Thursday, April 26, 2007
Caleb visited the Fire station with his preschool class. His teacher said that he was very good and paid attention. It was great to get such a positive report. He said he had fun; he then went on and on about what he saw.
Caleb is most proud of himself, as of last night. He went to Awana last night. He and I have been working on learning verses and repeating them back. He went last night with several prepared. He did so great that all the teachers were amazed! He had at least a dozen memorized. He did so well and so much that the teacher said that she was going to have to find a special prize for him for doing so well. He knew so many verses that it took 20 minutes to recite them all, sign off on the pages and get the stickers. He earned a whopping FOUR patches!!!! in one night! He was soaking up the praise from his teacher. He was proud of himself and did a little shoulder strut. He liked hearing from the teacher that she was proud of him. Now he can't wait for me to sew them all on. I'm so glad that this is going so well for him. I'm sad that we will miss the next two Wednesdays, but we will be back in time for the next "book night" and the final awards night. I don't know if Caleb gets any awards yet... but I'm hoping he will because I know he will feel sad if he doesn't get anything, knowing my little sensitive bug-a-boo as I do.
Joshy said Belly Button today. And he loves sitting down and ready books. He is most captured by books with flip-flaps. He doesn't even mind rereading the same book over and over again, in fact it's his idea. Also he can point to his eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and feet. He is learning toes, ankle, knees, and elbow.
Caleb is learning his basics (Colors, numbers, letters) quickly. The greatest thing for him right now is the game UNO. He knows all four colors, plus the rules of skip, drawing cards, and reverse. He wins often which keeps him interested. Yesterday he counted to 9 or 10 (skipping six for some reason). I was shocked at that. I tell him the numbers, but not all that much in the numeric order... but he got it. He loves watching the "Talking Word Factory" too. He learns about vowels ("Sticky letters") and "Blends" like ST in Best. He is doing great. I'm sounding out lots of words with him during our nightly verse learning too. I think he might start recognizing words on their own soon, at least I hope.
Caleb is forlorn and missing his friend Donovyn. Donovyn moved. We went out there one time and came home with a large goose egg with an impact wound on Joshy's head and a big bump on Caleb's head. That night he told daddy he didn't want to see Donovyn again, but by the next morning he had changed his tune. Now he has been asking for close to two weeks to see his friend. In Caleb's words: Donovyn loves him and likes to play with him and so *sniff* I miss him and want to play with him. I'm working on a play date, but it will be difficult to pull off with packing, laundry and our trip coming up.
We are going to California to see Grandma and Papa Bishop on May 2nd through the 9th. Caleb is excited, but he is containing it well. He talks about Chuck E. Cheese as much as the Grandparents Bishop.
Lastly, before I stop the kids from clobbering themselves or Zuma with toys: I'm thinking about having a Caleb birthday get together the afternoon of May 20th. If you're interested, save the date... and maybe even let me know if you are thinking/planning to come. Most likely it will be the Gold Creek again, and probably 4ish (although not set in stone yet). I'm taking comments and input at this time...
Ok, Talk to you later.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Lastly, just a happy, pleasant picture for you all to enjoy. When on walks, the boys pick weeds and throw rocks, I photograph flowers.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Joshy has figured out (on his own) how to prevent more head injuries. He is now into putting buckets on his head. One tin coffee can did get stuck this morning and it mommy and daddy teamwork to get it off... But after being tagged badly with a hard toy by Caleb's friend Donovyn this last Monday, I can understand why he is in pursuit of protective gear!
You know the commercial for American Express... "This is my life, for my life I carry Am. Exp."..... Well, I walked into the downstairs today and found this. Is this MY life?!!! What card can I carry for it?!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Pictures from the Eggs Hunts:
Face painting at the Preschool. He said he wanted a Cross, until another boy got a bat, then he had to have both.
Fryelands Egg Hunt. Joshy got lots. The competition for Caleb's age group was stiffer both in Quantity of Kids and quickness. Also, I got one of the top 3 panics, maybe the top most panic, about my kids since I became a mom: Most of the parents broke the recommended rules and went on the field with their kids, which got between Caleb and I. I didn't go on the field because I was trying to adhere to the rules and watch Joshy and our stroller at the same time, we got separated and the horde of people enveloped Caleb (who had run out to get eggs to the center of the field). When the crowd dispersed he was gone! Absolutely gone. "Do I stand right here, will he know to come back, is he behind the sign, will he know who or where to go for help, did someone take him? " "I'll look like an idiot if I have lost my kid and am screaming for him", I screwed that I idea and started shouting. I was seconds from finding an officer when I heard a squealy MOMMY, of course lots of mommy's turn, but especially those looking for kids. He was more than 50 feet away from the field that he had hunted in, and it was in the opposite direction of the horde who had moved to the next age grouped field (that might have been a blessing that he didn't get swepted away with the crowd!) He was upset when he returned. He had little over 1/2 dozen eggs, (see competition is stiff, ESPECIALLY with all the parents breaking ranks and helping.) I tried to remember this is about him and told him he did great (swallowing my fear of losing him) and just hugged him. I told him that I had been scared, and then he admitted he was scared too... probably the real reason for him being tearful about his egg hunt. I tell you, IF there is a next time, I will NOT follow the rules! I will be on that field breaking ranks and ribs if anyone tries to get between me and my son again... so I probably won't go alone to a crowd with age grouped activities again. I'm not big on crowds anyway... but other than this panic, we did have a good time with the crafts and toys and other misc handouts they gave the boys.
So that was today, April 7th.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Don't poke the dog with your fork.
Don't touch your brother's [boy parts].
And with the hot, outside weather:
"Why are you naked again? and outside?!"
"Don't feed your brother sand!"
and in response to "mommy, I see poop (in the backyard)"... Well, don't step in it!
"Don't hit your brother with a golf club"
Caleb had another day of preschool, which he enjoyed and came home with more artwork.
At Awana this Wednesday, Caleb earned 2 more patches! YEAH CALEB! He is really doing great and catching up quickly. I'm proud of him, but more importantly, HE is proud of Himself.
Joshy had learned to make some unusual mouth noises, a gurgleing, roll his tongue, trill is the cutest. It's funny because I always wondered if I would have kids tha can do that because I could. I always wonder what traits the kids will pick up.
Joshy spent this last Tuesday with Grammy and Papa Dahl. Caleb said Joshy should go this time. It was great, Caleb got some mommy-time without the competition. He and I had a couple good talks. He blossoms with curiousity, good behaviour and conversation when he is by himself. Joshy had a great time with his grandparents. He went swimming, played, napped, and of course ate. He was very communicative, not necessarily talking, but he is expressive! Caleb wanted to stay with Grammy and Papa the minute we drove away without Joshy, but maybe next week since it is Spring break and thus no preschool. I know that Caleb has had great times with Grammy and Papa Dahl for 4 years, but he is getting older and when this September comes he is going to have to go to school. Joshy will get lots more time with Grammy and Papa soon, which is great because he is an ever changing boy with such a unique personality... and STRONG personality. A joy and a test of wills sometimes.
Well, Easter is this weekend. I have a bit of preparation to do so that the kids will have a good time. One of my best childhood memories about Easter, (other than the greatness of Jesus, His sacrifice for our sin and Resurrection), is on Easter morning is the trail of jelly beans leading down the hall and to our own baskets of neat treats. So I have a few things for the boys, but I have to source some food coloring-free jelly beans. It's hard to have a great trail of yumminess without jelly beans. I'm looking forward to filling eggs with verses and other neat things, and then of course hiding them. Until then, tonight I will be dying eggs with Caleb. Finally, the nakedness will make sense with all the dye in little cups that of course are easily spilled... what better to wear than nothing to prevent stained?!
I think tomorrow I am going to drag the kiddos to the Monroe Fryelands park and participate in the city's egg hunt and other activities. It should be fun, although it might be difficult because Mike is working and I will then have two kids to help have fun all by myself. But I think that the fun will be worth it. Maybe we will walk to the park to prevent a parking crisis.
So this weather is kind of shocking huh? Over 80 today, yet snow on Monday! (It was think monday right?) Well, spring is here, let's enjoy.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I hear this multiple times a day, so I thought I'd share. No, in fact I don't like it, but he thinks we all do. Tigger too.
So we went to our first official school function as the parents of our eldest child. And the grandparents representing Caleb were Grandma Judyand Grandpa Bill. It was a silent auction, dessert tasting, face painting, and Egg Hunt time of chaos. We were lucky enough to have nice weather. Caleb and Joshy both participated in the Egg Hunt. Caleb was quite excited, and much to my relief and happiness, he was feeling very independent and said that he could do it himself. (I was not so independent as a child, too shy to share my competitive drive or a fear of failing to gather enough eggs). I am soooo happy that he is confident enough to work independently. And that he did, and he did great! He had sizable collection at the end of plastic eggs, mostly filled with chocolate; gratefully, we opened them and didn't have to confiscate it all with food color. Grandpa Bill helped with the food coloring items. Caleb even got a few coupon/prize tickets which he turned in for trinkets. Joshy also did great, once he figured out that he was to pick them up and not throw them or run off with them, but rather put them in the bag to be collected. They were both cute, confident and competitive in the egg collection. To call it a Hunt would not be accurate... they were in the age group of "up to and including 3." So mostly the eggs were just laying around in the grass. Perfect.
Caleb then got his face painted. At first he wanted a green cross, but then another little boy got a bat, so Caleb ended up with both. Interesting enough, Caleb often complains about being afraid of bats. But then the event ended for us with a period of time playing on the play equipment and then dinner at McD's. All I have to say is, I hadn't been to a sit down restaraunt with the boys in coming close to two months, and I clearly see why and know that I won't be doing a restaraunt any time soon.
So Caleb was looking forward to going to preschool again today, he thought that they would have another egg hunt. Well,... I had to explain it. But we did find out that there is an upcoming Show and Tell Pet day. AND a field trip to the firehouse to see the station, trucks and firemen. Caleb is excited about that. As I dropped Caleb off today, they started the music and began circle and singing time. I was reading the calendar and on came the children's song "God is love" and I had just a happy, peace that I knew now deep down that I had made a good choice in preschools for Caleb. I was just inwardly happy about where he is for this time in his life. When I picked him up, the teacher also mentioned that the lesson (other than learning the letter R) was about Jesus and the empty tomb and being alive and risen. Evidently, Caleb knew the story and helped her tell it and understood very well. I was so proud of him. I guess being in Awana and memorizing scripture has really helped. I am so grateful to have Caleb in this environment.
Joshy is starting to pick up more and more words everyday. He is great at his non-verbal, but he is getting more verbal all the time. Yesterday he said Cheese and Buzz (as in Lightyear, toy story). It is just amazing what he is doing, able to do, and growing into as a toddler. When we picked up Caleb as school, Joshy ran onto the playground and took the soccer ball. He was kicking it, running, picking it up and throwing it, it was as if he was having his own Keep Away game from the other boys, and he was doing impressivly well. The teacher asked again how old he was.... He'll be in their school in Sept '08 I'm sure!
Joshy is getting great at things, however, any mistakes or learning curve is evident on his head. The series of dents and bruises either tell everyone that he is an active boy, or his parents beat on him. He had 4 accross the forehead all at one time. Fortunately, he is getting a very small amount of additional hair, which serves the purpose of covering the bruises that are not on his forehead. He's happy though.
Joshy is even fighting back and then some. I warned Caleb that whatever he did to Joshy, then Joshy will give back. And he has begun to within the last week or so. And Caleb doesn't like it!
Well, that's all I have time for. Gotta make and eat dinner.