OK. First things first. We got the call Friday, Caleb has been approved for MORNING Kindergarten! Yahoo. It's just what is best for him!
Now for a little Catch up:
These are some pictures of Joshy's B-day party.
Then these are some of the pictures from our adventures of the fair. (Unfortunately the day we rode on the rides (oh boy did they have fun), but I forgot my camera, which might have been a good thing since we were soaked to the bones and dripping wet when we finally got home... wouldn't have wanted the camera to die a wet death.)
LASTLY, But big news:
We are the "owners" (deposit has been made, and will be released on Labor Day evening) a BUNNY RABBIT. Yes, we are; we did it. We might question our sanity later, but the kids are in love. (I'm gettin there too.) Here he is:
So the details: Male(Buck), Junior at the age of 4 months old (born 4/25/2008), his coloring is called a "Broken Tortise", kind of a rare color combination actually. His name is "Shooter", after some country western song... but I don't know if the name will stay. Very alert, and shockingly cuddly with us (shocking because we are strangers, but he practically fell asleep in my arms). He will reach approximately 4.5 pounds as full size. The breed is a Mini Rex, aka "The velveteen rabbits", because they are as soft as a chinchilla. We talked the ears off a few breeders and spent many hours on several days looking at rabbits. This is a breed well known for being good with young children both in size and temperment. Rabbits in general haven't any diseases, don't require vaccinations, don't get fleas, if exposed to other animals (chickens) they might get mites which is simply solved with cat flea powder. Their maintenance is basically food ($16 for 5 months), water, handle it and cuddle it, clip it's toe nails (which we are lucky and Shooter's nails are white and easy to see the quick), and help it stay cool on some of our hotter days. We feel well informed by the breeders we spoke with, and all the information we received is confirmed and exhorted by what we in our research. We spoke extensively with the kids about responsiblity, etc. And bottom line, the breeder said that if it doesn't work out, we can ALWAYS bring him back. So he is in the competition at the Evergreen State Fair (of course we are cheering him on for his breed and color class), and we will pick him up on Monday evening.
Anybody know where we can get a super affordable rabbit hutch? LOL.
"Buhdat buhdat, That's all Folks!"