More Vacation pictures AND a P.S. announcement:
We visited the Wolf and Grizzly Bear Haven. We were lucky enough to see them testing containers for "bear-proofness".

This is our one family picture for the whole trip.
We visited the lower loop area (entrance until Old Faithful... no high elevations). Just a pretty and calm day. We even got to see an Elk calf up close.

Yes, that is Old Faithful out the window.
Then it was off to Jellystone via the Virginia City "old cowboy town". It was interesting. But the kids liked the candy shop the most... they were like "kids in a candy shop"... touching everything. The Taffy puller was entrancing however.

It was neat that some of the "stores" had been kept exactly as they appeared when they closed in the 1800s!

Jellystone, the camp ground...

No, the boys aren't trying to hide from getting their picture taken (this time), but rather the sun was in their eyes. There are great big "Cheese" smiles under their hands, honestly!

More still to come.... the day we spent in Missoula, all of Moses Lake, random landscape shots, and best of the boys shots. It just takes time.
***P.S. *****This Monday, despite all good intentions of getting to the park early for a cooler fun time... I ended up in the ER for pain on my left side. Turns out I have a 3mm kidney stone pretty high up. I'm suppose to go to see the urologist in a few days/week to see if the stone has moved, if yes, then just more waiting while on pain meds. If no....maybe a "procedure" of some TBDetermined sort. In the meantime, I'm watching out for fever, which is Really bad and in the event of one I'd have to return to the ER pronto, I'm taking pain meds, taking anti-nausea meds, and "Flomax" (wow, doesn't that sound like a high performance muffler?!).
Thank you to Mike for taking the day off work to drive me to the ER, and to Grammy and Papa Dahl for watching the kids today and taking Caleb overnight and Joshy on Tuesday so that I can rest. I'm not allowed to drive with the pain meds and judging by the pain, I'll be on quantities that are more than a mere trifle until this bugger passes. So Thank you for all your help.