Thursday, April 27, 2006
Well there is good news and nuetral news. The good news is that Jockey doesn't have pnemonia or bronchitus, or anything serious. He has a healthy appetite and is active as always,. So the nuetral news is, I am just suppose to watch him and make sure that it doesn't get worse or the fever becomes persistent or very high or of course other serious changes. As for myself, the doctor thinks I'm and sicker than Josh and should rest up and take care of myself. Which leads us back to more good news; because my body is fighting the flu it is building antibodies, and the more I feed Joshy the more antibodies he will also get. So eat on Jockey, eat on! (And for those of you who care, I will see the doctor Monday to have myself looked at.)
We are going camping for the first time this season, which is Joshy's second time ever. We are headed to eastern Washington to Toppenish. They have playgrounds, a pool, a hot tub, and a bike/walking track all the way around. Caleb will be bringing his bike and swimsuit; there is no shortage of people who like to show Caleb a good time. And for those of us who are sick, we are bringing our medications and the hope of actually getting some R & R.
On that note, I have lots of packing to do. And the next posts will be sometime next week!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Well, the flu bug has bitten us again. Jockey has a deep phelgmy cough and he will see the doctor tomorrow. Caleb got a fever last night; at about 2:00am I'm was working to get it down from about 102 degrees. And I've slowly gotten worse and worse as more and more nights of dimished sleep keep me from rejuvenating and healing. So we are all passing it around and around. As a result, happily I can still kiss my little Jockey's warm fuzzy head, and he kisses back without the worry of new germs because we have shared them already.
But we also regrettably had to cancel from seeing AuntD and Uncle Jeff today. Caleb really is an Uncle Jeff fan. Caleb told me that he was going to grow tall and strong with muscles like Uncle Jeff. And we went out with Uncle Brian, and Caleb kept asking and looking for Uncle Jeff. (Sorry Uncle Brian.) We will have to reschedule because Caleb asks so much about Uncle Jeff. And as we have discussed, AuntD your days of appreciation will come someday, until then there is always Jockey.
Caleb's bouncy house came. Unfortunately, it was the wrong one they shipped to us. So there is more waiting. But I got a preview of how much Caleb would enjoy it. He was very excited to play in it, he could barely wait for it to be inflated. And when it was reboxed (after figuring out it was the wrong one) he kept saying that that was "My bouncy house". What I also am grateful for is that the correct one is on it's way and it has a slide in it's configuration. That will keep Caleb's attention way longer than this one with just a jumping area.
Caleb also talks nearly non-stop (while in the office where he sees the pictures) of the new puppy. He keeps saying that his "little puppy", as he holds up his index finger and thumb indicating the size of a pea, is coming. He tells me that he is going to hold it and that I'm going to hold it and that it is coming home with him. He tells me it will play with him and sleep with him; yes on the first, no on the last my dear Caleb. Caleb is so excited, he asks me what the puppy is doing right now. I tried to explain why the puppy has to stay with it's mom for a while, how the eyes and ears will open and it gets bigger and healthy. He just says no, the puppy isn't sleeping right now it is eating. He loves to look at the pictures and asks lots to do so.
He talks and talks. Which is amazing that he can conceptulize something he has only seen pictures of and heard talk of (similar to Jesus, and thankfull he's getting that down too). It's also amazing how much Caleb is talking in general. He is definately at the watch out what you say phase!!! Some of the funniest things come out of his mouth, and to date the most awful is he was saying the word dummy. I don't know where he heard it, but I corrected him promptly.
Caleb has a friend. This is one that he has made all on his own. I haven't tried to force him to have friends with the children of the parent's I'm friends with, so I find it noteworthy to say that this is HIS friend. And yes, it does help that his mom and I are friends. His friend is Donovan, whom he refers to as Donny or Don. He can't quite say it. Caleb now asks to go to playgroup to see Donovan. And when I say we are going he says that he wants to see or asks if he will see Donovan. This Monday, Donovan arrived and was still in the lobby and Caleb had to rush out and see him and call him and motion to him to come in and play. He chases and runs with Donovan, and shares toys. He even had grapes in his pockets and ran up and shared with Donovan when he first arrived too. The most touching was that when it was time to say good bye, they hugged and I think kissed to say good bye. The innocence of such young friendship. They don't know the social norms, they just know that they are friends and that as friends that deserves kindness and caring. It is wonderful to see that before the social pressures make it unacceptable for little boys to hold themselves back from being honest about the friendships/feelings. Donovan is just 7 months older than Caleb, and now is the perfect time to have them play with each other. Any younger and they would not be at the same skill level. Donovan might be going off to preschool this fall since he'll be almost 4 then, but I am looking forward to many more playgroup days and otherwise arranged playdates. This friend might be the friend to invite to Caleb's upcoming birthday party too.
Well, that's all time that I have for today. The kiddos are asleep and I should be.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Jockey has been sick and it's been hard to get the time to post. He has a fever and a terrible cough and congestion. It started Tuesday night and is still persisting. I have to constantly keep him current on a cough medication dosage. It is hard to see someone so little feel so awful. It's also hard to tell what is bothering him the most since he doesn't talk when I ask. I think he is over the very worst point, but still he's got it. I know that time and sleep are the biggest things that can be done to get better. He is having troubles sleeping though; never longer than 30 minutes for a nap... and just a unrestful night for him;he's still not sleeping through the night in general. But like I said, time, just a little bit more to get feeling a little better, then I'll tackle the not sleeping through the night.
Caleb is getting a little jealous. I've been trying to correct the balance (or previously out of balance) of equal time for each child. And now Caleb's jealously is coming out. He is trying every trick in the book to get additional attention. He is letting more owies happen, he is whinning more about ity-bity bumps or such, he is fake crying, he is trying to push Joshy off my lap, trying to act helpless like a baby so that I have to do more for him. He really is clever if you think about how much observation and mimicking skills it takes to modify is behaviour to achieve his goals of more attention. So while I'm not happy and often extremely worn out with the jealous behaviour, I have to appreciate my blessed son's intelligence.
On the other side of the coin, Caleb has become very helpful and loving to Jockey. Although his attempts to help are often a little rough on the little guy. Caleb trys to pick him up, something I'm not so thrilled about. But Caleb also tells me when Josh is getting into things that he shouldn't. And if I ask Caleb to roll Josh away from something he does. A big helper. And then at night he frequently asks to kiss Joshy good night. More often than I can count, Caleb has offered his shirt to Josh or put the pacifier in Josh's mouth when the little guy has been upset. Such kindness and compassion, and in such quantities for a 3 yr old...
Caleb is still his silly self too. Today, instead of the "love list", he used the same list of people and told me that they used the potty for several functions. Uncle Jeff and AuntD were in the list of people this morning.
Another big thing this week: CALEB GOT HIS FIRST BIKE! It is technically for his birthday, but we are going away next weekend camping to Toppenish, and Papa Dahl thought that the paved track and the hope of good weather would be the perfect place to take Caleb for a nice "long" ride. The track is long, but at any point you can call it quits and you're not that far from your site. So anyways, he has a red, black and a littel white bike. It looks very cool, but most of all sturdy. I drove up to see him riding on it for the first time, and he looked so cute and like a grown up boy with his helmet on and such. He is still small in stature, but the flash of him all decked out in his gear made me see him as a 5 yr old, and it was cute, happy, and a little sad all at one moment. Time really does fly and I try to enjoy each phase for it's good points, often in spite of the not so good points. But there he was, next to his bike. I was told that he was unsure how to get on it at first, but the by the time I saw him an hour later, he was on it and on a slight downhill slope he was conquering pedalling, braking and turning. All be it, sometimes all three of those at one time! He really is getting more and more confidence and picking up this new skill/hobby with speed. And if in doubt, he boldly runs into the grass where he comes to a stop naturally. It is so nice to see him have something new in his life, and a bike in the spring and burdeoning summer is the perfect time. This bike is so great and safe that I hope for many many walks where Jockey is in the stroller and Caleb is keeping up by the power of the pedal... all the way to Fryelands Blvd park.
Thank you Papa Dahl and Grammy for the early birthday Bike for Caleb. And see you in Toppenish.
We went to Papa Bill and Judy's house again on Wednesday night for dinner. AuntD and Uncle Jeff were there this time. Caleb enjoyed playing with the dogs again, that is until they went into hiding. We weren't even in the car yet to leave when they reappeared and were looking out the window. Caleb also enjoyed playing with the balloon and cars with Uncle Jeff. Caleb finally ate something too. Papa Bill (he's learning) had gone out and got Caleb a cheeseburger; of course it took 2 hours for Caleb to finish it with all the other activity going on. But the last bites were finished with the bribe of ice cream. We also looked at old family photos. It was interesting to see all the places that we had gone when we were little.
The other point of interest. The litter of pups that Mike has been expecting has been born. April 20th to be exact. There was only one male in the small litter of three. He is not the brindle we think we wanted, but we'll see as time goes by if his rich red/fawn color is just as appealing.
Caleb kept trying to say this one for you, this one for me.... No no Caleb just one. Just one for the family. "Ours" is the one with the orange ribbon.
So that's all the news so far, since the last post. I hope to have more silly Caleb tales too.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Ours was a quiet Easter. We attended church; Grammy and Papa Dahl even attended with us. Caleb and Josh both fell asleep during service. Bless their little hearts. Caleb wanted to hold my hand as he fell asleep. Josh fell asleep for Papa as he was rocked gently in his carseat/carrier.
After service, since Caleb was now awake and ready to get moving, Mike and he ate and then went swimming. I'm told that they had a very very good time. After 2 hours, Caleb was finally able to be convinced that it was time to go. Grammy and Papa Dahl joined in for the swim as well. And while they were off swimming, Josh and I spent some one on one time and then took a nap. Then it was the family dinner at Grammy and Papa's.
One on one time with Josh is my new goal, and prioritizing him and making him feel secure. However, it is very, very hard and contrary to my other goal of trying to make him sleep by himself; the training to do that requires "furber-izing", i.e. "crying it out" These are 2 very important goals, but they are working opposite of each other. Not letting him feel abandoned by spending more time one on one, but leaving him alone where he feels abandoned to figure out how to fall asleep on his own... sigh. I think I've waited too long to furber-ize, and I've tried so hard not to let Caleb feel replaced and less important that the pendulum has swung too far the other way and Josh wasn't apporpriately prioritized thus creating a situation I need to correct and recover Josh from. I've created my own monster of a situation. The light on the other side of the tunnel is: a secure happy baby who falls asleep on his own and sleeps in his own bed ALL through the night! I've got to keep my eyes on the goal for every nap I furberize Josh... because it is hard to hear the little baby cry and know if I just lay down next to him for 5 minutes he will fall asleep. But since I don't want to have to lay down next to him EVERY time he needs to sleep I can't break my committment the goal. Love is tough.
Ok, enough mommy philosophy.
I knew that I would forget some details about our California trip. One of the big things that we did was Grandma and Papa Bishop went to Teddy Crafters (similar to our Build-a-Bear) and had a stuffed animal made for Josh. Instead of a Teddy Bear, Josh came out with a very soft tri-color puppy. He has a red satin heart symbolizing Love, he has pretty blue custom chosen eyes, a certificate marking the event and naming him Ziggy. But the best is the recording inside that Grandma Bishop made saying that she and Papa and Jesus loves Josh. Now each of the boys have a talking reminder of the love Grandma and Papa Bishop send them all the way from California.
Ok, time to get packed up and ready for playgroup. I'm eager to get Caleb back into the routine of seeing kids twice a week and visiting Grammy Dahl too. He's excited too, but he told me today that he didn't want them to see him so he was going to close his eyes. Ostrich theory I guess. But we are going to go. And as I look outside, I enjoying the beautiful sunny with the long range goal/hope of walking in it if naps etc work out. Well, there's always hope. Talk later.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Papa Bill holding the boys.

Josh even fell asleep.

Speaking of Joshy sleeping, I couldn't resist taking this picture.
All I have to say is: Don't ask for the picture to be taken if you don't want it to end up on the blog, Caleb.
About the trip to California in the next post, I promise.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
It was a great trip, not speaking weather wise, but a great trip!
The flight down was good. Both boys fell asleep about 20-25 minutes after take off and didn't wake up until after we landed. That's the way I like to fly! They were equally accommodating on the return flight. Caleb fell asleep before we taxied to the runway, and Josh fell asleep about 3-5 minutes after lift off. A nice way to fly and get a small bit of decompression time. Caleb was a great little traveler, very cooperative and helpful. He did make me stop EVERY time his shoe became untied, which was about every 20 feet because the shoe is velcro, which made for slow progress at some times.
The weather was similar to what one would expect... for Seattle. Overcast, occassional showers during the day and lots during the night.
We did have a beautiful sunny day that we made the most of. Papa Bishop had arranged for Caleb and Josh to ride a pony in the country on a ranch. He had so much fun. First, we saw a miniature horse named Cody. We also saw a llama named Llama (I know, very imaginative...). There was a pig, a cat, a full sized horse, and several ponies. The pony Caleb got to ride was Roo. They took Caleb around and around and back again. We even put Joshy on the pony for a once around. Caleb led the pony around that time, see picture. Caleb promptly said "my turn again", they were nice enough to let Caleb ride a little longer than scheduled. Caleb was very interested in seeing and petting all the ponies, but he doesn't quite grasp horse etiquette yet, so we were all keeping a close watch. He thoroughly enjoyed it; he fell asleep right after.

As you can see, Caleb did get to wear his hat for the pony ride. That was a stimpulation that he had when told he would ride a pony.Caleb and I swam in Papa Bishop's hot tub nearly every night. Caleb did awesome. He got braver and more confident each night. He tried new things and was proud of his accomplishments. He kept telling me that certain toys were helping him swim, I kept telling him that he was doing great all by himself, not the toys. Oh yes, we had toys. After the first two nights, my imagination came to the end with the items I gleaned from the house; I went to the dollar store and bought some things to keep us busy. I was very grateful for the new toys because there is only som much a person can do in a 8' square space for multiple hours. After the dollar store, we suddenly had a fishing pole and little fish, a big fish, and some glow in the dark rings.
We visited the really nice mall. Caleb got to ride the carousel with Papa Bishop. He got to ride the Zebra. It was fun for him. And I got a package of shirts to sleep in at Penney's; the boys claimed the ones that I took down to sleep in. Yeah, it turns out that Joshy might very well be a "shirt boy" too!
We saw Great Grandma Dyer. She held the boys and brought them stuffed animals. Here is a picture. Caleb was acting a little strange for pictures at the moment.
Papa Bishop took Caleb to McDonalds to eat and play a couple times. Caleb now talks about McDonalds as if it is the park down the street. "Me go Mcdonalds, play with kids". He brought home more toys than we took down because of the Happy Meal toys. And Papa Bishop was very generous with Caleb. Caleb now has a Buzz Lightyear Car, underwear, storage bin, and soft doll. Of course, Caleb shared with Josh; the soft doll was a big hit with Josh and spent most of it's time trying to dry out from all the Jockey drool. The Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story gang train was a big surprise. Once the batteries were in it, look at it go. Josh would have liked to get in on the train action too, but he would just mouth it all anyways.
Papa Bishop took care of Caleb quite a bit. Caleb now is fluently saying "starbuck's". They often did a morning coffee run. Papa Bishop had to show his wonderful grandson off to his coffee buddies. And from what I heard, Caleb adequately impressed them with his stories he tells.
One of the biggest stories: Caleb went to the dentist down in California for the first time. Unfortunately it wasn't on the terms that I had hoped for, for the first dental visit; for that matter it wasn't the totally positive experience I had hoped that it would be for a first visit either. He was in the bath tub, and he slipped while he was trying to climb out. He banged his chin up really good (I know, convienent for pictures) and he chipped his front tooth. Once we got him calmed down he was better, but I was determined to get it fixed for him. We did go to the dentist, after about 8 phone calls and a referral call later to find a dentist who worked on a Saturday and who wasn't attending an in town conference. Caleb did great in the waiting room. He did great in the xray room. From there it went down hill. He didn't want to sit in the chair, he didn't want to let the doctor see his tooth. I tried to talk to him and show him what a statued would do, what Buzz the figurine would do, but Caleb would have none of that when the dentist came in. Unfortunately it digressed to a wrestling match. Fortunately, Caleb doesn't remember or talk about that part. All he says is that he slipped in the bath tub and the tooth doctor fixed his tooth. Thank the Lord for a child's short memory.
We played a bunch at the house. Caleb cuddled and danced and talked to everyone's entertainment and delight. Here is a picture of one of the morning cuddle moments:
We have taken Easter pictures. They will be back late this month. I'll try to get one put here soon.
Lastly, but of course by no means least: Papa Bishop took Caleb (us) to Chuck E. Cheese! Caleb was so excited. He talked about it for days before we got there, and he would have gone there every day if we'd let him. He ran around and jumped from one thing to the next. He did awesome at the ball throwing game. He really really liked the play structure; it was hard to get him out of it at times. I think he is so cute when he is having such fun, and I find happiness in it too.
I have so much more to type. Not all of it is California stories. But it is getting late and I won't be the best mommy if I don't get some sleep. So check back for more later.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
He is not the little infant oblivious to the world anymore, or even simply an observer. He is rolling, stretching, reaching, tasting, watching, babbling non-stop, tasting; anything that will be an experience of his world around him, he is doing. And today, I had to turn around and smile at Caleb, think he was the one that was clicking his tongue... wrong, it was JOSH! He has learned a new skill. Well, he always did like it when I click my tongue at him! Also, I had to laugh again while we were in the car, because Josh was playing with a kazoo that Caleb gave him. Josh was actually blowing through it as if he really did know what he was doing. And then he laughed at himself. Josh is also into making ruckus'; he will shake things hard just because he can and see how are he can, and see what they do. That is a smart little boy! Today he is chewing on EVERYTHING, I wonder if that means more teeth are on their way. Of course more teeth are coming, I mean now versus later. We'll see.
We went to Papa Bill and Judy's house again for dinner Tuesday night. Caleb remembered one of the dog's names! Coalby. He played with the dogs alot, of course. They were more tolerant, and more calm with him this time. But they also learned that they should just go into the bedroom to get away. Of course, Caleb went and found them and came to report their whereabouts. I tried to explain to him that the dogs were taking a time out, then I asked if he would like to take a time out too. The precious child mind; Caleb said yes, and then went into the bedroom to take his "time out" WITH the dogs! Yes, you do have to be literal and very clear in your questions and explanations to kids. Caleb and Josh both got Papa Bill cuddle time. Josh even fell asleep in Papa Bill's arms! Caleb helped by covering Josh up with his shirt. I will post the picture(s) when I return as the camera is already packed.
Caleb had me running to the restroom 4-5 times, with success I might add, but it made it difficult to have a complete adult conversation. And not to once again bore you with bathroom stories, BUT: In one of our trips, Caleb told me that his bum was full of poo, then he said "me heart have poo", I guess that is the child's way of saying "I'm full of it" while in the process of trying to be rid of it.
Caleb actually ate this time. Papa Bill gave up a slice of his pizza left overs (his planned lunch for the following day). Pizza was a good option, but we still had to bribe him with ice cream in between bites. Caleb played with all the dog toys, but I was very proud of him for picking them back up when he was done. He also played with the big exercise ball, which he very astutely bounce Buzz off to see in which direction Buzz would fly. (You might remember Buzz bouncing off a ball in Toy Story. Same deal.) At one point, Caleb told me he didn't want to go home, in a child's world that is a compliment; I guess he thinks it is Ok to visit Coalby, Mai-Lee, Judy and Papa Bill's house.
Today, Caleb and I talked about our trip to California. I can't believe how much he talks about the plane he will go on. "Me go, you go, Jockey go". His plane is going to fly high, it's going to be in the clouds, it's going to go fast, etc. He must be very excited. He also shows me with his hand what the plane is going to do. I made sure to pack his little plane so that I can show him what our plane is doing as it is actually happening. I did this last time and I think it helped him visualize and not be fearful with all the bumps etc. At one point, he was very very sad that we were leaving the house for errands rather than getting on the plane; nearly in tears that the trip wasn't today! Of course, he ends all the discussions with "me go Papa Bishop Hot Tub"! Today he told me he loved Grammy Bishop and he is going to tell her so when we get to California, of course I think that is going to be quickly followed with "chocolate please". (We were packing and one of the things going to California is Frangos for Grandma Bishop, Caleb wanted some and I told him they were hers... hence what he said. Cute, just cute.)
So we are off traveling tomorrow. Pray for a safe, delay-free travel experience, if you please! I will try to blog while I'm gone, but if I can't.... I will be returning on Wednesday of next week, look for a blog update on Thursday. Hopefully, we will have lots of fun adventures, stories and pictures to share.
Until then, God bless us all. (Readers, writer, and subjects-i.e. the boys)
Monday, April 03, 2006
"Jesus big helper"
"Jesus like truth"
"Jockey (or any one else) no look-a me {boy parts}"
"Jockey has small {boy parts}" -don't worry Jockey, things will get better.
"Uncle Jeff doing?"
"lots people like-a me"
"me do it, me do it self" -Mom, does that sound familiar?
"big boys no pee pee in pants"
"jockey happy mommy"
"me love jockey brother"
"zuie poo go in garbage" -from the visit to the Marymoor Off-leash Dog area, had to be there
"i love you mommy, thank you"
"I sit (with) you mommy"
"carry me baby" (carry me to bed like a baby)
"Jesus perfect"
"Jesus alive" -from Easter story
"Zuie (Zuma) chasing me bum"
"shhhh, jockey sleeping"
"me wear hat" -Caleb's response to Papa Bishop is going to take him to ride a pony.
"me no disobey"
"NOOOO Deal!" -maybe you had to be there
"Waild fhing" -again, maybe you had to be there
"Me go see Tessa"
Caleb is just a laugh a minute most days. He was a very sweet brother today and told me he was going to help Joshy fall asleep. And surprisingly, he did. He rubbed Josh's head and tummy all the while Shhhh Shhh-ing. Josh actually DID fall asleep. It was a great moment to watch the kindness from one brother to the other; I know, enjoy it while it lasts. Caleb and Josh will get along great for a long time I hope. Josh thinks Caleb is hilarious. Caleb will march and dance around in front of Josh and do it even more when Josh laughs at him. Caleb shares his shirt and toys, but I have to admit that Josh doesn't know that he is suppose to share just yet. Josh gets a little upset when you take the two greatest things in the world from him: the pacifier and teething biscuits... or the only toy he finds interesting at that moment.
Caleb is getting very excited to see Grandpa and Grandma Bishop. He is talking about fishing and ponies. And of course, Chuck E. Cheese. He remembered, all by himself, that he had to go on a plane. Caleb's plane is going to "fly high in clouds". Remarkable that he can remember that. He is also excited to go swimming in Papa Bishop's hot tub; he knows exactly what that is after the several recent trips to the swimming pool and hot tub at the club with Daddy. I think he is to the age that I can stop worrying about crying meltdowns on the plane and just keeping him from getting bored. Which is a good place to be, if I'm unimaginative or too exhausted to be creative/attentive. But those things hinge on Josh and his needs, so I'm still nervous flying with the two kids and only 1 pair of hands.
Well, I have things to do before I'm ready to leave, so I'll stop writing for now. I hope to have lots of stories when I come back from California, and even before I leave... we'll see.