We got an unexpected visit of a fever upon Jockey last night. About 12:45 AM he was using the restroom and coughed and sounded like he threw up. I went to check on him and he was burning up. The highest last night was 103.6. I iced him, cold washclothed him, Tylenol, Ibrophened and prayed. He was down to 101.9 at 6 Am when we finally went to sleep. He's spiked back up to 103 mid-morning before more medication was put into him. But he's handling it well. I was wondering for a moment if I was going to have to hold him down in a cold bath, but we made it through the night. He has a very very bad cough, but thanks to our Rite Aid deals in August, I have all the sore throat meds he could need. So despite the beautiful sunny crisp day, we are going to stick close to home. Where did he pick this up... probably the Children's Museum one week ago. He'll make it through. I just pray the rest of the family doesn't follow in his footsteps on this.
Thanks to every one for their generosity to our family this Christmas and your prayers for Jockey getting well.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Our Christmas...
Hugs after a fun morning.

Hugs and presents in the morning:

Stockings before breakfast:

That's our Christmas in a Photo-nutshell. On to sleeping and maybe a bit of compulsory tidying.
In SHORT, because We are all tired, and I'm beyond exhausted...So more pictures than words. The boys were blessed almost into the area of indulgence. But they are grateful and playing with everything in turn with sheer joy. The family was blessed with working/matching phones! Several great scrapbooking items/tool came my way, and Mike is enjoying his coffeemaker even as I type. And it appears that the handmade gifts were received with pleasure over... reluctance.
Crisp sunny day, very different than last year's foot of snow, but just as enjoyable. Casual and family, nothing better.
On to pictures. In reverse order of the day:
Dinner at Kristina, Ryan, and Cousin Tessa's.
Hugs and presents in the morning:
That's our Christmas in a Photo-nutshell. On to sleeping and maybe a bit of compulsory tidying.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus.
Hope you and your families have a great day of joy and fun.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus.
Hope you and your families have a great day of joy and fun.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas is almost here!
A week ago we attended Jockey's Christmas Program. Here is a picture of him proudly dressed in his "handsome clothes" as he's called them. Of course, he had to be unique for the program, and there is just one word to describe his performance: spinning. You can imagine what he did by himself two steps to the right of everyone else.

This is such an enchanting time of the year. The general cheer is brought on by the meaning of the year, the lights, the beautiful decorations.
A week ago we attended Jockey's Christmas Program. Here is a picture of him proudly dressed in his "handsome clothes" as he's called them. Of course, he had to be unique for the program, and there is just one word to describe his performance: spinning. You can imagine what he did by himself two steps to the right of everyone else.
The boys like having the Christmas Vacation. Staying up a little later, sleeping in a bit too. We've done some fun things too. Last Friday we took them to the Children's museum in Everett. They love to run around and trying everything, although they do have their favorites. On Saturday, we bundled up and went to Leavenworth for the city lighting, songs and various munchies (chesnuts, cider, cocoa, brats, etc.) This year the kids were all about the sledding. They were blessed with receiving a sled from Papa Dahl and this year they just zoomed down the hill. They were a little better about watching out for others and now getting plowed into. Jockey still took a couple hits, and was almost done with the whole business until I told him I'd slide down with him. Finally he did say that he wanted to go look at stuff and eat things. It was surprising that he was so very interested in looking at all the things in the stores. It didn't matter if it was a soap store, a painting store, or what. He just wanted to look at everything. Of course, he would frequently land on the stuffed animals. Cats particularly. He has a fixation. Caleb tolerated the food and a couple stores, but really it was all about the sledding and he couldn't wait to get back to it.
So we've spent a couple days back at the house getting things done in preparation for the big
day(s). Projects, cleaning, laundry, walking around the neighborhood looking at lights etc.
The best thing is that I discovered free online Christmas shows/movies. The boys come into the office and choose something and sit with me as I work on projects. Before Christmas didn't seep into the office and I felt like I was missing the season while working so hard for it. That's changed now, the Christmas spirit and cheer has filled the office as we've watch the old favorites and new fun shows with the boys. The boys like choosing a show whenever they want rather than waiting for the tv programming to finally put it on, and I like them with me so I can keep an eye on them while getting things done! Still more work to do, and now it doesn't feel like such a dry task but a near budding Christmas tradition for us.
So the rest of the week: Nothing for the boys and they like it. I work briefly Wednesday and Thursday. Christmas Eve service on Thursday, with a small dinner afterwards at our house. Christmas morning mayhem of breakfast and gifts at our house with Papa & Grammy and Papa Bill and Grandma Judy. Then Christmas dinner with the Surfaces and others. And maybe, like last year, we'll visit Candy Cane lane on our way home from West Seattle. After than, who knows. Rest maybe, just maybe!
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas happens for everyone around the world.
See how they decorate/celebrate:
Thanks for looking.
See how they decorate/celebrate:
Thanks for looking.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Another Christmas song with a bit more depth than a santa song...
To the loved ones we've lost or who are just away.
To the loved ones we've lost or who are just away.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Each Christmas, the boys are older, we've all lived a little longer, experienced a bit more of life, view things a little big different or deepr. Being a mom has changed the scape of what christmas looks like. This song gets me every time as a mom.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas blessings...
1- Despite Jockey microwaving a pancake for 6 minutes causing a microwave fire of 3-4" flames inside the microwave and smoke filling our main level.... No damage, just icky smell. The microwave is not going to come all the way clean, but it does still work. We are all safe.
2- I just got notice yesterday that the boys are now on the WA state medical coupon system!!! We were hoping for their highest tier qualification, but they gave us the mid-tier and therefore even cheaper premiums per month. We just saved 89% per month on the boys medical! Which is such a blessing because we had to cancel their medical due to strangling costs.
I'm a crazy one, hoping for snow this winter, so we are on Snow watch at our house. Should be a great Christmas season. Caleb says that Christmas is his favorite day of winter.
Jockey had a christmas program this Sunday, he still went up and sang despite having said "mommy, please don't sign me up for that". He wore his "handsome" clothes, a suit thing. He loves it, and has worn it several days in a row since Grammy got it for him.
On our way to school today I was giving Caleb warnings about the slippery icy ground, that even if he doesn't see it, it is still there. Jockey promptly asked if ice had super powers like a super hero because it was invisible.
Love to say more, but I have stuff to do.
1- Despite Jockey microwaving a pancake for 6 minutes causing a microwave fire of 3-4" flames inside the microwave and smoke filling our main level.... No damage, just icky smell. The microwave is not going to come all the way clean, but it does still work. We are all safe.
2- I just got notice yesterday that the boys are now on the WA state medical coupon system!!! We were hoping for their highest tier qualification, but they gave us the mid-tier and therefore even cheaper premiums per month. We just saved 89% per month on the boys medical! Which is such a blessing because we had to cancel their medical due to strangling costs.
I'm a crazy one, hoping for snow this winter, so we are on Snow watch at our house. Should be a great Christmas season. Caleb says that Christmas is his favorite day of winter.
Jockey had a christmas program this Sunday, he still went up and sang despite having said "mommy, please don't sign me up for that". He wore his "handsome" clothes, a suit thing. He loves it, and has worn it several days in a row since Grammy got it for him.
On our way to school today I was giving Caleb warnings about the slippery icy ground, that even if he doesn't see it, it is still there. Jockey promptly asked if ice had super powers like a super hero because it was invisible.
Love to say more, but I have stuff to do.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
We're back safe from California.
On the plane Caleb said he missed Grammy Bishop. And every time they are down there, they say they don't want to leave and want to stay forever.
They were kept pretty busy in the sun and parks, the McDonalds, and the new toys at the house.
We hit the ground running with school, work, keeping the house picked up, Awana, and projects today. And it just keeps going and going. We might take a breath on Monday or Tuesday!
The Christmas season is upon us fast, and there is much prep to do.
We're still praying for the perfect buyers, the perfect house, the greatest interest rate, etc,etc. Feel free to pray too.
Thanks and good night.
On the plane Caleb said he missed Grammy Bishop. And every time they are down there, they say they don't want to leave and want to stay forever.
They were kept pretty busy in the sun and parks, the McDonalds, and the new toys at the house.
We hit the ground running with school, work, keeping the house picked up, Awana, and projects today. And it just keeps going and going. We might take a breath on Monday or Tuesday!
The Christmas season is upon us fast, and there is much prep to do.
We're still praying for the perfect buyers, the perfect house, the greatest interest rate, etc,etc. Feel free to pray too.
Thanks and good night.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
California update.
In the crisp and beautiful days we have taken the boys to the parks.
The boys have hot tubbed. They've played with new toys (legos, rc car, star wars learning laptop, bendaroos, color wonder painting set.) Grandpa Bishop built/set up a computer just for them to use and play their games on (a bit hit.) They've worn themselves out twice at McDonalds, to the point they asked to go home and nap! Grandma took us to the movie "planet 51" and it was really cute and good for a few grow-up laughs too.
On today's agenda , the Sacramento Railroad museum with Papa Bishop.
We've made Grandma Bishop's Christmas present, and the boys helped with that. They were really excited to be a part of the christmas making process.
Santa (aka firemen) drove around the neighborhoods last night and in a blaze of lights, wished everyone a merry christmas while giving out candy canes. The first truck gives the announcement and you have two minutes to rush outside. Grandpa heard that and got us rushing out. We all made it, but Caleb was sans shoes and Jockey sans jacket. But we at least made it.
We had out Thanksgiving feast Sunday afternoon and saw Mr. Phinas and Great Grandma Dyer, as well as a friend named Julie and her grandson Gregory. He, a big 9 year old, captured the attention of Jockey and Caleb for the afternoon. They built things with legos, build forts, watch a pig movie etc etc. They were really happy to have a friend visit them.
Tomorrow we return to Washington late in the evening. (9pm-ish) So we will probably have time to squeeze in some other activity tomorrow too. We'll see.
Jockey has impressed Grandma with his learning. Caleb can read but he's being shy in front of Grandma when it comes to this, but not when wrestling or in eating. Both of the boys decided that their previous shirts were no longer adequate, and with Grandma, they went through her laundry in search of new "yummy" "fluffies (aka shirts)". So now they are both running around/sleeping with the shirts of Grandma Bishop. Of course, last night the request was to tie them on their heads and add eye patches so that they could be Ninja Pirates. Jockey has also lived up to his reputation of wanting to be "handsome" and saying the word "perfect" often. Caleb has cuddled down with them in front of shows too. Caleb and Grandma have had some in depth conversations where Caleb's "been thinking and....". Funny.
So that's what's been up in sunny bright California with the "another grammy" and "another papa" in Jockey's words. More when we return.
In the crisp and beautiful days we have taken the boys to the parks.
The boys have hot tubbed. They've played with new toys (legos, rc car, star wars learning laptop, bendaroos, color wonder painting set.) Grandpa Bishop built/set up a computer just for them to use and play their games on (a bit hit.) They've worn themselves out twice at McDonalds, to the point they asked to go home and nap! Grandma took us to the movie "planet 51" and it was really cute and good for a few grow-up laughs too.
On today's agenda , the Sacramento Railroad museum with Papa Bishop.
We've made Grandma Bishop's Christmas present, and the boys helped with that. They were really excited to be a part of the christmas making process.
Santa (aka firemen) drove around the neighborhoods last night and in a blaze of lights, wished everyone a merry christmas while giving out candy canes. The first truck gives the announcement and you have two minutes to rush outside. Grandpa heard that and got us rushing out. We all made it, but Caleb was sans shoes and Jockey sans jacket. But we at least made it.
We had out Thanksgiving feast Sunday afternoon and saw Mr. Phinas and Great Grandma Dyer, as well as a friend named Julie and her grandson Gregory. He, a big 9 year old, captured the attention of Jockey and Caleb for the afternoon. They built things with legos, build forts, watch a pig movie etc etc. They were really happy to have a friend visit them.
Tomorrow we return to Washington late in the evening. (9pm-ish) So we will probably have time to squeeze in some other activity tomorrow too. We'll see.
Jockey has impressed Grandma with his learning. Caleb can read but he's being shy in front of Grandma when it comes to this, but not when wrestling or in eating. Both of the boys decided that their previous shirts were no longer adequate, and with Grandma, they went through her laundry in search of new "yummy" "fluffies (aka shirts)". So now they are both running around/sleeping with the shirts of Grandma Bishop. Of course, last night the request was to tie them on their heads and add eye patches so that they could be Ninja Pirates. Jockey has also lived up to his reputation of wanting to be "handsome" and saying the word "perfect" often. Caleb has cuddled down with them in front of shows too. Caleb and Grandma have had some in depth conversations where Caleb's "been thinking and....". Funny.
So that's what's been up in sunny bright California with the "another grammy" and "another papa" in Jockey's words. More when we return.
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