We got an unexpected visit of a fever upon Jockey last night. About 12:45 AM he was using the restroom and coughed and sounded like he threw up. I went to check on him and he was burning up. The highest last night was 103.6. I iced him, cold washclothed him, Tylenol, Ibrophened and prayed. He was down to 101.9 at 6 Am when we finally went to sleep. He's spiked back up to 103 mid-morning before more medication was put into him. But he's handling it well. I was wondering for a moment if I was going to have to hold him down in a cold bath, but we made it through the night. He has a very very bad cough, but thanks to our Rite Aid deals in August, I have all the sore throat meds he could need. So despite the beautiful sunny crisp day, we are going to stick close to home. Where did he pick this up... probably the Children's Museum one week ago. He'll make it through. I just pray the rest of the family doesn't follow in his footsteps on this.
Thanks to every one for their generosity to our family this Christmas and your prayers for Jockey getting well.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Our Christmas...
Hugs after a fun morning.

Hugs and presents in the morning:

Stockings before breakfast:

That's our Christmas in a Photo-nutshell. On to sleeping and maybe a bit of compulsory tidying.
In SHORT, because We are all tired, and I'm beyond exhausted...So more pictures than words. The boys were blessed almost into the area of indulgence. But they are grateful and playing with everything in turn with sheer joy. The family was blessed with working/matching phones! Several great scrapbooking items/tool came my way, and Mike is enjoying his coffeemaker even as I type. And it appears that the handmade gifts were received with pleasure over... reluctance.
Crisp sunny day, very different than last year's foot of snow, but just as enjoyable. Casual and family, nothing better.
On to pictures. In reverse order of the day:
Dinner at Kristina, Ryan, and Cousin Tessa's.
Hugs and presents in the morning:
That's our Christmas in a Photo-nutshell. On to sleeping and maybe a bit of compulsory tidying.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus.
Hope you and your families have a great day of joy and fun.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus.
Hope you and your families have a great day of joy and fun.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas is almost here!
A week ago we attended Jockey's Christmas Program. Here is a picture of him proudly dressed in his "handsome clothes" as he's called them. Of course, he had to be unique for the program, and there is just one word to describe his performance: spinning. You can imagine what he did by himself two steps to the right of everyone else.

This is such an enchanting time of the year. The general cheer is brought on by the meaning of the year, the lights, the beautiful decorations.
A week ago we attended Jockey's Christmas Program. Here is a picture of him proudly dressed in his "handsome clothes" as he's called them. Of course, he had to be unique for the program, and there is just one word to describe his performance: spinning. You can imagine what he did by himself two steps to the right of everyone else.
The boys like having the Christmas Vacation. Staying up a little later, sleeping in a bit too. We've done some fun things too. Last Friday we took them to the Children's museum in Everett. They love to run around and trying everything, although they do have their favorites. On Saturday, we bundled up and went to Leavenworth for the city lighting, songs and various munchies (chesnuts, cider, cocoa, brats, etc.) This year the kids were all about the sledding. They were blessed with receiving a sled from Papa Dahl and this year they just zoomed down the hill. They were a little better about watching out for others and now getting plowed into. Jockey still took a couple hits, and was almost done with the whole business until I told him I'd slide down with him. Finally he did say that he wanted to go look at stuff and eat things. It was surprising that he was so very interested in looking at all the things in the stores. It didn't matter if it was a soap store, a painting store, or what. He just wanted to look at everything. Of course, he would frequently land on the stuffed animals. Cats particularly. He has a fixation. Caleb tolerated the food and a couple stores, but really it was all about the sledding and he couldn't wait to get back to it.
So we've spent a couple days back at the house getting things done in preparation for the big
day(s). Projects, cleaning, laundry, walking around the neighborhood looking at lights etc.
The best thing is that I discovered free online Christmas shows/movies. The boys come into the office and choose something and sit with me as I work on projects. Before Christmas didn't seep into the office and I felt like I was missing the season while working so hard for it. That's changed now, the Christmas spirit and cheer has filled the office as we've watch the old favorites and new fun shows with the boys. The boys like choosing a show whenever they want rather than waiting for the tv programming to finally put it on, and I like them with me so I can keep an eye on them while getting things done! Still more work to do, and now it doesn't feel like such a dry task but a near budding Christmas tradition for us.
So the rest of the week: Nothing for the boys and they like it. I work briefly Wednesday and Thursday. Christmas Eve service on Thursday, with a small dinner afterwards at our house. Christmas morning mayhem of breakfast and gifts at our house with Papa & Grammy and Papa Bill and Grandma Judy. Then Christmas dinner with the Surfaces and others. And maybe, like last year, we'll visit Candy Cane lane on our way home from West Seattle. After than, who knows. Rest maybe, just maybe!
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas happens for everyone around the world.
See how they decorate/celebrate:
Thanks for looking.
See how they decorate/celebrate:
Thanks for looking.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Another Christmas song with a bit more depth than a santa song...
To the loved ones we've lost or who are just away.
To the loved ones we've lost or who are just away.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Each Christmas, the boys are older, we've all lived a little longer, experienced a bit more of life, view things a little big different or deepr. Being a mom has changed the scape of what christmas looks like. This song gets me every time as a mom.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas blessings...
1- Despite Jockey microwaving a pancake for 6 minutes causing a microwave fire of 3-4" flames inside the microwave and smoke filling our main level.... No damage, just icky smell. The microwave is not going to come all the way clean, but it does still work. We are all safe.
2- I just got notice yesterday that the boys are now on the WA state medical coupon system!!! We were hoping for their highest tier qualification, but they gave us the mid-tier and therefore even cheaper premiums per month. We just saved 89% per month on the boys medical! Which is such a blessing because we had to cancel their medical due to strangling costs.
I'm a crazy one, hoping for snow this winter, so we are on Snow watch at our house. Should be a great Christmas season. Caleb says that Christmas is his favorite day of winter.
Jockey had a christmas program this Sunday, he still went up and sang despite having said "mommy, please don't sign me up for that". He wore his "handsome" clothes, a suit thing. He loves it, and has worn it several days in a row since Grammy got it for him.
On our way to school today I was giving Caleb warnings about the slippery icy ground, that even if he doesn't see it, it is still there. Jockey promptly asked if ice had super powers like a super hero because it was invisible.
Love to say more, but I have stuff to do.
1- Despite Jockey microwaving a pancake for 6 minutes causing a microwave fire of 3-4" flames inside the microwave and smoke filling our main level.... No damage, just icky smell. The microwave is not going to come all the way clean, but it does still work. We are all safe.
2- I just got notice yesterday that the boys are now on the WA state medical coupon system!!! We were hoping for their highest tier qualification, but they gave us the mid-tier and therefore even cheaper premiums per month. We just saved 89% per month on the boys medical! Which is such a blessing because we had to cancel their medical due to strangling costs.
I'm a crazy one, hoping for snow this winter, so we are on Snow watch at our house. Should be a great Christmas season. Caleb says that Christmas is his favorite day of winter.
Jockey had a christmas program this Sunday, he still went up and sang despite having said "mommy, please don't sign me up for that". He wore his "handsome" clothes, a suit thing. He loves it, and has worn it several days in a row since Grammy got it for him.
On our way to school today I was giving Caleb warnings about the slippery icy ground, that even if he doesn't see it, it is still there. Jockey promptly asked if ice had super powers like a super hero because it was invisible.
Love to say more, but I have stuff to do.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
We're back safe from California.
On the plane Caleb said he missed Grammy Bishop. And every time they are down there, they say they don't want to leave and want to stay forever.
They were kept pretty busy in the sun and parks, the McDonalds, and the new toys at the house.
We hit the ground running with school, work, keeping the house picked up, Awana, and projects today. And it just keeps going and going. We might take a breath on Monday or Tuesday!
The Christmas season is upon us fast, and there is much prep to do.
We're still praying for the perfect buyers, the perfect house, the greatest interest rate, etc,etc. Feel free to pray too.
Thanks and good night.
On the plane Caleb said he missed Grammy Bishop. And every time they are down there, they say they don't want to leave and want to stay forever.
They were kept pretty busy in the sun and parks, the McDonalds, and the new toys at the house.
We hit the ground running with school, work, keeping the house picked up, Awana, and projects today. And it just keeps going and going. We might take a breath on Monday or Tuesday!
The Christmas season is upon us fast, and there is much prep to do.
We're still praying for the perfect buyers, the perfect house, the greatest interest rate, etc,etc. Feel free to pray too.
Thanks and good night.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
California update.
In the crisp and beautiful days we have taken the boys to the parks.
The boys have hot tubbed. They've played with new toys (legos, rc car, star wars learning laptop, bendaroos, color wonder painting set.) Grandpa Bishop built/set up a computer just for them to use and play their games on (a bit hit.) They've worn themselves out twice at McDonalds, to the point they asked to go home and nap! Grandma took us to the movie "planet 51" and it was really cute and good for a few grow-up laughs too.
On today's agenda , the Sacramento Railroad museum with Papa Bishop.
We've made Grandma Bishop's Christmas present, and the boys helped with that. They were really excited to be a part of the christmas making process.
Santa (aka firemen) drove around the neighborhoods last night and in a blaze of lights, wished everyone a merry christmas while giving out candy canes. The first truck gives the announcement and you have two minutes to rush outside. Grandpa heard that and got us rushing out. We all made it, but Caleb was sans shoes and Jockey sans jacket. But we at least made it.
We had out Thanksgiving feast Sunday afternoon and saw Mr. Phinas and Great Grandma Dyer, as well as a friend named Julie and her grandson Gregory. He, a big 9 year old, captured the attention of Jockey and Caleb for the afternoon. They built things with legos, build forts, watch a pig movie etc etc. They were really happy to have a friend visit them.
Tomorrow we return to Washington late in the evening. (9pm-ish) So we will probably have time to squeeze in some other activity tomorrow too. We'll see.
Jockey has impressed Grandma with his learning. Caleb can read but he's being shy in front of Grandma when it comes to this, but not when wrestling or in eating. Both of the boys decided that their previous shirts were no longer adequate, and with Grandma, they went through her laundry in search of new "yummy" "fluffies (aka shirts)". So now they are both running around/sleeping with the shirts of Grandma Bishop. Of course, last night the request was to tie them on their heads and add eye patches so that they could be Ninja Pirates. Jockey has also lived up to his reputation of wanting to be "handsome" and saying the word "perfect" often. Caleb has cuddled down with them in front of shows too. Caleb and Grandma have had some in depth conversations where Caleb's "been thinking and....". Funny.
So that's what's been up in sunny bright California with the "another grammy" and "another papa" in Jockey's words. More when we return.
In the crisp and beautiful days we have taken the boys to the parks.
The boys have hot tubbed. They've played with new toys (legos, rc car, star wars learning laptop, bendaroos, color wonder painting set.) Grandpa Bishop built/set up a computer just for them to use and play their games on (a bit hit.) They've worn themselves out twice at McDonalds, to the point they asked to go home and nap! Grandma took us to the movie "planet 51" and it was really cute and good for a few grow-up laughs too.
On today's agenda , the Sacramento Railroad museum with Papa Bishop.
We've made Grandma Bishop's Christmas present, and the boys helped with that. They were really excited to be a part of the christmas making process.
Santa (aka firemen) drove around the neighborhoods last night and in a blaze of lights, wished everyone a merry christmas while giving out candy canes. The first truck gives the announcement and you have two minutes to rush outside. Grandpa heard that and got us rushing out. We all made it, but Caleb was sans shoes and Jockey sans jacket. But we at least made it.
We had out Thanksgiving feast Sunday afternoon and saw Mr. Phinas and Great Grandma Dyer, as well as a friend named Julie and her grandson Gregory. He, a big 9 year old, captured the attention of Jockey and Caleb for the afternoon. They built things with legos, build forts, watch a pig movie etc etc. They were really happy to have a friend visit them.
Tomorrow we return to Washington late in the evening. (9pm-ish) So we will probably have time to squeeze in some other activity tomorrow too. We'll see.
Jockey has impressed Grandma with his learning. Caleb can read but he's being shy in front of Grandma when it comes to this, but not when wrestling or in eating. Both of the boys decided that their previous shirts were no longer adequate, and with Grandma, they went through her laundry in search of new "yummy" "fluffies (aka shirts)". So now they are both running around/sleeping with the shirts of Grandma Bishop. Of course, last night the request was to tie them on their heads and add eye patches so that they could be Ninja Pirates. Jockey has also lived up to his reputation of wanting to be "handsome" and saying the word "perfect" often. Caleb has cuddled down with them in front of shows too. Caleb and Grandma have had some in depth conversations where Caleb's "been thinking and....". Funny.
So that's what's been up in sunny bright California with the "another grammy" and "another papa" in Jockey's words. More when we return.
Friday, November 27, 2009
We have arrived safely in California.
Although, about 13 hours later than we thought. Apparently they cancelled the flight in early October and just sent an email which I never got.... we found out last night in the airport. Jockey bawled that he didn't get to go to California to see "another grammy". I convinced him we'd really get to go. Lynda drove back and picked us up and we returned to have a bite to eat with Mike and Peter.
Then it was home to bed and early to rise. Had to make the most of "Black Friday". We were at Fred Meyer just after 5AM (with the other insane people). We got some really good deals and were out of the store in 20 minutes. The boys were kept busy and didn't see anything either. We struck out at Walmart... in fact, we didn't even get in the door since it was too early, too dark and too cold to wait in the line that stretched around the outside of the building. Target, we got in the door, but none of the prices were better save on two items, but even those weren't worth waiting in the hour long line just to pay. On the bright side, we browsed Petsmart and had just a fun time looking at animals. (Jockey's idea.)
We were to the airport with plenty of time, rode the "train" for a few loops and the rest was smooth. We are here now and the boys are already settled in and at home using the hallway as a running track, using the special computer Papa Bishop set up, and playing with their belated birthday gifts. Plans for the trip... the railroad museum, Chuck E. Cheese and McDonalds with Papa.
So that's the first update from California.
Although, about 13 hours later than we thought. Apparently they cancelled the flight in early October and just sent an email which I never got.... we found out last night in the airport. Jockey bawled that he didn't get to go to California to see "another grammy". I convinced him we'd really get to go. Lynda drove back and picked us up and we returned to have a bite to eat with Mike and Peter.
Then it was home to bed and early to rise. Had to make the most of "Black Friday". We were at Fred Meyer just after 5AM (with the other insane people). We got some really good deals and were out of the store in 20 minutes. The boys were kept busy and didn't see anything either. We struck out at Walmart... in fact, we didn't even get in the door since it was too early, too dark and too cold to wait in the line that stretched around the outside of the building. Target, we got in the door, but none of the prices were better save on two items, but even those weren't worth waiting in the hour long line just to pay. On the bright side, we browsed Petsmart and had just a fun time looking at animals. (Jockey's idea.)
We were to the airport with plenty of time, rode the "train" for a few loops and the rest was smooth. We are here now and the boys are already settled in and at home using the hallway as a running track, using the special computer Papa Bishop set up, and playing with their belated birthday gifts. Plans for the trip... the railroad museum, Chuck E. Cheese and McDonalds with Papa.
So that's the first update from California.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What would Jesus do????
A harmless question until tonight at dinner.
An incident occurred, regarding farting into the oven. The boys, being boys, thinks this is hilarious. Mommy, being mommy, does not think this is appropriate behavior and thinks we should discuss rudeness. I tried to introduce the guideline "What would Jesus do" as a standard for appropriate action. Did you ever think that you would have to say: "Do you think Jesus would fart into the oven?" Somethings you just can't say with a straight face, even when trying to teach a serious lesson.
A harmless question until tonight at dinner.
An incident occurred, regarding farting into the oven. The boys, being boys, thinks this is hilarious. Mommy, being mommy, does not think this is appropriate behavior and thinks we should discuss rudeness. I tried to introduce the guideline "What would Jesus do" as a standard for appropriate action. Did you ever think that you would have to say: "Do you think Jesus would fart into the oven?" Somethings you just can't say with a straight face, even when trying to teach a serious lesson.
It's getting to be that time of year.
"Season of prohibition" on buying things for yourself (or others, if it isn't going to keep until Christmas.) It was a rule growing up, buy nothing between Thanksgiving and Christmas; one year we even waited until after Christmas clearance sales to get our Christmas gifts.
However, today I was at a crossroads. Jockey and I were in the store finishing grocery shopping. He requested to visit the toys, and I said we were just looking... in fact, only looking for brother. So he looked and looked and pointed and "I want this" and "Buy me that please". He was turned away with "I'll think about it", I'll talk to Dad about it, "I don't think so", you won't use that, too many small pieces. etc. EXCEPT for one toy. Of all the games, action figures, hot wheels etc, it was a stuff (beanie babie-esque) cat. A little gray and white striped off-brand cat. I told him it was not on sale, too much, wouldn't be fair if brother didn't get one, way way too much if brother was to get one too. 10 minutes to get him out of the department after "price scanning" it twice to show him the cost. He bawled from one side of the store to the other as if I had cut off his arm. That's all he wants, nothing for Christmas. I'm hurting his heart he says. None of his other toys at home are cute now. He doesn't want to live near me when he grows up now. By now I'm feeling like the worst mother, but a decent budget hold-out. ($7 each, too much for stuffed cats!) I call Mike to be reaffirmed that I'm not cruel and unusual.
In the end, after brilliant parallel parking and a visit to St. Vincent de Paul, and negotiation there.... two stuffed cats (one IS a beanie baby), 2 mini-beanie baby bears, 1 mini-beanie baby dino, and a stashed away beanie baby (WITH TAGS) for Christmas.... $1.63 with tax. 1 christmas gift, 2 happy boys, totally affordable, and a relieved mommy in a pear tree. Jockey said in the car, "Mommy, you made my heart happy". I did have to explain to him that waiting and seeing if Mommy can find a way sometime gets better/more than the thing he cries over right NOW NOW NOW about. He understood. Lesson hopefully learned, even if I was manipulated for $1.63.
A rough but successful mom-ing day.
After last week's MOPS speaker, I'm trying to be more "intentional" in my parenting. Finding what works/lights up my child in their minds and hearts and develope that; working on first time obedience (starting to see minor improvement already, although the frequency of "consequences" has increased). We were encouraged to ask "What did you want from your Mother?" (and I've tried to include father, and want Mike to ask both questions of himself to work from that perspective.) I decided that I would ask the boys that question. Caleb understood a little better (or maybe Jockey does understand, and I don't want to understand his answer.) Caleb said he wants me to take him to the park more and sit with him more, and got to the Children's museum more. OK, Can do. JOCKEY, on the other hand... When I said what do you want out of mommy more, what more do you want from Mommy? Answer: A baby, a baby brother. I'm just closing my eyes and shaking my head. This from the boy who said he wanted to hold his baby brother by the foot/leg upside down so that it won't bite him like the rabbits!
Ok, so that's todays points of interest. Hope it was worth a chuckle.
"Season of prohibition" on buying things for yourself (or others, if it isn't going to keep until Christmas.) It was a rule growing up, buy nothing between Thanksgiving and Christmas; one year we even waited until after Christmas clearance sales to get our Christmas gifts.
However, today I was at a crossroads. Jockey and I were in the store finishing grocery shopping. He requested to visit the toys, and I said we were just looking... in fact, only looking for brother. So he looked and looked and pointed and "I want this" and "Buy me that please". He was turned away with "I'll think about it", I'll talk to Dad about it, "I don't think so", you won't use that, too many small pieces. etc. EXCEPT for one toy. Of all the games, action figures, hot wheels etc, it was a stuff (beanie babie-esque) cat. A little gray and white striped off-brand cat. I told him it was not on sale, too much, wouldn't be fair if brother didn't get one, way way too much if brother was to get one too. 10 minutes to get him out of the department after "price scanning" it twice to show him the cost. He bawled from one side of the store to the other as if I had cut off his arm. That's all he wants, nothing for Christmas. I'm hurting his heart he says. None of his other toys at home are cute now. He doesn't want to live near me when he grows up now. By now I'm feeling like the worst mother, but a decent budget hold-out. ($7 each, too much for stuffed cats!) I call Mike to be reaffirmed that I'm not cruel and unusual.
In the end, after brilliant parallel parking and a visit to St. Vincent de Paul, and negotiation there.... two stuffed cats (one IS a beanie baby), 2 mini-beanie baby bears, 1 mini-beanie baby dino, and a stashed away beanie baby (WITH TAGS) for Christmas.... $1.63 with tax. 1 christmas gift, 2 happy boys, totally affordable, and a relieved mommy in a pear tree. Jockey said in the car, "Mommy, you made my heart happy". I did have to explain to him that waiting and seeing if Mommy can find a way sometime gets better/more than the thing he cries over right NOW NOW NOW about. He understood. Lesson hopefully learned, even if I was manipulated for $1.63.
A rough but successful mom-ing day.
After last week's MOPS speaker, I'm trying to be more "intentional" in my parenting. Finding what works/lights up my child in their minds and hearts and develope that; working on first time obedience (starting to see minor improvement already, although the frequency of "consequences" has increased). We were encouraged to ask "What did you want from your Mother?" (and I've tried to include father, and want Mike to ask both questions of himself to work from that perspective.) I decided that I would ask the boys that question. Caleb understood a little better (or maybe Jockey does understand, and I don't want to understand his answer.) Caleb said he wants me to take him to the park more and sit with him more, and got to the Children's museum more. OK, Can do. JOCKEY, on the other hand... When I said what do you want out of mommy more, what more do you want from Mommy? Answer: A baby, a baby brother. I'm just closing my eyes and shaking my head. This from the boy who said he wanted to hold his baby brother by the foot/leg upside down so that it won't bite him like the rabbits!
Ok, so that's todays points of interest. Hope it was worth a chuckle.
Monday, November 23, 2009
We made it through last week. All the homework got completed, craft projects were don, school attended, MOPS attended, etc etc.
Now on to this week. Just 2 full days of "normal" until Thanksgiving craziness of packing, flying, driving, eating, Mike' working and whatever else. The boys and I fly out at 7:55 pm from Seatac. They might snag a swim at the club before we head to the airport, but other than that... I think we are going to chill at the house, pack the clothes, and eat McDonalds. I might even slurge for something that is NOT on the dollar menu to make it a "Big" meal that Thanksgiving is expected to be. And maybe a toy for the plane ride will be extra distracting from the 2 hours sitting in one plane seat without moving and (please, God) quiet! We will return Wednesday of next week, just in time to got to work and school the next day! Then MOPS and school on Friday. Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, Christmas Tree cutting on Sunday... whew, anyone exhausted yet.
Jockey is trying to learn to write his name. He's trying hard. He has J-O and E-Y. So he is a JOEY. He is suffering from an identity crisis. Joshua, Josh, Jockey, JOEY. How is he ever going to learn to write his name when he has so many! Something that he already needed to work on based on the conference with his teacher. He also has a small class party on Wednesday celebrating Thanksgiving.
Caleb had a "Celebration of Learning" today. (Does that seem Hyper (as in over the top) PC to anyone else?) I made it back from work in time to see him mumble words in front of all the parents. He really doesn't like singing in front of people. I'm wondering if I should even bother with the "around the world" (another PC terminology) December concert. He mumbled last year, and will probably do so again. I don't know whether we should go... I guess that decision is still to come. But Caleb was very happy to have someone come on his behalf.
So that's the update for now. Have a good Thanksgiving.
Now on to this week. Just 2 full days of "normal" until Thanksgiving craziness of packing, flying, driving, eating, Mike' working and whatever else. The boys and I fly out at 7:55 pm from Seatac. They might snag a swim at the club before we head to the airport, but other than that... I think we are going to chill at the house, pack the clothes, and eat McDonalds. I might even slurge for something that is NOT on the dollar menu to make it a "Big" meal that Thanksgiving is expected to be. And maybe a toy for the plane ride will be extra distracting from the 2 hours sitting in one plane seat without moving and (please, God) quiet! We will return Wednesday of next week, just in time to got to work and school the next day! Then MOPS and school on Friday. Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, Christmas Tree cutting on Sunday... whew, anyone exhausted yet.
Jockey is trying to learn to write his name. He's trying hard. He has J-O and E-Y. So he is a JOEY. He is suffering from an identity crisis. Joshua, Josh, Jockey, JOEY. How is he ever going to learn to write his name when he has so many! Something that he already needed to work on based on the conference with his teacher. He also has a small class party on Wednesday celebrating Thanksgiving.
Caleb had a "Celebration of Learning" today. (Does that seem Hyper (as in over the top) PC to anyone else?) I made it back from work in time to see him mumble words in front of all the parents. He really doesn't like singing in front of people. I'm wondering if I should even bother with the "around the world" (another PC terminology) December concert. He mumbled last year, and will probably do so again. I don't know whether we should go... I guess that decision is still to come. But Caleb was very happy to have someone come on his behalf.
So that's the update for now. Have a good Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
And a new week begins....
We've started off strong this week.
Caleb's looking over a new-to-him LEGO magazine, and my hope is that he finds he really wants to know what is being written about the LEGOs. One of his chief complaints about school is that they teach boring things... "Who cares about the rat with a pack?!" He seemed to prize the magazine and so my hope is high right now. Unfortunately, that means this afternoon I will be having to read a LEGO magazine. But that's what moms do I suppose.
Jockey is doing well at school. A little girl named Carlee really likes him, and he's indulgent. He lets her chase him. In a dog pack it's the leader who is always chased, a leader never chases. I wonder if the same is true in children?
We toured another house last week. Mike's in love. I'm reserving emotion so that I don't feel the crash of disappointment if it doesn't work out. It would have to be a series of miracles and fulfilled "Ifs" to get it... fortunately, we know and talk with the Master of Miracles, God. It would be a dream because of the size of land and square footage, and neighborhood atmosphere, and schools (basically our choice) and bus service right at the corner of the lot I think. The boys LOVE the big trees, and it comes with a tinker toys style hardy swing set. It's decorated in 1990's... mauves, purples, a poster -style picture in a set of 3 metal tubed frames (found at any value village) would fit in PERFECTLY with this house. But nothing is broken or unsafe! It's all just comes down to personal preference, which means we change it when we can afford it, use it until then. It has 4 big bedrooms, plus a large bonus upstairs, plus an "alcove/library" with built in shelves and a cushionless window set that look out over the entire backyard. It has a goat/loafing shed plumbed with water, perfect to house the rabbits or any future animals we need to breed to eat. The lot is 2.65 acres, house is 3078 sqft, with a 3 car garage. Plenty of room to plant the fruit I want, and already comes with a producing apple tree and 4 plum trees. Two downsides. 1) the taxes on 2.65 acres is obviously higher than our .12 lot; meaning we'd have to look into negotiating with the county (based on the sale price) a lower assessed value. and 2) on the back half of the lot is powerlines; not great for resale...however, at the price we are looking at, we would NEVER lose money, in fact, we'd do very well for ourselves, so that is a moot point for us. Especially since we are thinking we'll be in this house until retirement (barring disasters). So right now we are praying that we will have clear guidance for or against this house. And we are waiting on getting more information from the listing agent.
By the way, the last house I mentioned, the "treehouse", we prayed about and it was a clear no.... and I'm grateful in the end because it really was a lot to bite off and try to fix. Would have been worth it in value, but probably more headache than we should take on. The answer to prayers sometimes is no, and still is a good thing.
The rest of the week we'll just plug along on laundry, work, homework, Awana, finding something to do on Veteran's day, and I'm probably going to go help a MOPS mom with some things at her house. No big plans otherwise.
More later as it occurs.
We've started off strong this week.
Caleb's looking over a new-to-him LEGO magazine, and my hope is that he finds he really wants to know what is being written about the LEGOs. One of his chief complaints about school is that they teach boring things... "Who cares about the rat with a pack?!" He seemed to prize the magazine and so my hope is high right now. Unfortunately, that means this afternoon I will be having to read a LEGO magazine. But that's what moms do I suppose.
Jockey is doing well at school. A little girl named Carlee really likes him, and he's indulgent. He lets her chase him. In a dog pack it's the leader who is always chased, a leader never chases. I wonder if the same is true in children?
We toured another house last week. Mike's in love. I'm reserving emotion so that I don't feel the crash of disappointment if it doesn't work out. It would have to be a series of miracles and fulfilled "Ifs" to get it... fortunately, we know and talk with the Master of Miracles, God. It would be a dream because of the size of land and square footage, and neighborhood atmosphere, and schools (basically our choice) and bus service right at the corner of the lot I think. The boys LOVE the big trees, and it comes with a tinker toys style hardy swing set. It's decorated in 1990's... mauves, purples, a poster -style picture in a set of 3 metal tubed frames (found at any value village) would fit in PERFECTLY with this house. But nothing is broken or unsafe! It's all just comes down to personal preference, which means we change it when we can afford it, use it until then. It has 4 big bedrooms, plus a large bonus upstairs, plus an "alcove/library" with built in shelves and a cushionless window set that look out over the entire backyard. It has a goat/loafing shed plumbed with water, perfect to house the rabbits or any future animals we need to breed to eat. The lot is 2.65 acres, house is 3078 sqft, with a 3 car garage. Plenty of room to plant the fruit I want, and already comes with a producing apple tree and 4 plum trees. Two downsides. 1) the taxes on 2.65 acres is obviously higher than our .12 lot; meaning we'd have to look into negotiating with the county (based on the sale price) a lower assessed value. and 2) on the back half of the lot is powerlines; not great for resale...however, at the price we are looking at, we would NEVER lose money, in fact, we'd do very well for ourselves, so that is a moot point for us. Especially since we are thinking we'll be in this house until retirement (barring disasters). So right now we are praying that we will have clear guidance for or against this house. And we are waiting on getting more information from the listing agent.
By the way, the last house I mentioned, the "treehouse", we prayed about and it was a clear no.... and I'm grateful in the end because it really was a lot to bite off and try to fix. Would have been worth it in value, but probably more headache than we should take on. The answer to prayers sometimes is no, and still is a good thing.
The rest of the week we'll just plug along on laundry, work, homework, Awana, finding something to do on Veteran's day, and I'm probably going to go help a MOPS mom with some things at her house. No big plans otherwise.
More later as it occurs.
Monday, November 02, 2009
November Already!
Fall is flying by. The boys and I experimented with dipping the beautifully colored leaves in wax to preserve them. Jockey was way more interested than Caleb. And it turned out well, the ones that were dipped in barely melted wax rather than really hot wax. I think they has just as much fun choosing leaves as doing something with them.
They are all still healthy. Me, my chest still feels like I've run a mile and hurts, and I have a deep cough. But I'm getting better.
We went to the Fall carnival at our church on Friday night for a little fun. We were there almost 2 hours. Caleb ran into his buddy Blake and they ran around with each other a bit. They both had a really good time and found success in the games that were available to play. It was fortunate that they were both in similar skill levels because then I could keep them together in each room rather than have to split them up or take turns on who gets to do things they like. The bouncy houses were of course huge fun. We ran into Emily and Brittany and Brian. Emily was just a bit too small for the bouncy houses, so I guess we'll have to make a point of inviting her over next summer for a bit of fun in our bouncy house.
Saturday we avoided the doorbell ringers by going to Maltby Assembly's Trunk-or-treat (aka, games in the back of trunks outside fun carnival). It was alot of fun. Trunks were set up as Nerf shooting galleries, fishing, hockey, shuffle board, ring toss, pin drop. The hit was a horse trailer converted to a hay maze. The boys spent over 30 minutes going in again and again. They also had a fire truck to go in and a cake walk. It was alot of fun, if a bit wet at times and cold. (not great for my cough, but they had so much fun). We ran into the boys "idol" of Wyatt and they followed him around a bit. It was a good evening and we got home late enough to only have one person to turn away from the door.
Last Thursday, Caleb had a Farm party. Everyone dressed as people or animals found on the farm. Caleb decided that he would be a cowboy. (ok.) He was very insistent that a cowboy had a brown vest with a star on it and of course a hat. So not owning this sort of outfit, he and I headed to the St. Vincents thrift store. I felt like a good mom that day when I turned a $2 girls brown shirt into a boy's cowboy vest through a little turning inside out, snipping of the arms and front, adding buttons and a star from my scrapbook stash. He was happy to be involved in the decision process and the fitting and star position deciding. He wore the outfit for 3 days!
We had conferences last week.
Caleb: Really settling in well. The first part of the year was an adjustment, but now he's in a groove. (I'm wondering if that coincided with the restriction on milk and sodium benzoate?) He's got a couple buddies he plays with, there are a lot of girls in the class though. He is "on grade" with everything, every cateogory. He is a mid to almost higher level in the reading. (WOW, great.) He is decent on number identification, but could use a little work. He is doing ok on drawing, but needs to be able to TRY to write what the pictures show. And Caleb show interest in math. That's Caleb's conference in a nutshell.
Jockey: Surprisingly good at cutting. Can identify 75% of his letters. 50% of his shapes. Plays well, talks well. Still a bit wiggly, but has certainly calmed down from last year. I suppose a class size of 5 (over last years 17) helps. He needs to get some crayon time and draw himself, maybe with hair or something more than sticks. Also, his first response is "I don't know how" or "I don't know/can't, I never learned that". He does it at home, it's a confidence thing because most of the time he can suceed in some degree if he tries. So getting him to try without doubting is a goal for us. And he is learning some sight words which is awesome and above grade for his preschool.
Now it's back into the routine of the week. Work, school etc. No parties, no "no school" days, no long school days, no conferences... Nice. I like a clean calendar. So back at it.
p.s. Mike is back from hunting. No Elk, just a wild hare which was apparently good eating especially since it loaned a break from the chili in the morning, noon and evening pattern. A nice elk-less guys camping weekend.
Fall is flying by. The boys and I experimented with dipping the beautifully colored leaves in wax to preserve them. Jockey was way more interested than Caleb. And it turned out well, the ones that were dipped in barely melted wax rather than really hot wax. I think they has just as much fun choosing leaves as doing something with them.
They are all still healthy. Me, my chest still feels like I've run a mile and hurts, and I have a deep cough. But I'm getting better.
We went to the Fall carnival at our church on Friday night for a little fun. We were there almost 2 hours. Caleb ran into his buddy Blake and they ran around with each other a bit. They both had a really good time and found success in the games that were available to play. It was fortunate that they were both in similar skill levels because then I could keep them together in each room rather than have to split them up or take turns on who gets to do things they like. The bouncy houses were of course huge fun. We ran into Emily and Brittany and Brian. Emily was just a bit too small for the bouncy houses, so I guess we'll have to make a point of inviting her over next summer for a bit of fun in our bouncy house.
Saturday we avoided the doorbell ringers by going to Maltby Assembly's Trunk-or-treat (aka, games in the back of trunks outside fun carnival). It was alot of fun. Trunks were set up as Nerf shooting galleries, fishing, hockey, shuffle board, ring toss, pin drop. The hit was a horse trailer converted to a hay maze. The boys spent over 30 minutes going in again and again. They also had a fire truck to go in and a cake walk. It was alot of fun, if a bit wet at times and cold. (not great for my cough, but they had so much fun). We ran into the boys "idol" of Wyatt and they followed him around a bit. It was a good evening and we got home late enough to only have one person to turn away from the door.
Last Thursday, Caleb had a Farm party. Everyone dressed as people or animals found on the farm. Caleb decided that he would be a cowboy. (ok.) He was very insistent that a cowboy had a brown vest with a star on it and of course a hat. So not owning this sort of outfit, he and I headed to the St. Vincents thrift store. I felt like a good mom that day when I turned a $2 girls brown shirt into a boy's cowboy vest through a little turning inside out, snipping of the arms and front, adding buttons and a star from my scrapbook stash. He was happy to be involved in the decision process and the fitting and star position deciding. He wore the outfit for 3 days!
We had conferences last week.
Caleb: Really settling in well. The first part of the year was an adjustment, but now he's in a groove. (I'm wondering if that coincided with the restriction on milk and sodium benzoate?) He's got a couple buddies he plays with, there are a lot of girls in the class though. He is "on grade" with everything, every cateogory. He is a mid to almost higher level in the reading. (WOW, great.) He is decent on number identification, but could use a little work. He is doing ok on drawing, but needs to be able to TRY to write what the pictures show. And Caleb show interest in math. That's Caleb's conference in a nutshell.
Jockey: Surprisingly good at cutting. Can identify 75% of his letters. 50% of his shapes. Plays well, talks well. Still a bit wiggly, but has certainly calmed down from last year. I suppose a class size of 5 (over last years 17) helps. He needs to get some crayon time and draw himself, maybe with hair or something more than sticks. Also, his first response is "I don't know how" or "I don't know/can't, I never learned that". He does it at home, it's a confidence thing because most of the time he can suceed in some degree if he tries. So getting him to try without doubting is a goal for us. And he is learning some sight words which is awesome and above grade for his preschool.
Now it's back into the routine of the week. Work, school etc. No parties, no "no school" days, no long school days, no conferences... Nice. I like a clean calendar. So back at it.
p.s. Mike is back from hunting. No Elk, just a wild hare which was apparently good eating especially since it loaned a break from the chili in the morning, noon and evening pattern. A nice elk-less guys camping weekend.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We are all finally healthy! I'm still a bit raspy/coughy... but definately not contagious. I'm good enough to be helping in Jockey's Awana class tomorrow night. Oh, boy do we have to work on our verses!
Jockey had a "mouse-stache" today. That's how he pronounced mustache.
The boys discussed jail today in the car. And you get to sit in box and do nothing but pray to Jesus that you get out.
I won't repeat the mundane, no sense, viciously repeated babble that they filled my ears with, just know that it was incessant and ridiculous.
Jockey and Daddy carved a pumpkin at school yesterday. Jockey's pumpkin earned the "tallest" or the "skinniest" pumkin. I forget which.
I earn the craziest "make it work" mom award turning a brown girl's shirt into a boy's cowboy vest today. Good thing I have a scrapbook etc jumble of stuff I've hoarded (not packed) in the closet. Hey, Caleb's happy that's all that matters.
We'll be popping a bunch of popcorn tonight for his harvest party tomorrow.
Friday night is the church's Fall Carnival. Indoors, lighted, warm, $2/kid, candy, activities, jumpy houses.... what more could we want! So that's our plan. Mike hunts this weekend.
House News: Patience. Probably going to rescind the offer on the "tree house" just to have a clean slate going forward. Just reduced our house by $2,000 to see what nibbles we get. Tigger lets us know anytime someone is getting a flyer. (eye rolling.) The house is difficult to keep clean, but I have hope that this experience is going to shape cleanliness and clean patterns of clutter pick up into the boys. One of the houses we've been watching, now has a lock box... which means the bank is getting ready to list it. We are watching a few other bank owned ones. Bank owned seems to be the route we will take. Simpiler and easier chance/process than auction. Banks offer good deals, which is basically our only shot. Remember, we are ONLY wanting to do this to get a bigger house, bigger lot, and smaller payments. (Although, if approved for the children's medical that I've applied for... we'll free up some cash that we are considering if it might make sense to put towards a monthly mortgage IF we get a better/long term quality of life. Still undecided though. A vastly better and great quality of life in your home environs still dwells in an unpredictable world where life tends to throw $$$ curveballs that we need to be prepared for with a little wiggle room, not same situation nicer house/yard.)
We'll see. Still refusing to get emotionally sucked into depression/despair/drama.
The boys understand why we need to keep it clean. Caleb has developed set ideas of his own criteria for the next house. Specifically in lot size... as if HE pays the taxes!
Ok, time to cook dinner.
Jockey had a "mouse-stache" today. That's how he pronounced mustache.
The boys discussed jail today in the car. And you get to sit in box and do nothing but pray to Jesus that you get out.
I won't repeat the mundane, no sense, viciously repeated babble that they filled my ears with, just know that it was incessant and ridiculous.
Jockey and Daddy carved a pumpkin at school yesterday. Jockey's pumpkin earned the "tallest" or the "skinniest" pumkin. I forget which.
I earn the craziest "make it work" mom award turning a brown girl's shirt into a boy's cowboy vest today. Good thing I have a scrapbook etc jumble of stuff I've hoarded (not packed) in the closet. Hey, Caleb's happy that's all that matters.
We'll be popping a bunch of popcorn tonight for his harvest party tomorrow.
Friday night is the church's Fall Carnival. Indoors, lighted, warm, $2/kid, candy, activities, jumpy houses.... what more could we want! So that's our plan. Mike hunts this weekend.
House News: Patience. Probably going to rescind the offer on the "tree house" just to have a clean slate going forward. Just reduced our house by $2,000 to see what nibbles we get. Tigger lets us know anytime someone is getting a flyer. (eye rolling.) The house is difficult to keep clean, but I have hope that this experience is going to shape cleanliness and clean patterns of clutter pick up into the boys. One of the houses we've been watching, now has a lock box... which means the bank is getting ready to list it. We are watching a few other bank owned ones. Bank owned seems to be the route we will take. Simpiler and easier chance/process than auction. Banks offer good deals, which is basically our only shot. Remember, we are ONLY wanting to do this to get a bigger house, bigger lot, and smaller payments. (Although, if approved for the children's medical that I've applied for... we'll free up some cash that we are considering if it might make sense to put towards a monthly mortgage IF we get a better/long term quality of life. Still undecided though. A vastly better and great quality of life in your home environs still dwells in an unpredictable world where life tends to throw $$$ curveballs that we need to be prepared for with a little wiggle room, not same situation nicer house/yard.)
We'll see. Still refusing to get emotionally sucked into depression/despair/drama.
The boys understand why we need to keep it clean. Caleb has developed set ideas of his own criteria for the next house. Specifically in lot size... as if HE pays the taxes!
Ok, time to cook dinner.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
It is so funny how life's events shape the boys. I had to smile today when Jockey picked up his toy today and said "It's a fixer." (Not that there is anything wrong with the toy). But you just know where he picked up that term. It's hilarious to see him use the term and know that he wouldn't have even had that in his vocabulary if it wasn't for this house event. I'm going to have to watch for the other things that shape the boys, and make sure that it's good stuff.
Jockey still has a low fever, but he's feeling good. He'll be fine by the end of the day. So I hope that he can go to the field trip with his school.
Well that's it for now.
Jockey still has a low fever, but he's feeling good. He'll be fine by the end of the day. So I hope that he can go to the field trip with his school.
Well that's it for now.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Well, last week Caleb was a bit feverish and didn't attend school on Tuesday.
This week, I guess it's Jockey's turn. He was over 102 yesterday, and still hot at 3:00am, so now he's home today from school. I hope that he is better by Wednesday, that is the day of his class field trip to the pumpkin patch. It will be fun to see him do something so exciting with his friends.... if he's well.
Caleb goes to Remlinger this Friday for his field trip. That is a fun, but pricey, place.
Conferences next week, so Caleb doesn't attend school on M, W, F. But Jockey does, except on Friday when they are both out.
There is a fall carnival that weekend to have fun at, otherwise I might've thought about "camping" at the club in a trailer. But we'll make it through the weekend with enough to do I'm sure. Mike is going hunting that weekend and Monday.
So that's the update on the kids, sicky, school and schedules.
The treehouse: We got word that the agent for the other house submitted more than just our offer to the bank (contrary to the information we were told on how things are done). We were also informed that the other offer was about 25K higher than our offer and it has an escalation clause, but it had a low down where as we have 40% down. We've decided more or less to "let it ride". We can't afford to go up 25K (and possibly more with and escalation clause) with the amount of $ needed for repairs. So if we can't go in for a pound, then we can't go in for a penny to my reasoning. We'll just have to let the bank decide. In the mean time, I keep thinking about the amount of work that it will require, and to be honest it is daunting in the volume/type of work. And I wonder about our capablities and amount of time to get it completed in. (and the finished result, we were not trained in construction you know.) So we'll just have to wait and see if this is really what we should have (work included) and if not then I'm sure that we will find something even better (ie LESS work!) God's Will, will be. We are "against the odds" here so it is either a huge area for God to show His work and power, or He is priming our hearts to be endlessly grateful for the final house which ever it is. If we found bigger house, bigger lot, suitable neighborhood, SMALLER mortgage payment, AND LESS work, that would be ideal. God does work in ideals. So we wait, we watch, we pray.
I've gotta check on little buddy now.
Side note: Jockey is so talkative and smart in his deductions. His Awana teacher said he was very smart, even if he doesn't look like he's paying attention. Everything is "booaful" (beautiful). or "the worst day ever" or the "best mommy/daddy/brother/Jesus he has". He asked to be prayed for at 4Am this morning, which was sweet and nice to see he knows whose in charge. Also, Jockey really wants a little brother so that he isn't the baby.
Caleb is ATTITUDE with a capital A. And he seems to think that as a teenager you're suddenly and adult, boy is he in for a shock. He is doing markedly better with his reading though.
So that's the scoop. TTFN
This week, I guess it's Jockey's turn. He was over 102 yesterday, and still hot at 3:00am, so now he's home today from school. I hope that he is better by Wednesday, that is the day of his class field trip to the pumpkin patch. It will be fun to see him do something so exciting with his friends.... if he's well.
Caleb goes to Remlinger this Friday for his field trip. That is a fun, but pricey, place.
Conferences next week, so Caleb doesn't attend school on M, W, F. But Jockey does, except on Friday when they are both out.
There is a fall carnival that weekend to have fun at, otherwise I might've thought about "camping" at the club in a trailer. But we'll make it through the weekend with enough to do I'm sure. Mike is going hunting that weekend and Monday.
So that's the update on the kids, sicky, school and schedules.
The treehouse: We got word that the agent for the other house submitted more than just our offer to the bank (contrary to the information we were told on how things are done). We were also informed that the other offer was about 25K higher than our offer and it has an escalation clause, but it had a low down where as we have 40% down. We've decided more or less to "let it ride". We can't afford to go up 25K (and possibly more with and escalation clause) with the amount of $ needed for repairs. So if we can't go in for a pound, then we can't go in for a penny to my reasoning. We'll just have to let the bank decide. In the mean time, I keep thinking about the amount of work that it will require, and to be honest it is daunting in the volume/type of work. And I wonder about our capablities and amount of time to get it completed in. (and the finished result, we were not trained in construction you know.) So we'll just have to wait and see if this is really what we should have (work included) and if not then I'm sure that we will find something even better (ie LESS work!) God's Will, will be. We are "against the odds" here so it is either a huge area for God to show His work and power, or He is priming our hearts to be endlessly grateful for the final house which ever it is. If we found bigger house, bigger lot, suitable neighborhood, SMALLER mortgage payment, AND LESS work, that would be ideal. God does work in ideals. So we wait, we watch, we pray.
I've gotta check on little buddy now.
Side note: Jockey is so talkative and smart in his deductions. His Awana teacher said he was very smart, even if he doesn't look like he's paying attention. Everything is "booaful" (beautiful). or "the worst day ever" or the "best mommy/daddy/brother/Jesus he has". He asked to be prayed for at 4Am this morning, which was sweet and nice to see he knows whose in charge. Also, Jockey really wants a little brother so that he isn't the baby.
Caleb is ATTITUDE with a capital A. And he seems to think that as a teenager you're suddenly and adult, boy is he in for a shock. He is doing markedly better with his reading though.
So that's the scoop. TTFN
Monday, October 12, 2009
October 12th.
Our house is suppose to go on the market today. (still has work to do on it. walls to wash, window sills to scour, base molding to replace, window to case, threshold thingy to put in, some molding painting, door painting to finish.) SOOO much to do, yet the house is suppose to go on the market. I've been praying for God to cultivate special grace-filled, with all the work still to be done, we'll need this quality, buyers for this house. And of course a decent to high selling price.
As for the "new" tree house, the most we know is that the sellers have signed the offer we made. They actually had to bring it back to us for slight changes (not to the deal but to who the escrow/title company would be), I actually saw their signatures on our offer! Now it goes to the bank for consideration because it is a short sale. The bank can think about it for an indetermined amount of time... two days, 6 months. They try to see if other offers will come in higher. From what I understand, any other offers would first have to go to the listing agent & sellers for signature before it would go to the bank, and they can choose to or not to sign.... whatever that means. But generally only one offer (best, not always/just the highest) is brought to the bank by the sellers/listing agent, and I think we are it right now. So it appears that we have slipped into first position and beat out the other offer for the sellers signature and submission to the bank. That's step one in this God work.
Bottom line now: Wait for the bank to give us an answer. In the mean time try to keep the house clean enough to get a screaming high offer in on this house. (and try not to sell this before we know we have the other... I don't want to be homeless... and the sad fact is that we could not afford to buy back our own house!)
This whole process is going to shape the boys. Each night we have to go through each room in the house and stand and look around for toys, shoes, shirts, dishes, etc and pick up. Each night, Each room. (sounds familiar... like from my childhood, hmmm.) I've realized my limits, and we are making one bathroom off limits for use to cut down on what I have to clean. Also the living room/ dining room is off limits. (I wasn't allowed to play in the living room dining room under normal circumstances in my childhood home either. So that feels normal to me.) I think they will appreciate the amount of work it takes to keep a house clean. Hopefully they will grow up being more participatory in the housework. It will make them better husbands I think. And I want them to feel a part of the process. This is for their life too. One of the biggest motivators for the "tree house" is the joy they have just playing in the backyard at that new house while we tromp around inside making a list of all the items that need to be done/repaired/replaced. The backyard is like being in a woods surrounded campground. (even has a former rock lined firepit).
In other notes:
Caleb is doing well in school, although not liking it in general, thinks that it's mostly a waste of time. Recess is the only worthwhile thing. He is doing great in his work though. He had got a couple dozen sight words down, and sounding out other things. His teacher visited the house, saw the rabbits/dogs/his room/ Jockey's room and they set goals for the year.
Jockey is having some squirrely issues. Each day (from any event, sunday school, awana, school) if he was bad that day he says: "It was the worst day ever. I was bad and disobeyed my teacher".... although he can't say why he did. Last week, he actually was breaking pencils on purpose. So he is going to have to replace those today. He's not looking forward to it, which means its a good thing for him to do. He is "coping a 'tude" lately on everything. I think he is just stretching his wings of independence and growing but not knowing how.
Well, there's more, but I have to get everyone ready for the day. Jockey has picture day, Caleb doesn't have school. But we are headed to a play date after school to keep the kids out of the house and not get it messy!
Our house is suppose to go on the market today. (still has work to do on it. walls to wash, window sills to scour, base molding to replace, window to case, threshold thingy to put in, some molding painting, door painting to finish.) SOOO much to do, yet the house is suppose to go on the market. I've been praying for God to cultivate special grace-filled, with all the work still to be done, we'll need this quality, buyers for this house. And of course a decent to high selling price.
As for the "new" tree house, the most we know is that the sellers have signed the offer we made. They actually had to bring it back to us for slight changes (not to the deal but to who the escrow/title company would be), I actually saw their signatures on our offer! Now it goes to the bank for consideration because it is a short sale. The bank can think about it for an indetermined amount of time... two days, 6 months. They try to see if other offers will come in higher. From what I understand, any other offers would first have to go to the listing agent & sellers for signature before it would go to the bank, and they can choose to or not to sign.... whatever that means. But generally only one offer (best, not always/just the highest) is brought to the bank by the sellers/listing agent, and I think we are it right now. So it appears that we have slipped into first position and beat out the other offer for the sellers signature and submission to the bank. That's step one in this God work.
Bottom line now: Wait for the bank to give us an answer. In the mean time try to keep the house clean enough to get a screaming high offer in on this house. (and try not to sell this before we know we have the other... I don't want to be homeless... and the sad fact is that we could not afford to buy back our own house!)
This whole process is going to shape the boys. Each night we have to go through each room in the house and stand and look around for toys, shoes, shirts, dishes, etc and pick up. Each night, Each room. (sounds familiar... like from my childhood, hmmm.) I've realized my limits, and we are making one bathroom off limits for use to cut down on what I have to clean. Also the living room/ dining room is off limits. (I wasn't allowed to play in the living room dining room under normal circumstances in my childhood home either. So that feels normal to me.) I think they will appreciate the amount of work it takes to keep a house clean. Hopefully they will grow up being more participatory in the housework. It will make them better husbands I think. And I want them to feel a part of the process. This is for their life too. One of the biggest motivators for the "tree house" is the joy they have just playing in the backyard at that new house while we tromp around inside making a list of all the items that need to be done/repaired/replaced. The backyard is like being in a woods surrounded campground. (even has a former rock lined firepit).
In other notes:
Caleb is doing well in school, although not liking it in general, thinks that it's mostly a waste of time. Recess is the only worthwhile thing. He is doing great in his work though. He had got a couple dozen sight words down, and sounding out other things. His teacher visited the house, saw the rabbits/dogs/his room/ Jockey's room and they set goals for the year.
Jockey is having some squirrely issues. Each day (from any event, sunday school, awana, school) if he was bad that day he says: "It was the worst day ever. I was bad and disobeyed my teacher".... although he can't say why he did. Last week, he actually was breaking pencils on purpose. So he is going to have to replace those today. He's not looking forward to it, which means its a good thing for him to do. He is "coping a 'tude" lately on everything. I think he is just stretching his wings of independence and growing but not knowing how.
Well, there's more, but I have to get everyone ready for the day. Jockey has picture day, Caleb doesn't have school. But we are headed to a play date after school to keep the kids out of the house and not get it messy!
Monday, October 05, 2009
It's October, and I think we've all settled into the season and the routines now.
Caleb gets dropped off a little early for school so he can burn energy and socialize before he's expected to buckle down and learn. Mrs. Adams, his teacher, is visiting the house tonight and give Caleb a chance to show her around and tell her about his interests. The house is in psuedo disaster mode due to "remodeling"/finishing but she gets what she gets. The only really bad rooms are the family/laundry room and the garage. Caleb's not sure really why she's coming. I think it's a boy thing, why does she need to know me? Well, he'll figure it out when she's here.
He actually ask, "why does she get to tell me what to do at home, I thought she only got to be the boss of me at school?"
Awana was better for Caleb last week. I'm glad he was good, because if he is leading people, he might as well lead them in a good direction not into bad actions. He really doesn't want to be responsible for others, but I'm sure he'll be ok with it as he gets older. Because that's just what he's got.
Jockey is loving school. He calls all his classmates friends, but on the other hand if he doesn't feel he plays with them enough he says they aren't his friends. So it goes both ways. He wishes that he could play longer with his friends after class, and I wish I could let him, but we always have to rush to get Caleb that he doesn't get that chance. Maybe next year when Caleb is in first grade and he is in pre-k and we don't have to rush for the brother pick up.
Awana for Jockey last week... let's just say "caught red handed" was an understatement. The teacher said he was the only one who tried to take the red stamp pad out of it's box! We washed his hands 3 times with soap, tried rubbing alcohol, and then spray and wash! And they were still pink, the funny thing was though, the teacher had stopped him by saying "oh, oh, no no no Josh" and he said "what?" as put both hands on his face (like in Home Alone). So he also had pink on his face and neck. FUN. I almost took a picture. I almost had to send him to bed with gloves on to keep everything from getting pink on it.
This last weekend. We just puttered around the house trying to get various projects done. And we attended church. Still many more projects to do. Soon we should be listing the house for sale. I did find out if the paper work closes after 10/31, then we don't have to come up with so much for taxes reserve, which is great news. Maybe by that time they'll calculate using the 2010 rates and it will be even lower! We'll see, it seems so far off and very well might be.
ok, time to start the week/day.
Caleb gets dropped off a little early for school so he can burn energy and socialize before he's expected to buckle down and learn. Mrs. Adams, his teacher, is visiting the house tonight and give Caleb a chance to show her around and tell her about his interests. The house is in psuedo disaster mode due to "remodeling"/finishing but she gets what she gets. The only really bad rooms are the family/laundry room and the garage. Caleb's not sure really why she's coming. I think it's a boy thing, why does she need to know me? Well, he'll figure it out when she's here.
He actually ask, "why does she get to tell me what to do at home, I thought she only got to be the boss of me at school?"
Awana was better for Caleb last week. I'm glad he was good, because if he is leading people, he might as well lead them in a good direction not into bad actions. He really doesn't want to be responsible for others, but I'm sure he'll be ok with it as he gets older. Because that's just what he's got.
Jockey is loving school. He calls all his classmates friends, but on the other hand if he doesn't feel he plays with them enough he says they aren't his friends. So it goes both ways. He wishes that he could play longer with his friends after class, and I wish I could let him, but we always have to rush to get Caleb that he doesn't get that chance. Maybe next year when Caleb is in first grade and he is in pre-k and we don't have to rush for the brother pick up.
Awana for Jockey last week... let's just say "caught red handed" was an understatement. The teacher said he was the only one who tried to take the red stamp pad out of it's box! We washed his hands 3 times with soap, tried rubbing alcohol, and then spray and wash! And they were still pink, the funny thing was though, the teacher had stopped him by saying "oh, oh, no no no Josh" and he said "what?" as put both hands on his face (like in Home Alone). So he also had pink on his face and neck. FUN. I almost took a picture. I almost had to send him to bed with gloves on to keep everything from getting pink on it.
This last weekend. We just puttered around the house trying to get various projects done. And we attended church. Still many more projects to do. Soon we should be listing the house for sale. I did find out if the paper work closes after 10/31, then we don't have to come up with so much for taxes reserve, which is great news. Maybe by that time they'll calculate using the 2010 rates and it will be even lower! We'll see, it seems so far off and very well might be.
ok, time to start the week/day.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The boys are being real troopers with all the changes that are taking place, and the new rules that are subsequent to the changes. Basically they aren't allowed in the living room/dining room anymore. They must eat in the kitchen or downstairs with us if supervised. NO toys anywhere but in their bedroom or directly in their hands. All their legos/knex/magnets toys (small easy to scatter) have been packed up. They are having to pick up every room before bed, keep their own rooms cleaner, the backyard has been cut down to just a few outside toys.
They are focused on helping us. Jockey has decided that he is a good worker and he loves to put the "mud" wall patch on the walls. I was surprised at how much he understood and what he was capable of. I did have to go around an scrap a little of the excess off, but his comprehension was great. Jockey does seem to stand a little too close to wet paint...habitually. Caleb wants to be involved, but doesn't always stop to listen for directions. He is helpful in getting the tools or items from the house that we need to complete a project. And he is a strong and helpful lifter.
The family room has been painted and just needs crown molding. The bathroom is ready for paint and then base/case molding, vanity/sink and toilet. This is the room furthest from finished. And then we have the odds and ends and the regular cleaning. AND THE GARAGE to clean out. whew!!!! THEN we will be able to put our house up for sale.
We still don't know if our offer was signed by the owner and taken to the bank for consideration. For that matter, we don't know if the offer was driven to the agent yet. So still waiting on that account.
Caleb is doing way better in reading.
Jockey is doing better in his pen holding, and calmness at school.
Awana has started and Jockey is doing very well. He's calmed down quite a bit. Caleb, actually I got spoken to about him last time. So we had a long talk about leadership qualities and the responsibity of leading people only into good actions. He doesn't like the idea of a mantle of leadership/responsibility... well, you get what you get, that's the way God made you.
Jockey asked today how God made him...successfully dodged that with "God grew you in my tummy" to which he responded "That's so cool".
Well, it's off to painting the bathroom.
They are focused on helping us. Jockey has decided that he is a good worker and he loves to put the "mud" wall patch on the walls. I was surprised at how much he understood and what he was capable of. I did have to go around an scrap a little of the excess off, but his comprehension was great. Jockey does seem to stand a little too close to wet paint...habitually. Caleb wants to be involved, but doesn't always stop to listen for directions. He is helpful in getting the tools or items from the house that we need to complete a project. And he is a strong and helpful lifter.
The family room has been painted and just needs crown molding. The bathroom is ready for paint and then base/case molding, vanity/sink and toilet. This is the room furthest from finished. And then we have the odds and ends and the regular cleaning. AND THE GARAGE to clean out. whew!!!! THEN we will be able to put our house up for sale.
We still don't know if our offer was signed by the owner and taken to the bank for consideration. For that matter, we don't know if the offer was driven to the agent yet. So still waiting on that account.
Caleb is doing way better in reading.
Jockey is doing better in his pen holding, and calmness at school.
Awana has started and Jockey is doing very well. He's calmed down quite a bit. Caleb, actually I got spoken to about him last time. So we had a long talk about leadership qualities and the responsibity of leading people only into good actions. He doesn't like the idea of a mantle of leadership/responsibility... well, you get what you get, that's the way God made you.
Jockey asked today how God made him...successfully dodged that with "God grew you in my tummy" to which he responded "That's so cool".
Well, it's off to painting the bathroom.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The boys are trying to be good helpers in getting work done on the house. I hope that out of this comes a skill set they can use later, or at least feel comfortable with the idea to learn more later. And I hope that they finally grasp the idea of what clean is and keeping something that way. And working for a goal because you want it bad enough. (In this case, the tree house is a BIG motivator for Caleb for the house we have in mind. Although, I thought riding the bus would be a big plus too, evidently not because they say "keep moving back" over and over again.)
I've also had to tell them that the magic tu-tu cleaning fairy has left the building and they now have to pick up after themselves to include putting away their own laundry (after I've cleaned, dried, sorted and handed it to them- still a little of the tu-tu fairy remains).
Contrary to all of my wishes and guidelines for my kids, Jockey has a tv in his room and Caleb has the computer. I never wanted these things in the children's bedrooms, but I keep telling myself that it is only temporary. I don't want the kids to isolate themselves in their rooms, and especially, I don't want it to become a habit/lifestyle. And our eat-in kitchen only sits a very tight 3 persons, and I refuse to have the boys sit in the dining room with their food, MESSY! and over carpet, I don't think so. It's bad enough that they are eating over a tablecloth! (to hide the hideousness of the craft table come eat-in table).
We are working feverishly to get it done. SOOO much to do still. The boys are fortunately gracious to allow us to work for their "tree house". We might as well call the next house the "tree house" since that's how the boys refer to it.
It is such a blessing to have beautiful days like this so late into the summer, the sheet rock would be pretty wet when we cut it outside if it wasn't so beautiful.
The boys are settling down to school. I have so many things to remeber it is ridiculous. Tomorrow is picture day, I work, we meet with the agent and actually compose the offer and have him look at our house (EEK), we are casing and basing. We have Awana on Thursday, I work that day and also at Awana that night, our anniversary is this weekend (no plans, just house). We'll have to put a toilet and vanity in the downstairs, and finish the floor, sheetrock, tape, mud, texture and paint, and moldings. All of the work I've done, and none of it is cleaning.... so vacumming, dusting, mopping, bathrooms, desperately need attention! sigh, lots to do. I better get to...
I've also had to tell them that the magic tu-tu cleaning fairy has left the building and they now have to pick up after themselves to include putting away their own laundry (after I've cleaned, dried, sorted and handed it to them- still a little of the tu-tu fairy remains).
Contrary to all of my wishes and guidelines for my kids, Jockey has a tv in his room and Caleb has the computer. I never wanted these things in the children's bedrooms, but I keep telling myself that it is only temporary. I don't want the kids to isolate themselves in their rooms, and especially, I don't want it to become a habit/lifestyle. And our eat-in kitchen only sits a very tight 3 persons, and I refuse to have the boys sit in the dining room with their food, MESSY! and over carpet, I don't think so. It's bad enough that they are eating over a tablecloth! (to hide the hideousness of the craft table come eat-in table).
We are working feverishly to get it done. SOOO much to do still. The boys are fortunately gracious to allow us to work for their "tree house". We might as well call the next house the "tree house" since that's how the boys refer to it.
It is such a blessing to have beautiful days like this so late into the summer, the sheet rock would be pretty wet when we cut it outside if it wasn't so beautiful.
The boys are settling down to school. I have so many things to remeber it is ridiculous. Tomorrow is picture day, I work, we meet with the agent and actually compose the offer and have him look at our house (EEK), we are casing and basing. We have Awana on Thursday, I work that day and also at Awana that night, our anniversary is this weekend (no plans, just house). We'll have to put a toilet and vanity in the downstairs, and finish the floor, sheetrock, tape, mud, texture and paint, and moldings. All of the work I've done, and none of it is cleaning.... so vacumming, dusting, mopping, bathrooms, desperately need attention! sigh, lots to do. I better get to...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Well, we've decided to skydive.... in a manner of speaking.
We have decided to put an offer in on a home WITH OUT a contingent on Moday. It needs ALOT (did I mention the holes in the family room ceiling and the missing cabinets in the kitchen and the rampant stains making the carpet untouchable, and no fence?). But it has Sqft, location, schools, and a price that is great (even if it is a stretch still.) The sweat equity will be amazing.
So now we are free falling. (And with SOOOOOO much work to do here too!)
Prayers please. The nice thing is that Caleb likes the tree house in the back.
I'll be gone until tomorrow night on a MOPS retreat.
Have a great weekend yourselves.
Well, we've decided to skydive.... in a manner of speaking.
We have decided to put an offer in on a home WITH OUT a contingent on Moday. It needs ALOT (did I mention the holes in the family room ceiling and the missing cabinets in the kitchen and the rampant stains making the carpet untouchable, and no fence?). But it has Sqft, location, schools, and a price that is great (even if it is a stretch still.) The sweat equity will be amazing.
So now we are free falling. (And with SOOOOOO much work to do here too!)
Prayers please. The nice thing is that Caleb likes the tree house in the back.
I'll be gone until tomorrow night on a MOPS retreat.
Have a great weekend yourselves.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Our first brush with poisonous plants....
I foolishly thought that we were safe from our children consuming poisonous plants. Nothing after six years.... Nope.
Yesterday we had to do a plant search on the web, and the a quick call to poison control to find out exactly what the effect would be of a single unchewed but swallowed berry of the newly discovered Climbing/Woody/Bittersweet NIGHTSHADE!!! Hello, nightshade. Why don't they call it death berry vine. Well, Jockey my mouthy son now has his name logged into the poison control system as one who tries imfamous red berries. Fortunately, he suffered no effects, but still.... We can apparently make it out of the woods alive and not eating anything wrong, but our own backyard has berries too tempting not to try to eat. Of course we didn't know this weed of a vine imported itself from somewhere. Jockey is safe and fine now though. PTL.
Jockey is obsessed with little stuffed animals. Some Beany Babies, but he really isn't particular. He loves them all. Even the ridiculous ball of "fur" called a guinea pig from McDonald's. His latest is that he found a "cage" for them and now he cages his animals to transport them because occassionally they bite and defecate in the house (so I've been told).
Also, both boys are in love with the Angel Wars cartoon. We saw the Messengers show on TV and they are hooked. I'm happy to have them introduced to a deep concept in such a way. I'll have to source the other episodes because it's worth building their understanding.
Ok, back to work.
I foolishly thought that we were safe from our children consuming poisonous plants. Nothing after six years.... Nope.
Yesterday we had to do a plant search on the web, and the a quick call to poison control to find out exactly what the effect would be of a single unchewed but swallowed berry of the newly discovered Climbing/Woody/Bittersweet NIGHTSHADE!!! Hello, nightshade. Why don't they call it death berry vine. Well, Jockey my mouthy son now has his name logged into the poison control system as one who tries imfamous red berries. Fortunately, he suffered no effects, but still.... We can apparently make it out of the woods alive and not eating anything wrong, but our own backyard has berries too tempting not to try to eat. Of course we didn't know this weed of a vine imported itself from somewhere. Jockey is safe and fine now though. PTL.
Jockey is obsessed with little stuffed animals. Some Beany Babies, but he really isn't particular. He loves them all. Even the ridiculous ball of "fur" called a guinea pig from McDonald's. His latest is that he found a "cage" for them and now he cages his animals to transport them because occassionally they bite and defecate in the house (so I've been told).
Also, both boys are in love with the Angel Wars cartoon. We saw the Messengers show on TV and they are hooked. I'm happy to have them introduced to a deep concept in such a way. I'll have to source the other episodes because it's worth building their understanding.
Ok, back to work.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday. Garage sale day.
Doesn't it always happen that the moment you put toys out to sell, suddenly it's the most fun, most interesting, must keep toy in the world?! Well, Joshy re-fell in love with a Spiderman (missing his shooting webs). And I said, ok, yes I broke down and said he could keep it. I told him to put it in the house, came up with a good way to play with it in the back yard, etc. Well, he didn't do it, and 20 minutes later it was laying among the other toys and someone wanted/bought it. Joshy saw that and burst into tears and ran in the house. He cried and poked his head out again "I don't want to be your boy any more", the next time he poked out "you're the worst mommy in the world" and then "now we have to buy another". Well, I don't know about the last comment. But the others... I knew I'd hear them in life. And to show him that his comments were not affecting me... I laughed. If I had not expected it, it would have hurt. But I almost feel as if we've gone through a rite of passage. Of course this effected him greatly, so I made it into a lesson that if he had obeyed the toy would have been in the house, but disobedience meant that the toy got sold. I hope he learns his lesson with this small thing.
Anyway, I've been picking up toys all morning.... on my front lawn. Everytime I get them grouped together as the set they are, the boys undo all my efforts.
Caleb has been both helpful and embarrassing. He says things to people that I just want to hide under a rock when he says them. He makes comments to people about the things that they pick up and touch. "hmm, I think that you like that, maybe you should buy it." I guess he's a used car salesman in the making. Of course, when he is not doing that, he's climbing the tree above all the toys and littering leaves (and rotten plums) on everything. Thanks.
On the bright side of things, it is bright and sunny out, just perfect for having stuff all over the front yard. There is a campfire smell in the yard that smells delicious. I've unloaded a bunch of stuff. (Alot of it the bulky stuff, SOOO happy not to have to put it all back into the garage.) SOO much more to go though. I've made a decent amount. And a highlight was meeting a lady and telling her about MOPS and finding out she'd love to go, has a son to attends Jockey's school on T/Th, likes to scrapbook, etc. We exchanged #'s. Sound great. Our chatting covered a lot of topics and flowed well, I hope we have a friend in the making for both Jockey and I.
After the garage sale, we will get in touch with Grandpa and Grammy Dahl who are watching Tessa. The boys will have fun with her I think.
Mike is till away, safe and dry the last time I talked to him.
That's our weekend. Hope yours is going well.
Doesn't it always happen that the moment you put toys out to sell, suddenly it's the most fun, most interesting, must keep toy in the world?! Well, Joshy re-fell in love with a Spiderman (missing his shooting webs). And I said, ok, yes I broke down and said he could keep it. I told him to put it in the house, came up with a good way to play with it in the back yard, etc. Well, he didn't do it, and 20 minutes later it was laying among the other toys and someone wanted/bought it. Joshy saw that and burst into tears and ran in the house. He cried and poked his head out again "I don't want to be your boy any more", the next time he poked out "you're the worst mommy in the world" and then "now we have to buy another". Well, I don't know about the last comment. But the others... I knew I'd hear them in life. And to show him that his comments were not affecting me... I laughed. If I had not expected it, it would have hurt. But I almost feel as if we've gone through a rite of passage. Of course this effected him greatly, so I made it into a lesson that if he had obeyed the toy would have been in the house, but disobedience meant that the toy got sold. I hope he learns his lesson with this small thing.
Anyway, I've been picking up toys all morning.... on my front lawn. Everytime I get them grouped together as the set they are, the boys undo all my efforts.
Caleb has been both helpful and embarrassing. He says things to people that I just want to hide under a rock when he says them. He makes comments to people about the things that they pick up and touch. "hmm, I think that you like that, maybe you should buy it." I guess he's a used car salesman in the making. Of course, when he is not doing that, he's climbing the tree above all the toys and littering leaves (and rotten plums) on everything. Thanks.
On the bright side of things, it is bright and sunny out, just perfect for having stuff all over the front yard. There is a campfire smell in the yard that smells delicious. I've unloaded a bunch of stuff. (Alot of it the bulky stuff, SOOO happy not to have to put it all back into the garage.) SOO much more to go though. I've made a decent amount. And a highlight was meeting a lady and telling her about MOPS and finding out she'd love to go, has a son to attends Jockey's school on T/Th, likes to scrapbook, etc. We exchanged #'s. Sound great. Our chatting covered a lot of topics and flowed well, I hope we have a friend in the making for both Jockey and I.
After the garage sale, we will get in touch with Grandpa and Grammy Dahl who are watching Tessa. The boys will have fun with her I think.
Mike is till away, safe and dry the last time I talked to him.
That's our weekend. Hope yours is going well.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The boys have made it through their orientation days and their first days of school.
Caleb remembers little of what he did each day... singing and recess, nothing else. I really have to ask and ask to get information. I did find out that he saw several of this buddies at recess... which is good because I was afraid that keeping him in Kindergarten when they moved to 1st would cause a divide. It is now just like they are in different classes not different grades. GREAT, and probably the best because he doesn't have in-class distractions of his friends. Caleb knows the routine this year and I have every hope and expectation that he will do fantastic. And he knows several sight words in his reading and oral math skills.
Jockey: He plunged right in. He remembered that during circle time he gets a "listening" chair. Which turned into every other kid got his own chair. With a class size of 5, the teacher was ok with it because they all paid attention for the story. His class is bonding well already. His teacher said that she could tell that he has calmed a bit, matured over last year. And I think it will get even better when the summer wiggles are worked out and his routine is found. But he trotted off with enthusiam and that was great to see.
I've worked the last two days. I've cleaned out the garage and tomorrow is the garage sale. I have to promise myself that the unsold items will NOT go back into the garage!
Mike had ridden off on the motorcycle for a camping weekend with Grandpa Bill. He comes back Sunday.
So that's the update.
Caleb remembers little of what he did each day... singing and recess, nothing else. I really have to ask and ask to get information. I did find out that he saw several of this buddies at recess... which is good because I was afraid that keeping him in Kindergarten when they moved to 1st would cause a divide. It is now just like they are in different classes not different grades. GREAT, and probably the best because he doesn't have in-class distractions of his friends. Caleb knows the routine this year and I have every hope and expectation that he will do fantastic. And he knows several sight words in his reading and oral math skills.
Jockey: He plunged right in. He remembered that during circle time he gets a "listening" chair. Which turned into every other kid got his own chair. With a class size of 5, the teacher was ok with it because they all paid attention for the story. His class is bonding well already. His teacher said that she could tell that he has calmed a bit, matured over last year. And I think it will get even better when the summer wiggles are worked out and his routine is found. But he trotted off with enthusiam and that was great to see.
I've worked the last two days. I've cleaned out the garage and tomorrow is the garage sale. I have to promise myself that the unsold items will NOT go back into the garage!
Mike had ridden off on the motorcycle for a camping weekend with Grandpa Bill. He comes back Sunday.
So that's the update.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Pictures finally...

My scrapbook pages, one of which won. (The one that won is the one that I was told last year that no one would want to see...)

Camping/crabbing at Kayak State Park mid-august with Dahls Sr. and Surfaces.
HOT day at the lake with buddies
An evening at the Children's museum... Jockey discovered he liked Rapelling down the rock wall.
Caleb attends a go-cart Birthday party.
Emily stays over night and plays with boys.
Jockey's Pool 4th Party with his great painting rocks idea
The fair, this time most of us were big enough to go on most of the rides. And painting stuff too.
My scrapbook pages, one of which won. (The one that won is the one that I was told last year that no one would want to see...)
Lastly, ROSIE the RABBIT!!!!!!!!
She looks like she's praying.... hopefully she's praying blessings on us all...
Ok, we've done it.
We have Rabbit #2 and a new-to-us (craigslist) hutch.
A female, Rex, roan colored, soft like a chinchilla rabbit.
It took longer than it should to name her, but it is finally decided to be "Rosie" (like Caillou's little sister). It's suppose to be Jockey's rabbit, and he does love Caillou (a tv show for all of you not up on your children's cartoons.) Rosie was a better name than.... "Tony Stark's (Ironman) butt crack". Which was also the boy's idea. Her rich fawn/reddish so the name fits with that too, although I wanted to call her Bambi. (Mike wanted Trixie, so we were both out voted by the boys).
As a rex breed, she'll be just like Shooter although not a mini just a standard size. She is just as soft, and will be a little bit bigger. She is coming up on 3 months old and already the same size and edging up close on being bigger than Shooter. She is getting use to being handled and the noisy-ness of our house. Once she is in our arms she immediately calms down and holds still for long term petting (until she gets a bit to warm, then she stirs.) She seems to be loving her hutch which is twice the size of Shooters and has a built in nest box. It was a great find on craigslist and was able to be pressure washed to perfection. Jockey, the less suave handler, can reach over and pick her up too. Which is really nice since we are trying to use this experience as a tool for responsibility.
WHY? I know that's the big question. Off the top of my head, here's why:
*VERY LOW cost. The whole year will be under a generous estimate of $75 for the entire year.
*LOW, LOW maintenance, especially for this breed. A quick rub backwards with a wet hand and the occasional toe nail trim. That's it.
*their cage's large volume feeders and water bottles allow us to leave for the weekends without trouble (even less problems than the dogs really).
*their droppings is sooooo few, and all in one place, and technically perfect for gardens... less troublesome/burdensome than the dogs.
*no problems meeting other dogs/people like dogs do out on a leash.
*they are available for love, and then easily put away.
*we've placed them near our back door and they can see us and actually part of our lives.
So that's it.
I'll get pictures up soon.
Yesterday, I took the boys to the skate park to use their rollerblades and scooter; Caleb had a buddy over last night, and I cleaned up the back yard a bunch.
I have to go help Auntie Brittany move into her house now.
Tomorrow is blackberry picking (again, yeah, I know.) and an ice cream social with last years school buddies.
Thursday, I work.
Nothing until Sunday, another great day at the fair.
We have Rabbit #2 and a new-to-us (craigslist) hutch.
A female, Rex, roan colored, soft like a chinchilla rabbit.
It took longer than it should to name her, but it is finally decided to be "Rosie" (like Caillou's little sister). It's suppose to be Jockey's rabbit, and he does love Caillou (a tv show for all of you not up on your children's cartoons.) Rosie was a better name than.... "Tony Stark's (Ironman) butt crack". Which was also the boy's idea. Her rich fawn/reddish so the name fits with that too, although I wanted to call her Bambi. (Mike wanted Trixie, so we were both out voted by the boys).
As a rex breed, she'll be just like Shooter although not a mini just a standard size. She is just as soft, and will be a little bit bigger. She is coming up on 3 months old and already the same size and edging up close on being bigger than Shooter. She is getting use to being handled and the noisy-ness of our house. Once she is in our arms she immediately calms down and holds still for long term petting (until she gets a bit to warm, then she stirs.) She seems to be loving her hutch which is twice the size of Shooters and has a built in nest box. It was a great find on craigslist and was able to be pressure washed to perfection. Jockey, the less suave handler, can reach over and pick her up too. Which is really nice since we are trying to use this experience as a tool for responsibility.
WHY? I know that's the big question. Off the top of my head, here's why:
*VERY LOW cost. The whole year will be under a generous estimate of $75 for the entire year.
*LOW, LOW maintenance, especially for this breed. A quick rub backwards with a wet hand and the occasional toe nail trim. That's it.
*their cage's large volume feeders and water bottles allow us to leave for the weekends without trouble (even less problems than the dogs really).
*their droppings is sooooo few, and all in one place, and technically perfect for gardens... less troublesome/burdensome than the dogs.
*no problems meeting other dogs/people like dogs do out on a leash.
*they are available for love, and then easily put away.
*we've placed them near our back door and they can see us and actually part of our lives.
So that's it.
I'll get pictures up soon.
Yesterday, I took the boys to the skate park to use their rollerblades and scooter; Caleb had a buddy over last night, and I cleaned up the back yard a bunch.
I have to go help Auntie Brittany move into her house now.
Tomorrow is blackberry picking (again, yeah, I know.) and an ice cream social with last years school buddies.
Thursday, I work.
Nothing until Sunday, another great day at the fair.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Jockey's birthday was a big success. Pictures to follow. He loved having the pool party and jumpy house up. His buddy Josh (from preschool) showed up. And Cousin Tessa, and the Grammy's and Papa's too. He got his vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles and GUM for his "second treat". The morning of his party, he decided that he wanted everyone to paint rocks. So it was a rush around to get paint brushes, and a trip to the river front to get a bucket of rocks. It worked out great and the boys actually really liked it. I was surprised that something so simple was so entertaining. (Thank you Grandpa Dahl for not getting riled about the glitter we used in your party room.) The best ideas are sometimes from kids themselves.
On Jockey's actual birthday we went to Chuck E Cheese for a bit of fun and then portraits on JC Penny. Hopefully we got some good shots.
Wednesday we visited Caleb's new classroom and teacher for an Ice Cream social. He's met a couple kids from his class, specifically a Taylor. Sometimes knowing someone is a great way to feel comfortable the first day of school. Glad we got this opportunity.
I worked on Thursday and visited my Dr. Alls well in her area, but that just takes me back to my Urologist.
Friday we spent over 10 hours at the fair. We walked and walked and rode the rides to our hearts content and more than broke even on the purchase of the ride wristbands. I was shocked at how many "adult" rides Caleb (and Jockey too for that matter) was able to go with me on. And of course they were able to go on all the kids ones. The highlights were: Jockey tasted Alligator, Mike at Frog Legs, Caleb ran into his buddy Collin and then spent an hour on rides with his family, and I found out the results of my fair entries. For the Charcol drawing, a 2nd place stickered ribbon (generic grading, maybe a 2-3$, which they don't even cut checks for). The scrapbooking however did slightly better. For the first page, I got a generic 1st sticker. But for the other page: I received 2 large real ribbons! One was the Excellence Award (noted for specific creative/unique qualities) and the Class Winner Award (best in subject noted for high quality, etc). Kind of affirming and allays self-doubt of whether this is a worthwhile enterprise/hobby of mine. So while I mulled that over and looked the the competition, the boys got to paint their own ceramic horse (Jockey) and frog (Caleb).
For the rest of the day it was eating, riding, and mulling over the possiblity (the rationality vs insanity vs feasibility) of getting a second rabbit. Once a hutch, feeder, and waterer is procured, our current rabbit has cost us $32 for the last year... plus the occassional "rabbit candy" of $25 (total for the year) for a special treat. Very reasonable. It comes down to the maintence, time, space, breeder, price and what is even available. OF COURSE, the BOYS are all on board and want just anything. I guess I'm the loches/filtration on this decision with a bit more limiting criteria. I'm still thinking/working it through.
We attended the parade this morning and were fortunate to have Daddy along, every other year he's worked. And we didn't get caught in a traffic jam getting home! And it didn't rain!
Well, that's the big update.
More later, and hopefully with pictures.
On Jockey's actual birthday we went to Chuck E Cheese for a bit of fun and then portraits on JC Penny. Hopefully we got some good shots.
Wednesday we visited Caleb's new classroom and teacher for an Ice Cream social. He's met a couple kids from his class, specifically a Taylor. Sometimes knowing someone is a great way to feel comfortable the first day of school. Glad we got this opportunity.
I worked on Thursday and visited my Dr. Alls well in her area, but that just takes me back to my Urologist.
Friday we spent over 10 hours at the fair. We walked and walked and rode the rides to our hearts content and more than broke even on the purchase of the ride wristbands. I was shocked at how many "adult" rides Caleb (and Jockey too for that matter) was able to go with me on. And of course they were able to go on all the kids ones. The highlights were: Jockey tasted Alligator, Mike at Frog Legs, Caleb ran into his buddy Collin and then spent an hour on rides with his family, and I found out the results of my fair entries. For the Charcol drawing, a 2nd place stickered ribbon (generic grading, maybe a 2-3$, which they don't even cut checks for). The scrapbooking however did slightly better. For the first page, I got a generic 1st sticker. But for the other page: I received 2 large real ribbons! One was the Excellence Award (noted for specific creative/unique qualities) and the Class Winner Award (best in subject noted for high quality, etc). Kind of affirming and allays self-doubt of whether this is a worthwhile enterprise/hobby of mine. So while I mulled that over and looked the the competition, the boys got to paint their own ceramic horse (Jockey) and frog (Caleb).
For the rest of the day it was eating, riding, and mulling over the possiblity (the rationality vs insanity vs feasibility) of getting a second rabbit. Once a hutch, feeder, and waterer is procured, our current rabbit has cost us $32 for the last year... plus the occassional "rabbit candy" of $25 (total for the year) for a special treat. Very reasonable. It comes down to the maintence, time, space, breeder, price and what is even available. OF COURSE, the BOYS are all on board and want just anything. I guess I'm the loches/filtration on this decision with a bit more limiting criteria. I'm still thinking/working it through.
We attended the parade this morning and were fortunate to have Daddy along, every other year he's worked. And we didn't get caught in a traffic jam getting home! And it didn't rain!
Well, that's the big update.
More later, and hopefully with pictures.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Another busy day in Dahl-world.
The boys and I picked out stuff at the $ store for Jockey's birthday. It's a ballon theme, because it was available, cheap and stocked at the store. Jockey elected for all Sprite for the party. Jockey requested that I MAKE a cake, and he wanted Vanilla Cake, with Vanilla Frosting, with Vanilla Ice Cream. Does this kid like vanilla or what?! For the cake's decoration, he finally decided on "happy birthday Jockey Peter". What ever makes him happy. And he wanted gum for the "second treat". So those are the favors that will leave with everyone. Other than that we will just have fun playing in the pool. (maybe the bouncy house?!) But I have a few hours still to prepare.
Caleb attended a birthday party yesterday held at TRAXX in Mukilteo. He had a good time. It was the "best birthday party ever". He did start out a little slow and intimidated by the while place and experience, but by his second time on the track (after a little coaching) he was off. I was surprised to see that he wasn't a little speed-freak... again, this was his first time and so lead-foot-ness could still happen. And then it wouldn't surprise me at all because he never does things half way, except cleaning.
We arrived home and I watched Emily for a while. I made Jockey's cake, prepared favors, cleaned up the kitchen and house, ate dinner at 11:00pm, and Auntie Brittany ended up staying the night because it was just too difficult to move Emily after settling her in for the night only to go home to a disassembled house that is not baby-safe to sleep on the floor. I'm glad it worked out.
So today is the party, I have to leave out here by 12:30. I still have to get to staples for ink, and close up the favor bags, load everything into the car, pack up swim suits and towels, load up the car with the cake, maybe pack up the bouncy house. LOTS TO DO, and a headache and major back ache to deal... Well, life goes on. Jockey was already thrilled that there were pancakes and hot cocoa ready for him this morning when he woke up. I'm glad it has started out good.
The boys and I picked out stuff at the $ store for Jockey's birthday. It's a ballon theme, because it was available, cheap and stocked at the store. Jockey elected for all Sprite for the party. Jockey requested that I MAKE a cake, and he wanted Vanilla Cake, with Vanilla Frosting, with Vanilla Ice Cream. Does this kid like vanilla or what?! For the cake's decoration, he finally decided on "happy birthday Jockey Peter". What ever makes him happy. And he wanted gum for the "second treat". So those are the favors that will leave with everyone. Other than that we will just have fun playing in the pool. (maybe the bouncy house?!) But I have a few hours still to prepare.
Caleb attended a birthday party yesterday held at TRAXX in Mukilteo. He had a good time. It was the "best birthday party ever". He did start out a little slow and intimidated by the while place and experience, but by his second time on the track (after a little coaching) he was off. I was surprised to see that he wasn't a little speed-freak... again, this was his first time and so lead-foot-ness could still happen. And then it wouldn't surprise me at all because he never does things half way, except cleaning.
We arrived home and I watched Emily for a while. I made Jockey's cake, prepared favors, cleaned up the kitchen and house, ate dinner at 11:00pm, and Auntie Brittany ended up staying the night because it was just too difficult to move Emily after settling her in for the night only to go home to a disassembled house that is not baby-safe to sleep on the floor. I'm glad it worked out.
So today is the party, I have to leave out here by 12:30. I still have to get to staples for ink, and close up the favor bags, load everything into the car, pack up swim suits and towels, load up the car with the cake, maybe pack up the bouncy house. LOTS TO DO, and a headache and major back ache to deal... Well, life goes on. Jockey was already thrilled that there were pancakes and hot cocoa ready for him this morning when he woke up. I'm glad it has started out good.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday was a full day...
Time at the park. Garage saleing to find shoes for Caleb. Cleaning the house. A playdate with Caleb's friend over to the house. The Imagine Children's museum in the evening. We squeezed meals in somewhere, but just barely. The kids had ALOT of fun playing for most of the day (and they like garage saleing too.) They especially liked the museum, which was good to hear because I really felt like I was dragging to force myself to drive to Everett for their fun at 6:30 in the evening. So their gratitude made the trip worth while. And after cleaning for 3 hours, the house didn't get bombed right after!
We did well at the garage sales! Our treasures include:
Learning "buzz lightyear" CD-rom, .50 cents
Nice shoes that met his "velcro" criteria $1
Very Nice Winter Jacket (Caleb) $5
Brand New Crayola Color wonder art set, $5 (Happy birthday Jockey.)
Brand New in the Package Transformers $3 (Happy Birthday Jockey)
Brand New in the Package Speed Racer car set $2 (Happy Birthday Jockey.)
Jockey did well for this trip, and I was really worried about making Jockey's birthday "affordable". I still have Cake, Ice cream, drinks, cups, and plates... but it's a start. I'll hit the $ store in a bit.
Now we are off to drop Jockey off with Daddy. Caleb and I will race our to TraXX race track for a buddies' birthday. Then we help Auntie Brittany and Uncle Brian move this evening. Another full day!
More Later or tomorrow.
Time at the park. Garage saleing to find shoes for Caleb. Cleaning the house. A playdate with Caleb's friend over to the house. The Imagine Children's museum in the evening. We squeezed meals in somewhere, but just barely. The kids had ALOT of fun playing for most of the day (and they like garage saleing too.) They especially liked the museum, which was good to hear because I really felt like I was dragging to force myself to drive to Everett for their fun at 6:30 in the evening. So their gratitude made the trip worth while. And after cleaning for 3 hours, the house didn't get bombed right after!
We did well at the garage sales! Our treasures include:
Learning "buzz lightyear" CD-rom, .50 cents
Nice shoes that met his "velcro" criteria $1
Very Nice Winter Jacket (Caleb) $5
Brand New Crayola Color wonder art set, $5 (Happy birthday Jockey.)
Brand New in the Package Transformers $3 (Happy Birthday Jockey)
Brand New in the Package Speed Racer car set $2 (Happy Birthday Jockey.)
Jockey did well for this trip, and I was really worried about making Jockey's birthday "affordable". I still have Cake, Ice cream, drinks, cups, and plates... but it's a start. I'll hit the $ store in a bit.
Now we are off to drop Jockey off with Daddy. Caleb and I will race our to TraXX race track for a buddies' birthday. Then we help Auntie Brittany and Uncle Brian move this evening. Another full day!
More Later or tomorrow.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
CT results, in case you're waiting...
The short version
1- No stones in Ureters (my theory, by the time they got around to doing the CT they had passed, but of course, I can't prove it.) However, that means they don't know why I'm hurting and having blood in my "output".
2- 2 NEW stones "on deck" sitting in the kidney just waiting to move, fabulous!
3- Due to a strong genetic background, they won't be trying to find out WHY I get these at this point, but rather will do a 24hr collection w/ lab work to try to find a way to slow things down. This will take upwards towards a month to get results back.
4- Once the results are back in a month, I will go in for a cystol*** (a bladder peek-a-boo look) and check for abnormalities/growths/scar tissue etc that might be causing discomfort/blood.
So that's the up shot.
Back to life.
MOPS in the park tomorrow. Moving Auntie Brittany's house this weekend. Jockey's Party. A Birthday party for Caleb to attend. Ya-da ya-da ya-da. Sun Sun. Hot Hot, have fun.
The short version
1- No stones in Ureters (my theory, by the time they got around to doing the CT they had passed, but of course, I can't prove it.) However, that means they don't know why I'm hurting and having blood in my "output".
2- 2 NEW stones "on deck" sitting in the kidney just waiting to move, fabulous!
3- Due to a strong genetic background, they won't be trying to find out WHY I get these at this point, but rather will do a 24hr collection w/ lab work to try to find a way to slow things down. This will take upwards towards a month to get results back.
4- Once the results are back in a month, I will go in for a cystol*** (a bladder peek-a-boo look) and check for abnormalities/growths/scar tissue etc that might be causing discomfort/blood.
So that's the up shot.
Back to life.
MOPS in the park tomorrow. Moving Auntie Brittany's house this weekend. Jockey's Party. A Birthday party for Caleb to attend. Ya-da ya-da ya-da. Sun Sun. Hot Hot, have fun.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's 95 today in Monroe. HOT HOT HOT.
We spent 5 HOURS at the lake today. We might resemble mini-lobsters today, but the boys had huge amounts of fun with the buddies they saw there.
We all have a little post-heat attitude though. "I'm hot, I need space".
Work for me tomorrow, MOPS at the park Friday morning, possible help Auntie Brittany move on Friday night.... or the Children's museum. Saturday, Caleb's school buddy has a birthday party. Sunday is Jockey's birthday party. Busy, busy, busy.
TTFN. Stay cool.
We spent 5 HOURS at the lake today. We might resemble mini-lobsters today, but the boys had huge amounts of fun with the buddies they saw there.
We all have a little post-heat attitude though. "I'm hot, I need space".
Work for me tomorrow, MOPS at the park Friday morning, possible help Auntie Brittany move on Friday night.... or the Children's museum. Saturday, Caleb's school buddy has a birthday party. Sunday is Jockey's birthday party. Busy, busy, busy.
TTFN. Stay cool.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Back from camping...
We had a great weekend at Kayak Point camping park. We dropped a crab pot off the pier and the boys would have checked it every 5 minutes if we let them. As it was we checked it about every 30 minutes. We didn't get "keepers" just lots of small ones. Which while doesn't leave me full in the stomach of crab, it leaves me full of hope for future years. Mike got closer to "keeper" status with the crab he and the kids brought up in the crab pots in the boat, but still not legal. That was the only thing that hiccupped the weekend. (Oh, did I mention that after having fixed the boat, Friday morning Caleb and Mike went out when it was calm seas off of Everett and recovered our crab pots?!, Yup, and it was Caleb that even spotted the second that Mike could located; he is extraordinarily proud of that fact.) The rest of the weekend was wonderfully climated, calm conversation on the beach listening to the waves, watching others play, and picking through the shore for shells. No mosquitoes in sight, which makes a good trip always. The boys loved playing with Tessa, they wanted to do everything with her. She shared a butterfly with Jockey, climbed around on the playground with Caleb, and was gleeful in the boat with Uncle Mike and the boys. So a good weekend. It ended for us unloading our trailer and taking it to the club, picking MORE black berries to be preserved for the coming year, and a swim with Grammy, Grandpa and Tessa. A full day.
Today, the boys and I grocery shopped then visited the library and the park. On our way home we picked up some rocks from the river bed. We'll paint a couple and for the other two I intend to allow the boys to glue down some of the treasures we brought back from the Kayak Point shore. I think Jockey will particularly love this. He and I talked about his artistic talents this last week. He has determined that he wants to be an artist... So we prayed that he would be useful to God in his art and that his gift would be all God wants it to be. (And if he doesn't have to be a "starving" artist, Lord, that would be nice too. Wink).
Right now, the boys and Mike are working on cleaning up the backyard enought to set up the bouncy house. It's been a long time coming, but they are excited. It is so nice out and yet not scorching, it's the right time. I might have to invite some buddies over for a good time.
Well, time to work on the house and start thinking about dinner.
We had a great weekend at Kayak Point camping park. We dropped a crab pot off the pier and the boys would have checked it every 5 minutes if we let them. As it was we checked it about every 30 minutes. We didn't get "keepers" just lots of small ones. Which while doesn't leave me full in the stomach of crab, it leaves me full of hope for future years. Mike got closer to "keeper" status with the crab he and the kids brought up in the crab pots in the boat, but still not legal. That was the only thing that hiccupped the weekend. (Oh, did I mention that after having fixed the boat, Friday morning Caleb and Mike went out when it was calm seas off of Everett and recovered our crab pots?!, Yup, and it was Caleb that even spotted the second that Mike could located; he is extraordinarily proud of that fact.) The rest of the weekend was wonderfully climated, calm conversation on the beach listening to the waves, watching others play, and picking through the shore for shells. No mosquitoes in sight, which makes a good trip always. The boys loved playing with Tessa, they wanted to do everything with her. She shared a butterfly with Jockey, climbed around on the playground with Caleb, and was gleeful in the boat with Uncle Mike and the boys. So a good weekend. It ended for us unloading our trailer and taking it to the club, picking MORE black berries to be preserved for the coming year, and a swim with Grammy, Grandpa and Tessa. A full day.
Today, the boys and I grocery shopped then visited the library and the park. On our way home we picked up some rocks from the river bed. We'll paint a couple and for the other two I intend to allow the boys to glue down some of the treasures we brought back from the Kayak Point shore. I think Jockey will particularly love this. He and I talked about his artistic talents this last week. He has determined that he wants to be an artist... So we prayed that he would be useful to God in his art and that his gift would be all God wants it to be. (And if he doesn't have to be a "starving" artist, Lord, that would be nice too. Wink).
Right now, the boys and Mike are working on cleaning up the backyard enought to set up the bouncy house. It's been a long time coming, but they are excited. It is so nice out and yet not scorching, it's the right time. I might have to invite some buddies over for a good time.
Well, time to work on the house and start thinking about dinner.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
So the boys are back in town...
and yet I'm packing for us all to head out of town again. We are going to Kayak to camp with the family. We are trying to arrange to get the boat fixed (popped a rivet and sprung a leak) and get crab pots (lost ours in 4'+ seas and a storm while dealing with leaking/sinking boat. Mike says he was lucky to get into shore alive; he also rescued boaters and their capsized boat while out there. ) Anyway, I have high hopes of crab. The boys like the crab adventure too.
The boys are already asking to watch a show (Grammy and papa don't have TV) and Jockey is begging to paint a rock. I guess I know what they will do as I pack all of our clothes up. They've had their personalized choice of dinners.
They had a good time at all week with the grandparents. They swan and visited daycare. They ate cheeseburgers, they got little toy stuffed animals. They came home tired! Good work Grammy! I bet Grammy is tired too!
Well, tomorrow somehow and sometime we will all get up north.
First I have a CAT scan and have to drop some items off for the fair competition. Then it will be off to campfires, campfire smells, pines, and the envitable bug spray.
Have a great weekend.
and yet I'm packing for us all to head out of town again. We are going to Kayak to camp with the family. We are trying to arrange to get the boat fixed (popped a rivet and sprung a leak) and get crab pots (lost ours in 4'+ seas and a storm while dealing with leaking/sinking boat. Mike says he was lucky to get into shore alive; he also rescued boaters and their capsized boat while out there. ) Anyway, I have high hopes of crab. The boys like the crab adventure too.
The boys are already asking to watch a show (Grammy and papa don't have TV) and Jockey is begging to paint a rock. I guess I know what they will do as I pack all of our clothes up. They've had their personalized choice of dinners.
They had a good time at all week with the grandparents. They swan and visited daycare. They ate cheeseburgers, they got little toy stuffed animals. They came home tired! Good work Grammy! I bet Grammy is tired too!
Well, tomorrow somehow and sometime we will all get up north.
First I have a CAT scan and have to drop some items off for the fair competition. Then it will be off to campfires, campfire smells, pines, and the envitable bug spray.
Have a great weekend.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The boys are with Grammy and Papa this week again. Jockey is a swimming machine! He is bold and getting to be very adventursome. Gotta keep an eye out for that guy. He won't drown because he can't make it to the edge, rather because he leapt off the edge parallel-wise into the pool while trying to reach something and dive to the bottom all at the same time. He's so bold it's scary. Caleb is working hard. The lesson he's in keeps him lapping and lapping more strokes all the time. He really puts a work out in and gets worn out. He's loving all the older boys around too. Of course, for both of them, Day Care is a fun haven of social excitement. Good.
When dealing with some physical issues, it has been very very nice not to have to leap up every 2 minutes and see who is hitting who, which child is NOW making WHICH mess. So this has been very timely in the scheme of all things. Thanks Grammy and Papa Dahl.
So this week is doctors for me, scrapbook and photography entry prep and turn in for me, weekend at Kayak Point prep for me and work at my out-of the house job, and my in-house job.
Big adventure. I picked and canned black berries yesterday. My first try at jam, and although I haven't eaten any (not feeling great/not having appetite), it set up well which is the biggest challenge. I tried to talk to the boys about why I am picking blackberries, I tried to get their help. I'm not sure if the "help" was worth the laundry, but it was a life experience. They will relish organic home-canned jam in January. And not having to buy it then too will be good for us.
Ok. That's All I've got for now.
When dealing with some physical issues, it has been very very nice not to have to leap up every 2 minutes and see who is hitting who, which child is NOW making WHICH mess. So this has been very timely in the scheme of all things. Thanks Grammy and Papa Dahl.
So this week is doctors for me, scrapbook and photography entry prep and turn in for me, weekend at Kayak Point prep for me and work at my out-of the house job, and my in-house job.
Big adventure. I picked and canned black berries yesterday. My first try at jam, and although I haven't eaten any (not feeling great/not having appetite), it set up well which is the biggest challenge. I tried to talk to the boys about why I am picking blackberries, I tried to get their help. I'm not sure if the "help" was worth the laundry, but it was a life experience. They will relish organic home-canned jam in January. And not having to buy it then too will be good for us.
Ok. That's All I've got for now.
Friday, August 07, 2009
The boys have completed their first week of swim lessons.
They stated with Papa and Grammy Dahl. They had a great time. I heard stories: Papa asks Caleb why Foster (their dog) sits, stays and comes when told, but not the boys... Caleb says he (Foster) might be smarter than them (the boys). Caleb says he likes being Grammy and Papa because their nice even when he does bad things... I told him that was their job, but my job is different and I still loved him all the time. The boys love going to the club's daycare. There is toys and kids to play with most of the time. And it's a good resource because then Grammy gets a breather too.
Next week they are suppose to have another set of swim lessons. Although with an unrelated (to the boys) complication in life, I don't know if they will stay down with Grammy and Papa. Regardless, I am determined to get to the club for more blackberries. I'm intent on having enough for crepes all year, jam and a cobbler or two. The boys don't exactly help, so I have just two rules: 1-don't run where I can't see you and 2-don't take the berries I have picked, pick your own. And fortunately it has cooled off and I don't have to be there at the crack of dawn to beat the heat.
Jockey is begging to paint more rocks. My front yard already looks like it has a hippy rainbow for a flower bed border.... but he would still like to add to it.
Today we went to the park and braved the "chill" and gray to play for a while. We saw a few MOPS moms and their kids, but not a huge turn out.
I'm hoping for some nice weather (any weather that doesn't threaten sprinkles) and setting up the jumpy house in the near future. Then well invite a few friends over.
We don't have set plans for this weekend. I'm hoping for some quiet and uneventful... not likely with two crazies, but I can hope.
Time to start planning for the fair, Jockey's birthday, parade etc. I'm thinking pool gathering on the afternoon of the 23rd. Maybe on the 25th I'll take him to "rat pizza" (Chuck E. Cheese) for him to play. We'll see, because he really wants to go.
I feel like I'm rambling fragments, so this is where I'll end.
They stated with Papa and Grammy Dahl. They had a great time. I heard stories: Papa asks Caleb why Foster (their dog) sits, stays and comes when told, but not the boys... Caleb says he (Foster) might be smarter than them (the boys). Caleb says he likes being Grammy and Papa because their nice even when he does bad things... I told him that was their job, but my job is different and I still loved him all the time. The boys love going to the club's daycare. There is toys and kids to play with most of the time. And it's a good resource because then Grammy gets a breather too.
Next week they are suppose to have another set of swim lessons. Although with an unrelated (to the boys) complication in life, I don't know if they will stay down with Grammy and Papa. Regardless, I am determined to get to the club for more blackberries. I'm intent on having enough for crepes all year, jam and a cobbler or two. The boys don't exactly help, so I have just two rules: 1-don't run where I can't see you and 2-don't take the berries I have picked, pick your own. And fortunately it has cooled off and I don't have to be there at the crack of dawn to beat the heat.
Jockey is begging to paint more rocks. My front yard already looks like it has a hippy rainbow for a flower bed border.... but he would still like to add to it.
Today we went to the park and braved the "chill" and gray to play for a while. We saw a few MOPS moms and their kids, but not a huge turn out.
I'm hoping for some nice weather (any weather that doesn't threaten sprinkles) and setting up the jumpy house in the near future. Then well invite a few friends over.
We don't have set plans for this weekend. I'm hoping for some quiet and uneventful... not likely with two crazies, but I can hope.
Time to start planning for the fair, Jockey's birthday, parade etc. I'm thinking pool gathering on the afternoon of the 23rd. Maybe on the 25th I'll take him to "rat pizza" (Chuck E. Cheese) for him to play. We'll see, because he really wants to go.
I feel like I'm rambling fragments, so this is where I'll end.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
I tell you the ocean/coast is the way to go.
Another great weekend in Anacortes. And the temperatures were about 20 degress cooler and still beautiful sunshine. So we left sunny and 70 and returned home to about 90 and sunny. Keep the sunny hold the extra 20 degrees please! It was a great weekend. And the next time over 100 is forecasted, I might twist Mike's arm to pull the trailer up to the coast so that we can hid out for the most of the heat wave.
The boys had a blast this weekend. Grandpa Dahl bought a boat trailer, added his aluminum boat to it and towed it up to Anacortes. The boys were treated to waves, surf, sun and CRAB. That truly was the purpose (and a general good time, I'm told) to the boating adventure. The boys suited up in life jackets and their training began on proper boat behavior. The sea trial was Friday and then Saturday they got to see what a crab trap can bring up. They were a little intimidated by the pincher claws on the crab, but all in all they liked the whole experience. Caleb got so worn out that he actually fell asleep in the boat. Jockey was a little unnerved by the jostling around, not that he said anything... but when I looked over and he had taken all 3 bungie cords and hooked them to his life jacket and then to the boat... I knew. We ended up with a crab feed of 7 crabs for 6 people. All fresh and delicious. The boys liked trying to steer, of course Caleb liked driving in circles. I went out too, but I admit to feeling like a cat in a thimble in an enormous salt water bathtub. But did I mention we got CRAB!
We plan to try again for crab in two weeks when we camp at Kayak Point.
This week the boys will be spending time with Grammy and Papa Dahl while I work on things here at the house. Specifically a charcoal drawing of the boys for the ESF. Then I work and have house cleaning to do to. Even while the mice are away the cat is busy. But they will have fun swimming and everything else. Tomorrow we will start with berry picking and playing at the day care facility. Then they are off and running.
Stay cool and have a great week.
Another great weekend in Anacortes. And the temperatures were about 20 degress cooler and still beautiful sunshine. So we left sunny and 70 and returned home to about 90 and sunny. Keep the sunny hold the extra 20 degrees please! It was a great weekend. And the next time over 100 is forecasted, I might twist Mike's arm to pull the trailer up to the coast so that we can hid out for the most of the heat wave.
The boys had a blast this weekend. Grandpa Dahl bought a boat trailer, added his aluminum boat to it and towed it up to Anacortes. The boys were treated to waves, surf, sun and CRAB. That truly was the purpose (and a general good time, I'm told) to the boating adventure. The boys suited up in life jackets and their training began on proper boat behavior. The sea trial was Friday and then Saturday they got to see what a crab trap can bring up. They were a little intimidated by the pincher claws on the crab, but all in all they liked the whole experience. Caleb got so worn out that he actually fell asleep in the boat. Jockey was a little unnerved by the jostling around, not that he said anything... but when I looked over and he had taken all 3 bungie cords and hooked them to his life jacket and then to the boat... I knew. We ended up with a crab feed of 7 crabs for 6 people. All fresh and delicious. The boys liked trying to steer, of course Caleb liked driving in circles. I went out too, but I admit to feeling like a cat in a thimble in an enormous salt water bathtub. But did I mention we got CRAB!
We plan to try again for crab in two weeks when we camp at Kayak Point.
This week the boys will be spending time with Grammy and Papa Dahl while I work on things here at the house. Specifically a charcoal drawing of the boys for the ESF. Then I work and have house cleaning to do to. Even while the mice are away the cat is busy. But they will have fun swimming and everything else. Tomorrow we will start with berry picking and playing at the day care facility. Then they are off and running.
Stay cool and have a great week.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Today, the car said it was 113, but the bank said 108. Either way it is HOT HOT HOT. The INSIDE of our home is 94, except our two refuges of TV and master bedrooms. We are holed up in there doing various projects and TV watching. A little mundane but way cooler.
We saw a free movie today and met up with some buddies. Then went to a playland McDonalds and stayed cool for another 2 hours. Then it's been home and hot ever since.
Tomorrow I work, and then we'll see what can be done to stay cool. I'm ready to break down and actually PAY to see a movie or Pay to go to pump it up or something inside! We'll see.
Until then, I'm getting out of the hot office.
We saw a free movie today and met up with some buddies. Then went to a playland McDonalds and stayed cool for another 2 hours. Then it's been home and hot ever since.
Tomorrow I work, and then we'll see what can be done to stay cool. I'm ready to break down and actually PAY to see a movie or Pay to go to pump it up or something inside! We'll see.
Until then, I'm getting out of the hot office.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How hot is it???
We have to be done walking by 10, done playing on the playground by 10:30, upon JOCKEY's request to go home. The boys have spent the last 3 nights sleeping in the TV room because that is the other air conditioned room in our house. I ACTUALLY got into the club pool and laster about 2 hours rather than 20 minutes. And now for the second day in a row, the spoiled rabbit comes inside during the day and stays in a crate in our air conditioned bedroom!
I saw 100 degrees today, and it's listed as 48% humidity. I never thought I'd have to visit California in July to get cooled off!
We went to the pool today and were there a very long time, and then into the AC at Grammy's motorcoah and then to dinner. At 10PM, my car still says it's 86 outside! It's sticky.
So despite being tired now, tomorrow I will be taking the boys to the movie, and then perhaps the pool again. I don't think I can even sit in the shade and watch them play at this temperature/humidity. I'd like to but I have to know my limitations.
Well, that's it for now. The office is hot and I must now retreat to the AC'd bedroom.
We have to be done walking by 10, done playing on the playground by 10:30, upon JOCKEY's request to go home. The boys have spent the last 3 nights sleeping in the TV room because that is the other air conditioned room in our house. I ACTUALLY got into the club pool and laster about 2 hours rather than 20 minutes. And now for the second day in a row, the spoiled rabbit comes inside during the day and stays in a crate in our air conditioned bedroom!
I saw 100 degrees today, and it's listed as 48% humidity. I never thought I'd have to visit California in July to get cooled off!
We went to the pool today and were there a very long time, and then into the AC at Grammy's motorcoah and then to dinner. At 10PM, my car still says it's 86 outside! It's sticky.
So despite being tired now, tomorrow I will be taking the boys to the movie, and then perhaps the pool again. I don't think I can even sit in the shade and watch them play at this temperature/humidity. I'd like to but I have to know my limitations.
Well, that's it for now. The office is hot and I must now retreat to the AC'd bedroom.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
VBS ended with a nice picnic. The boys were entertained, Joshy more than Caleb. Caleb was very vocal on not enjoying the singing. Josh stood slumped over during the final performance, but at least he didn't sit down and face backwards the way Caleb did...
We've visted the parks several times, gone for walks.
Today we went to church and we are working on steam cleaning the carpets (I know, we nearly couldn't have chosen a hotter day to do this.) The carpets are really starting to look better. Mike's put in the majority of the work, although I've done a large amount too. I've also taken the time to wash down all the walls while the furniture is pulled away, and then cleaned the bathroom. The boys are loving visiting with Uncle Brian who stopped by, and watching Muppets in Space in the air conditioned TV room.
What's on the plate for this coming week.... we are going to try to find many ways to beat the heat. The first is going to a free movie on Wednesday in Everett. Ok, it's at 10AM before it REALLY gets hot, but it's something. And I think we will have to discover the splash parks in the area.
I work on Thursday.
Next weekend, we are trying to plan a camping trip towards the crab. I mean ocean water where putting out some crab traps is possible with good results. Cool crab around a campfire... only peel and eat shrimp/prawns beats it.
So that's the plan.
The following week: the boys are enrolled in swim lessons and will be with Peter and Lynda for 4 days. I'll be using the time to clean and work on projects to be entered into the Evergreen State Fair.
So that's the dahl nutshell.
We've visted the parks several times, gone for walks.
Today we went to church and we are working on steam cleaning the carpets (I know, we nearly couldn't have chosen a hotter day to do this.) The carpets are really starting to look better. Mike's put in the majority of the work, although I've done a large amount too. I've also taken the time to wash down all the walls while the furniture is pulled away, and then cleaned the bathroom. The boys are loving visiting with Uncle Brian who stopped by, and watching Muppets in Space in the air conditioned TV room.
What's on the plate for this coming week.... we are going to try to find many ways to beat the heat. The first is going to a free movie on Wednesday in Everett. Ok, it's at 10AM before it REALLY gets hot, but it's something. And I think we will have to discover the splash parks in the area.
I work on Thursday.
Next weekend, we are trying to plan a camping trip towards the crab. I mean ocean water where putting out some crab traps is possible with good results. Cool crab around a campfire... only peel and eat shrimp/prawns beats it.
So that's the plan.
The following week: the boys are enrolled in swim lessons and will be with Peter and Lynda for 4 days. I'll be using the time to clean and work on projects to be entered into the Evergreen State Fair.
So that's the dahl nutshell.
Monday, July 20, 2009
So what happened in our weekend????
The Children's musuem was great...but as for the rest lets see.
Saturday the boys stayed home and played with Mike while I took Auntie Brittany out for her birthday. When I got back we shot out to Snohomish and saw the street fair, ate food, and watched the parade. We were home around 8:30 or so. They had a great time and we saw different things than the Anacortes fair.
Sunday, the highlight was that we drove up to Flowing Lake for a little water splashing, playground, and picnic time. Grammy and Papa Dahl drove up and joined the boys in the water. The boys had a great time, but Caleb kept thinking that any number of water animals were just waiting to snatch him under the water. He kept a keen eye out for sharks, sea turtles and fish...I don't think he understands the difference between saltwater and lake water. I don't know where he got concerned about fish nibbling his toes but he is. Fortunately, we dug out the legendary boogie boards (the ones I used in Hawaii when I was in 8th grade). They were quickly skimming the surface and trying to surf as they were towed around. It wasn't too hot out and it wasn't too cold in the water. The mosquitoes didn't bother us either. The food was good, the lake sounded cheerful and peaceful. The boys had a good time. Can't think of a better way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon/evening. The boys were worn out by the time we got home at the young hour of 7:30... we carried them into bed and that was that. Making for a calm night too!
Now, we are moments away from going to VBS. This is the first day of the next 5 days. I had forgotten that they were taking Josh too, so now I have some days with a bit of "free" time. Of course, then I look at my schedule and find I work two out of five days... so not so much "free" time after all. Well, regardless. The boys should have a lot of fun and hopefully learn a little, and maybe they will even meet up with a few familiar faces. I have hope at least, Caleb's already sad that they aren't going to have recess with soccer. But he's promised to have a good attitude. I'm crossing my fingers.
Ok, that's the update. Here we goooooo!
The Children's musuem was great...but as for the rest lets see.
Saturday the boys stayed home and played with Mike while I took Auntie Brittany out for her birthday. When I got back we shot out to Snohomish and saw the street fair, ate food, and watched the parade. We were home around 8:30 or so. They had a great time and we saw different things than the Anacortes fair.
Sunday, the highlight was that we drove up to Flowing Lake for a little water splashing, playground, and picnic time. Grammy and Papa Dahl drove up and joined the boys in the water. The boys had a great time, but Caleb kept thinking that any number of water animals were just waiting to snatch him under the water. He kept a keen eye out for sharks, sea turtles and fish...I don't think he understands the difference between saltwater and lake water. I don't know where he got concerned about fish nibbling his toes but he is. Fortunately, we dug out the legendary boogie boards (the ones I used in Hawaii when I was in 8th grade). They were quickly skimming the surface and trying to surf as they were towed around. It wasn't too hot out and it wasn't too cold in the water. The mosquitoes didn't bother us either. The food was good, the lake sounded cheerful and peaceful. The boys had a good time. Can't think of a better way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon/evening. The boys were worn out by the time we got home at the young hour of 7:30... we carried them into bed and that was that. Making for a calm night too!
Now, we are moments away from going to VBS. This is the first day of the next 5 days. I had forgotten that they were taking Josh too, so now I have some days with a bit of "free" time. Of course, then I look at my schedule and find I work two out of five days... so not so much "free" time after all. Well, regardless. The boys should have a lot of fun and hopefully learn a little, and maybe they will even meet up with a few familiar faces. I have hope at least, Caleb's already sad that they aren't going to have recess with soccer. But he's promised to have a good attitude. I'm crossing my fingers.
Ok, that's the update. Here we goooooo!
Friday, July 17, 2009
The puppet show Wednesday night was great. Really thought provoking, although Caleb was more interested in this buddies than the show.
Thursday, I worked and then we hung out at the house until we skipped accross the street and played baseball at the park with the neighbors. (The neighbors from behind us that Caleb has been talking to, the same ones we went to the puppet show with.)
Today, Friday, we went to MOPS in the Park for an hour and a half. It was nice to see the ladies. The boys burned off a lot of energy... but not all of it. By 4 pm we needed to get them tired again. We ended up in Everett at Forest park for a while, and then at the Everett Imagine Children's museum for their FREE admission night. What a nice way to spend a quality family Friday night. And inexpensive. What's more, one of Caleb's classmates ended up being there and instantly they were off playing and doing boy horsing around. An impromptu playdate, perfect!
We are going to tuck them into bed and then relax ourselves.
Tomorrow, I'm taking Auntie Brittany birthday bingo playing. Then in the afternoon the boys will be treated to the adventure of Snohomish's Kla-hy-ya days. Street Fair, "Taste of Snohomish" food, chalk art, chili cook off, salmon BBQ, carnival rides, and a parade at 6pm. Sounds fun.
Hope you're weekend is just as exciting. TTFN.
Thursday, I worked and then we hung out at the house until we skipped accross the street and played baseball at the park with the neighbors. (The neighbors from behind us that Caleb has been talking to, the same ones we went to the puppet show with.)
Today, Friday, we went to MOPS in the Park for an hour and a half. It was nice to see the ladies. The boys burned off a lot of energy... but not all of it. By 4 pm we needed to get them tired again. We ended up in Everett at Forest park for a while, and then at the Everett Imagine Children's museum for their FREE admission night. What a nice way to spend a quality family Friday night. And inexpensive. What's more, one of Caleb's classmates ended up being there and instantly they were off playing and doing boy horsing around. An impromptu playdate, perfect!
We are going to tuck them into bed and then relax ourselves.
Tomorrow, I'm taking Auntie Brittany birthday bingo playing. Then in the afternoon the boys will be treated to the adventure of Snohomish's Kla-hy-ya days. Street Fair, "Taste of Snohomish" food, chalk art, chili cook off, salmon BBQ, carnival rides, and a parade at 6pm. Sounds fun.
Hope you're weekend is just as exciting. TTFN.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Just a little update.
We went to the park yesterday for about 2 hours. It was a little chilly, but it was way better than trying to keep the kids occupied in the house. We met a family that we knew from last week, and then one of my MOPS acquaintances (her son was in Caleb's Kindergarten class) stopped by. So we had and unplanned playdate.
Then today, Mike came home sick. But he took Caleb out to eat for lunch.
Jockey and I chilled at the house until they returned.
I went to work today.
Caleb has been literally hanging over the fence making friends with the boys that live behind us. Today he was invited over, in fact Josh was too. So they went over there for about an hour. This is the first time I've had a playdate that I didn't attend myself and watch them. Any others I have been at, stayed at, etc; and it's rare that anyone but Grammy (school or Auntie Brittany, briefly) watches the kids, no babysitters here. So it was a shock to feel like a new phase has begun for the boys and myself. They are getting big enough to have social lives outside of me. At least Caleb is, Jockey is still a tag-a-long. He doesn't really see a difference between himself and Caleb's age group. It's a strange feeling. There is a huge trust issue that goes along with this. Can I trust other people to act safe/appropriate with my kids? Are my kids going to behave? It's a whole letting go thing.
I did receive a good report and told they would be welcome back anytime. We were also invited to a church puppet show performance tomorrow evening. I'm planning on going since the cousins of our neighbors will be there (the ones Caleb is REALLY interested in). These cousins (at least one of them) is in Caleb's Awana. So he knows them. But the intriguing thing is that Blake has been hounding his mom to get together with Caleb too. So I'm happy to hear that other's are wishing to seek Caleb out too. I have hopes that this will lead to some good friendships. (shared faith, similar ages, similar physicial capabilities, etc.)
Tomorrow, we will swim in the morning and see cousin Tessa. A nice but all too infrequent occurrence. I won't be telling them until the morning though because I don't want to be badgered about it for the next two hours. The morning will be enough.
Thursday, I work. I don't have significant plans for the boys.
Friday, MOPS in the park in the morning, IF we are still in town. Still toying with the idea of going somewhere.
However, right now the house needs alot of attention and work. I had the boys seriously excited and enthusiastically helping clean the bathroom yesterday. I hadn't ever seen this kind of cleaning energy from them, but I suppose the 1/4 box of Q-tips I let them use to clean the crannies was a unique experience. (We are working on the deep clean areas that often get neglected in the quick punt to get the general space clean...ex: the molding ledge, perfect q-tip width.) Spraying the cleaner was also a thrill. I'm hoping to train them now that they have to be a part of the cleaning since they are part of the household inhabitants. And if I have to go through an entire box of q-tips (only $1 at $-store) to get some help... so be it!!!! And I bribed them with gum, I admit it.
So that's the week in an upshot.
We went to the park yesterday for about 2 hours. It was a little chilly, but it was way better than trying to keep the kids occupied in the house. We met a family that we knew from last week, and then one of my MOPS acquaintances (her son was in Caleb's Kindergarten class) stopped by. So we had and unplanned playdate.
Then today, Mike came home sick. But he took Caleb out to eat for lunch.
Jockey and I chilled at the house until they returned.
I went to work today.
Caleb has been literally hanging over the fence making friends with the boys that live behind us. Today he was invited over, in fact Josh was too. So they went over there for about an hour. This is the first time I've had a playdate that I didn't attend myself and watch them. Any others I have been at, stayed at, etc; and it's rare that anyone but Grammy (school or Auntie Brittany, briefly) watches the kids, no babysitters here. So it was a shock to feel like a new phase has begun for the boys and myself. They are getting big enough to have social lives outside of me. At least Caleb is, Jockey is still a tag-a-long. He doesn't really see a difference between himself and Caleb's age group. It's a strange feeling. There is a huge trust issue that goes along with this. Can I trust other people to act safe/appropriate with my kids? Are my kids going to behave? It's a whole letting go thing.
I did receive a good report and told they would be welcome back anytime. We were also invited to a church puppet show performance tomorrow evening. I'm planning on going since the cousins of our neighbors will be there (the ones Caleb is REALLY interested in). These cousins (at least one of them) is in Caleb's Awana. So he knows them. But the intriguing thing is that Blake has been hounding his mom to get together with Caleb too. So I'm happy to hear that other's are wishing to seek Caleb out too. I have hopes that this will lead to some good friendships. (shared faith, similar ages, similar physicial capabilities, etc.)
Tomorrow, we will swim in the morning and see cousin Tessa. A nice but all too infrequent occurrence. I won't be telling them until the morning though because I don't want to be badgered about it for the next two hours. The morning will be enough.
Thursday, I work. I don't have significant plans for the boys.
Friday, MOPS in the park in the morning, IF we are still in town. Still toying with the idea of going somewhere.
However, right now the house needs alot of attention and work. I had the boys seriously excited and enthusiastically helping clean the bathroom yesterday. I hadn't ever seen this kind of cleaning energy from them, but I suppose the 1/4 box of Q-tips I let them use to clean the crannies was a unique experience. (We are working on the deep clean areas that often get neglected in the quick punt to get the general space clean...ex: the molding ledge, perfect q-tip width.) Spraying the cleaner was also a thrill. I'm hoping to train them now that they have to be a part of the cleaning since they are part of the household inhabitants. And if I have to go through an entire box of q-tips (only $1 at $-store) to get some help... so be it!!!! And I bribed them with gum, I admit it.
So that's the week in an upshot.
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