Sunday in California.... BEAUTIFUL weather.
Grandma Bishop had to go to school.
Papa and the boys and I went to let them play at a McDonalds while it was still a bit nippy out. Caleb made a friend with the one boy that was there to play with. Joshy did his best to keep up, or to stop them in their tracks so that he couldn't get left behind.
Afterward, it was warm enough that to go to the park. It was a very nice park with big equipment and lots of it. Swings and all. We stayed there for quite a while, until the sun was so warm and toasty it felt time for a nap. Of course, the boys had to play around the house an extra hour or so until they were also ready for a nap.
By the time we all woke up from naps, it was time for dinner and Grandma was home. We watched a couple movies, brushed our teeth and then it was off to bed.
We've woken up to another gorgeous sunny day, and now are planning what to do. It's hard, because there is so much to do, but also, I MIGHT be getting the flu type thing that up until this point I've avoided. Maybe traveling and watching kids on the go had gotten the better of my system. Well, I'm going to take my Claratin and see if it is just allergies, there are so many pretty flowers going to pollinate right now that I'm not use to being around.
That's it for now. We're off to another full day.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Our first two days in California:
Friday we adjusted well to the weather. Though it started out a bit overcast, it brightened nicely. The boys played quite a bit with one of the big box of toys Grandma and Papa keep for them. Right after a quick snack around noon, Papa Bishop took them to a BIG McDonald's play area. It's inside, dry and the right temperature and a hot bed of kid activity. Caleb likes going and finding kids to interact with, "friends" he calls them. They played for a very long time, until Joshy just couldn't take it any more because he was so tired. That's a good day when you've played until you fall asleep.
While this was going on, I went out with my mom to do some errands she needed to get done.
The evening wrapped up with a dip in the hot tub. Joshy did really well. He didn't really move around the hot tub, rather just stayed in one spot and played and splashed, but he did so with confidence and joy. Caleb played and can walk on the bottom of the hot tub so he is a decent fish in this puddle of water. We played until the night rain began dropping cold drips on our heads and shoulders. Then we raced to the showers, then Pjs, a quick cuddle and good night to Grandma and Papa. Then it was off to bed.
Saturday, was a bit of a slow start but once we got going we hit the ground running. Papa took us to Chuck E. Cheese (code name: Rat Pizza). We didn't get any food, in fact, we packed a small lunch with us. But the kids didn't sit down a moment in over an hour, so they didn't miss the food or lack there of. Joshy is getting more independent and trying things himself, or insisting on doing it himself. Caleb is also insisting that Joshy doesn't get to help him. We didn't even use up the whole $10 that I cashed into tokens, and with that fact, the reality is that we will return later this week for more fun. And perhaps during the week will be less crazy, people packed and more relaxed.
After Rat Pizza, was naps with the promise that the bike/tricycle would be brought out when they awoke. And true to the promise, I got them out of the shed and swept the patio so they were able to ride around. They do laps around the patio set. Joshy is still just a might short to get the power to push in his legs, but he'll get there. Caleb is off and zooming.
The kids ate a good dinner for the third night in a row, of course it was the same hit that we experienced on Thursday. Chicken Alfredo. When they clean their plates, fast without arguements or cajoling, you have to stick with a hit and keep serving it. I'm in complete shock that they have eaten their meals so well without a battle. I hope it continues.
Grandma Bishop set Caleb up on her computer to play games. And she switched games for him ever time he asked. He had quite a good time Matching, repeating patterns, listening and following instructions. He did very well and played for quite a long time.
Caleb wasn't so thrilled about going to bed, and he had to call Daddy. He told Daddy he missed him, which I'm sure was true... But Caleb was trying to manipulate the situation and try to stay up, hoping that Daddy would change Mommy's rules. Not gonna happen kiddo. You're tired and whiny, and frankly, I don't want to be around that attitude, so even more reason why I stick to my "go to bed" guns.
The kids have been behaving so good, more than ever at home, and it has been so nice, but I'm seeing signs of a tide changing. Sigh. It was so nice while it lasted.
Well, we aren't entirely decided on a plan for today. I'm hoping that it is dry enough for a park, maybe one big enough to keep the boys busy for a while, or one that has a flat paved area for them to ride their bikes even more. We'll see.
Grandma Bishop is in school today. I told that to Joshy and he said "Grandma a big boy? Pee in potty?" I had to laugh and say yes, she gets to go to school because she uses the potty... since that is what we've convinced him he has to do in order to go to preschool. Ahh, the minds of children.
Friday we adjusted well to the weather. Though it started out a bit overcast, it brightened nicely. The boys played quite a bit with one of the big box of toys Grandma and Papa keep for them. Right after a quick snack around noon, Papa Bishop took them to a BIG McDonald's play area. It's inside, dry and the right temperature and a hot bed of kid activity. Caleb likes going and finding kids to interact with, "friends" he calls them. They played for a very long time, until Joshy just couldn't take it any more because he was so tired. That's a good day when you've played until you fall asleep.
While this was going on, I went out with my mom to do some errands she needed to get done.
The evening wrapped up with a dip in the hot tub. Joshy did really well. He didn't really move around the hot tub, rather just stayed in one spot and played and splashed, but he did so with confidence and joy. Caleb played and can walk on the bottom of the hot tub so he is a decent fish in this puddle of water. We played until the night rain began dropping cold drips on our heads and shoulders. Then we raced to the showers, then Pjs, a quick cuddle and good night to Grandma and Papa. Then it was off to bed.
Saturday, was a bit of a slow start but once we got going we hit the ground running. Papa took us to Chuck E. Cheese (code name: Rat Pizza). We didn't get any food, in fact, we packed a small lunch with us. But the kids didn't sit down a moment in over an hour, so they didn't miss the food or lack there of. Joshy is getting more independent and trying things himself, or insisting on doing it himself. Caleb is also insisting that Joshy doesn't get to help him. We didn't even use up the whole $10 that I cashed into tokens, and with that fact, the reality is that we will return later this week for more fun. And perhaps during the week will be less crazy, people packed and more relaxed.
After Rat Pizza, was naps with the promise that the bike/tricycle would be brought out when they awoke. And true to the promise, I got them out of the shed and swept the patio so they were able to ride around. They do laps around the patio set. Joshy is still just a might short to get the power to push in his legs, but he'll get there. Caleb is off and zooming.
The kids ate a good dinner for the third night in a row, of course it was the same hit that we experienced on Thursday. Chicken Alfredo. When they clean their plates, fast without arguements or cajoling, you have to stick with a hit and keep serving it. I'm in complete shock that they have eaten their meals so well without a battle. I hope it continues.
Grandma Bishop set Caleb up on her computer to play games. And she switched games for him ever time he asked. He had quite a good time Matching, repeating patterns, listening and following instructions. He did very well and played for quite a long time.
Caleb wasn't so thrilled about going to bed, and he had to call Daddy. He told Daddy he missed him, which I'm sure was true... But Caleb was trying to manipulate the situation and try to stay up, hoping that Daddy would change Mommy's rules. Not gonna happen kiddo. You're tired and whiny, and frankly, I don't want to be around that attitude, so even more reason why I stick to my "go to bed" guns.
The kids have been behaving so good, more than ever at home, and it has been so nice, but I'm seeing signs of a tide changing. Sigh. It was so nice while it lasted.
Well, we aren't entirely decided on a plan for today. I'm hoping that it is dry enough for a park, maybe one big enough to keep the boys busy for a while, or one that has a flat paved area for them to ride their bikes even more. We'll see.
Grandma Bishop is in school today. I told that to Joshy and he said "Grandma a big boy? Pee in potty?" I had to laugh and say yes, she gets to go to school because she uses the potty... since that is what we've convinced him he has to do in order to go to preschool. Ahh, the minds of children.
Friday, March 28, 2008
We're in California!
We arrived safely. Transported from the snow flurries of Seattle to the very comfortable sunny mid-high 60's with relative ease.
We got to the airport with plenty of time, security was the better side of what was expected. The boys were well behaved, much to my relief. Although, Joshy did try the leaving of the family bathroom before we (I) are all done trick. Fortunately, I put the bags in front of the door, and this particular room, I could jam my foot against the door. Whew!!! And the boys were mostly patient with waiting.
The plane boarded us right on time. However, there was about a 1/2 hour delay once boarded due to volume on the runways. But that was fine, until as we cued into the runway line up (next in line) Caleb says he has to go potty... and can't hold it. Fortunately the answer, No and you just have to hold it worked. The moment that that seatbelt light went off.... we were off to the back of the plane. Have you ever tried to fit a party of 3 in an airplane bathroom??! It was so loud, Caleb almost couldn't concentrate enough to have success. And I was horrified for an instant when I thought Josh had dropped his pacifier in the toilet, luckily, it had just fallen on the floor (rolling my eyes at myself.... as if the floor was any better, but at least it wasn't lost forever and washable).
The boys were awake for most of the plane trip, the fell asleep about 20 minutes before we landed. About the time they were going stir crazy and making me nuts (because they wanted nuts, they didn't want to sit anymore, they wanted to look out the window, etc) I commanded them to sleep in the best "command in public" way. And they did much to my relief. And the added blessing is that with our recent illnesses, they slept through the difficult decent and head pressure time. (I was awake and having troubles.)
We're here safe and Caleb promptly showed everyone his Cool Moves. (Joshy too, which is a crack up). The boys were both very affectionate and instantly warmed up to Grandma and Papa Bishop. I'm always concerned that the distance causes some kind of barrier to be broken through each time, but I ended up having nothing to worry about! My new camera was here waiting and so far I love it. The boys ate their dinner and literally CLEANED their plates! Without begging, ordering, arguing. Impressive. We finished the evening by watching the Celebrity Apprentice.
So here we are on our first morning. In the sun and planning our activities. The kids are playing in the backyard, or every where with the box of toys that awaited them here. So far so good.
More later, as it comes.
We arrived safely. Transported from the snow flurries of Seattle to the very comfortable sunny mid-high 60's with relative ease.
We got to the airport with plenty of time, security was the better side of what was expected. The boys were well behaved, much to my relief. Although, Joshy did try the leaving of the family bathroom before we (I) are all done trick. Fortunately, I put the bags in front of the door, and this particular room, I could jam my foot against the door. Whew!!! And the boys were mostly patient with waiting.
The plane boarded us right on time. However, there was about a 1/2 hour delay once boarded due to volume on the runways. But that was fine, until as we cued into the runway line up (next in line) Caleb says he has to go potty... and can't hold it. Fortunately the answer, No and you just have to hold it worked. The moment that that seatbelt light went off.... we were off to the back of the plane. Have you ever tried to fit a party of 3 in an airplane bathroom??! It was so loud, Caleb almost couldn't concentrate enough to have success. And I was horrified for an instant when I thought Josh had dropped his pacifier in the toilet, luckily, it had just fallen on the floor (rolling my eyes at myself.... as if the floor was any better, but at least it wasn't lost forever and washable).
The boys were awake for most of the plane trip, the fell asleep about 20 minutes before we landed. About the time they were going stir crazy and making me nuts (because they wanted nuts, they didn't want to sit anymore, they wanted to look out the window, etc) I commanded them to sleep in the best "command in public" way. And they did much to my relief. And the added blessing is that with our recent illnesses, they slept through the difficult decent and head pressure time. (I was awake and having troubles.)
We're here safe and Caleb promptly showed everyone his Cool Moves. (Joshy too, which is a crack up). The boys were both very affectionate and instantly warmed up to Grandma and Papa Bishop. I'm always concerned that the distance causes some kind of barrier to be broken through each time, but I ended up having nothing to worry about! My new camera was here waiting and so far I love it. The boys ate their dinner and literally CLEANED their plates! Without begging, ordering, arguing. Impressive. We finished the evening by watching the Celebrity Apprentice.
So here we are on our first morning. In the sun and planning our activities. The kids are playing in the backyard, or every where with the box of toys that awaited them here. So far so good.
More later, as it comes.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
A packing I will go, A packing I will go.
I know that there are people out there who start a week or more in advance packing for a trip. I am NOT one of those people. And, I have the mentality, that it's just going to shift in the plane anyway. So I pack the clothes/shoe etc the night before by just throwing them in. The morning of I throw in the toiletries (contacts case, solution, make-up etc) on top. Done. So, for waiting until the last day, I'm about 2/3 of the way there. .
This works great, because the boys thought it was fun to climb into the 1/2 full suitcase and hide. And hid toys, and pull things out, and jump in them. I'd be really frustrated if everything that folded and placed perfectly.
Caleb doesn't have a fever again. And he is alot more perky today in general. I think I'll try school again, even if it *technically* breaks the 24 hour rule. I think that the fever yesterday was just a body response to activity.
I still have lots of laundry to put away. And I am considering cleaning the entire house to perfection. It would be nice knowing that I'm leaving it that way. But it won't be that way went I return so it will be like a clean that I didn't get to enjoy and live in for even a day. I wouldn't want any false/subconscious explectations of coming home to a house the way I left it.
Joshy was up until 1:00 AM. We put him to be HOURS before that. But he just wouldn't stay in his room and wouldn't sleep. He kept telling me that he was afraid of the dark, of the trains, of the frogs that he could hear across the street. I had to repeat dozen's of times that the frogs won't come in the house. I left the light on a little. And the trains naturally passed and didn't return. That didn't help. He wanted to be in our room. He climbed in 3 different times with us. I prayed with him and had to explain that we are God's children and Jesus is in our hearts, and that Jesus gave us the power to command the things that make us afraid to leave. That seemed to make some affect. But he still was roaming around the house. It was a long process. Finally at 1, that was the last "tuck-in" time and he stayed put! sigh. Fortunately, in the morning he did crawl into my bed but he went right back to sleep until 8:30, very unusual and merciful of him. Normally, no matter how late he stays up, he always wakes up by 7:30 and most often earlier.
This morning, he told me he was hiding his poop. Shock rippled through me. W-H-E-R-E? I was horrified to contemplate the mess lurking undiscovered in the most difficult place to clean in the most inconveinent location, just waiting for an untimely and most likely physically disgusting finding. To my relief, he said that it was hiding in him bum and diaper. SIGH, I was never so relieved to have a dirty diaper to change in 5 years. This one had it's own vibrantly offensive odor that demanded to be addressed, but at least this one didn't smell like manure. One of his diapers last week very literally smelled like cow manure. And while less offensive in actual odor, the uncanny similarity was too much to ignore. I told Joshy that he and his diaper smelled like cow... to which he responded "Moooooo, me cow".
Enough about p**p for now. Because I'm sure most readers are gratefully past this particular phase in your lives and aren't anxious to relive.
I will try to update the blog while in California, but if I don't, see you back on April 7th or 8th depending on what time I finally get home and how busy I am unpacking. The boys have been asking or trying to leave for "fornia" for over a week now, but today they are in utter disbelief and comprehension that tomorrow the day. Odd.
Well, that's it for now. I hope you've gotten a little humor out of today. TTFN
I know that there are people out there who start a week or more in advance packing for a trip. I am NOT one of those people. And, I have the mentality, that it's just going to shift in the plane anyway. So I pack the clothes/shoe etc the night before by just throwing them in. The morning of I throw in the toiletries (contacts case, solution, make-up etc) on top. Done. So, for waiting until the last day, I'm about 2/3 of the way there. .
This works great, because the boys thought it was fun to climb into the 1/2 full suitcase and hide. And hid toys, and pull things out, and jump in them. I'd be really frustrated if everything that folded and placed perfectly.
Caleb doesn't have a fever again. And he is alot more perky today in general. I think I'll try school again, even if it *technically* breaks the 24 hour rule. I think that the fever yesterday was just a body response to activity.
I still have lots of laundry to put away. And I am considering cleaning the entire house to perfection. It would be nice knowing that I'm leaving it that way. But it won't be that way went I return so it will be like a clean that I didn't get to enjoy and live in for even a day. I wouldn't want any false/subconscious explectations of coming home to a house the way I left it.
Joshy was up until 1:00 AM. We put him to be HOURS before that. But he just wouldn't stay in his room and wouldn't sleep. He kept telling me that he was afraid of the dark, of the trains, of the frogs that he could hear across the street. I had to repeat dozen's of times that the frogs won't come in the house. I left the light on a little. And the trains naturally passed and didn't return. That didn't help. He wanted to be in our room. He climbed in 3 different times with us. I prayed with him and had to explain that we are God's children and Jesus is in our hearts, and that Jesus gave us the power to command the things that make us afraid to leave. That seemed to make some affect. But he still was roaming around the house. It was a long process. Finally at 1, that was the last "tuck-in" time and he stayed put! sigh. Fortunately, in the morning he did crawl into my bed but he went right back to sleep until 8:30, very unusual and merciful of him. Normally, no matter how late he stays up, he always wakes up by 7:30 and most often earlier.
This morning, he told me he was hiding his poop. Shock rippled through me. W-H-E-R-E? I was horrified to contemplate the mess lurking undiscovered in the most difficult place to clean in the most inconveinent location, just waiting for an untimely and most likely physically disgusting finding. To my relief, he said that it was hiding in him bum and diaper. SIGH, I was never so relieved to have a dirty diaper to change in 5 years. This one had it's own vibrantly offensive odor that demanded to be addressed, but at least this one didn't smell like manure. One of his diapers last week very literally smelled like cow manure. And while less offensive in actual odor, the uncanny similarity was too much to ignore. I told Joshy that he and his diaper smelled like cow... to which he responded "Moooooo, me cow".
Enough about p**p for now. Because I'm sure most readers are gratefully past this particular phase in your lives and aren't anxious to relive.
I will try to update the blog while in California, but if I don't, see you back on April 7th or 8th depending on what time I finally get home and how busy I am unpacking. The boys have been asking or trying to leave for "fornia" for over a week now, but today they are in utter disbelief and comprehension that tomorrow the day. Odd.
Well, that's it for now. I hope you've gotten a little humor out of today. TTFN
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Where to start. Caleb hadn't had a fever since midday Monday, so he was able to go to school. He was acting whiny, cantankerous, and bossy enough to indicate he was feeling better.
When I dropped him off, he was acting rather subdued, quiet and shy. He would not engage the other kids, he was instead clinging and holding my hand. It was rather unusual for him to do exactly as I asked, and walk over and quietly write his name and find his name card to place in the basket. Normally he is bouncy, chattering, and I'm unable to get his attention let alone get him to obey. He had trouble being around his schoolmates after being gone all last week. Miss Cheryl said that for a while he was really reserved, but he did brighten up after awhile.
When I picked him up, Caleb actually asked to leave, when normally he wants to endlessly run around with his buddies.
Now he is at home and fell asleep in just minutes... and I took his temp... it's back up to 101.2 I guess he added activity of today (more than any other time this last week) wore down his system and set us back.
We'll see, later if he's better.
Joshy is ok. He's getting into everything, climbing everything and being a little bully. And he is insisting that he wear sunglasses and calls himself a "cool dude". And he helped me grocery shop, he likes to hold the list.
I'm hoping tomorrow is better for Caleb.
Where to start. Caleb hadn't had a fever since midday Monday, so he was able to go to school. He was acting whiny, cantankerous, and bossy enough to indicate he was feeling better.
When I dropped him off, he was acting rather subdued, quiet and shy. He would not engage the other kids, he was instead clinging and holding my hand. It was rather unusual for him to do exactly as I asked, and walk over and quietly write his name and find his name card to place in the basket. Normally he is bouncy, chattering, and I'm unable to get his attention let alone get him to obey. He had trouble being around his schoolmates after being gone all last week. Miss Cheryl said that for a while he was really reserved, but he did brighten up after awhile.
When I picked him up, Caleb actually asked to leave, when normally he wants to endlessly run around with his buddies.
Now he is at home and fell asleep in just minutes... and I took his temp... it's back up to 101.2 I guess he added activity of today (more than any other time this last week) wore down his system and set us back.
We'll see, later if he's better.
Joshy is ok. He's getting into everything, climbing everything and being a little bully. And he is insisting that he wear sunglasses and calls himself a "cool dude". And he helped me grocery shop, he likes to hold the list.
I'm hoping tomorrow is better for Caleb.
Monday, March 24, 2008
It's a brand new week and it is absolutely gorgeous outside.
But, it was another rough night with the sick guy (Caleb).
Mike and I were up late playing Scrabble, and then I didn't go directly to bed, laundry picking up etc. Just as a last thought, just as a mom covering the based so that I can sleep at night... I decided at 12:45am to check Caleb's temperature. That must have been the Lord urging me to check, because he was at 103.6 and climbing. Mike did get up with me and we were in a fight with the fever until 3:30Am because it spiked up to 104.6. Mike even got dressed to take Caleb to the hospital because it was taking too long to get him cooled off, and because Caleb was shaking ALOT. What scared me was that he was sooo hot, but his hands and feet were cold and pale white/bluish. I was worried that with all of his shivering and racing heart that he wasn't getting enough oxygen and he did throw up. He had a cold bath, he had a cold shower, we ick packed his armpit, back, neck and head. We gave him Tylenol, iced water and juice, frozen fruit to eat, etc. Lots of prayer. And it came down.
I was so worried that it would spike back up that I couldn't sleep. We kept Caleb in our room and I even set alarms to wake me up and check his temperature. I didn't even need the alarms until after 5:00am. But I did set one so that I could wake Mike up.
It was a long night. Now Caleb still has a fever, 101 or less, but he feels better than the higher temps, which means he is more fiesty... and after a rough night he is tired too. Me too. Daddy too. BUT, Not JOCKEY! He is running around with 9 hours of sleep, and green streams from the nose. Fiesty, too.
On such a beautiful day, sigh, we could have been feeding ducks. And I'd start packing if I wasn't so tired. Thursday is just 4 days away. Joshy tried to go last night. He pulled on his coat and demanded help finding his shoes. So I asked him where he was going, he said "fornia" he was ready to walk out the door and be there. He was upset that we weren't leaving right that moment.
Well, that's all for now. We are having another quiet day at home, and I'm really hoping that Caleb loses his fever in time to got to school (worry free, not contagious). It would be so sad for him to not even say goodbye to his friends before spring break. But I can't change whatever it is, so I have to just get over it and make sure Caleb's fever stays in a safer range.
That's it for now. I'll keep you posted.
But, it was another rough night with the sick guy (Caleb).
Mike and I were up late playing Scrabble, and then I didn't go directly to bed, laundry picking up etc. Just as a last thought, just as a mom covering the based so that I can sleep at night... I decided at 12:45am to check Caleb's temperature. That must have been the Lord urging me to check, because he was at 103.6 and climbing. Mike did get up with me and we were in a fight with the fever until 3:30Am because it spiked up to 104.6. Mike even got dressed to take Caleb to the hospital because it was taking too long to get him cooled off, and because Caleb was shaking ALOT. What scared me was that he was sooo hot, but his hands and feet were cold and pale white/bluish. I was worried that with all of his shivering and racing heart that he wasn't getting enough oxygen and he did throw up. He had a cold bath, he had a cold shower, we ick packed his armpit, back, neck and head. We gave him Tylenol, iced water and juice, frozen fruit to eat, etc. Lots of prayer. And it came down.
I was so worried that it would spike back up that I couldn't sleep. We kept Caleb in our room and I even set alarms to wake me up and check his temperature. I didn't even need the alarms until after 5:00am. But I did set one so that I could wake Mike up.
It was a long night. Now Caleb still has a fever, 101 or less, but he feels better than the higher temps, which means he is more fiesty... and after a rough night he is tired too. Me too. Daddy too. BUT, Not JOCKEY! He is running around with 9 hours of sleep, and green streams from the nose. Fiesty, too.
On such a beautiful day, sigh, we could have been feeding ducks. And I'd start packing if I wasn't so tired. Thursday is just 4 days away. Joshy tried to go last night. He pulled on his coat and demanded help finding his shoes. So I asked him where he was going, he said "fornia" he was ready to walk out the door and be there. He was upset that we weren't leaving right that moment.
Well, that's all for now. We are having another quiet day at home, and I'm really hoping that Caleb loses his fever in time to got to school (worry free, not contagious). It would be so sad for him to not even say goodbye to his friends before spring break. But I can't change whatever it is, so I have to just get over it and make sure Caleb's fever stays in a safer range.
That's it for now. I'll keep you posted.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Pictures from the Egg Hunts. 1 at preschool and 2 at home (and one little Jockey who got up in the middle of the night as mommy was finishing putting together the surprise...
Preschool event... Attended by Daddy, Mommy, Grammy Dahl, Papa Dahl, Papa Bill, and Grandma Judy.
Joshy last night; He woke up while Mommy was getting ready for Easter... I didn't let him get into anything, but I did make him pose!
Joshy thought the idea was to eat the trail... not just to collect the trail and follow it.

HAPPY EASTER.... aka Resurrection Sunday.
We are home from church today... the Nursery won't take Joshy because of the runny nose of green goo. And Caleb has has a fever in the last 24 hours (more on that in a sec). So we have had to have our own Easter celebration. We listened to a store on CD, music and of course kid-oriented fun. I felt so bad that we missed all the activities yesterday, that I prepared an Egg Hunt here at the house, a game and baskets. So it was a cheery morning of exploring the new $-store toys and chocolate bunny and praying hands... and an egg hunt. I found a package It was a built in Easter activity and so I put the animals in the eggs and hid them. As well as the pieces to the game to be played and a couple stretchy bunnies. Not much, really since I broke open the packages and made multiple gifts out of it all. But the kids had a GREAT time. Even if I had to wipe Joshy's nose 4 times in 30 minutes.
We so far are playing it easy on activities. It's raining out so nothing outside to do really.
I have to do a temperature check on Caleb and see how he is doing. He wasn't bad this morning comparatively....
Yesterday, in the mid-afternoon, about the time I would have liked to go to the last activity that was available, I checked Caleb's temperature and he was ***104.5*****! YIKES! So I know that if you have something that high, generally, the books say, I'm suppose to call the hospital or take him right in... but with little bro sleeping, and I hadn't even tried to get it down, I opted to make some attempt to get it down before I panickked and took him to the ER. I immediately got cold wash clothes and started wiping him down. I made him drink cold fluids and take Tylenol. It was helping, but I wasn't happy with the slow rate that it was dropping. I ended up doing something that I had vivid awful memories of... the cold bath. Caleb was still near 104 and I wasn't happy with that, so I took him in and made him lay in the cold water. I remember screaming and clawing in terror when I was little. Caleb, however, was brave and completely shockingly stellar in his behavior (very very little complaining and no crying) and he was very obedient and laid there. I tried to think back to when I was going through it all and tried to think of what would have made it better for me... what I came up with was a towel over him as he lay in the water and douse the towel so that it wasn't such a shock to his skin. He laid there and I put water and wash clothes on his head and poured water onto the towel. He did so great. And it worked. He came down to below 102 ( I was comfortable with anything in the 101 range). It took 45 minutes to get him down to a reasonable fever temp, but I did it and he was so great. I tried to talk calm and tell him that it was important but not overexplain. He was patient with me taking him temp ever 3-5 minutes. If I had to get a high fever, I couldn't have asked for a better child experience. We ended by putting Vicks on his chest and a nap right next to me so that I could watch him as he slept.
I'd like to say that that was it for yesterday... but about 10:30PM, Caleb spiked up again over 104. Daddy was here this time. Long story- short, after an hour, it did eventually come down with tylenol, a cold shower, ice packs, and a little more drama. Caleb did got to bed with a 101.3 temp with just a sheet over him, other blankets near by, a bible store read to him, and vicks on his chest. AND Daddy's alarm set to 2Am so that the next dose of Tylenol could be given so that another fever spike didn't occur.
Like I said, i haven't checked him this morning because of all the activites, but I know that he isn't soaring/searing hot. But he is due for a check. And we will see how he is.
So that's the story of our Easter. Jesus loves you all and died and rose again for the sins that we have all committed. And fortunately, He is also our healer... and don't think for one second I wasn't praying with all my words for Caleb's temperature to come down... both times.
Have a Great Easter; and remember bunnies, chicks and eggs are cute and Family and ham are pleasant, but He is Risen after buying our Salvation with His life and that's what Easter is really about.
We are home from church today... the Nursery won't take Joshy because of the runny nose of green goo. And Caleb has has a fever in the last 24 hours (more on that in a sec). So we have had to have our own Easter celebration. We listened to a store on CD, music and of course kid-oriented fun. I felt so bad that we missed all the activities yesterday, that I prepared an Egg Hunt here at the house, a game and baskets. So it was a cheery morning of exploring the new $-store toys and chocolate bunny and praying hands... and an egg hunt. I found a package It was a built in Easter activity and so I put the animals in the eggs and hid them. As well as the pieces to the game to be played and a couple stretchy bunnies. Not much, really since I broke open the packages and made multiple gifts out of it all. But the kids had a GREAT time. Even if I had to wipe Joshy's nose 4 times in 30 minutes.
We so far are playing it easy on activities. It's raining out so nothing outside to do really.
I have to do a temperature check on Caleb and see how he is doing. He wasn't bad this morning comparatively....
Yesterday, in the mid-afternoon, about the time I would have liked to go to the last activity that was available, I checked Caleb's temperature and he was ***104.5*****! YIKES! So I know that if you have something that high, generally, the books say, I'm suppose to call the hospital or take him right in... but with little bro sleeping, and I hadn't even tried to get it down, I opted to make some attempt to get it down before I panickked and took him to the ER. I immediately got cold wash clothes and started wiping him down. I made him drink cold fluids and take Tylenol. It was helping, but I wasn't happy with the slow rate that it was dropping. I ended up doing something that I had vivid awful memories of... the cold bath. Caleb was still near 104 and I wasn't happy with that, so I took him in and made him lay in the cold water. I remember screaming and clawing in terror when I was little. Caleb, however, was brave and completely shockingly stellar in his behavior (very very little complaining and no crying) and he was very obedient and laid there. I tried to think back to when I was going through it all and tried to think of what would have made it better for me... what I came up with was a towel over him as he lay in the water and douse the towel so that it wasn't such a shock to his skin. He laid there and I put water and wash clothes on his head and poured water onto the towel. He did so great. And it worked. He came down to below 102 ( I was comfortable with anything in the 101 range). It took 45 minutes to get him down to a reasonable fever temp, but I did it and he was so great. I tried to talk calm and tell him that it was important but not overexplain. He was patient with me taking him temp ever 3-5 minutes. If I had to get a high fever, I couldn't have asked for a better child experience. We ended by putting Vicks on his chest and a nap right next to me so that I could watch him as he slept.
I'd like to say that that was it for yesterday... but about 10:30PM, Caleb spiked up again over 104. Daddy was here this time. Long story- short, after an hour, it did eventually come down with tylenol, a cold shower, ice packs, and a little more drama. Caleb did got to bed with a 101.3 temp with just a sheet over him, other blankets near by, a bible store read to him, and vicks on his chest. AND Daddy's alarm set to 2Am so that the next dose of Tylenol could be given so that another fever spike didn't occur.
Like I said, i haven't checked him this morning because of all the activites, but I know that he isn't soaring/searing hot. But he is due for a check. And we will see how he is.
So that's the story of our Easter. Jesus loves you all and died and rose again for the sins that we have all committed. And fortunately, He is also our healer... and don't think for one second I wasn't praying with all my words for Caleb's temperature to come down... both times.
Have a Great Easter; and remember bunnies, chicks and eggs are cute and Family and ham are pleasant, but He is Risen after buying our Salvation with His life and that's what Easter is really about.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Weekend.
It's Saturday and it is beautiful outside. Sunny, even though a bit chilly.
Caleb didn't fall asleep until nearly 2AM! this morning. He wasn't feeling good, he wanted to see Daddy etc. etc. But when he woke up at 6:30 with a cough, he also had a fever. I think that is pretty much under control now though. If the whinning and fighting with Joshy is any indication.
I am feeling sooo bad about him not getting to do anything for Easter today. We missed the city events/jumpy house etc, the city Egg hunt, the Snohomish parade. There is one thing left at 1:00 and I'd LOVE to take the boys to it. With being sick all week and at home, they are REALLY (I repeat REALLY) stir crazy. BUT, as I think through it all, with 4.5 hours of sleep, dragging the boys, especially Caleb, out during naptime, probably isn't the best idea, even if Caleb is feeling better. I just feel awful that they won't get to participate today. I feel bad that we don't participate in all the "holidays" that are out there, let alone the "traditional" way, so when there is something that is ok to join in on, I feel like we should.
I'm still battling my own sick-ish feelings, valiantly I might add. I'm still with a sore throat and just mild achy-ness. (Oh, and tired, because I was up with Caleb.) But no fever, no cough, so congestion nasal or chest. So I'm still feeling a head of the game, just a sore throat really. And that can still be allergies.
I'm still holding out for Caleb to feel better. Everyone else is decent to good in the house.
Just stir crazy. Especially now that the beautiful sun is out.
Well, I'll have to find something to do for them.
Have a great Easter!
It's Saturday and it is beautiful outside. Sunny, even though a bit chilly.
Caleb didn't fall asleep until nearly 2AM! this morning. He wasn't feeling good, he wanted to see Daddy etc. etc. But when he woke up at 6:30 with a cough, he also had a fever. I think that is pretty much under control now though. If the whinning and fighting with Joshy is any indication.
I am feeling sooo bad about him not getting to do anything for Easter today. We missed the city events/jumpy house etc, the city Egg hunt, the Snohomish parade. There is one thing left at 1:00 and I'd LOVE to take the boys to it. With being sick all week and at home, they are REALLY (I repeat REALLY) stir crazy. BUT, as I think through it all, with 4.5 hours of sleep, dragging the boys, especially Caleb, out during naptime, probably isn't the best idea, even if Caleb is feeling better. I just feel awful that they won't get to participate today. I feel bad that we don't participate in all the "holidays" that are out there, let alone the "traditional" way, so when there is something that is ok to join in on, I feel like we should.
I'm still battling my own sick-ish feelings, valiantly I might add. I'm still with a sore throat and just mild achy-ness. (Oh, and tired, because I was up with Caleb.) But no fever, no cough, so congestion nasal or chest. So I'm still feeling a head of the game, just a sore throat really. And that can still be allergies.
I'm still holding out for Caleb to feel better. Everyone else is decent to good in the house.
Just stir crazy. Especially now that the beautiful sun is out.
Well, I'll have to find something to do for them.
Have a great Easter!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Friday (Good Friday.)
And Happy Birthday Tigger... Our not so small, but youngest, member of the family is now 2!
I joyfully attended Mops today, bookending it with jobs before and after.
However, I woke up with a worse sore throat than I've had in the last 2 weeks. I took a Claratin and that cleared up the congestion... But by the time I returned to the house, I had a huge headache and started with some muscle/joint achiness. And I woke up from a nap (which I took and forfeited other productive activities) with a large naseuas feeling, fighting a fever.
Joshy on the other hand, is better/healthy, with the exception of a runny nose. But he's always that way a little, most likely allergies. Daddy is on the down swing as well.
Caleb had a high fever today with accompanying rosy clown-spots on his cheeks. He, of course, is taking the proper medicines to deal. But I made him a special fruit smoothy from our frozen fruit reserves from last Summer. I have a theory that if you cool from the inside out it fights fevers better; sure enough, he woke up from his nap with just a low grade fever, if at all.
With all of the illness that is going around, I'm a little sad about the timing of Easter. (which is remarkably early, and won't be this early again for something like 95 years). I saw a parade advertised, I saw a Monroe sponsored Egg Hunt, and church in Monroe is sponsoring and Egg Hunt, all for tomorrow in the morning. I highly doubt that tomorrow morning, I'll feel well enough to take two kids out by myself if I'm truly coming down with the Ick. And it's a toss up as to whether Caleb will be well again with another good night's sleep. I'm sad that I won't feel up to doing something for the kids. Alone would have been difficult, but sick too, I'm not a miracle worker; I keep having tormenting flashbacks to last year when I almost lost Caleb boy. In literally 4 seconds he was swept away by the crowd (non-compliant parents who entered into the egg hunt field against the rules) and was over a football field away and disoriented in 2 minutes. That was true terror that I'm still not over, evidently. I wish that he and I were better. If he was better, then I'd want even more for him and Joshy to have a good time, and I'd feel even worse because it would be just me holding him back. I'm trying to remember 1- it's not about the activities, it's about Jesus' sacrifice for use and His unique and triumphant resurrection, and 2- There will be another 10 years of Egg hunts, I shouldn't get hung up on the one that I happen (and Caleb might still be) sick for.
Joshy is really feeling the best in the house, and as a result he is getting into everything and testing the limits when the rest of us are sick and slow to react. He always says that he is "too little to ____", but somehow that doesn't stop him getting to all the things that he shouldn't, climbing closet shelves, tossing toys everywhere and at Caleb. etc.
And Caleb is feeling so icky, all he wants to do is sit on the couch and watch a movie. Which I suppose is the best for a little body to get rest. But he also falls victim to a pushy little brother and flying toys.
I'm looking forward to health. And hopefully and re-energized feeling and ready to dive back into teaching Caleb his reading and numbers. He already does verbal math but he isn't so hot on the written portion of it.
And MAYBE, I'll feel so great, Joshy will get potty trained! Right now, it's one of the things he says he is too little for. But it is coming time to decide and put a deposit down on Fall pre-school and I was really hoping to get that figured out for him. We'll see.
I hope that you all are healthy and have a great weekend.
And Happy Birthday Tigger... Our not so small, but youngest, member of the family is now 2!
I joyfully attended Mops today, bookending it with jobs before and after.
However, I woke up with a worse sore throat than I've had in the last 2 weeks. I took a Claratin and that cleared up the congestion... But by the time I returned to the house, I had a huge headache and started with some muscle/joint achiness. And I woke up from a nap (which I took and forfeited other productive activities) with a large naseuas feeling, fighting a fever.
Joshy on the other hand, is better/healthy, with the exception of a runny nose. But he's always that way a little, most likely allergies. Daddy is on the down swing as well.
Caleb had a high fever today with accompanying rosy clown-spots on his cheeks. He, of course, is taking the proper medicines to deal. But I made him a special fruit smoothy from our frozen fruit reserves from last Summer. I have a theory that if you cool from the inside out it fights fevers better; sure enough, he woke up from his nap with just a low grade fever, if at all.
With all of the illness that is going around, I'm a little sad about the timing of Easter. (which is remarkably early, and won't be this early again for something like 95 years). I saw a parade advertised, I saw a Monroe sponsored Egg Hunt, and church in Monroe is sponsoring and Egg Hunt, all for tomorrow in the morning. I highly doubt that tomorrow morning, I'll feel well enough to take two kids out by myself if I'm truly coming down with the Ick. And it's a toss up as to whether Caleb will be well again with another good night's sleep. I'm sad that I won't feel up to doing something for the kids. Alone would have been difficult, but sick too, I'm not a miracle worker; I keep having tormenting flashbacks to last year when I almost lost Caleb boy. In literally 4 seconds he was swept away by the crowd (non-compliant parents who entered into the egg hunt field against the rules) and was over a football field away and disoriented in 2 minutes. That was true terror that I'm still not over, evidently. I wish that he and I were better. If he was better, then I'd want even more for him and Joshy to have a good time, and I'd feel even worse because it would be just me holding him back. I'm trying to remember 1- it's not about the activities, it's about Jesus' sacrifice for use and His unique and triumphant resurrection, and 2- There will be another 10 years of Egg hunts, I shouldn't get hung up on the one that I happen (and Caleb might still be) sick for.
Joshy is really feeling the best in the house, and as a result he is getting into everything and testing the limits when the rest of us are sick and slow to react. He always says that he is "too little to ____", but somehow that doesn't stop him getting to all the things that he shouldn't, climbing closet shelves, tossing toys everywhere and at Caleb. etc.
And Caleb is feeling so icky, all he wants to do is sit on the couch and watch a movie. Which I suppose is the best for a little body to get rest. But he also falls victim to a pushy little brother and flying toys.
I'm looking forward to health. And hopefully and re-energized feeling and ready to dive back into teaching Caleb his reading and numbers. He already does verbal math but he isn't so hot on the written portion of it.
And MAYBE, I'll feel so great, Joshy will get potty trained! Right now, it's one of the things he says he is too little for. But it is coming time to decide and put a deposit down on Fall pre-school and I was really hoping to get that figured out for him. We'll see.
I hope that you all are healthy and have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thursday, and Caleb is still running a fever... or rather again. Back up to 101.6. So no school today.... sigh. I really feel sad for him to have missed his friends. And today is show-n-tell day too. Unfortunately, I'm thinking Awana (Cubbies) is out too. And now, I'm now even sure if he will be able to go to Easter Sunday... they won't let kids in with a fever in the last 24 hours... It's a little early to tell now, but I'm preparing myself for the feelings when we don't get to go.
Joshy is acting better, running around the house at 7 something this morning waking the sick ones up. But he still has nose stuff going on. (Another issue, he might not allowed in the Sunday nursery with colored nose discharge or his cough.)
My throat is worsening, and I'm just barely starting to feel congestion, no fever yet. I'm going to take a Claratin and test the allergy idea.
Mike is acting better. I think the "stir crazy" at home feeling has force him to force himself to get better.
So that's it for today. Stayin' home, trying to get well.
Joshy is acting better, running around the house at 7 something this morning waking the sick ones up. But he still has nose stuff going on. (Another issue, he might not allowed in the Sunday nursery with colored nose discharge or his cough.)
My throat is worsening, and I'm just barely starting to feel congestion, no fever yet. I'm going to take a Claratin and test the allergy idea.
Mike is acting better. I think the "stir crazy" at home feeling has force him to force himself to get better.
So that's it for today. Stayin' home, trying to get well.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Another sick day and home from school for Caleb. His fever is still sticking around, but lower than yesterday. Joshy is mostly over the fever, but green stuff-nose, 'nough said.
Daddy felt better today, or at least had no choice because he was covering some's shift.
And (still crossing my fingers) I'm not SICK, per se, just a sore throat/post-nasal stuff... ALLERGIES I'm believing and telling myself. I tried to get a fever yesterday, but a cold drink to cool off the insides and I'm good.
So we are sticking close to home and playing various games. Forts out of card tables, kiddo computer games, haircuts, etc. The kids are as hungry as usual, which is great because being around food right now isn't doing so hot for my stomach. The boys and I are on our own tonight, so I am trying to think of something fun and edible for the boys.
In other news, our camera broke. No more zoom feature for us. Any recommendations? (afforadable PLEASE). I LOVED our camera, and I'm sad to see it go. And as the primary memory capturer for the family, I miss it the most. When I look back at the scrapbook pages I do for each of the boys (one page for each month of life, done at their birthdays) I'm SOOO glad that I have as many memories to pass on to the boys. Caleb had such interest and excitement in the stories and where he was when... All this tells me, that I have to continue.
Just a week to prep the house and pack for California. And then we are gone for 12 days. Fun Fun.
Ok, so that's about it. More as life happens, later.
Daddy felt better today, or at least had no choice because he was covering some's shift.
And (still crossing my fingers) I'm not SICK, per se, just a sore throat/post-nasal stuff... ALLERGIES I'm believing and telling myself. I tried to get a fever yesterday, but a cold drink to cool off the insides and I'm good.
So we are sticking close to home and playing various games. Forts out of card tables, kiddo computer games, haircuts, etc. The kids are as hungry as usual, which is great because being around food right now isn't doing so hot for my stomach. The boys and I are on our own tonight, so I am trying to think of something fun and edible for the boys.
In other news, our camera broke. No more zoom feature for us. Any recommendations? (afforadable PLEASE). I LOVED our camera, and I'm sad to see it go. And as the primary memory capturer for the family, I miss it the most. When I look back at the scrapbook pages I do for each of the boys (one page for each month of life, done at their birthdays) I'm SOOO glad that I have as many memories to pass on to the boys. Caleb had such interest and excitement in the stories and where he was when... All this tells me, that I have to continue.
Just a week to prep the house and pack for California. And then we are gone for 12 days. Fun Fun.
Ok, so that's about it. More as life happens, later.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Hello again.
Well, the Egg Hunt and Fundraiser was fun for the kiddos. Although, Joshy, having not napped at all that day, was a bit moody and shocked me with not wanting to participate in the gathering of eggs. Caleb liked the bouncy house, especially since he was in there with his two buddies. He fished, he scooped up ducks in the "duck pond" and he even did the cake walk and won! It was a very nice day of events, and even the weather cleared just in time. The evening ended with Papa Bill and Grandma Judy over for dinner. It was a long day for those who hadn't napped, but fun anyway.
The downside: Joshy got sick the morning of the Egg Hunt... and it has continued. Then Daddy picked it up and has been home the last two days from work. THEN this morning Caleb woke up with a very hoarse cough and a bit of a fever. So we are keeping him home from preschool today just in case he is contagious (preschool rules, no fevers within the last 24 hours.) Although the way he and Joshy are bickering, fighting and biting, you wouldn't know either one of them are sick.
So far, I'm the only one not in the thick of sick (crossing my fingers), but at this stage I am of the mind that it is only a matter of time. I do hope that I'm over all of this by Friday for my MOPS and my work day which cancelling on is not an option. Work must go on. And I hope that we don't have to fly next Thursday with stuffy heads and the cabin pressure of the airplane (yikes!).
Well, that's the story now. I guess I should feel glad that the last time the kids or I were sick was 6 months ago (sept) and not more recently.
So that's what is up with our little family in our little niche of the world. Hope you all are staying healthy, and to do that, you might have to stay at a distance from us for a few days. Only temporary, I'm sure. Have a great day. We will try.
Well, the Egg Hunt and Fundraiser was fun for the kiddos. Although, Joshy, having not napped at all that day, was a bit moody and shocked me with not wanting to participate in the gathering of eggs. Caleb liked the bouncy house, especially since he was in there with his two buddies. He fished, he scooped up ducks in the "duck pond" and he even did the cake walk and won! It was a very nice day of events, and even the weather cleared just in time. The evening ended with Papa Bill and Grandma Judy over for dinner. It was a long day for those who hadn't napped, but fun anyway.
The downside: Joshy got sick the morning of the Egg Hunt... and it has continued. Then Daddy picked it up and has been home the last two days from work. THEN this morning Caleb woke up with a very hoarse cough and a bit of a fever. So we are keeping him home from preschool today just in case he is contagious (preschool rules, no fevers within the last 24 hours.) Although the way he and Joshy are bickering, fighting and biting, you wouldn't know either one of them are sick.
So far, I'm the only one not in the thick of sick (crossing my fingers), but at this stage I am of the mind that it is only a matter of time. I do hope that I'm over all of this by Friday for my MOPS and my work day which cancelling on is not an option. Work must go on. And I hope that we don't have to fly next Thursday with stuffy heads and the cabin pressure of the airplane (yikes!).
Well, that's the story now. I guess I should feel glad that the last time the kids or I were sick was 6 months ago (sept) and not more recently.
So that's what is up with our little family in our little niche of the world. Hope you all are staying healthy, and to do that, you might have to stay at a distance from us for a few days. Only temporary, I'm sure. Have a great day. We will try.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I think MOPS has finally delivered on the idea for the help I need.
I think this will finally be what keeps the boys BUSY!
And we are off to the Egg Hunt in minutes.
Tessa, we are SOOOO sorry you're sick. We will miss showing you Caleb's preschool!
Joshy was sick last night too. Fever was 102.9 under the arm! I was fighting hard to get it down, and it was this morning at 9:30 when he and I finally crawled out of his tiny twin bed.
And in answer to all prayers, I see the sun peaking out just now.
Ok have a great weekend and Tessa get better soon.
I think this will finally be what keeps the boys BUSY!
And we are off to the Egg Hunt in minutes.
Tessa, we are SOOOO sorry you're sick. We will miss showing you Caleb's preschool!
Joshy was sick last night too. Fever was 102.9 under the arm! I was fighting hard to get it down, and it was this morning at 9:30 when he and I finally crawled out of his tiny twin bed.
And in answer to all prayers, I see the sun peaking out just now.
Ok have a great weekend and Tessa get better soon.
Friday, March 14, 2008
The week is over, strangely enough, today felt more like a Saturday than it did a Friday.
I woke up this morning and had to start making mini-cakes for the Bake Sale that will take place at Caleb's pre-school. I'm kind of proud of the little star-shaped delights with the perfect Easter/plum-blossom pink frosting, courtesy of my frozen beet juice in reserve. Caleb is looking forward to tomorrow and seeing everyone and I hope it is a fun time for everyone who comes.
Laugh of the Day: While trying to potty train Joshy today. I had him sitting there. He actually said "Me to whittle (little) to Fart." That was so funny. (Daddy's response, "I'm too big, not to!")
The report on the dentist.
Good news: 1-we got Caleb in there, 2- there are things we can do 3-we are starting in on doing those things (and for Joshy too as preventative). Some of the steps, we had to get special (that's code for EXPENSIVE) flouride prescription toothpaste. We have to get special dental flossing things. And I've decided that we will add brushing his teeth after lunch too.
Bad news: He has a mouth that has an environment for bacteria. We are on a fight to change the environment now. He has 5 cavities. Their choice of treatment is, because he is so little and they can not afford to cause emotional trauma in a little person, he will be referred to a periodonist and most likely be put under and then have all five repaired at the same time. (As apposed to multiple visits and pain and long term mental trauma.) They gave him a flouride treatment and have set up a "new patient" appointment for full x-rays etc while we wait for the referral to the periodonist and to get into get their office for their opinion, and then get in for the actual repairs.
And I'm very grateful that Daddy has stepped in to take Caleb to these appointments. I couldn't do it with Josh in tow most certainly and I couldn't do it in general. I have anxiety about the dentist and I think I would feed that into Caleb. I can't handle it well seeing him in such a distressing situation in a place that I already feel such anxiety. Like I said before, the thought of taking Caleb to the dentist makes ME want a sedative. I can make the appointments, but Daddy will just have to be the one to attend, but it's just not in my power.
And as a prevention, we SHOULD put Joshy on dental and get him familiar with the whole process. But that is just going to make our medical/dental insurance go up from it's shockingly outrageous $620/mo. Mortgage and med/dental ins is over 50% of our take home pay... how's that for debt ratio in this "modern" world! Perhaps even more shocking, I still won't vote for any candidate who wants the government to be in charge of my healthcare. But that's all aside.
As for tomorrow, we have had a heart to heart with Caleb about the Easter Egg Hunt. We are encouraging him to still "hunt" for as many as he possibly can. But we will exchange ALL the candy for something else. Joshy too. And Caleb seems on board with that. I really don't want him to get shy about hunting for eggs (as I was as a kid) or feel deprived of surprise/joy of what's inside. BUT, of course, he can't have the candy either. We think that we've come up with a good solution. And very smartly, Caleb has asked that any candy that is in the house be removed and thus remove the temptation. What a smart kid! If only we adults did that. Please don't get the idea that I buy candy for the kids... he's STILL working on "Harvest" carnival candy from OCTOBER! But, yes, Caleb we will help you out by getting rid of the temptation.
All, in all, I feel ashamed and embarrassed about Caleb's teeth. But a little optimistic with Daddy for help and a plan in place for Caleb (and a plan of prevention for Joshy, Dentist said that if Caleb's mouth fosters bacteria like this, so will little bro).
I look forward to tomorrow of family and fun. And for everyone else, have a happy weekend.
I woke up this morning and had to start making mini-cakes for the Bake Sale that will take place at Caleb's pre-school. I'm kind of proud of the little star-shaped delights with the perfect Easter/plum-blossom pink frosting, courtesy of my frozen beet juice in reserve. Caleb is looking forward to tomorrow and seeing everyone and I hope it is a fun time for everyone who comes.
Laugh of the Day: While trying to potty train Joshy today. I had him sitting there. He actually said "Me to whittle (little) to Fart." That was so funny. (Daddy's response, "I'm too big, not to!")
The report on the dentist.
Good news: 1-we got Caleb in there, 2- there are things we can do 3-we are starting in on doing those things (and for Joshy too as preventative). Some of the steps, we had to get special (that's code for EXPENSIVE) flouride prescription toothpaste. We have to get special dental flossing things. And I've decided that we will add brushing his teeth after lunch too.
Bad news: He has a mouth that has an environment for bacteria. We are on a fight to change the environment now. He has 5 cavities. Their choice of treatment is, because he is so little and they can not afford to cause emotional trauma in a little person, he will be referred to a periodonist and most likely be put under and then have all five repaired at the same time. (As apposed to multiple visits and pain and long term mental trauma.) They gave him a flouride treatment and have set up a "new patient" appointment for full x-rays etc while we wait for the referral to the periodonist and to get into get their office for their opinion, and then get in for the actual repairs.
And I'm very grateful that Daddy has stepped in to take Caleb to these appointments. I couldn't do it with Josh in tow most certainly and I couldn't do it in general. I have anxiety about the dentist and I think I would feed that into Caleb. I can't handle it well seeing him in such a distressing situation in a place that I already feel such anxiety. Like I said before, the thought of taking Caleb to the dentist makes ME want a sedative. I can make the appointments, but Daddy will just have to be the one to attend, but it's just not in my power.
And as a prevention, we SHOULD put Joshy on dental and get him familiar with the whole process. But that is just going to make our medical/dental insurance go up from it's shockingly outrageous $620/mo. Mortgage and med/dental ins is over 50% of our take home pay... how's that for debt ratio in this "modern" world! Perhaps even more shocking, I still won't vote for any candidate who wants the government to be in charge of my healthcare. But that's all aside.
As for tomorrow, we have had a heart to heart with Caleb about the Easter Egg Hunt. We are encouraging him to still "hunt" for as many as he possibly can. But we will exchange ALL the candy for something else. Joshy too. And Caleb seems on board with that. I really don't want him to get shy about hunting for eggs (as I was as a kid) or feel deprived of surprise/joy of what's inside. BUT, of course, he can't have the candy either. We think that we've come up with a good solution. And very smartly, Caleb has asked that any candy that is in the house be removed and thus remove the temptation. What a smart kid! If only we adults did that. Please don't get the idea that I buy candy for the kids... he's STILL working on "Harvest" carnival candy from OCTOBER! But, yes, Caleb we will help you out by getting rid of the temptation.
All, in all, I feel ashamed and embarrassed about Caleb's teeth. But a little optimistic with Daddy for help and a plan in place for Caleb (and a plan of prevention for Joshy, Dentist said that if Caleb's mouth fosters bacteria like this, so will little bro).
I look forward to tomorrow of family and fun. And for everyone else, have a happy weekend.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mid-week update.

Monday was a bit gray, but we've picked up from there.
I've cleaned the house thoroughly in the last two days. There were a few motivators, visitors, it needed it, and MOPS has a Room of the day cleaning challenge; of course I had to cram more rooms into the day than just the one they suggested. It will be a test in patience to see how few hours it actually stays clean and picked up.
Of course, when cleaning, the little guys are always up to something else. So as I cleaned the master bedroom yesterday, I started hearing wild giggling/yelling. I opened up my window and saw:
I guess this proves that you can win in some areas, but sometimes there is always a compromise somewhere.
Then Tuesday, we were excited and blessed with a dinner guest. GG came out to partake in dinner with us. I treated her to dinner, and the boys treated her to a show. Nothing beats dinner and a show. The boys were very excited to show off their cool moves, and the computer they get to play shows on, and their rooms, etc etc. They were a dizzy-ing whirlwind of activity. GG was quite dutiful and gave them their craved attention.
It was a good time that will have to be repeated. Caleb even took this picture:
Thursday, Caleb sees the dentist! We are taking advantage of the "teacher in-service" day. It's long overdue, a sincerely embarassing guilt of mine. However, it's done, appointment made. He's going, Daddy is taking him, which is soooo good, but I'm ready for a sedative just thinking of it. It's probably only going to help his one tooth, but it's a start. It just couldn't wait any more, and hopefully he is "mature" enough to understand the explanation of what is going on and accept it; when he was two-somthing nearly three, it was a dramatic disaster and traumatic failure all at once, I had to pin arms and vise grip head in an attempt to hold him tight and also get him mouth to stay open at the same time. YUCK.
Saturday is fast approaching. I have to back little cakes for the Bake Sale. And I know Caleb is looking forward to the Egg Hunt and seeing Tessa. I've learned that it is more like a carnival-esque atmosphere. Buy tickets for $1, each activity will cost 1 ticket. Bouncy houses, face painting, "fishing" etc. I can only hope for beautiful weather.
Well, it's off to work I go (outside the home), as if waking up, changing a diaper, making the kids pancakes and Daddy Egg's Benedict (with the left over hollandaise sauce from dinner with GG) isn't enough.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Good morning. It's Monday and the start of a new week.
After speaking with Grandma Bishop, I feel renewed and determined to be the calm and consistent disciplinarian. It is vital for laying the groundwork for who they are now, who they are going to become, and how we will interact when they are teens and beyond. So, no matter how tired, or what I am in the middle of and feel I have to complete, I will prioritize discipline. It sounds awful, the consequence is more "testing" from the boys, or outright disbelieve that I mean what I say and then rampant disrespect for me and the rules. I have to stop this now before the Tests, subjects and consequences are greater.
So on the heels of this reaffirmation of what I should do, I prayed.
This fit right in:
I asked God for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked God for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches tha I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for---
but everything that I hoped for...
Author Unknown, but I received it in my MOPS newsletter.
So, we are going to stick pretty close to hope today. Gas prices you know. If the weather becomes more clear and less wet, I might mow the lawn. But I have the kitchen to clean and the floors to vaccum. Perhaps to be ambitious, the laundry to process.
Caleb is starting to read words. I make a deal with him, I read the books if he will read certain words in the book. hers. At first he was not focusing. But I explained to him that I was trying to help him. When he goes to Kindergarten, he doesn't want to be the kid who can't read, and is put in back of the class and called stupid, rather he wanted to be the kid who knew how to read and was well liked and asked to be helpful to other kids and the teacher. That seemed to click the motivation on.... Last night, Caleb read: Good, green, God, mom, ran, run, and a few other words. And he was really excited about it and told Daddy. I hope this continues. Reading is a MAJOR milestone in life.
I'm hopeful that by September, Caleb will know how to read and Josh will use the potty. Yesterday used the bathroom, notice I didn't say the potty... because as Daddy tells the story, I was not the potty, but the front of it and the floor, so the word bathroom is a better description. It's a frustrating mess, but at least he got the room right.
Persistence, sigh, persistence.
After speaking with Grandma Bishop, I feel renewed and determined to be the calm and consistent disciplinarian. It is vital for laying the groundwork for who they are now, who they are going to become, and how we will interact when they are teens and beyond. So, no matter how tired, or what I am in the middle of and feel I have to complete, I will prioritize discipline. It sounds awful, the consequence is more "testing" from the boys, or outright disbelieve that I mean what I say and then rampant disrespect for me and the rules. I have to stop this now before the Tests, subjects and consequences are greater.
So on the heels of this reaffirmation of what I should do, I prayed.
This fit right in:
I asked God for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked God for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches tha I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for---
but everything that I hoped for...
Author Unknown, but I received it in my MOPS newsletter.
So, we are going to stick pretty close to hope today. Gas prices you know. If the weather becomes more clear and less wet, I might mow the lawn. But I have the kitchen to clean and the floors to vaccum. Perhaps to be ambitious, the laundry to process.
Caleb is starting to read words. I make a deal with him, I read the books if he will read certain words in the book. hers. At first he was not focusing. But I explained to him that I was trying to help him. When he goes to Kindergarten, he doesn't want to be the kid who can't read, and is put in back of the class and called stupid, rather he wanted to be the kid who knew how to read and was well liked and asked to be helpful to other kids and the teacher. That seemed to click the motivation on.... Last night, Caleb read: Good, green, God, mom, ran, run, and a few other words. And he was really excited about it and told Daddy. I hope this continues. Reading is a MAJOR milestone in life.
I'm hopeful that by September, Caleb will know how to read and Josh will use the potty. Yesterday used the bathroom, notice I didn't say the potty... because as Daddy tells the story, I was not the potty, but the front of it and the floor, so the word bathroom is a better description. It's a frustrating mess, but at least he got the room right.
Persistence, sigh, persistence.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
March 5th, 2008
As of last night, Caleb is officially registered for Kindergarten. I was very prepared (if I might say myself) and forged boldly ahead into the line of persons ready to register; as a splendid result, Caleb was number 6 on the registered list. We now just have to hope that the application (which I had downloaded and came with fully filled out) for the intradistrict transfer is approved (switching us from Frank Wagner to Fryelands Elementary). Fryelands would offer better class size, boasts higher scores on the WASL... especially in reading, has a newer facilities therefore more updated in it's software/hardware/and basic building (thus in our minds, no fear of asbestoes, black mold, mildew, lead poisioning etc.)
As I embarked on getting this rite of passage paved for Caleb, I realized that it is a rite of passage for myself too. I reflected back to my school age years for guidance; one thing that I took away from my memories was that my mom was always a cavalier in standing up for our best interests at school, keeping us out of certain classes, requesting specific teachers, being around the school and a bug on the wall, and a vigilant support of our right and delicate morals that (in my opinion) some tried to squash for a variety of reasons, varying from mere inconvienence to adhere to all the way to total disagreement and choiceably trying to undermine the parental moral training. I look back knowing that my mother was the advocate to my learning and morals, and I am determined to be that banner waving or banner covering my children as they try to navigate their ever widening world. When the world is scary or harsh to them, there is safety here with the family unit and at home. Because I felt this way, the communication was better with my mom, and with that, I feel my "difficult" years (from a parent's standpoint... Tweeners (11-13), and early teenager years were less of a battle of rebelliousness. (Of course, as they say, then I got older and my will which was always iron, steeled into something unbending, and stayed that way for decades while the Lord chastened me. But I will not cross that path for a while with my boys and will gratefully deal with that in a decade from now.) So I do look forward with wary optimism as my child embarks on this new adventure. I will be the sometimes silent, and oft time not, guard, in full armor ready but hoping for peace in the valley (Sky Valley that is, as that is where Monroe geographically is located).
In other news. Our goats have returned with the rest of spring. Joshy and I got out and fed them two browning carrots that were only partially munched on by the boys the night before. Joshy was so excited to run to them in the "new" experience; I doubt he remembers back 5-6 months when the goats were last here.
The day was absolutely beautiful. The best gift I got really, not to impune the very thoughtful and Very generous gifts of my family... Dad (aka Papa Bill), GG, Kristina, etc. I will relish the dreams that will come true with the gifts I was given, but the beautiful sunshine of the day was a uplift to my birthday-struggling spirits. The perfect gift from the One above. If it had been a gray, dark day, I might have had to literally stay in bed. As it was, the bright sunshine made it easier to face "mommy, I want oatmeal, don't forget my chocolate milk. And I want to eat downstairs watching a show" and one said littlest boy removing his diaper AND well, you know. sigh. Thank you to all of you who tried so hard to make the day filled with warm thoughts and specialness.
So that is all for now. I will now enjoy a delight Pizza Bank Gyro (a favorite) while watching online catch up episodes of the very few shows I actually care to catch up on. Apprentice, Lost...
Good Night. And pray for Caleb to get his transfer to the better school.
As of last night, Caleb is officially registered for Kindergarten. I was very prepared (if I might say myself) and forged boldly ahead into the line of persons ready to register; as a splendid result, Caleb was number 6 on the registered list. We now just have to hope that the application (which I had downloaded and came with fully filled out) for the intradistrict transfer is approved (switching us from Frank Wagner to Fryelands Elementary). Fryelands would offer better class size, boasts higher scores on the WASL... especially in reading, has a newer facilities therefore more updated in it's software/hardware/and basic building (thus in our minds, no fear of asbestoes, black mold, mildew, lead poisioning etc.)
As I embarked on getting this rite of passage paved for Caleb, I realized that it is a rite of passage for myself too. I reflected back to my school age years for guidance; one thing that I took away from my memories was that my mom was always a cavalier in standing up for our best interests at school, keeping us out of certain classes, requesting specific teachers, being around the school and a bug on the wall, and a vigilant support of our right and delicate morals that (in my opinion) some tried to squash for a variety of reasons, varying from mere inconvienence to adhere to all the way to total disagreement and choiceably trying to undermine the parental moral training. I look back knowing that my mother was the advocate to my learning and morals, and I am determined to be that banner waving or banner covering my children as they try to navigate their ever widening world. When the world is scary or harsh to them, there is safety here with the family unit and at home. Because I felt this way, the communication was better with my mom, and with that, I feel my "difficult" years (from a parent's standpoint... Tweeners (11-13), and early teenager years were less of a battle of rebelliousness. (Of course, as they say, then I got older and my will which was always iron, steeled into something unbending, and stayed that way for decades while the Lord chastened me. But I will not cross that path for a while with my boys and will gratefully deal with that in a decade from now.) So I do look forward with wary optimism as my child embarks on this new adventure. I will be the sometimes silent, and oft time not, guard, in full armor ready but hoping for peace in the valley (Sky Valley that is, as that is where Monroe geographically is located).
In other news. Our goats have returned with the rest of spring. Joshy and I got out and fed them two browning carrots that were only partially munched on by the boys the night before. Joshy was so excited to run to them in the "new" experience; I doubt he remembers back 5-6 months when the goats were last here.
The day was absolutely beautiful. The best gift I got really, not to impune the very thoughtful and Very generous gifts of my family... Dad (aka Papa Bill), GG, Kristina, etc. I will relish the dreams that will come true with the gifts I was given, but the beautiful sunshine of the day was a uplift to my birthday-struggling spirits. The perfect gift from the One above. If it had been a gray, dark day, I might have had to literally stay in bed. As it was, the bright sunshine made it easier to face "mommy, I want oatmeal, don't forget my chocolate milk. And I want to eat downstairs watching a show" and one said littlest boy removing his diaper AND well, you know. sigh. Thank you to all of you who tried so hard to make the day filled with warm thoughts and specialness.
So that is all for now. I will now enjoy a delight Pizza Bank Gyro (a favorite) while watching online catch up episodes of the very few shows I actually care to catch up on. Apprentice, Lost...
Good Night. And pray for Caleb to get his transfer to the better school.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Anacortes camping was great.

"See, I found it!"

By the time we were up and moving again the weather was beautiful and sunny again. This time we discovered something new. Little Cranberry lake. It was a very neat hike. From 12th ave we turned south onto Georgia Ave, which looked like a residential area, but there was a road leading right to a parking lot. It was a beautiful lake and area. Despite the previous night's rain, most of the trail was fine, only some places were muddy. It was a 2 mile hike, some of which was exactly lakeside, some was hilly and more in the forest. For the most part, it was a private hike, in close to two hours we only encountered 10 people. 

We arrived on Friday to discovered half of the site were without power. We found a great site despite that; it happened to have a trail leading to the outside loop which was great for walking and privacy.
I built a fort out of branches for the boys. We also played a game where I hid little plastic animals and the boys had to try to find them. That seemed to go over very well!
"See, I found it!"
We napped and then ran into town and met Grammy and Papa Dahl.
Saturday was a little damp in the morning. We had breakfast in the trailer and then met Grammy and Papa at a church rummage sale, then on to the Dog Park for the pooches to stretch their legs. Caleb liked interacting with the dogs at the park; Joshy is too little to be allowed in the dog area. Then back to the trailer for lunch and a rest.
We made it back to the campsite in time to make dinner and start a campfire. Fire is a big attraction for little boys, and so we roasted biscuits on a stick and filled them with jam and butter.
Sunday morning we ate breakfast and then drove to Deception pass to see the campgrounds and the beach. The boys collected rocks and even threw a few into the ocean. Then it was back to the trailer to pack up. On the way home we deterred over to Camano Island and visited with Great Papa Severson for a little while. We stayed just slightly longer than the boys could stand and then we were back on the road and on our way home.
Monday was a gray, dark, wet day without motivation so we stuck close to home.
Today we plunge back into activity... preschool, grocery shopping, preparing for making Auntie Brittany's baby announcements etc. And I work later this week.
That's all for now.
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