Christmas morning is over, and we are all napping or destined for naps. It was a great morning of family, good food, laughs and generosity. We started with a quick pause to remember that the reason of today was the birth of Jesus and his gift to us. Then it was on to the morning activities. Hopefully every one enjoyed their gifts, the kids were definately excited... but overwhelmed. I say no all year so it surprises them that they get so much. Caleb was very excited, of course, about he Optimus Prime Transformer and the DVD movie. He's also getting the hand of the RC car from Papa Bill. Joshy was hard to tear away from his various drawing themed toys to give him the rest. He would have sat down and spent the rest of the morning just drawing if he was allowed. Thank you to all the Grandparents for their thoughtfulness, they truly fit each child's interests.... of course, I'm obligated to make them SHARE, so both boys will enjoy everything I'm sure.
In this picture, Joshy doesn't look like he has the greatest smile, but that is because he is in the middle of the surprised statement, "paper for ME?!!" Yes, we went all out this year and got our son a ream of paper... He's been reamed. What else does drawing-addicted kid need?
Caleb did well, considering most of his gifts had to be surgically removed from the packaging. That became Daddy's job this year.... open, open open.
Caleb and Joshy wish to say something:
It was also night to see the boys give gifts this year. They really wanted to give to others and that it what I hope to keep fostering in their futures.
Well, I'd better go and nap myself if I'm going to make the long stretch tonight. The exciting thing is that we even saw a snowflake or two this afternoon, so maybe there is more???!!!??
Again, Merry Christmas.