb, despite a brush with a cold, is camping with Grammy and Papa Dahl and Cousin Tessa. They went to Toppenish in the motorcoach. I have gotten the report from Caleb himself, that he has used their potty! I sincerely wish that with this weekend and the influence of Cousin Tessa, that Caleb will come home with the value of being potty trained not just while naked. If that were to happen then I would be more than grateful to Grammy and Papa and Tessa. Up until this point, Caleb hasn't seen the value of not using the diaper, it's a useful tool in his mind.
But on a non-potty note, I've been told that Caleb has talked up a storm and has been delightful company (I wonder if they have had their quota of Rescue Hero discussion and Woody (from Toy Story) comments?)... and he hasn't even kept Grammy and Papa up terribly late with his excitement. (9:30 isn't late in Caleb's mind.) They went for dinner and then for a evening swim to squeeze the last bit of energy out of the kiddos before bed yesterday. I haven't gotten the full report about today, however, I have heard that everyone is having a good time and Caleb is feeling ok.
Josh is in love with running around the house and playing with any toy he feels like without it being ripped away from him. He is sick with the flu, so it is a wonderful thing not to do sibling battle in addition to illness. He loves exploring and trying to play with the toys in the living room without interference. And thanks to a few garage sales, we have some phenomenally cool and cheap toys.
While I mentioned garage sales, I have to tell you a story. We of course were more than blessed to find a garage sale with Rescue Heroes at it. So we selected and purchased some. Caleb still doesn't quite understand the process of paying, especially in someone's driveway, but as we were saying thanks and good-bye...unprompted, Caleb turns to the lady and says "Thank you, you say me have these toys" and then he waves and says "I happy, I have fun these toys". What a truly wonderful, heartful child to understand gratitude and say those kind sentiments to strangers without being prompted.
Joshua is so happy despite being sick. And I'm happy when I call him and he runs to me and hugs me. Josh truly is a different child when there isn't a competition taking place. That's not to say that he doens't love Caleb, he does and seeks to be just like big brother, but he likes to try without pressure, I think.
I hope that Josh gets well soon, and that Caleb doesn't come down with the full blown flu, and for that matter I hope that Caleb hasn't infected Grammy, Papa or Tessa. Lord please keep these people healthy, or on the way to full health. And thank you Lord that I have two wonderful sons that are blessed with many circumstances in which to explore their environment and personality.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
It has been way too long since I have last posted. Well, life's been busy again, or as always.
I have almost completely recovered from my surgery... with the exception of when the boys jump, stand or land on me. Which is happening more and more as Joshy gets more active and mobile. THANK YOU to Grammy and Papa Dahl for the unforgettable, can't live without it help during my internment. Caleb and Josh had a good time and were in good hands and knowing that made the recovery go that much faster. Endless Thank yous!
Thank You to my Dad and Judy for bringing dinner on a Friday and keeping Caleb entertained as he talked and played endlessly.
Thank You Auntie Brittany and Brian also from bringing a meal to us when I wasn't even standing up straight.
Life forces us to hit the ground running and I realize that even more when kids are in my world. They don't give you much notice on when they are bored, want to get out of the crib, or have to use the restroom. But they bring such joy.
Caleb is enraptured with Rescue Heroes STILL. You would think that a 3 year old would shift focus as quick as it can start raining in Seattle. He asks to watch the movies all the time and he really learns the good lessons they speak of: teamwork, nobody gets left behind, and of course "Think safe". He plays with the figures daily, and even Jockey is getting in on the act. Of course, Joshy wants to be like Caleb in just about everything that he sometimes is a daredevil in the attempt.
Joshy has discovered he can climb onto the top of the coffee table, also he is doing very well at climbing and sliding down the slide we keep in the living room. Caleb tries to help, but also cuts in line occassionally. Josh is amazing me with what he is capable of physically. He has learned so quickly by watching that he might even be developing faster than the Amazing Caleb boy.
Caleb likes taking walks and he's always bossing around the dogs. He says Tigger is his, and we let him think so. Caleb also got to go to Remlinger Farms with Daddy, Joshy, Cousin Tessa and Aunt Kristina. He had a good time and was telling me all about the boats and ponies.
Playgroup has started back up for the school season, and none too soon with the rain arriving too. We go on Mondays and Wednesdays in the mornings. Caleb loves to see his best friend, Donovyn. They both play and bicker well. The one who is really shocking me is Jockey. He is very bold and willing to go all over the entire gym in pursuit of a ball. He readily climbs on the ride on toys or the rocking catepillars. He has watched so much, he's decided it's his turn to get into the action. He sees the older boys, and of course tries to keep up with them as well. He will get there. He really isn't my little baby anymore. He is SOOO active and is always moving. The closest thing to slowing down and a hug is when he decides it is time to wrestle on the floor.
Josh is in love with bath time! He can't get enough of it. He is even climbing into an empty bath tub trying to play. I am so glad that he isn't afraid of the water.
Josh is starting to say more and more. Single words and of course improper or incomplete pronunciation... but still. I have heard him say Hi, Tigger, I love you, all done, Daddy, more, and several other things. He will be an early talker too I think.
Well, I just wanted to update the blog so that everyone knew we were ok and live was just continuing on for us at a regular fast pace. Caleb and Jockey might even be starting up gymnastics here pretty quick. I can't wait to see how Josh attempts the various skills in gym class and meets with success and challenges that will bring leaps and bound in developement and abilities. Particularly the trampoline, it did wonders for Caleb balance, and I think Joshy would benefit and love it too!
Ok, that's all for now. I hope to update again real soon, perhaps even with pictures!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
This will have to be quick for multiple reasons, but I don't want to make it seems like I'm trying to short cut the store at all.
Josh had a good time, although he was putting on a brave face the entire time. He was fighting a bit of a cold, and because of the day's activities he only got one hour of a nap rather than 2 1/2 hrs. So he did amazing for having those two issues on his plate. He loved seeing everyone and interacting with everyone. He was walking around and playing. Caleb and Tessa were fun to watch in his opinion. We kept Joshy busy by opening gifts for him. He was amazing and gave each toy it's own separate attention. It was very neat to see him interact with new toys, and finally toys that are just his own and ones that big brother can't lay claim to. Everyone has Joshy's interest pegged pretty well. He likes things that flash, light up and play music. He liked the Elmo electric guitar from Grammy Judy and Papa Bill and the light up and musical lady bug from Auntie Charlotte the best. Caleb was really taken with all the toys. I keep having to tell Caleb that those are Joshy's toys and he then asks Josh if Josh will share. Cute. But Josh has fun with each item and does share without hesitation, just don't take what he has in his hand at the moment. So thank you to all who were so thoughtful and came to Josh's party and got him such gifts that he is truly enjoying!
Josh, our eater, was hilarious when it came time to have cake. We had angel food cake with chocolate frosting and accented/topped with strawberries. We got close so that he could see the cake and blow out the candle (with help, Caleb elected himself as the official candle blower) and Joshys began grabbing the strawberries off the top. He was enraptured. He ate half of the strawberries right off the top. He got very tearful when I took the cake away for cutting, but when his slice returned with extra strawberries, all was forgiven.
The whole event was very laid back, calm and over quickly... although clean up was a process. But my precious boy was worth it, and everyone did have a good time.
Here are a few pictures;photos tell a better story than just words.
Thank you all who came to Joshy's party. It means alot that his family is around him. I know that we have all done 1st year parties before, but this is Joshy's first and I'm grateful to all of you who prioritized Joshy and made time to come and celebrate with him.
Our baby boy is a toddler now, he is growing so fast. He is so cute and expressive in his mannerisms or attempts at words. He really knows what is going on. He loves his world around him. I'm very glad that I get the oportunity to stay home with him and see him grow and develope. I wish his second ear is as happy and fun as the first and brings new experiences and joys. God bless.
Monday, August 21, 2006
What great smiles. The picture taken just before this was of a huge hug that Caleb had to get a running start for. It's wonderful to see the oldest and one of the youngest in our family sharing such love for each other. It is rare for children to have great grandparents, but such an amazing blessing for the great grandparents to be around long enough for the children to build a relationship and memories that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Also, here is a picture of Joshy and GG at Joshy's year old b-day party.
Thank you GG Dahl for being a kind and loving great grandma to Caleb and Joshy.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Sunday: Grandpa Dahl, Mike and the boys visited the Marymoor Off-leash dog park with Tigger, Zuma and Foster. Grandpa Dahl pushed Josh in the stroller around the whole park. They all had a good time; Tigger the puppy was well behaved, that's something good to report.
Monday: We visited the park and Caleb got to play with his friend Donovyn. Caleb asks about Donovyn almost every day, and it was very nice to, at least one day a week, be able to give him what he asked for, especially when it is something so simple and pure hearted.
Right after our visit to the park, we drove to Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. Caleb would spend the rest of the day, night and most of Tuesday with them. He loves to go there, although he often doesn't want to be left, this time I'm told he didn't want to leave their house when it was time for Daddy to pick him up. Caleb gets to do a bunch of fun things. And Mommy gets to spend time with Jockey. This Monday it was a particular blessing to have just one boy at home; I didn't sleep one minute Sunday night and was more than exhausted!
Tuesday: Just a Josh and Mommy day. It was great to just spend time with Josh and play and teach him things. He is now crawling backward down the stairs. It is amazing to sit on the stairs and see him understand and do "feet first", which is sit down, put his toes of one leg then the other on the stairs and then slide down. He understands! I can see him think and remember what that instruction is. It is amazing. By the end of this week, he was doing stairs any time he wanted. I am still very cautious because the transition from a full stand to a sit and then inching just his legs over the top step is still a wobbly event, I don't want him to accidentally lean the wrong direction and take a tumble.
Wednesday: I'm quite proud of the fact that we walked approximately 3 miles... and by "we" I say me and I pushed the boys in the stroller. We walked to a park and then came back the long way. I think the boys really liked the park. Josh even got out and climbed on some of the play equipment. Josh had such joy, as if he was getting away with something and happy to explore. I really think that Josh wants to spend more time outside just looking and experiencing. Caleb, of course, had to find the only boys on the playground and initiate play. I think that's wonderful that he is outgoing enough to pursue friends and fun.
Thursday: Daddy helped hold Caleb still and Caleb got one of the best haircuts to date. It still isn't perfect, but it sure is cute. It could be that the little guy is cute and the hair is just the frame... But he was very proud of his haircut when Auntie Brittany came over and mentioned it to him. Caleb is now very insistent that he is a "big boy". It is cute, but I keep telling him that big boys use the potty all the time, and they don't have "shirts" and they don't suck their thumbs. I wonder when he really will be a big boy. Caleb is crazy about this potty training thing, and I'm nearly to the end of my patience. I'm starting to withhold juice from him because he KNOWS what he should do and chooses not to use the potty. It's beyond training, he is now able to do what he should and we've now got to treat this like a punishable offense almost. Without freaking him out and and making it a tramatic experience of course.
Friday: It was time to shop for Joshy's birthday presents. I think he will be happy. We got him a couple things that are very unique, age appropriate, interest appropriate for our little guy. I think, in fact, we might have spoiled him a little with 3 toys, a book, and a couple hand held little chew and mouthable toys from Value Village (will be dishwashered of course). But I am trying to remember that Birthdays are for them and therefore they should get more than Christmas which is about Jesus' birth. So for a little guy who won't remember a thing, I think he will be happy. And I will be happy if there is harmony in the ranks when Josh has his own toys that Caleb can't take away and say "mine" because up until now every toy in the house was at one point Caleb. Caleb may not play with a toy for a year but he hasn't understood the transfer of ownership. I think this will be a decade long problem. But we'll do what we can affordably avert it.
Caleb is amazing. I know, every mom says that about their own child. But let me tell you why I say it about Caleb this time. I will be going in for an operation. I had a little pamphlet that had pictures/drawings of the internal organs and examples of gall stones etc. I had eariler explained to him in kid lingo that I would go to the doctor and he would take the "owie" out of my tummy and that he can't jump on Mommy. I showed him my c-section scar and told him that mommy would have more of those. He seemed ok with it. And of course he was sweet and prayed over me that Jesus would make me feel better. (I love it when he says "Jesus in your heart, make you better {or feel better}.) But later he was picking up my pamphlet and at first I just didn't want him to crumple/rip it. However, I decided to open it and show him. I was very nervous at showing him the pictures of the internal organs. I was shocked at how he wasn't scared or freaked out about seeing something about the inside of our bodies. I showed him the picture of the gall bladder, and the picture of the little "rocks" in the gall bladder and tried to explain, still in a kid lingo, the events that would take place. I even showed him about the little "places" where they go in to get the "owie". He was almost, dare I say, facinated. I told him that Jesus makes doctors really smart and they are the ones Jesus makes help people feel better. After I thought I was done, he points to the picture and asks me to tell him another story! Can you believe that! So I had to tell him about the stomach. Well, then he wanted another story, so I told him about the intestine. Well, this is where he got a little confused and now thinks that people poop food. So if he ever mentions it, this is where he got it from. I tried to re-explain that the stomach munches the food into little tiny pieces and the whole body uses it to be healthy and grow and only the leftovers are what go into the intestines... but by that point he seemed happily stuck on the notion that we all poop food. Sorry world.
Not to make the blog about me, but the previous paragraph has probably may you wonder. You've probably read between the lines by now, but yes, I will be having gall bladder removal surgery on August 30th, time unknown until the day before. Lapriscopic surgery is planned while I'm under a general anesthetic, of course, if the organ it more difficult to see, remove or the doctor believes it is just safer, a full open surgery is possible and I won't know that until I wake up. I will be going home the same day (if it is lapriscopie), and the estimated recovery is most people return to work between 5-10 days after (longer if it is an open surgery). This is a long overdue surgery, I was misdiagnosed 4 years ago with heartburn. It this is put off I'll be in continuing intense pain and actually risk some significant complications/illnesses/ICU and even mortality. So to avoid all that nastiness we are just going to take care of it. Mike will be taking the 31st off of work to take care of the kids and what ever parts of the 30th is needed. The down side is that this will be Labor Day weekend and I guess there will be no camping for us... What a way to waste a perfectly good weekend. But it can't wait, and the other option would have been a month from now, but as I'm having attacks with increasing pain and frequency (as evident by me being up to blog at 3 in the morning because I'm not able to sleep while in pain or on pain meds), therefore I didn't want to wait. Please pray for an uneventful, standard lapriscopic procedure, that's all I ask for.
Caleb was also cute tonight when I tucked him into bed. I told him good night and that I loved him. He said he loved me, and daddy and Auntie Brittany and Uncle Brian, and "Lotta of People". And then he said that he wanted to love more people. I was awed and smiling at that. I told him that that was good because Jesus wants us to love people. And he of course said "yeah". Then we had night time prayers and it was lights out.
Thank you so SO SO much Auntie Barb and Cousin Nick, Tyler, and Matthew for the Rescue Heros movies. Caleb is in love with them. And it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Caleb is really beginning the boy phase of action and physically showing off and wanting to pretend all at the same time. Because his imagination is greater than his skills (ex: he can't fly), this is the phase that action figures start coming into his interest. Well, Buzz Lightyear has revisited his interest, and the construction workers that have come with some other sets... but Rescue Heros are the PERFECT thing for him. Thank you to the Smalls for opening up this world for him, and it is a good world with a message I can get behind. Rescue Heros are about helping people, overcoming obstacles both physical (trees in the road) and mental (some fears, or pride of doing everything yourself), and safety. Safety is a message that Caleb understands, "Bob says, safety first" and so he can tie all the ideas together. He is really enjoying it all. But I have to say, I think he will become obsessive about it... just the down side to a phase, and every phase has an up and a down size. As long as I remember that, I'll try to keep it all in perspective.
So, not to leave Josh out. Some tidbits about him. Josh is really into climbing. The stairs are great, but he is really into climbing on his little play cube structure. He likes to get up on it and is amazed to see how "tall" he is. He is also really pleased with himself when he climbs up the stairs of the little slide we have. He hasn't quite gotten to the top or to the point to slide down. He will really like it when he does because when I put him on the slide at the park, he really giggled. Josh has been battling a cold for a little while now. Sore throat, cough, runny nose. So the best bet is keep him medicated and make sure he gets his naps. If we do that he is a trooper. He is generally always happy, and just making him comfortable is the best bet.
Josh is an eating machine. He eats a wider variety of food that the 3 year old brother, and he out eats the big brother. He is really trying to get big and being able to play just like big brother. And if I let him, Josh would go outside and help himself to every strawberry ( both red and green) in the patch! It's like a perfect snack and he gets to explore the outdoors too. The strawberries are at his height too. Caleb feeds him the raspberries, but they grow so high that the raspberry picking has been Caleb's domain. I can't explain how great it feels to know that I'm am providing such a simple, joyful memory of berry picking for Caleb and Josh's childhood. Hopefully it is something that they will look back and remember with fondness. Like today, we picked raspberries and then the whole family "pig piled"/laid in the tent int he backyard. Yes, the tent is still up. With such an amazingly dry summer, we have definitely used it to our advantage. What we didn't go trailer camping, we have certainly made up for in tent camping! I wonder if Caleb will remember this in 30 years.
Well, I think that this is all I have to write for now. I hope that this makes up for the long haitus since the last post. For those who are coming to Josh's birthday, we look forward to seeing you Sunday! God Bless!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Well, as always, we are keeping busy.
This last weekend we visited with Uncle Brian and Aunt Brittany quite a bit. We also visited the Snoqualmie Railroad Days. Caleb got to see the Reptile Man and all the pets he brings to one of those shows. He and I also rode in a "train" (tractor pulled but made up to look like train cars). He had a good time.
This Monday, Caleb was happy to spend a few hours at the park with Donovyn. Even as we were loading up he was still pointing at the park and saying he wanted to play with Donovyn... after nearly 3 hours!
Tuesday, we drove up to Mount Vernon to spend time with Cousin Matthew, Tyler, and Nick and see Auntie Barb. It was a nice visit, Caleb got to hang out with some Big Boys. He asked to see them again this morning.... silly guy!
Josh has tripled his drooling. His eighth tooth (a molar) is really fighting to come down. The poor little guy's gums are so swollen that the little white tips of the molar that were showing have been covered back up.
I think that Josh has also tripled his eating. I acts as if he is near hollow! He is eating more than Caleb! He will eat ANYTHING! Last night he wanted diced, BBQ sauced pork roast AND beef stroganoff! Unbelievable! He wants to see what ever we are eating. He even tried salad!
Josh is walking up a storm. He is getting quick and more stable, but he definitely still "toddles" around. He is also learning and starting to go DOWN the stairs. I'm relieved that finally he will learn to get himself safely down the stairs. He has been able to go up, but once he is upstairs and is done exploring he has been crying to get me to come up and get him... which then he would climb back up because that is fun to him. So the cycle was going on and on. Somedays I was tempted (and did) put a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs so he couldn't climb up.
Well, I'm going to put some Tigger pictures on here. He is the other baby in our family. He is definitely growing and he is looking good. We talked to the breeder a couple days ago and found that at 36 pounds, he is about 15 pounds less that his brothers. I know he is going to be a big guy, but if we are lucky he won't be ENORMOUS!
Ok, that's all I have time for. Talk to you all later.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The first difficult night in 2 weeks. But with good reason. He is beginning to cut in his 2nd molar, for the record, that is his 8th tooth. The little guy has a bit of a fever and is most likely in pain. So I try to keep him medicated, make sure he gets his naps, and I let him eat more often because sometime the chewing makes the gums feel better. This too will pass. But I feel sorry for the little guy. He is still trying to be happy though.
Caleb is off with Grammy and Grandpa Dahl again today through tomorrow evening. I heard them mention a swim in the outdoor pool, and even a pony ride! I hope that all of that happens for him. He will find great joy in those things if he gets to them. This depends a little on how GG Dahl is doing. We are praying and keeping her in our thoughts because she hasn't been feeling too good. So GG, here are the prayer vibes ~~~~~~, I hope you feel better soon.
In the meantime, while the 3 year old is away, the Mommy is scrabbling to get much done. Joshy's birthday is right around the corner and I am determined not to finish everything for his special day on the morning of the celebration. FYI, invitations will be going out, but the party will MOST likely be on Aug 20th, a Sunday, in the afternoon 3-4ish for a start time. Save the Date if you want to come.
So in the spirit of getting things done, I'm going to end this post so that I can get to it....
Have a day!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Daddy nicknamed Caleb that when he was just a matter of month old. And it is still holding true today. I have to tells this story before I forget (again).
The weekend that we got back from California, we went out to see Grandpa Bill and Grandma Judy. It was the city of Lake Steven's Aquafest. A street fair with food, arts, novelty things, animal shows and rides. The last item being the big interest when we drove out there.
Papa Bill offered to treat Caleb to a ride on something... but you wouldn't believe the rides the "Inertia Kid" wanted to ride on. If it was a free fall, a vision blurring twisty thing, or a upside down thing-a-ma-jing, that's what Caleb wanted to ride. I tried pointing out the "kid's" rides, the ferris wheel, the carousel. Those were just too tame in his vision of fun. There were some rides that were fast and interesting that he reluctantly said yes to, but sadly enough, even with an adult with him, he wasn't tall enough. Well, it was worth a try. I was sand for him. But he bounced back...slowly from the disappointment. He resolutely told me, "me get big, me do that". He said the same thing about Enchanted Village and Wild Waves when we drove by getting Tigger in June. Little does he know we would have to take out a second on the house to pay for those admission tickets. (35$ at the door, even for his age!)
I am sincerely hoping that the Evergreen State Fair, which is just around the corner, will have some rides that he finds interesting and that he is tall enough for! I don't know disappointing the little guy. This is why I'm not going to Disneylad until both boys are tall enough to ride on anything that their thrill seeking hearts desire. Even then, they better realize how lucky they are that their Mommy is willing to go along with them on those wild and topsy-turvy rides, because Daddy chooses to be safely on the ground guarding the stuff, and enjoying "fair food".
It just seems ironically funny that Caleb (and I don't think Josh is far behind) are into such crazy wild motion rides. Although I can't blame them. So I'm crossing my fingers that the fair will have a broader selection of rides and maybe Caleb will grow taller in the next month. I bet if I told him he will grow tall enough for the rides that he would actually eat meat... Hmm. Bribery, it's been known to work. I'll have to think about that.
Ok, well, I just want to share Caleb's craving for living on the edge activities.
Good night.