Hey all.
So the snow has come and gone.
The much prepared for baby shower for Brittany has come and gone.
Mike would say his paychecks have come and gone.... as well as his weekend.
The snow was fun, and didn't prevent Caleb from getting to school.
The baby shower went off without a hitch and everyone LOVED the flowers and little details I had put effort towards.
The alternator in my car was gratefully replaced by Mike on Sunday and so far everything is looking like it's running perfect (including the service all wheel drive light NOT coming back on, crossing my fingers still on that one).
Joshy loves the bath time color crayons I picked up for him. He is the "drawer" of the family and there's nothing like combining two of a child's favorite activities.
Josh is also developing even more verbal skills.... lately, he says "I said NO!" and "stop that". Along with others. And today he initiated conversation with the oil change staff and said "I two". Then he clammed up because he got shy! He also said today, "I do my-self!" He has entered into the understanding of pronouns... ME, you, yourself, myself, him. Although I love it when he still refers to Caleb as "Brudder".
Caleb had made DRAMATIC improvements in his letter recognition, letter sound identification and even sounding out words and "READING"! I'm amazed. Daddy and I have both buckled down on him because we are determined to put him into Kindergarten as the same (or slightly advanced than) the other kids. No one wants to be the slow kid in school. Also, his MATH is coming along. He is counting bites of food at dinner and doing substraction etc. He is really impressing us. Which is really great because he was worrying me so much that I actually went and talked to his teacher about it. She of course said he was normal and just needed a little maturing.
So that is where we are today. Moving forward (and secretly i'm starting to miss a little of the baby-hood, where I could just sit and cuddle). But Joshy helps me with that. His way of showing affection is to come up and rub cheeks with me... and it means the world to me because that was my first contact with him when he was just minutes old... I was still lying on the table being stitched up and Daddy held him up to me and we rubbed cheeks. The thought of that connection with him brings tears to my eyes.
Ok, enough mushy stuff; BACK TO WORK, time to go make dinner.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Well, a night off from the boys, but not from work. It's 9:00pm and I'm wrapping things up from arranging flowers for Brittany's baby shower. What do you think? Will they do?
This one was the first and completed during daylight.

The four main ones.

Two extras.

Well, the Lord answered my prayer that I at least got the vehicle to OUR driveway rather than the road, the weather though cold is beautiful sun, my flower project is DONE and went easier than I thought (due to advanced prep), and I have just about everything ready for tomorrow. I'm going to take it easy and enjoy my couple of quiet hours before bedtime. And I'm sure that my little guys are tucked into bed already and are having a great time. Good night all.
This one was the first and completed during daylight.
The four main ones.
Two extras.
A close up shot.
The whole group.
Well the boys are enjoying a overnighter with Grammy and Papa Dahl, who are helping me beyond words by taking them while I had such a monumental task tonight and the actual shower tomorrow to attend. Daddy is staying at the club in the trailer because I have his truck. I have his truck because my car had completely died today. Yes, on the day that I had such a crazy busy workload planned, the car came up with a low battery light... which I took to Les Schwab to have checked. My battery had just 14% left in it's life, and the alternator (which normally should CHARGE the battery) was running a NEGATIVE 27 and actually draining the battery. And after having them check it, I literally barely clunked and coasted into our driveway. So it is parked and Mike hopes to put in a new alternator on Sunday... and I HOPE this helps the "service all-wheel-drive" light that has come on for the last week... but the Schwabby guy said he didn't think so.Well, the Lord answered my prayer that I at least got the vehicle to OUR driveway rather than the road, the weather though cold is beautiful sun, my flower project is DONE and went easier than I thought (due to advanced prep), and I have just about everything ready for tomorrow. I'm going to take it easy and enjoy my couple of quiet hours before bedtime. And I'm sure that my little guys are tucked into bed already and are having a great time. Good night all.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Hi all.

It was a huge deal to go to Jump Planet with a couple school buddies.... Joshy went too.

Tessa had a pool party and the boys had a blast. Happy Birthday Tessa!

One day the boys were tumbling with Daddy (and obviously Mommy was there taking pictures.... this was the result.)

Well, that's all for now. Things are busy and more just keeps coming up. See you again soon.
So I've gotten really behind on posting pictures, back to Christmas, Christmas school break and more recently. Therefore, this post is dedicated to "catch up". And admittedly, I'm tired and have lots of other things to do and thus, words will be short and pictures will have to suffice.
Auntie Kristina got Caleb BUMBLE BEE. A Transformer.... Caleb was thrilled. And Bumblebee was the first thing he took to show-n-tell when he returned to school. That was a big day.
Joshy, Mr. Draw, was gracious enough to share his new coloring book and special markers with Cousin Tessa.
Joshy's "Jungle Room" is complete, or as complete as it is going to get for the time being. And he is very excited and proud of his room.
Tessa had a pool party and the boys had a blast. Happy Birthday Tessa!
One day the boys were tumbling with Daddy (and obviously Mommy was there taking pictures.... this was the result.)
Well, that's all for now. Things are busy and more just keeps coming up. See you again soon.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Good afternoon.
Well it's just another day in cold, wet, gray Monroe. But at least we are healthy, which alot better than a lot of the moms I've talked with lately.
We just got back from preschool. Caleb is enjoying the quick little run around time I afford him right after school releases. The other moms are hanging out a little longer too. He just needs to get the wiggles run out before I take him home. Joshy was awake this time too. Normally I keep Joshy awake during school and then put them both down in the afternoon.... they both get naps, it makes the afternoon quicker and quieter (other wise I'd have hours of mediating over the hitting, pushing, and sharing to do). But today, Joshy just couldn't stay awake and so he was up and ready to run with the big kids. Again fun, but right now COLD. But those spring days are just 12 weeks away!
Joshy went to his first Wiggle Worms gym class this year (and for a long time). Grammy Dahl took him and said that he had a great time. He proved to be advanced in his skills and was climbing and jumping on everything. I'm glad that he got time with Grammy (and Papa during lunchtime) and that he got to do an activity without big brother cutting in or cutting him down. And it's so nice to hear that Joshy was succeeding in a peer group.
Caleb was really upset yesterday. We finally got to the bottom of it. Caleb had heard that Grandpa Dahl had hurt his head and gone to the hospital. Caleb actually thought Grandpa Dahl had died. I was shocked and thought that the best way to solve it would be to call Grandpa... Caleb at first said no, because he didn't want to talk to dead people. He ran and hid and was so overwhelmed with emotion that he was bottling things up. But it was surprising that he didn't want to solve it by talking to Grandpa on the phone; Daddy eventually made him hear that Grandpa was ok and hear his voice. Then Caleb kind of burst open and cried, I'm hoping it was just out of relief. I'm sure Caleb will be better after he sees Grandpa. It was all just so surprising how he interpreted the information and then what he did with it.
Joshy still insists that he is a robot. And we are still trying to convince him that robots use the potty.
Well, that's it for not having too much to say.
Well it's just another day in cold, wet, gray Monroe. But at least we are healthy, which alot better than a lot of the moms I've talked with lately.
We just got back from preschool. Caleb is enjoying the quick little run around time I afford him right after school releases. The other moms are hanging out a little longer too. He just needs to get the wiggles run out before I take him home. Joshy was awake this time too. Normally I keep Joshy awake during school and then put them both down in the afternoon.... they both get naps, it makes the afternoon quicker and quieter (other wise I'd have hours of mediating over the hitting, pushing, and sharing to do). But today, Joshy just couldn't stay awake and so he was up and ready to run with the big kids. Again fun, but right now COLD. But those spring days are just 12 weeks away!
Joshy went to his first Wiggle Worms gym class this year (and for a long time). Grammy Dahl took him and said that he had a great time. He proved to be advanced in his skills and was climbing and jumping on everything. I'm glad that he got time with Grammy (and Papa during lunchtime) and that he got to do an activity without big brother cutting in or cutting him down. And it's so nice to hear that Joshy was succeeding in a peer group.
Caleb was really upset yesterday. We finally got to the bottom of it. Caleb had heard that Grandpa Dahl had hurt his head and gone to the hospital. Caleb actually thought Grandpa Dahl had died. I was shocked and thought that the best way to solve it would be to call Grandpa... Caleb at first said no, because he didn't want to talk to dead people. He ran and hid and was so overwhelmed with emotion that he was bottling things up. But it was surprising that he didn't want to solve it by talking to Grandpa on the phone; Daddy eventually made him hear that Grandpa was ok and hear his voice. Then Caleb kind of burst open and cried, I'm hoping it was just out of relief. I'm sure Caleb will be better after he sees Grandpa. It was all just so surprising how he interpreted the information and then what he did with it.
Joshy still insists that he is a robot. And we are still trying to convince him that robots use the potty.
Well, that's it for not having too much to say.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sorry to let so much time go by.
We've had some unexpected snow overnight, and I'm hoping that that won't change the plans for today too much. Schools are 2 hours behind, but I don't think that affect's Caleb's afternoon classes.
Bright and early this morning, Caleb started the day with asking if it was a show and tell day.... sigh. How many times do I have to tell him that THURSDAYS are show and tell and it's the last day he goes to school each week. But he asks about 6 times every day! I admit to getting a little frustrated with the re-answering questions for the zillionth time.
Mike has started questioning Caleb to test his comprehension and listening skills. Ex: " This morning I opened the front door and there was a cat on our porch. Tigger charged after it and picked it up in his mouth and sat at the back of the truck like he wanted to take the cat with us. It was a very big black cat. " Caleb what color was the cat? Caleb's response first was: Was it a real cat? Mike answered that and repeated his own question. Caleb's response.... Orange.
Grrrrrrr. So Mike repeated the story, Caleb got it the THIRD time.
This type of thing happens ALLLLLLL the time. Caleb get your shoes and socks on we are going to leave in a little bit for school. Mom, where are we going? Argh.
He is also asking why. Now on the surface "Why?" should be a pretty normal thing, and curiousity should be a good thing. Except Caleb doesn't ask Why for a greater explanation and understanding of the way the world works, or scientific explanations. I say pick up your toys, he says Why? It's a challenge to my authority as someone to respect and obey in the house. He does that about EVERYTHING. Grrrrr again.
These two things together make for a very frustrating life right now. Especially when on top of it all he is now getting too rough with Jockey and actually punching Josh. For most consquences he receives now, he is starting to flip Mike and I attitude. Not a good thing. Where was the sweet child who was sensitive to others and was just happy to be included in ANY thing we happened to be doing? Now it's all about naked boy parts dancing. I actually had to yell at him to put his boy parts away, stop showing me and flopping it at me because the world was not about his wiener! (We were in the kitchen trying eat at the time.)
Joshy is a typical 2 year old (which is slightly more difficult than one) but he is manageable. I know the stupid things he does is a lack of knowledge. He runs when called to us, and he throws dog food around the family room every other day, and he is a messy eater etc. Normal two year old stuff, but just another layer in an already frustrating day.
Joshy is VERY talkative though. He has lately insisted that he is a Robot. He says I robot as an explanation to various behaviors. We tried to tell him that Robots use the potty. He said no way. He also says Need. It's suppose to be an advanced statement to say I need (versus I want). But it sounds funny when he says I need Candy or Need Nog (as in Egg Nog). Need Nog. But it doesn't sound so funny when he cries when I say No. Joshy is really talking about everything in the cutests voice. I love hearing "mommy, Miss you" when I get back from grocery shopping, or "Brother" as he now refers to Caleb.
We got Ratatouille the movie and both boys are very happy with that. I was surprised that Joshy could actually say Ratatouille. He said it so funny but completely clear.
Well that's it for now. Joshy is going to be picked up for a day with Grammy Dahl. Perhaps I will be able to handle the 4 yr old better when he isn't picking on a 2 yr old today. I'm really starting to feel like a bad mommy when I can't stand the 4 yr old's actions and get upset by them all the time.
I keep thinking that God doesn't give us more than we can handle.... but even He rested on the 7th day.
We've had some unexpected snow overnight, and I'm hoping that that won't change the plans for today too much. Schools are 2 hours behind, but I don't think that affect's Caleb's afternoon classes.
Bright and early this morning, Caleb started the day with asking if it was a show and tell day.... sigh. How many times do I have to tell him that THURSDAYS are show and tell and it's the last day he goes to school each week. But he asks about 6 times every day! I admit to getting a little frustrated with the re-answering questions for the zillionth time.
Mike has started questioning Caleb to test his comprehension and listening skills. Ex: " This morning I opened the front door and there was a cat on our porch. Tigger charged after it and picked it up in his mouth and sat at the back of the truck like he wanted to take the cat with us. It was a very big black cat. " Caleb what color was the cat? Caleb's response first was: Was it a real cat? Mike answered that and repeated his own question. Caleb's response.... Orange.
Grrrrrrr. So Mike repeated the story, Caleb got it the THIRD time.
This type of thing happens ALLLLLLL the time. Caleb get your shoes and socks on we are going to leave in a little bit for school. Mom, where are we going? Argh.
He is also asking why. Now on the surface "Why?" should be a pretty normal thing, and curiousity should be a good thing. Except Caleb doesn't ask Why for a greater explanation and understanding of the way the world works, or scientific explanations. I say pick up your toys, he says Why? It's a challenge to my authority as someone to respect and obey in the house. He does that about EVERYTHING. Grrrrr again.
These two things together make for a very frustrating life right now. Especially when on top of it all he is now getting too rough with Jockey and actually punching Josh. For most consquences he receives now, he is starting to flip Mike and I attitude. Not a good thing. Where was the sweet child who was sensitive to others and was just happy to be included in ANY thing we happened to be doing? Now it's all about naked boy parts dancing. I actually had to yell at him to put his boy parts away, stop showing me and flopping it at me because the world was not about his wiener! (We were in the kitchen trying eat at the time.)
Joshy is a typical 2 year old (which is slightly more difficult than one) but he is manageable. I know the stupid things he does is a lack of knowledge. He runs when called to us, and he throws dog food around the family room every other day, and he is a messy eater etc. Normal two year old stuff, but just another layer in an already frustrating day.
Joshy is VERY talkative though. He has lately insisted that he is a Robot. He says I robot as an explanation to various behaviors. We tried to tell him that Robots use the potty. He said no way. He also says Need. It's suppose to be an advanced statement to say I need (versus I want). But it sounds funny when he says I need Candy or Need Nog (as in Egg Nog). Need Nog. But it doesn't sound so funny when he cries when I say No. Joshy is really talking about everything in the cutests voice. I love hearing "mommy, Miss you" when I get back from grocery shopping, or "Brother" as he now refers to Caleb.
We got Ratatouille the movie and both boys are very happy with that. I was surprised that Joshy could actually say Ratatouille. He said it so funny but completely clear.
Well that's it for now. Joshy is going to be picked up for a day with Grammy Dahl. Perhaps I will be able to handle the 4 yr old better when he isn't picking on a 2 yr old today. I'm really starting to feel like a bad mommy when I can't stand the 4 yr old's actions and get upset by them all the time.
I keep thinking that God doesn't give us more than we can handle.... but even He rested on the 7th day.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Happy New Year!
Well, it's been a busy couple weeks.
The run down:
New Year's eve we had a quiet night at home. Daddy and Caleb fell asleep as I was reading to them at 11:30. I was the only one to make it to midnight.
New Year's Day, a little shopping for Daddy to spend his gift card.
Last Friday, Caleb got together with a couple of his pre-school classmates and went to Jump Planet, a bouncy house facilities. Hayden and Hunter are twins and he had such a good time. (The twins Mom is a really nice lady from my MOPS group too, hopefully she and I can become buddies too) It was really great for Caleb to see his buddies outside of school; hopefully this is the beginning of some long term friendships... it's my hope Caleb can keep these friends through the summer and bridge the transition into Kindergarten.
I can't believe that he is on the cusp of going to Kindergarten! I'm already having to look into enrolling him for September! Yikes. Of course, we don't have many options for schooling. Public school is all we can afford. And since I don't want him in the school he is districted for, I have to go over to the Fryelands school and get a waiver... and decision done!
Today is Caleb's first day back to school. I have lots to do during his school time, I hope that Jockey can stay awake while I get it all done.
Saturday we had dinner with Papa Bill and Grandma Judy. It was also nice to see Great Papa Severson... who is now 94! The kids were crazy running around with out naps that day. But at least they didn't break anything (that I know of) or injure the dogs. Although Jockey did get a hold of one a couple times and we had to intervene. I don't understand, he doesn't do that with the dogs at our house, and he was always the one so gentle with animals.
We've made HUGE cookies, painted, finger painted, made forts, practiced dancing, etc etc in all this last couple weeks. So now is the time to finally get back to normal. And hope fo the snow that is forcasted.
Well, time to get going. TTFN.
Well, it's been a busy couple weeks.
The run down:
New Year's eve we had a quiet night at home. Daddy and Caleb fell asleep as I was reading to them at 11:30. I was the only one to make it to midnight.
New Year's Day, a little shopping for Daddy to spend his gift card.
Last Friday, Caleb got together with a couple of his pre-school classmates and went to Jump Planet, a bouncy house facilities. Hayden and Hunter are twins and he had such a good time. (The twins Mom is a really nice lady from my MOPS group too, hopefully she and I can become buddies too) It was really great for Caleb to see his buddies outside of school; hopefully this is the beginning of some long term friendships... it's my hope Caleb can keep these friends through the summer and bridge the transition into Kindergarten.
I can't believe that he is on the cusp of going to Kindergarten! I'm already having to look into enrolling him for September! Yikes. Of course, we don't have many options for schooling. Public school is all we can afford. And since I don't want him in the school he is districted for, I have to go over to the Fryelands school and get a waiver... and decision done!
Today is Caleb's first day back to school. I have lots to do during his school time, I hope that Jockey can stay awake while I get it all done.
Saturday we had dinner with Papa Bill and Grandma Judy. It was also nice to see Great Papa Severson... who is now 94! The kids were crazy running around with out naps that day. But at least they didn't break anything (that I know of) or injure the dogs. Although Jockey did get a hold of one a couple times and we had to intervene. I don't understand, he doesn't do that with the dogs at our house, and he was always the one so gentle with animals.
We've made HUGE cookies, painted, finger painted, made forts, practiced dancing, etc etc in all this last couple weeks. So now is the time to finally get back to normal. And hope fo the snow that is forcasted.
Well, time to get going. TTFN.
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