I have lots to do, but it's been so long that I at least wanted to post that we are back from California and have plunged into activity. Here are some pictures of the trip. Hopefully the pictures will say a 1,000 words because I am going to abbreviate.

When in California we.... went to a couple parks for fun and play, went to John's Incredible Pizza, had a great time at Bishop Pumpkin Farm, went to a harvest carnival and pumpkin patch, went in the hot tub, swam in Grandma's big spa tub, spent time at Chuck E. Cheese, had a good time at Pump It Up, and a blast at Funderland riding amusement park rides and Ponies, had a barbeque, and of course had lots of time with Grandma and Grandpa Bishop.
Caleb and Josh both made Grandma laugh when they said their patented phrase "I crack you up tractor man" (or tractor dog, that got a huge laugh). Of course, Joshy's version ends up, pardon the profanity, "crap (or crack) man". They were silly and cuddly, and little tazmanian whirlwinds. But the most precious was every day when Grandma came home "I missed you". And Grandpa spoiled the kiddoes crazy. Joshy got a wonderful Radio flyer trike to ride around the patio... and he could still be taking spins around at 8-9 at night because the weather was so nice. We also made a HUGE discovery. Joshy LOVES to paint. Caleb had a good time for 10 maybe 15 minutes painting the pumpkins..... Joshy was still going with no sign of stopping at 40-45 minutes. (And he was the same way again here at home!) Maybe he will be the artist in the family!
It was hard to leave the Grandparents and the weather in the end, but we will return soon. And the boys are different each time we go, so each time is an adventure. One word... child restraint harness. At least this time, I didn't get the judgemental looks from others, rather a "Hey what a great idea" and the knowing smiles... and I didn't have to chase Joshy out of the family bathroom half dressed this time.
In the interest of catching up, I'll give a run down of what we did in October since I haven't posted the whole month:
10/16 Mommy worked. And after Caleb's preschool, Grammy took Joshy and Caleb overnight so that Mommy could go to a Mothers of Preschoolers MOM's night out! Yipee, it was so night to just be me for a night, and of course Grammy and Papa Dahl were missing Caleb and Joshy alot and needed to catch up with them.
10/17 Joshy started coming down with a high fever, so we had to watch him closely... it got REALLY high. Caleb had preschool.
10/18 Caleb had preschool and then he started feeling not so hot, and Joshy had a full blown cold/flu. So we skipped Awana that night. But Mommy worked again today.
10/19 Daddy watched the kids while Mommy went to MOPS meeting. Joshy got even worse and I had to even buy a humidifier.
10/20 Mommy worked. Caleb got to see his BFF Donovyn for none other than Donovyn's 5th birthday party. It was so great to have the boys finally see each other and Caleb had a hard time leaving. We tried to swing by Papa Bill's house, but it was dark and no one was home, better luck next time.
10/21 Caleb came down SICK! Yes, he got it from Joshy.
10/22 Mommy worked, and then watched two sick little kiddoes.
10/23-25 Kept Caleb home from School. School rules say no coughs or sore throats... and when Caleb is squeaking out words or sounding horse like a 99 year old, he wasn't allowed to be at school. I did sneak him in for his individual and then class photo on the 23rd because they weren't offering any make up days, but he was only around other kids for 10 minutes, maybe less and no one got sick since. And Mommy worked again on the 25th and then attended a parent-teacher conference with Caleb's teacher, Miss Cheryl. She said Caleb was doing well, keeping up with the other kids. He is very respectful of her and the other kids. He doesn't really like to do the coloring, but he likes Legos and other fun things in the "jungle room" and of course outside play time. She says she is just amazed at what he does on the bars, she had never seen any kid do what he can in the 9 years she's been teaching at Little Doves. And Caleb has really found a good friend in a boy named ALAN; they hug to say hi and good by and play almost non-stop. I have a hope to get them to be friends outside of school and broaden Caleb's circle of friends. We'll see. But an overall good review about Caleb's progress.
10/26 We attended the Cascade Community Church Harvest Carnival. Caleb had determined that he was NOT dressing up. But that didn't stop him from playing any and all games that would win him candy! He was finally feeling well by this night and I was soooo glad he could participate. He went in the inflatable jumpy houses and slide. He (and Joshy) did spin art... surprisingly Joshy found a lot of joy and skill in this. Joshy also got into the games after a long warm up time. He really did great at the little "fishing" station that they set up. He was into the candy too. We have enough to last for months now!
10/27, 28 We went the weekend with Daddy, our first real time with him since we were back from California and he was back from hunting (and not working).
10/30-11/1 The usual... Preschool, Awana Thursday night, naps for Joshy, paying bills, doing laundry, working.
11/2 Mommy went to MOPS and then we drove out to the Children's Museum for Free Admission day. It was GREAT. We got in fine, no big line. It wasn't packed, the roof top features were open and the icing on the Cake: Donovyn came too. Caleb was so excited. Then we left and attempted to visit Papa Bill again, but missed him.
11/3 Papa Bill and Grandma Judy came to the house to catch up with the kids since we missed them the day before. The boys were excited to show off Joshy's new Big boy bed that he got right before we left for California. I was excited to show off my sewing handiwork; I made Joshy a new curtian/valance for the window. The old one matched the crib bedding set and wouldn't work with the new chosen theme for Joshy's bedroom. And of course Caleb had to show off his school work.
Well, more to follow later, my fingers hurt now from typing.