Stories of Caleb, Joshua (aka Jockey) and our newest addition Nathan Kai...
It goes without saying that Tessa had a fantastic time. Her real birthday is today. We are fortunate to get to see her on the actual day. And since she can't read, I'll tell you that I'm very excited to give her our gifts. Of course there is the standard "toy". But I'm proud of and most excited about the "My Little Pony"(Her favorite) patterened pillowcases and pillows with lace and bows on them. I made them and who better to lavish creativity on that a beautiful, cheerful niece who will appreciate PONIES!!!
I look forward to tonight; but for night now, off to playgroup where I hope to have a great time with the other moms and Caleb might burn off sufficient steam!
Then today was filled with a good deal of activity as well. First, Caleb and I finished our "mountain" making. The paper mache had dried and it was time to paint it. Let's just say that the "mountian", looks a little like Mt. St. Helens crater and all, with a little buddy on the side. It was messy, but fun. Caleb was naked anyways, which turned out to be a blessing from above.
(I smudged out the boy parts since this is going on the web, but be assured, it was covered in paint too!)
So we ended up here...
And my guess that "floating" wasn't too far away was right. He really likes to float and just lay in the tub. I know where he gets that from; I was like that as a kid and could relax to the point of falling asleep. But this bath gave Caleb time to play with his new soap crayons. This is his 4 or so package of them. Grammy Dahl got him started, we've kept him going, and this last package was bought with gift money from Great Grandma Dyer. He's thrilled. I'm hoping it will help him spell someday!
The greatest thing of all happened after naps today. We drove up to see Nick, Tyler, Matthew and Auntie Barb.... and to play at JUNGLE PLAYLAND. What a home run for Caleb from start to finish! He was so excited to see the boys. He wrestled with Matthew, watched a train simulator and went down the slides with Tyler, and his "idol" Nick...he sat with while eating pizza and cookies, he went down the slides, he climbed around every where. He had such a great time. He even was worried when we were departing from Jungle Playland that he hadn't gotten a chance to say good-bye. So we went back to their house and he got to play for another hour and a half and then said his cute good-byes! I think he would have wanted to stay if I'd asked. Of course, Mel and Rene showed up so we also got to see them for a few minutes. Which if Caleb stayed over would have meant that he and Nick could have camped out somewhere together! A 2 yr old's dream: Camping out is the object of his facination.
Not to leave Jockey out of the picture, Matthew was really interested in the baby. He wanted to rock him and hold him. It was really cute. My oldest loves Barb's oldest and her youngest took a liking to my youngest. Cousins are so great! And I had a great time talking to Barb about mommy stuff. Again, again, I am thinking already!
So here are some pictures of our Jungle Playland adventure!
Well, that's it for now. It's kind of late, but I didn't want another day to go by without me updating everyone on what fun we are up to!
More soon, I hope!
Josh has taken up the habit in the last few days to sticking his tongue out. Sometimes it is because it is an exploration thing, sometimes it is in response to Caleb's tongue or laughing, and other times it is just plain funny and inconvenient... like when I'm trying to feed him. Well, I am just glad that he is showing personality at such a young age. Gosh I love this little cuddly guy.
Well, that's all for now.
My little, hands on his hips, boy. Very proud to be Buzz at the moment. Of course he had to lay down next to Josh on the play mat (under it's arches and all), while wearing his costume, to show Josh how to play with the items that dangle.
And when I was down loading pictures from Saturday, this picture stood out as a really good one.
Our Dahl Matriarch. She's very proud of my little boys. I'm so delighted that the boys and GG are developing a relationship with such happy memories, not every person gets the opportunity to know someone from four generations back. Caleb plays wonderfully with GG once he warms up (as he must for each time they see each other). And this Saturday I was very touched that GG was singing German lullabyes and nursery songs to Josh. She cares and loves for my little ones with such kindness and gentleness. The joy is mutual between her and the boys. I like the thought of a heritage being instilled in my little guys. They will of course be Americans, but they also have a rich history and to be introduced to it in such a personal way is touching. My hope is that GG will be able to sit down with the boys and some of her old photo albums and be able to show them and tell them about her life. (You know, before cell phones, Ipods, MP-3 players, and microwaves.)
I am blessed, and so are Caleb and Josh to have such wonderful family members that are willing to share themselves and their time. Auntie Birdie takes time to talk to Caleb and lets him feed her bird too many treats. Grammy takes Caleb for socialization and activities that give me a break. Tessa is fun to laugh with and of course tease, sometime unmercilessly. Grandpa Dahl is always willing to play and go for walks with Caleb. GG plays catch and gitch-ya with Caleb. Papa Bishop is great to play, go to the park or or even just watch Tv with, until they both need naps in the afternoon. Grandma Bishop gets on the floor and wrestles with him. Everyone of course leaps in line to hold Josh and hopes for one of his blazing smiles; he frequently obliges.
The love, support and prayers from all the family are priceless. Thank you.
We remember a beloved friend, constant companion, Mike's first "son", a unique personality, patient with children and puppies, kind to others, obedient, a comfort in times of trouble, playful and goofy, reliable, trustworthy, exhuberant, a cuddler and frequent sleeping companion to Mike. Ike multiplied the joy of circumstances and events such as walks, camping, swimming, work, and family get togethers. He provided a sense of security to his family at home, emotionally, and to Mike at Gold Creek. Ike bridged the span of Mike's childhood to adulthood, from being single to marriage, and from being an only "child" to being a "sibling" to Mike's sons. His long life, full of happy memories, will be cherished in the hearts of those who knew him and love him.
Please pray for my immediate family, and for any who had an attachment to Ike, perhaps yourself; that the Lord would stand in the gap with comfort, peace, and inner incomprehensible joy that only He can provide.