The boys are delighted with the frost on the ground because it is just like snow they said. Small, white and on the ground, okay.
Caleb is still doing ok in school. He surprises me with little songs that he sings and then says that he learned them in school... because when I asked him each day what they did, he says nothing.
Jockey is happy with his new socks. He had to be convinced that they would help him run faster. He's so into trying to be a big kid and keep up. One day Mike told him that he was too small to do something, and immediately he shut his eyes and prayed to God that God would make him grow big. Cute. And Joshy is praying more and more, but without fail, he begins his prayers for God to help him not to get stages or to get owies.
Thanksgiving dinner, we will happily spend at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. And the boys will be spending the rest of the weekend with them too! I haven't told the boys yet because I won't hear the end of the questions and excitement until Thursday. And I don't have that kind of patience. All I know is that I should pack swimsuits for sure!
Also, I just wanted to share something that I ran across last year which really meant something to me. It really put Christmas in perspective. This is going to help me to remember to carve out some time to find quiet moments to reflect and absorb the gravity of the holiday meaning, not just get caught up in whirl of busy-ness, the plans, the "have-to's" of groceries/gifts and parties. I'm grateful that I remembered this from last year, so I wanted to share before the holiday was a moot point.

I love the reverance displayed by one of the icons of our world to the Ruler of our world.
This is the perspective we have taken with our sons. Santa is a memory of a man who displayed obedience Christ when called to give and bless others just as Christ did for us.
God Bless your Thanksgiving.