Thursday, October 26, 2006
Grandpa Bishop took Caleb to Starbucks a few times. Caleb now knows Starbuck's logo as well as 7-11 the land of Slurpees and shouts out every time he sees one from the back seat. He met Grandpa Bishop's friend Bob, and had to meet Bob's dog Brandy, and show off his bike to the guys at Starbucks.
Josh really is an outdoorsy kid. He wants to see everything and touch and even try to taste everything. While Caleb was on his first bike ride with Papa, Josh was outside with Mommy and Grandma looking at trees, lights, mailboxes, clouds (yes 2 in the sky), grass, rocks, flowers, bushes. He wanted everything named and labeled for him, and I think he would have walked a mile if we would have kept on explaining things to him. I can see the information sponge happening right before my eyes. This trip was a huge experience for Josh. And his interest and attempt at words was astounding. He said Balloon, Ball, Bird, ME (****a big favorite), and several more. He ran after a person with cotton candy saying "ME ME ME", he really wanted some and he knew it. He did the same about the case of toys at Chuck E. Cheese. It is just amazing that the knows and has desires and is trying to get what he wants now verbally! He even nods his head or shakes it in response to questions! I can not believe that, and he is actually responding not just randomly answering!
Those who know Caleb, know that he is sensitive. And those that have kids, most likely know the story "Monsters, Inc." Well, the last 10-15 mintues were on and this was a better selection that the adult shows that were on the other channels. Well, all of a sudden Caleb started crying, he was terribly sad and want the channel changed. He was very upset that the big blue "monster", Sully, had to say goodbye to the little girl "boo". He was so so so upset, and he said this was a bad show. He was so compassionate to the sad feeling that Sully was having that he just was so upset on the "monster's" behalf. I love my sensitive guy, but I worry about him too. So as cute as that show is, it is a no go in our home.
Saturday, while in California. Caleb came to the conclusion that "Jesus likes funny jokes". This comes on the heels of a coversation about not crying wolf (a bad joke) because it is actually lying and Jesus doesn't like lying... so Caleb decided the flip side was that if Jesus didn't like bad jokes, he must like funny jokes. Caleb has also decided that Jesus is the biggest Rescue Hero, cute if you remember his obsession with Rescue Heroes. And we often have to include in our nightly prayers for Jesus to protect Caleb from Bats... I don't know why Bats, but we had to have a 45 minutes conversation with Caleb about how Jesus is stronger than bats. Caleb has decided that bats are bad and will get him, and he started a thing about owls and spiders but to a significantly lesser degree.
Cute Brief: Caleb grabbed Joshy's hand in the back seat and was making Joshy's hand wave and saying "Hi-lo Grammy" and "Hi Papa". Joshy loved it and giggled and then pulled on Caleb's sweatshirt and Caleb let him and thought it was great.
Cute Brief: We were all walking through the parking lot and Caleb was out ahead (the lot was closed to traffic). He hopped and leaped over a speed bump and thought it was a big one. So he ran back and said "here grammy" and took her hand and carefully helped her over the speed bump to make sure she made it. How kind and caring is that?!
Cute Brief: Caleb was sleeping in our bed one morning. Joshy woke up and I got him and brought him into the bed hoping that he would lay down and sleep again. No such luck. He rolled over and started talking, poking, rolling onto Caleb and trying to get Caleb to wake up and play with him. Caleb finally did sit up and gave his brother a little push and said "I'm not a toy Jockey! I'm a boy."
Well, that's all I have time for, and I'm still not done with the stories from all of California.
More soon, and always accummulating more. Good Night, God Bless.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Today, I will share some very random cute things that the boys have done. I apologize in advance for the disconnectedness. I thought it was better to share the cute things rather than agonize over the sentence and paragraph structure or even the chronology. These things have happened with in the last 2-3 weeks, some before and some in California.
About three weeks ago, Caleb saw Papa Bill. Papa Bill had spent some time cleaning and tuning up the old "rocking" Wonder Pony that Mommy and Uncle Jeff had played on when we were little. It is a hard plastic/fiber glass horse suspended at the 4 corners with big springs and held about 2-3 feet off the ground. So you can rock back and forward (squeak) and jump up and down (squeak squeak and clang). Caleb was introduced to this Wonder Pony (really a wonder that it survived 30 years, or that they sold them as toys for children with exposed springs just waiting for little fingers... but I survived and so did it.) Caleb was a bit shy about it the first time he saw it. His curiosity sometimes comes out as shyness. Well, he must have gotten the story of Mommy on the Wonder pony because he came home that night and wanted Mommy to tell him stories about when she was a little BOY! (yeah, Caleb, Mommy never was a little boy.) The next time that we were at Papa Bill and Judy's, Caleb jumped right up on it and began to rock and jump and make that horse squeak and clang to his hearts content. Joshy was put up on it too and he thought it was wonderful and got a big toothy grin on his face.
For those of you who are counting, Josh has 12 teeth now, and just today I noticed more inflamed gums... more could be on the way. Which is good because he has the front four (top and bottom) and then big gaps then his molars top and bottom.
Joshy learned what soap was. (Don't think of the details, just the face value of the story please.) Josh and I were taking a shower and I was holding him up. The ledge with the soap was there and he pointed at it. I suds up my fingers and rubbed it on his arm and then rinsed it off. Well, he tried to pick it up but dropped it, so I put him down on the shower floor. He then picked it up and got a little on his fingers and then rubbed my leg. So Josh now knows what so if for. He's very smart.
Caleb's Toy Story obsession has strengthened with Grammy Dahl's purchase of ZURG. Zurg is supposedly Buzz's arch rival in the galactic empire, however, in the second movie (star wars fans will like this) Zurg turns out to be Buzz's long lost father. I'm actually quite glad that that ironic and near cheesy twist happenend since I wasn't so keen on the bad guy aspect, but since Caleb only sees Zurg as Buzz's father, I'm ok. And Zurg had to go with us to the airport, he had to be carried through the airport not ride in the toy backpack, he showed Zurg to all who looked in his direction, Zurg got to ride and see the inside of the security xray screening machines... So Caleb's happy.
Caleb has become obsessed with the weather. His favorite is to annouce "It's a SUUUNNNnnny DAYYYY!" If you haven't heard it, let me assure you that the retyping of it can't mimic the cute emphasis and voice he uses. But he has to ask if it is a sunny day. "No is a sunny day mommy? It's a gray dark day?" He really likes the sunny days! I agree. And there were alot in California.
The special thing about sunny days in California is that every morning Caleb got to search the house for rainbows on the walls, floor, ceiling and whereever else they appeared. He liked the search and discovery every day. He likes rainbows, they are quickly becoming something special to him. I am going to have to make a point to sit and tell him the Noah's Ark story when he has the focus to listen.
Well, Caleb is still Potty Trained... !!!! And Caleb likes to ask "You proud me mommy?" Again, is sounds so cute, and yes, I'm proud of him. (I'm also trying to reinforce that he should be proud of himself too...self-esteem starts with ones self.)
So the plane was delayed 3 hours going down to Sacramento. I mentioned that before. But what I didn't mention were the nearly 10 people that came up to me in that 3 hours, on the plane, while deplaning, and waiting for the baggage who said to me that they boys were wonderful, that they were so well behaved and good. I was very proud of them, and each of those people were amazed even more when I told them that this was the boys' nap time too. (They also mentioned that I was handling them good, and there were times I thoguht I'd loose it, so hearing that meant a little to me as well.)
So Grandma and Grandpa Bishop had dutifully sought out a couple toys for the boys to have when they arrived... But you'll never guess what Joshy's favorite was.... the brand new (thank the Lord) toilet bowl brush. HE TOOK THAT EVERYWHERE. He played with it everyday, right up until we left. He took it into the hot tub even! Hey, whatever makes him happy, as long as it was brand new. And he would scream if we took it away.
Ok, he did like one other thing pretty well. LONG long ago, Grandma was going to make a bathrobe... but her little girl (that would be mommy) played with the baby pink with white polka dot material so much it never reached the sewing stage. Well, Joshy was in love with the fleecey stuff when Grandma laid it out on the floor. He would flop himself onto it and lay his head down and rub and kick his legs, or he would turn over and do the same on his back. Caleb got into the action too and Grandma ended up rolling him up like a little burrito and then shaking him out a few times. Why is 4 yards of pink fleece so fun??!!
Oh, when we got off the plane, we were greeted by Grandma and Grandpa Bishop. And Caleb said hello, and then we were off the the potty. In the restroom Caleb had to say that Grandma was happy to see him and he was happy to see her and Grandpa was happy to see him and he was happy to see grandpa... and then he had to tell me that Grandma has girl parts. Little for than a how do you do and out comes that.... Normally you have to get to know someone a little better before you start to talk about parts. But the two of them did spend good time together, so I guess Caleb knew where things were headed.
Grandpa Bishop also let Caleb sit with him and ride in their electric wheel chair in the garage. There wasn't a lot of space, but enough to do donuts and make Caleb happy.
This wheel chair came in handy another couple of times. Grandpa and Grandma each took it to the park as Caleb rode his bike to the park. Joshy even got to be a passenger on one trip with Grandma. He liked it... it was different than the stroller and Mommy liked it because then she could help Caleb get accross the street and back up on the sidewalks as we went several blocks.
Well, I have lots more of these small disconnected stories to tell, but I'm just getting a little tired for tonight, so they'll have to keep until another time. Thanks for reading and visit again soon.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
It was a great trip once we got there. To summarize: 3+ HOUR DELAY *DURING* the kids' supposed naptime! So instead of a 2:15 arrival, we didn't get in until almost 6pm!
This post is the brief, day to day activities run down with a few pictures. I will give more special stories later. This is just meant to high the activites high notes. The precious moments highlights are still to come.
*****CALEB WENT ALL THE TRIP POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******* (and still going strong since we've come home) I'm proud of him, he's proud of himself!
Our first day was quite an adventure. Caleb took his first trip to Starbucks this morning. Then after early morning recovery-from-traveling naps, we were off to Chuck E. Cheese. A Caleb favorite! And for the first time, Josh was actually able to participate, not just sit in the high chair and eat. Although, he was happy enough to eat, he didn't want to participant until he had watched for quite a long time to get a feel for the place.

As if one pumpkin patch/festival wasn't enough, we went to another on Sunday. And although it sounded like more of the first, it was amazing and very different. It was called the Bishop Pumpkin Farm, and it was huge with LOTS to do; it had a wonderful atmosphere too with the BBQ, baked goods that made you hungry, fresh apple cider slushies, etc! We saw pig races put on by Mother Goose. Caleb climbed in an old "settlers fort" and had the chance to "go to jail" (but he didn't go for it.) He went up on a "Coyote Mountian", which featured a couple great slides. Caleb panned and mined for marbles; he loved this because he got to keep the marbles and we all know how he loves small things to treasure and either hold in his hands or put in his pockets. Caleb liked to climb in the barn maze and slide down the slide there and wade in the dried corn silo. We all rode the miniature train, which Caleb especially loved because it went through a tunnel and he happened to get to turn on his flashlight that he'd been carrying in his pocket. The kids, both, got to climb on his all wood, miniature play train. This was Joshy's highlight. He must have spent 30 minutes climbing and laughing from the inside of the train. We were going to ride the ponies, but that line would have been an hour long wait and Joshy's time was ending before his afternoon nap, so Caleb instead jumped, climbed and ran on the old tire maze until his bum was VERY dirty and his shoes had fallen right off of his feet! The evening ended with a nice hot tub time.

Monday was very fun. It was something very new and special for Caleb, and it appealed to Mommy's creative side. Although, I had to remember that it was Grandma's idea and Caleb's project. We went to a paint your own pottery studio. Caleb made a special plate of all the things he had seen or done on his trip so far. Well, with the active trip we'd had there was no way we were going to fit it all on the plate, but the things that did make the list: a blue bike, a pumpkin, a black horse, a GREEN pig, and a dog (which I don't know when he saw other than on our rides to the park, but it came out looking alot like Tigger.) Caleb had fun, and if he will eat all of his dinner off of it like he promises, then the 2 hours spent making it would have have been worth every minute and a priceless idea of Grandma's! The day rounded out with a bike ride, slurpees, time in the hot tub and Rescue Heroes shows right up to bed time.
Tuesday was an attempt at many fun things that ended up being closed during the mid morning and early afternoon (the local communities' attempt at preventing truancy). So it was just a Farmer's Market, antique shopping, Old Navy shopping kind of day with a bike ride and the new "Over the Hedge" movie to round off the day. We did see my Aunt Sunny, cousin Meghan and the boy's cousin Alexandra too. And Caleb got a special play tent from Grandma for being a big boy (potty trained) all trip. He really liked that, and so did Joshy for that matter.
Wednesday, Great Grandma Dyer came over to see the boys in the morning. And despite all plans to do something next, every one fell asleep for early naps. So once we were all up mid-day, it was time for more Chuck E Cheese. This time, Josh really liked it... as long as we let him go and explore at his own pace. He really didn't want to be cocerced into any specific activities. And it is a good thing that this is a noisy, kid's place because Josh was just squealing and screaming and clapping his hands with happiness! We picked up Caleb's plate from the pottery studio, and he really liked his plate. It was surprising how much the rest of us were looking forward to seeing it too. Caleb then stayed with Grandpa, while Mommy, Joshy and Grandma went to explore and antique store before dinner. Dinner was special because a good friend Phinas came over. He's like part of the family, although in a photograph he wouldn't exactly look related. He brought the boys small gifts which Caleb insisted get opened right away. Dinner was good; Josh surprised us. I kept giving him the food that I thought that he could eat... but he still kept fussing. Finally, I gave him a rib... and he loved it and was quiet for 10-15 mintues. He chewed and sucked that thing clean and then wanted another! Sure, whatever kiddo. As long as you eat, don't choke, and let us all eat in peace too! Grandma, the boys and I were off to the hot tub again. At the first part of the trip, Josh would just sit mellow in my lap in the hot tub, but by the end of this night he was standing in the shallow area slapping the sides of the hot tub, laughing and popping up out of the water and kicking his legs! He really had a good time and was experiencing water with joy! Caleb made a huge leap in developement too! He now was pushing off one side of the hot tub, diving underwater towards me where I would lift him out of the water. He would only be under for 1-3 seconds, but that was a great leap from not wanting to get his face wet to actually diving under! I'm very proud of him!
Thursday was the last minute packing, get to the airport, final good byes, struggle through security and flying times and actually getting home day. Fortunately, it went fairly smoothly and all on time. We arrived safe, and all the luggage too. We are home with unforgettable memories and good times. I'll go into greater detail of the special moments when I have more time because they are priceless times/actions on the boy's parts. However, now you've at least got the day-by-day play of what we did.
Look for more stories SOON.!!!!
I actually walked into the room to find Caleb this way!
Joshy eating ribs, good food, good size mess, very happy kiddo.
Packing Day, Josh gives a patented toothy grin.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Before we are off to California. I should share in pictures that which I don't have time to detail in words.
Joshy having fun at playgroup. He is really branching out in the activities he wants to try.
Caleb, the grocery cart superhero.
Our little boys having fun TOGETHER. They are playing with Rescue Heroes, and yes that aircraft carrier is really that big.
Well, that is all I have time for. I will be gone to California from 10/12 through 10/19. I hope to have lots of great stories to tell when I return. Pray for our safe trip.
Friday, October 06, 2006
We have had some wonderfully sunny days in which a few walks have been squeezed in. Caleb even tries to bike ride the distance. He is maxed at the 2 miles it takes to get to and back from the park... of course he runs around and plays at the park and that could be why the return trek includes many (MANY) helpful pushes from Mom or Dad.
We, of course, went to play group this week. Caleb really does look forward to those days o the chance that he will see his friend. He plays well with all the kids, but he has his favorite. Josh does well at playgroup. He is getting more and more curious about the other kids, but the individual toys and balls have a greater interest still.
Josh is over his flu, has been for this week. Thank goodness for that. However, he is getting two more teeth. Painful, but they will help him keep up with his eating habits... ALOT! He can out eat Caleb most days. Although, we are battling an awful rash from our new experience with peanut butter this week. Josh is so demanding and somehow lets us know tht he is HUNGRY! And lately, he is thirsty. He has discovered all things liquid. Caleb spent the the last year and a half liking Apple Juice (and the occassional Slurpee), but Josh wants no such limitations. If we have it and are drinking it, then he insists quite vocally and loudly, that he is entitled to some.
Caleb is getting remarkably better at eating with the family at the table, and eating what the family is eating. Fish is his favorite so far, with yams, squash and fruit as his favorite side dishes. He eats it up, although sometimes Daddy has to bribe him. But if all else fails, he has discovered which drawer in the fridge has the apples in it. If I hadn't have stopped him, he would have eaten 4 (FOUR) full apples yesterday. And he is ever so helpful, because when he gets an apple, Josh wails to get one too, so Caleb doles them out to Josh too! I think I will have to take up stock in an Apple or Nectarine orchard!
Caleb is getting smarter in how to reach things that have previously been out of reach. He discovered how to get a chair pushed to the kicthen counter, get up ON the counter and then reach the top shelf IN the cabinets! I found him eating straight brown sugar... the stuff I use for cooking. What possesses him somedays! But he is always so generous to share with Joshy. Yeah, thanks Caleb. What I actually thankful for is the kindness and sincere appreciation that Caleb is showing lately. He is constantly saying thank you anything: for cooking him dinner, for cooking Joshy and Daddys dinner, for putting in his Rescue Hero movie, for helping do anything, for cleaning "his" house/toys, for taking him bike riding. He says thank you without prompting and sometimes even a day late, but I am very proud of him for his polite and kind behaviors. Somethings you try to teach and they never take, and other things you can teach and the kid surprises us by going one step further. Caleb is the later; he has surprised me, and I feel very blessed by him. He is also beginning to grasp the concept of "you proud me, Mommy?" He is very interested and excited to do things that make mommy or daddy proud of him. And is sounds so cute when he asks. I hope that this is something that in the future will motivate him to do good and correct behaviors and push him towards challenges and seek success. I'm also trying to instill the idea of being proud of himself. He needs to get self-esteem from inside as well as from outside influences.
Josh is getting a little taller and the heights that he is able to reach are higher now. I have had to move things up to a safer level to avoid his grabby hands too. And he is an earlier climber too. I think he had watched and learned from big brother. That has been this week's motto... "Caleb, Josh saw you doing that and now he wants to do it, but neither of you should be doing it!" Josh is a really smart guy. He understands no, but thinks about it and decides that he wants the object more than he wants to give it up. He said Moon and Banana this week. And Caleb says he heard Please and Thank you out of Josh. Amazing. Josh refuses to sign language anything, but he is talking. Caleb was the opposite, for the longest time he knew the words and chose to sign!
Well, we have begun to get all the laundry in the house completed so that we have as many options for packing as possible. We leave next Thursday for a week long trip to California. Caleb has been talking about this for a month. He is excited to see the Grandparents Bishop, and he knows that he has to ride a plane to get there. And Grandpa Bishop has planned all sorts of fun activities. I'm sure that we will keep Caleb busy! And a busy kiddo takes naps and sleeps through the nights!
Well, I have quite a few pictures to post here, the next time that I get a few moments to take. But for now, this is all I have time for. Hope to post again soon. TTFN.