Welcome back from the weekend!
The kids came back from Grammy and Papa Dahl's house yesterday. They had a really great time. There were lots of stories of parks, bike rides, swimming times. Joshy was willful, big surprise, but had a potty success. Caleb a newbie on the bike improved even more. Joshy is putting his head under water more and more, and Caleb is swimming into the middle of the pool without a problem.
I got some nice things done: a job, scrapbooking, visit with Brit, grocery shopping, laundry, packing, a little sleep, a little reading, a short garage sale (still have lots to get rid of). I tried to use the time to the optimal benefit.
Life is just whirling by. I have 95% of the clothes packed, and now I'm on to toiletries, shoes, and comfort items...dvd, toys etc. I have a few errands to run today and then back into the swing of packing. Tonight the boys and I are going to run out to Grandpa Bill's house for dinner. And if I get back in time to finish 98% of the packing, then I will take the boys to library time tomorrow morning at 10:30am to get a little activity time in before I have to head to the airport via meeting up with Grammy at 12:30 to drive us down to the airport. Busy busy. But it should all work out. I'm a little nervous of having such a late flight, never have done a 3pm flight before, typically I try for a 1 something flight and get the boys to sleep ont he plane.... not this time, so I'm crossing my fingers.
So that's it in a nutshell because I really do have to get going. I'll try to update from California.
Have a great week.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
So as for this week....
Caleb is in VBS, held by his preschool's church, and he is loving every minute. It could be because Hayden and Hunter are there, buddies from his preschool this last year.
We had a playdate on Monday with Hayden and Hunter. It was the sunniest 2.5 hours of the week, until today. And the boys had such a great time. Rather than go to the usual park, which is busy and spread out... we went to a school's playground and it was way easier to keep track of our boys, and it was new and unexplored territory.
Probably the best thing that came of that playdate, a two-wheel bike riding training method. It was from Christina (the twins' mom) and she got it from her friend. Bike seat all the way down, helmet on, find a grassy slope (not hill, although we found a place with variety), and tell the child it takes 100 falls to learn but it doesn't hurt because it's on grass. Ok, so Tuesday, we took Caleb out. Caleb was very apprehensive, having fallen and had only meager success in the past. Once we finally got him on the bike and to try it 3 times, he was not afraid to keep trying. Then he progressed to going 20 feet just using his feet to balance and catch himself, then he started putting his feet on the pedals and later actually pedaling. Then he was going 30-40 feet out on the grass and it was suddenly time to move him to pavement (a paved track, not sidewalk with seams). He rode on pavement at varying lengths, but at least over 50-60 feet!
******CALEB RIDES A TWO WHEELER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!**********
He went out today and did even greater distances and is getting better at using his brakes before he bumps into something to stop. He's having fun, and he has confidence and is enjoying success. I had to go back to Christina and say thank you for the method because in 45 minutes Caleb because a bike rider!
Joshy is having spotting potty success, but still some. I'm hoping to work on it more, but with the washer broken, I can't afford the space (or smell) of "wet" clothes everywhere. And unfortunately, naked is still his best outfit for potty success. At least it's not snowing out.
It looks like there is a prospective chance that the boys will be with Grammy and Papa Dahl this weekend for a little time before we are away in California next week. I intend to wash up a storm with the interim wash machine Mike is aiming to bring home, maybe scrapbook for Joshy's annual birthday project, sleep is always good. But it is really tempting to have a garage sale to GET RID OF UNNEEDED STUFF, which just takes up needed space and hangs around like an albatross. Regardless, I know the hours will be filled with tasks for purpose or pleasure.
So that's it for this week. More as it comes.
Caleb is in VBS, held by his preschool's church, and he is loving every minute. It could be because Hayden and Hunter are there, buddies from his preschool this last year.
We had a playdate on Monday with Hayden and Hunter. It was the sunniest 2.5 hours of the week, until today. And the boys had such a great time. Rather than go to the usual park, which is busy and spread out... we went to a school's playground and it was way easier to keep track of our boys, and it was new and unexplored territory.
Probably the best thing that came of that playdate, a two-wheel bike riding training method. It was from Christina (the twins' mom) and she got it from her friend. Bike seat all the way down, helmet on, find a grassy slope (not hill, although we found a place with variety), and tell the child it takes 100 falls to learn but it doesn't hurt because it's on grass. Ok, so Tuesday, we took Caleb out. Caleb was very apprehensive, having fallen and had only meager success in the past. Once we finally got him on the bike and to try it 3 times, he was not afraid to keep trying. Then he progressed to going 20 feet just using his feet to balance and catch himself, then he started putting his feet on the pedals and later actually pedaling. Then he was going 30-40 feet out on the grass and it was suddenly time to move him to pavement (a paved track, not sidewalk with seams). He rode on pavement at varying lengths, but at least over 50-60 feet!
******CALEB RIDES A TWO WHEELER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!**********
He went out today and did even greater distances and is getting better at using his brakes before he bumps into something to stop. He's having fun, and he has confidence and is enjoying success. I had to go back to Christina and say thank you for the method because in 45 minutes Caleb because a bike rider!
Joshy is having spotting potty success, but still some. I'm hoping to work on it more, but with the washer broken, I can't afford the space (or smell) of "wet" clothes everywhere. And unfortunately, naked is still his best outfit for potty success. At least it's not snowing out.
It looks like there is a prospective chance that the boys will be with Grammy and Papa Dahl this weekend for a little time before we are away in California next week. I intend to wash up a storm with the interim wash machine Mike is aiming to bring home, maybe scrapbook for Joshy's annual birthday project, sleep is always good. But it is really tempting to have a garage sale to GET RID OF UNNEEDED STUFF, which just takes up needed space and hangs around like an albatross. Regardless, I know the hours will be filled with tasks for purpose or pleasure.
So that's it for this week. More as it comes.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
In the good news: The kidney stone has passed! How does it look? Not so friendly? Thank God that's over. It will take a couple days to get to feeling normal and healed up, but the hard part is over.
Today was Caleb's buddy, Alan's, birthday party. Caleb had been asking to see his buddies from school and finally we had an opportunity. He played and ran around with Alan for 5 hours today, a long party. In fact, I had to run home and get Joshy and come back. Daddy went fishing. But we are home now and resting for the rest of the night.
Tomorrow, Caleb starts another week of VBS. Hopefully he will see his buddies Hayden and Hunter, and maybe we'll even get a play date going.
Tuesday, I am going to take Joshy to a library time for babies-2 years. I know he'll love it, and with just the two of us there won't be any distraction or competition between the siblings.
So that's the news for now. Have a great week.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Happy Thursday.
Caleb went to his VBS today. He said his verse and jumped right in to participating. It has been interesting to see how he's bloomed each day. Monday he walked in and had to hold my hand and cling to me and hide behind my leg and crouch and cower. The next day he held my hand and quiet, but not cowering. Yesterday he ran in and accepted his VBS Tshirt and name badge with gladness only getting shy while saying his verse. Today, he rushed in excitedly well before I could catch up. Got to where his group meets, did a little jump twirl and hopped as I put his shirt on him and again only getting shy during verse recitation. I've love seeing him adapt. It gives me confidence in his adaptability and that he will handle the newness of kindergarten just fine.
During VBS, Mommy went to work. It's a time consuming and physical assignment, but one that I'm actually beginning to enjoy.
Daddy picked Caleb up from VBS and then took Joshy and Caleb fishing. I guess it is not the easiest thing to take two little guys (one of them just past a toddler phase) fishing. They got the lines tangled, and a little bored. Threw rocks and scared the fish, etc.
While they fished, I went to the Dr., a urologist this time. Blessedly, this time this Dr knew what he was talking about. He was thorough, logically, factual, and dealt with statistics. He confirmed that I have a left side ureter stone (hence the pain!), he noticed a left side stone IN the kidney (very small, most likely next year's stone problem), and he determined that there are NO right side stones. He discussed treatment options. For the moment, he's recommended waiting for it to pass. He's put me back on Flomax, which has shown to increase stone passage by 66%, he's put me on two different pain meds, one of which was a easing effect on the bladder (which will help the desperate problem with urgency/pain), and he's ok'd my continued use of Pyridine. From here on I'm to grit my teeth and bear it, and strain RELIGIOUSLY (to prevent an unnecessary/unwanted CT in the future). When the pain goes away it should mean the stone has passed, and straining should mean I have the stone in hand... if not then the stone hasn't passed and ignoring it all could cause major problems with the kidney (i.e. losing it.) BUT, if I don't strain it would mean having to have another CT to confirm it is gone. So a straining I must do with absolute 100% consistency. Also, I must watch for fever over 101.5... an indicator of distressed kidney, compications, infection etc, because it could mean life or death, per the doctor, and I must call regardless of time of day and get help. I go back next Friday for a check up, and I hope to pronounce good "passing" news so that I can go on vacation with a clean bill. Most likely after the vacation, if I haven't passed it, we will have to discuss the alternatives to just waiting, which basically there is only one choice... actual going in and retrieving it. (Lithotripsy is NOT an option, my stone does not show up on a regular x-ray, which is a requirement for the lithotripsy procedure. ) So that's the scoop. Wait and good luck.
Mike's still not feeling good, dizzy and chest pains etc. So I think we are going to lay low this weekend. How I feel is so unpredictable and he's feel strained so it's time for a recoup all around I think.
Caleb has his last VBS day (at Cascade Community) tomorrow. And I work. Then Sunday, Caleb's buddy Alan has his birthday party at Noon. This is enough as far as plans go, dontcha think?!
Keep your fingers crossed, Joshy has morning potty success, but it went down hill from there with all the running around and being away from the house. I guess taking it easy this weekend (and having a largely naked summer) will be a benefit to Joshy too.
Ok, that's it for now. Have a great weekend. I might be able to update with a few pictures. Joshy insists on dressing up as Buzz Lightyear at least twice a day.. and then runs around yelling "to finity" (aka "to infinity and beyond.") I have a couple buzz pictures of Joshy worth posting.
Caleb went to his VBS today. He said his verse and jumped right in to participating. It has been interesting to see how he's bloomed each day. Monday he walked in and had to hold my hand and cling to me and hide behind my leg and crouch and cower. The next day he held my hand and quiet, but not cowering. Yesterday he ran in and accepted his VBS Tshirt and name badge with gladness only getting shy while saying his verse. Today, he rushed in excitedly well before I could catch up. Got to where his group meets, did a little jump twirl and hopped as I put his shirt on him and again only getting shy during verse recitation. I've love seeing him adapt. It gives me confidence in his adaptability and that he will handle the newness of kindergarten just fine.
During VBS, Mommy went to work. It's a time consuming and physical assignment, but one that I'm actually beginning to enjoy.
Daddy picked Caleb up from VBS and then took Joshy and Caleb fishing. I guess it is not the easiest thing to take two little guys (one of them just past a toddler phase) fishing. They got the lines tangled, and a little bored. Threw rocks and scared the fish, etc.
While they fished, I went to the Dr., a urologist this time. Blessedly, this time this Dr knew what he was talking about. He was thorough, logically, factual, and dealt with statistics. He confirmed that I have a left side ureter stone (hence the pain!), he noticed a left side stone IN the kidney (very small, most likely next year's stone problem), and he determined that there are NO right side stones. He discussed treatment options. For the moment, he's recommended waiting for it to pass. He's put me back on Flomax, which has shown to increase stone passage by 66%, he's put me on two different pain meds, one of which was a easing effect on the bladder (which will help the desperate problem with urgency/pain), and he's ok'd my continued use of Pyridine. From here on I'm to grit my teeth and bear it, and strain RELIGIOUSLY (to prevent an unnecessary/unwanted CT in the future). When the pain goes away it should mean the stone has passed, and straining should mean I have the stone in hand... if not then the stone hasn't passed and ignoring it all could cause major problems with the kidney (i.e. losing it.) BUT, if I don't strain it would mean having to have another CT to confirm it is gone. So a straining I must do with absolute 100% consistency. Also, I must watch for fever over 101.5... an indicator of distressed kidney, compications, infection etc, because it could mean life or death, per the doctor, and I must call regardless of time of day and get help. I go back next Friday for a check up, and I hope to pronounce good "passing" news so that I can go on vacation with a clean bill. Most likely after the vacation, if I haven't passed it, we will have to discuss the alternatives to just waiting, which basically there is only one choice... actual going in and retrieving it. (Lithotripsy is NOT an option, my stone does not show up on a regular x-ray, which is a requirement for the lithotripsy procedure. ) So that's the scoop. Wait and good luck.
Mike's still not feeling good, dizzy and chest pains etc. So I think we are going to lay low this weekend. How I feel is so unpredictable and he's feel strained so it's time for a recoup all around I think.
Caleb has his last VBS day (at Cascade Community) tomorrow. And I work. Then Sunday, Caleb's buddy Alan has his birthday party at Noon. This is enough as far as plans go, dontcha think?!
Keep your fingers crossed, Joshy has morning potty success, but it went down hill from there with all the running around and being away from the house. I guess taking it easy this weekend (and having a largely naked summer) will be a benefit to Joshy too.
Ok, that's it for now. Have a great weekend. I might be able to update with a few pictures. Joshy insists on dressing up as Buzz Lightyear at least twice a day.. and then runs around yelling "to finity" (aka "to infinity and beyond.") I have a couple buzz pictures of Joshy worth posting.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
*****Updated to add, Joshy's added a fourth #2 success to today's count!*******
Jockey has had THREE successful Potty's today!!!! I'm so excited! I keep telling him how happy I am for him, because I know how much fun he will have at preschool and cubbies!
Caleb went to his third day of VBS. As we parked he said, "I like this place". And I am so happy because he was really not sure about being around all the new, Big kids. But it is working out great. And I peeked in on him again today and he was doing exactly what he should be doing. I really hope that perhaps being with the big kids, it has shown him the "big kid" way of paying attention and acting in a group.
Daddy came home early from work not feeling well.
I got grocery shopping done and did very well at that. Pain meds are making life bearable. I work tomorrow and then I go to the doctor and hopefully we'll get to the bottom of all this.
Jockey has had THREE successful Potty's today!!!! I'm so excited! I keep telling him how happy I am for him, because I know how much fun he will have at preschool and cubbies!
Caleb went to his third day of VBS. As we parked he said, "I like this place". And I am so happy because he was really not sure about being around all the new, Big kids. But it is working out great. And I peeked in on him again today and he was doing exactly what he should be doing. I really hope that perhaps being with the big kids, it has shown him the "big kid" way of paying attention and acting in a group.
Daddy came home early from work not feeling well.
I got grocery shopping done and did very well at that. Pain meds are making life bearable. I work tomorrow and then I go to the doctor and hopefully we'll get to the bottom of all this.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I know you don't tune in to read about poop here all the time. BUT....
The first voluntary, in the potty, successful one (by Joshy) should be mentioned! He did it! We've had a couple #1 successes this week, and today the huge news is a #2! He is doing great. I think he's seen the light and understands that this is a great thing that comes with rewards and school and Cubbies in the fall. It's something that makes everyone around him happy and he isn't losing any control over self in his life. Wha-hoooo!!!
Caleb has gone to his second VBS day. He's really liking it. I was a little worried. They were all full in the preschool and kindergarten groups, so they called up and offered to put Caleb into the elementary group... which is mixed with any grade from grades 1-6. He was really nervous to be around BIG kids, and all of them were new. However, there was one little girl in his group that he's had in Cubbies and attended his preschool (although not HIS class), and therefore he recognized. He did really good the first day; I peeked in on the last 6 minutes of yesterday and he was sitting with all the group, he was raising his had to speak, he was not making loud noises, pawing at his neighbor or running around like a wiggly banshee. As of today, they now have 2 verses to memorize for a prize at the end of the week. They were given T-shirts to wear, and a special nametage and looks "lab-esque" because it's a science/lab/ "God's Power Lab" theme. Caleb is part of the "Orange Fizz" group. They are doing some really cool interesting science-y stuff with the lessons and the "teachers" wear lab coats and silly neon green safety goggles. Yesterday, they were looking at those electrical current spheres and getting to put there hands on them and turn out the lights. Today they made a craft with two little plastic guys inside a water bottle... did you know that if you squeeze it hard enough, the guy that likes to float will sink to see the other guy that sinks? Very interesting.
Yesterday, Daddy came home and after dinner we all went fishing. I went, intending to distract Joshy with the park and feeding the ducks, but he really really wanted to hold Daddy's pole and reel and participate. The only thing he liked to do that is bad is toss rocks into the water and scare the fish. But he did sit for a remarkably long period of time for a 2 year old (that isn't to say a long time at all, just long for a crazy busy 2 yr old boy.) Caleb needed help casting, and from there on out he thought the whole point was to reel in after that. Thus, no fish due to no patience. But I had to explain to Caleb that he needs to know he is lucky that he can just go fishing anytime, some boys don't ever get the chance. He says "yeah, I know".
Today after I picked Caleb up at the VBS, we stopped at the park. I figured it was a good place to work out the wiggles. They had fun. Joshy is really getting the hang of the merry-go round. It is a scary ride for one so little (from a parent's standpoint), but he wants to participate so much, I've had to drill him on sitting down and hanging on and only pushing when no one else is. But then the attention span ends and he runs off to do something else, which lead me to catch myself yelling at him "Watch out for the swingers". He was running too close to the swings while others were on them. But in this day and age, that sentence now is a double entundra that I found myself yelling a couple times.
Well, it's off to enjoy the sun and tiny pool in the backyard... or the new to us AC in the TV room. That thing has already paid for itself in quality of life. I just don't handle the heat well, and now I can watch the kids play in the backyard from the comfort of an air conditioned room. Ahhhhh.
Ok, have a beautiful rest of the day.
The first voluntary, in the potty, successful one (by Joshy) should be mentioned! He did it! We've had a couple #1 successes this week, and today the huge news is a #2! He is doing great. I think he's seen the light and understands that this is a great thing that comes with rewards and school and Cubbies in the fall. It's something that makes everyone around him happy and he isn't losing any control over self in his life. Wha-hoooo!!!
Caleb has gone to his second VBS day. He's really liking it. I was a little worried. They were all full in the preschool and kindergarten groups, so they called up and offered to put Caleb into the elementary group... which is mixed with any grade from grades 1-6. He was really nervous to be around BIG kids, and all of them were new. However, there was one little girl in his group that he's had in Cubbies and attended his preschool (although not HIS class), and therefore he recognized. He did really good the first day; I peeked in on the last 6 minutes of yesterday and he was sitting with all the group, he was raising his had to speak, he was not making loud noises, pawing at his neighbor or running around like a wiggly banshee. As of today, they now have 2 verses to memorize for a prize at the end of the week. They were given T-shirts to wear, and a special nametage and looks "lab-esque" because it's a science/lab/ "God's Power Lab" theme. Caleb is part of the "Orange Fizz" group. They are doing some really cool interesting science-y stuff with the lessons and the "teachers" wear lab coats and silly neon green safety goggles. Yesterday, they were looking at those electrical current spheres and getting to put there hands on them and turn out the lights. Today they made a craft with two little plastic guys inside a water bottle... did you know that if you squeeze it hard enough, the guy that likes to float will sink to see the other guy that sinks? Very interesting.
Yesterday, Daddy came home and after dinner we all went fishing. I went, intending to distract Joshy with the park and feeding the ducks, but he really really wanted to hold Daddy's pole and reel and participate. The only thing he liked to do that is bad is toss rocks into the water and scare the fish. But he did sit for a remarkably long period of time for a 2 year old (that isn't to say a long time at all, just long for a crazy busy 2 yr old boy.) Caleb needed help casting, and from there on out he thought the whole point was to reel in after that. Thus, no fish due to no patience. But I had to explain to Caleb that he needs to know he is lucky that he can just go fishing anytime, some boys don't ever get the chance. He says "yeah, I know".
Today after I picked Caleb up at the VBS, we stopped at the park. I figured it was a good place to work out the wiggles. They had fun. Joshy is really getting the hang of the merry-go round. It is a scary ride for one so little (from a parent's standpoint), but he wants to participate so much, I've had to drill him on sitting down and hanging on and only pushing when no one else is. But then the attention span ends and he runs off to do something else, which lead me to catch myself yelling at him "Watch out for the swingers". He was running too close to the swings while others were on them. But in this day and age, that sentence now is a double entundra that I found myself yelling a couple times.
Well, it's off to enjoy the sun and tiny pool in the backyard... or the new to us AC in the TV room. That thing has already paid for itself in quality of life. I just don't handle the heat well, and now I can watch the kids play in the backyard from the comfort of an air conditioned room. Ahhhhh.
Ok, have a beautiful rest of the day.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Just a mellow Saturday.
The sun was beautiful today. The kids played outside. And the warmth was a perfect excuse for popsicles. The pool was filled and jumped in, the hose was a source of fun and frustration. The swingset is the priceless structure for "spiderman". Caleb insisted that we call him Spiderman today when we was dressed in the spiderman costume. And since Caleb was in a costume, Joshy (aka. Parrot) also needed a costume. The Buzz Lightyear costume did very well for him. I took a picture of Buzz and Spidey climbing on the swingset today. Joshy is getting really good.... and Caleb even better (he can reach the top and almost *yikes* get on top of it).
Of course there were moments of owies. Caleb made me laugh out loud when he ran the house yelling "man down" repeatedly. He had to stop and say in an exasperated tone "mommy, (huff) that mean Jockey's hurt." (I didn't hear tears or crying so I knew Caleb was being more dramatic than the situation warranted, thus I could allow laughter rather than prompt serious response.)
With all the sunshine, it is really hard to keep clothes on Jockey. Don't get me wrong, I do put them on him, but he is an expert at undressing. Well, I figured that means that we'll have to try hard to potty train him if he isn't wearing clothes. So the little potty is now outside on the patio, because I caught little screwball using the great outdoors. I figured closer is better. Well, the kids always seem one step ahead of me... Joshy came inside a while later and peed onto the backboard of the basketball hoop (it was laying on floor). I caught myself yelling "Go to your room, if you're not going to use the potty then I only want pee on your floor." (Yes, I'm on "happy pills".)
Our "new" (new to us) air conditioner is the laundry room with a fan blowing the cold air into our TV room is amazing. Such a blessing. I got the AC unit off of craigslist for $60 (they bought it new for $170). It is great and the family room is now an oasis that the dogs, kids, and adults can enjoy together. In fact, I'm using the lap top to type right now from this very oasis.
Mike is going to go fishing tonight. The kids and I are staying here. Auntie Brittany might be coming by with Emily later.
Also, I should mention. The kids are really into non-fiction books from the library. It started with a book Daddy grabbed with Caleb while we were all there just picking up other stuff. Then it expanded when Caleb came into our room one night and was "scared" and he had several questions about spiders. So I told him that we would get a book and find out the information that he wanted to know. Which we did. Now we are getting all sorts of books, non-fiction, and mostly about animals. Caleb has really surprised me with his listening skills. Normally, he would look at a couple pages and wander off. But he is really paying attention. He really is learning and asking questions and forming understanding and opinions. I haven't found the books about bats, giraffe and hippos, but I will. Joshy is really trying too. He has always had a greater attention span, but now he is asking questions too. I'm really quite happy with this developement in their lives, which I'm turning into a nightly routine.
Well, that's it for now. I have to go and eat something before my tummy is too empty and the pills on and empty tummy make me sick.
More later. as things come up.
The sun was beautiful today. The kids played outside. And the warmth was a perfect excuse for popsicles. The pool was filled and jumped in, the hose was a source of fun and frustration. The swingset is the priceless structure for "spiderman". Caleb insisted that we call him Spiderman today when we was dressed in the spiderman costume. And since Caleb was in a costume, Joshy (aka. Parrot) also needed a costume. The Buzz Lightyear costume did very well for him. I took a picture of Buzz and Spidey climbing on the swingset today. Joshy is getting really good.... and Caleb even better (he can reach the top and almost *yikes* get on top of it).
Of course there were moments of owies. Caleb made me laugh out loud when he ran the house yelling "man down" repeatedly. He had to stop and say in an exasperated tone "mommy, (huff) that mean Jockey's hurt." (I didn't hear tears or crying so I knew Caleb was being more dramatic than the situation warranted, thus I could allow laughter rather than prompt serious response.)
With all the sunshine, it is really hard to keep clothes on Jockey. Don't get me wrong, I do put them on him, but he is an expert at undressing. Well, I figured that means that we'll have to try hard to potty train him if he isn't wearing clothes. So the little potty is now outside on the patio, because I caught little screwball using the great outdoors. I figured closer is better. Well, the kids always seem one step ahead of me... Joshy came inside a while later and peed onto the backboard of the basketball hoop (it was laying on floor). I caught myself yelling "Go to your room, if you're not going to use the potty then I only want pee on your floor." (Yes, I'm on "happy pills".)
Our "new" (new to us) air conditioner is the laundry room with a fan blowing the cold air into our TV room is amazing. Such a blessing. I got the AC unit off of craigslist for $60 (they bought it new for $170). It is great and the family room is now an oasis that the dogs, kids, and adults can enjoy together. In fact, I'm using the lap top to type right now from this very oasis.
Mike is going to go fishing tonight. The kids and I are staying here. Auntie Brittany might be coming by with Emily later.
Also, I should mention. The kids are really into non-fiction books from the library. It started with a book Daddy grabbed with Caleb while we were all there just picking up other stuff. Then it expanded when Caleb came into our room one night and was "scared" and he had several questions about spiders. So I told him that we would get a book and find out the information that he wanted to know. Which we did. Now we are getting all sorts of books, non-fiction, and mostly about animals. Caleb has really surprised me with his listening skills. Normally, he would look at a couple pages and wander off. But he is really paying attention. He really is learning and asking questions and forming understanding and opinions. I haven't found the books about bats, giraffe and hippos, but I will. Joshy is really trying too. He has always had a greater attention span, but now he is asking questions too. I'm really quite happy with this developement in their lives, which I'm turning into a nightly routine.
Well, that's it for now. I have to go and eat something before my tummy is too empty and the pills on and empty tummy make me sick.
More later. as things come up.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
How is the summer going for you?! Isn't the weather beautiful!
Our strawberries our so plentiful we can barely keep up eating what is produced. There were even a few days that I felt so awful, I didn't get out to pick the ripe ones... those are now fertilizer. The boys go out more than daily and hunt for berries. And our raspberries, despite looking all but dead and brown, the boys still find about 4 a day. Strange.
The kids enjoyed another day at the pool yesterday. They are developing both a tan and great swimming skills.
Caleb spent Tuesday with Grammy Dahl, which was great because he then also got to see Tessa. He was very excited, though from what I'm told, he wanted to play with her way more than she did with him. I wonder if that has anything to do with the early morning arrival and early wake up call he gave her. I'm sure if he was asked he would say that he was too excited to wait to play with her. He is just so excited to be around kids right now.
Monday, I worked and then stopped at the park with the kids. They ran around and played really well for over an hour before it was finally lunch time. I might have to take them this even to get some wiggles out again. Depends on how I feel.
Yesterday, I went to the doctor who spontaneously ordered another X-ray and CT.... I'm still waiting on the results. But I'm on a new medication for the bladder (stop spasms)... one word of advice that wasn't on the instructions... "EAT WITH FOOD". I was sick as a dog because I took in on an empty stomach, ruined the rest of the day. The kids are astonishing me with their compassion at one moment, and then they are jumping on me and begging to have their way the next. I know it's hard to stay focused on others for them being so little; it's nice to see at least a fleeting glimpse of concern in them, even in little 2 yr old Joshy.
Joshy is cracking me up lately. It is so strange to hear a little two year old say "awesome" when he thinks something is really neat or finally understands something. Like when I read them the books on spiders (we are working through their fears with knowledge) and when he heard some of the interesting facts he said "awesome" with a truly genuine awed tone in the whispered word. It is just priceless. I wish I could audio record as much as I have photographically recorded. I'm also thinking that I need to do another hand mold of the boys. The last one I did was before Jockey turned one, now he is nearly 3... and as my mom said, their hands are only going to be small for a little while longer and right NOW! As luck would have it, I think that Ben Franklin might have molds, and perhaps they will be discounted and at the "Sidewalk sale"... crossing my fingers on that!
The boys got renewed "Summer" haircuts Tuesday. They are both really excited to get haircuts for some reason. I guess it is the showers that inevitably follow. But this time they both sat still, and I can hold my head up proudly that they don't have blatantly obvious bad/mistake cuts anywhere.
Well, that's about all for now. I have 3 jobs to do before I even accomplish anything on the "want-to-do" list. So I better get to it.
Our strawberries our so plentiful we can barely keep up eating what is produced. There were even a few days that I felt so awful, I didn't get out to pick the ripe ones... those are now fertilizer. The boys go out more than daily and hunt for berries. And our raspberries, despite looking all but dead and brown, the boys still find about 4 a day. Strange.
The kids enjoyed another day at the pool yesterday. They are developing both a tan and great swimming skills.
Caleb spent Tuesday with Grammy Dahl, which was great because he then also got to see Tessa. He was very excited, though from what I'm told, he wanted to play with her way more than she did with him. I wonder if that has anything to do with the early morning arrival and early wake up call he gave her. I'm sure if he was asked he would say that he was too excited to wait to play with her. He is just so excited to be around kids right now.
Monday, I worked and then stopped at the park with the kids. They ran around and played really well for over an hour before it was finally lunch time. I might have to take them this even to get some wiggles out again. Depends on how I feel.
Yesterday, I went to the doctor who spontaneously ordered another X-ray and CT.... I'm still waiting on the results. But I'm on a new medication for the bladder (stop spasms)... one word of advice that wasn't on the instructions... "EAT WITH FOOD". I was sick as a dog because I took in on an empty stomach, ruined the rest of the day. The kids are astonishing me with their compassion at one moment, and then they are jumping on me and begging to have their way the next. I know it's hard to stay focused on others for them being so little; it's nice to see at least a fleeting glimpse of concern in them, even in little 2 yr old Joshy.
Joshy is cracking me up lately. It is so strange to hear a little two year old say "awesome" when he thinks something is really neat or finally understands something. Like when I read them the books on spiders (we are working through their fears with knowledge) and when he heard some of the interesting facts he said "awesome" with a truly genuine awed tone in the whispered word. It is just priceless. I wish I could audio record as much as I have photographically recorded. I'm also thinking that I need to do another hand mold of the boys. The last one I did was before Jockey turned one, now he is nearly 3... and as my mom said, their hands are only going to be small for a little while longer and right NOW! As luck would have it, I think that Ben Franklin might have molds, and perhaps they will be discounted and at the "Sidewalk sale"... crossing my fingers on that!
The boys got renewed "Summer" haircuts Tuesday. They are both really excited to get haircuts for some reason. I guess it is the showers that inevitably follow. But this time they both sat still, and I can hold my head up proudly that they don't have blatantly obvious bad/mistake cuts anywhere.
Well, that's about all for now. I have 3 jobs to do before I even accomplish anything on the "want-to-do" list. So I better get to it.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
How's your weekend so far?
Joshy has used the potty... TWICE! We are so very excited. He's also getting rewards, which I feel guilty about but they are working. He is starting to see the positive side of this success on this issue, before he just saw that by refusing he was getting his own way. Caleb was also so excited he prayed about it. The prayer went something like this: "Dear Jesus, Joshy went pee in the potty, we are very excited. He did it for you Jesus, help him do it again. Amen." I wanted to encourage Caleb praying and Joshy using the potty so much that I help in the burst of laughter.
I have some very tan little boys (well relatively speaking, that are still my children). They went to the pool again on the 4th with Daddy. Daddy needed to work a bit on the pool chemicals etc so the boys tagged along since I was still not feeling great. They had a wonderful time. Caleb can now swim the length of the indoor pool and is starting to learn side breathing. Joshy is now wearing goggles and diving down around the stairs for pennies! It's amazing. (Joshy uses the words "Amazing" or "Awesome", it is very funny to hear such a little guy use such expressive words.)
As for our 4th. We sat on the curb in our neighborhood and saw the delightful display of the various neighbors as they set their $ to flame. Then we climbed onto Caleb's bed and watched the big display that the fairgrounds puts on. It was a simple affair, but calm, free and just my speed for the moment.
I'm still not feeling good. I am despising the contra-indicating bladder. It goes something like this: use restroom, then feel like you are desperate to use the restroom for 30-45 minutes while your bladder fills again, be ok for up to 2 hours, then really have to go, hold it until it can't be held anymore in fear of the pain/urgency you'll feel after you actually go, actually use restroom and repeat the process. And then there is the spasms of pain otherwise that feels like my back/abdomen are being electrocuted. FUN. And no, I haven't caught another stone yet.
So today is going to be another easy going day for me. My big aspirations: shower, and MAYBE get to the Ben Franklin Sidewalk Sale. (I do have Joshy and his annual b-day scrapbooking project just around the corner.)
In better news, we returned from vacation to roses in bloom and strawberries plentiful. We are getting over a dozen a day with many more ripening. I've had to drill into the boys "RED means READY, Green means let GROW". The raspberries are a dismal sight. I don't know if they got too hot (I suspect because of the suddenly withered brown/yellow leaves) or whether I pruned them back too much this spring. But they are miserable and probably won't produce this year... It makes me sad for the boys, it brings such joy to them... but there are still the strawberries. And IF (big if) I can keep the boys and dogs out of the strawberry patch, we might see up to 2 dozen blueberries.... I also look forward to the blackberries at the club coming into season, and I'm sincerely hoping that they will be ripe before or still be available for picking when I return from California. Our winter won't be the same without frozen berries all year!
Ok, that's all for now. Talk to ya later.
Joshy has used the potty... TWICE! We are so very excited. He's also getting rewards, which I feel guilty about but they are working. He is starting to see the positive side of this success on this issue, before he just saw that by refusing he was getting his own way. Caleb was also so excited he prayed about it. The prayer went something like this: "Dear Jesus, Joshy went pee in the potty, we are very excited. He did it for you Jesus, help him do it again. Amen." I wanted to encourage Caleb praying and Joshy using the potty so much that I help in the burst of laughter.
I have some very tan little boys (well relatively speaking, that are still my children). They went to the pool again on the 4th with Daddy. Daddy needed to work a bit on the pool chemicals etc so the boys tagged along since I was still not feeling great. They had a wonderful time. Caleb can now swim the length of the indoor pool and is starting to learn side breathing. Joshy is now wearing goggles and diving down around the stairs for pennies! It's amazing. (Joshy uses the words "Amazing" or "Awesome", it is very funny to hear such a little guy use such expressive words.)
As for our 4th. We sat on the curb in our neighborhood and saw the delightful display of the various neighbors as they set their $ to flame. Then we climbed onto Caleb's bed and watched the big display that the fairgrounds puts on. It was a simple affair, but calm, free and just my speed for the moment.
I'm still not feeling good. I am despising the contra-indicating bladder. It goes something like this: use restroom, then feel like you are desperate to use the restroom for 30-45 minutes while your bladder fills again, be ok for up to 2 hours, then really have to go, hold it until it can't be held anymore in fear of the pain/urgency you'll feel after you actually go, actually use restroom and repeat the process. And then there is the spasms of pain otherwise that feels like my back/abdomen are being electrocuted. FUN. And no, I haven't caught another stone yet.
So today is going to be another easy going day for me. My big aspirations: shower, and MAYBE get to the Ben Franklin Sidewalk Sale. (I do have Joshy and his annual b-day scrapbooking project just around the corner.)
In better news, we returned from vacation to roses in bloom and strawberries plentiful. We are getting over a dozen a day with many more ripening. I've had to drill into the boys "RED means READY, Green means let GROW". The raspberries are a dismal sight. I don't know if they got too hot (I suspect because of the suddenly withered brown/yellow leaves) or whether I pruned them back too much this spring. But they are miserable and probably won't produce this year... It makes me sad for the boys, it brings such joy to them... but there are still the strawberries. And IF (big if) I can keep the boys and dogs out of the strawberry patch, we might see up to 2 dozen blueberries.... I also look forward to the blackberries at the club coming into season, and I'm sincerely hoping that they will be ripe before or still be available for picking when I return from California. Our winter won't be the same without frozen berries all year!
Ok, that's all for now. Talk to ya later.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Pictures from our day in Missoula. We visited the Farmer's Market. Rode the Carousel, played at Dragon Hollow, and then went to the playground that features a water park. And the Elk Foundation.

The Elk Foundation:

Moses Lake (Joshy was loving the mini-slides. He couldn't run up to the top fast enough for another ride.)
So that was the trip. I might find some really great shots of the kids, but these pictures are the "tour" of our trip.
In other news, life is setting in a bit. Sort of. We have registered Caleb for VBS at Cascade Community church. We are going to get him registered for another at the Little Doves church.
I have booked a trip down to California, leaving the 29th of July and returning on August 12th.
Caleb has dentist appointments booked for August. Grammy has gotten Caleb in Swim lessons scheduled for the end of August. The boys have spent some wonderful time with Grammy and Papa Dahl this week. They have loved seeing everyone at the pool, including Gavin, Garret, Brady and Jen. It was a huge help to me for the boys to spend the time with Grammy while I worked to pass kidney stones. I'm still working on the stones and I don't know where the light is at the end of the tunnel, but I appreciate all the help they've provided.
So the is a big holiday weekend. We don't know what we are going to do, probably just take it easy. Maybe watch the fireworks from the front windows of our house.
Hope you all have a great weekend. And I'll keep up the posting too.
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