In the car, Caleb is so cute. When I have the radio on he starts bobbing his head to the music. Then he calls out, mom, mom, until I look back and he has to show me that he is bobbing his head. It is almost as if to say, "I like this song". There are other times I see him waving or shaking his index finger to the beat of the music. It is just so cute and good to know he enjoys music and that the car ride isn't some torturous event.
The Buzz saga.... Caleb is still a big buzz fan! He is at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house tonight, which again feels great to get a break; my heart gets refreshs so that I can keep loving Caleb with the same intensity and I can keep up with him too. Thanks Grammy and Papa. But he is in for a great surprise when he gets back tomorrow. I have picked up from the library the "Buzz Lightyear, Star Command Adventure" movie. Imagine a movie with the main star of Buzz! As soon as I learned this exsisted, I hunted it down for my little guy. I hope that he is impressed with the extent of how much I love him and the legnths that I go for him. I'd be happy if he shows just 5 minutes of excitement over this... We'll see.
However, the down side of Buzz. (as if there could be one, I know) I wrangled Caleb into the Buzz Lightyear costume that Grammy got for him. I was surprised that he is NOT a fan of "being Buzz". But at least I know why. In the movie, Buzz falls and breaks his arm, by "being Buzz" Caleb believes that he might hurt his arm again. It make sense, in fact I could try to find the silver lining in this and hope that this is an indication of logical, sequential thinking with decision making that would deter from "dangerous" results. Also, the other positive is that the costume is so big on him that he will fit it for at least the next year and in that time he might come to understand that his arm won't have to break to "be Buzz".

Lastly, a story that I will have to be as vague as possible while still conveying the humor. Caleb has been saying for a couple weeks that he's a boy, Daddy's a boy and Jockey is a boy, and that Mommy is a girl. He is now starting to learn what makes the difference, and he is now requesting to see "the difference" from Daddy, or me, or Jockey. I tried to tell him that he doesn't need to see Jockey's or Daddy's and Mommy just doesn't have one. However, Caleb is still very proud of himself. He stood on the bed, hands on his hips, chest pushed out with pride and he announces "Me pean!!"; did I mention that he was in the buff at the time of this announcement? This was after I was tricked. Yes, tricked by a two year old. He keeps saying that his bum hurts, so I take off his diaper to see what could be poking, rubbing, or cutting into him..... At which point he squirrels and wiggles away and takes the opportunity to run around the house nude! He's learned that I'll be attentive if something is hurting him (or if he's crying, as in the case of fake crying at night for my attention, which he tried at 3 am one night); but Caleb doesn't know that I know what games he is now playing...I'm wise to his racket. He doesn't have to fool me TOO many times before I learn.
Josh is really starting to be responsive to any person who will have eye contact with him. He can see about 12" inches away, anything out side of that and he behaves as if you're not there. He is even showing signs of being about to stick his tongue out in reaction to mommy doing the same. He also likes it when I click my tongue at him. Our favorite games are: singing the "wheels on the bus" as I exercise his legs, and "what are you going to tell me?" as I ask him when is he going to stand, walk, talk, get teeth, etc. He makes the most adorable sounds in response to my questions, I'm endeavoring to capture the sounds on video tape!
That's all for now.
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