Today I took Caleb to Playgroup. It was so nice not to have him jumping on me or getting too close to hurting Joshua. It was a nice hour and a half that was the only reason why I still feel half normal on a Monday after a not so great night of sleep. Thank the Lord that playgroup started up again today! I'm even enjoying it more and more because the other moms are talking to me now. I guess it takes a while to settle into their group. Well, I signed up for 2006 (I'm so happy it is only $20 for the year!) and I look forward to spend more sanity saving days at playgroup.
Today of all things, Caleb fixated on a whistle. He wants to blow it, even or especially in the car. He does do well at blowing it quietly in the car, for as long as a 2.5 yr old can remember what quiet is. But bless playgroup again, he took the whistle in with him, and it was laying around when the toys got picked up, thus we didn't walk out with it! Small favors mean so much somedays!
Caleb as always is making me laugh (or cry) at every turn. I'll share a story of a laughing moment. Of course everyone knows that we are potty training. Well, let's speak in code and say that he is having 2ndary success (2 being an operative number). We were so excited with his success. We gave him candy, we cheered, we swung him around in the air. He was very happy at us being happy. He runs over and tells Joshua, which is funny, but a mom's hope is that Josh gets the idea sooner than 2.5 yrs old and follows suit. But the most hilarious thing is, I took the little potty's catch basin to the toilet to dispose of "things" and Caleb came with. I'm glad that he came with because I want him to know where it is eventually suppose to go, and for him not to be afraid of the flushing which some kids are prone to. Well, he came and watched and then I let him flush. I dropped the lid down and he then picked the lid up. I'm thinking he wants to see it swirl away, fine I think, and suddenly he says "Bye-bye poop", and I'm not sure if I saw a hint of a wave. I laughed out loud. I know he didn't ever hear that from me!
Ok, enough stories about poop, although from my understanding there is a certain predisposition to this subject for the Dahl family... usually during dinner, but nobody's perfect...
Moving on. A little story about Josh. I know a few months ago I proudly announced that Josh had his Daddy and Papa Dahl's tongue, being a short and rectangular shaped. I might have spoken too soon and incorrectly. You be the judge:

Josh has taken up the habit in the last few days to sticking his tongue out. Sometimes it is because it is an exploration thing, sometimes it is in response to Caleb's tongue or laughing, and other times it is just plain funny and inconvenient... like when I'm trying to feed him. Well, I am just glad that he is showing personality at such a young age. Gosh I love this little cuddly guy.
Well, that's all for now.
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