Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The boys have been asking for three days if it is the day we go to California! Finally, today is the day. Their traveling backpacks are ready and will hopefulling keep them interested for the flights. Their clothes are packed so that they won't have a choice but to wear clothes (given a choice they wouldn't.) The Christmas presents for Grandma and Papa Bishop are packed.
Just a few last minutes details to toss into the bags and we are set. I'm a little nervous about this TIME of flight. It is the first time that I have flown in the evening and I just don't know whether they are going to stay awake or not; if NOT, are they going to behave and stay in their seats quietly... or are they going to act like nightmare, disobedient, spectacle creating children. I guess I'll find out because there is nothing that I can change about it right now. I know I'd try to fall asleep on the plane if given a choice, won't the bumpy landing wake me up?
I've already tried to talk to them about the rules at Grandma's house. I will go over the rules again. I'm trying to think ahead and believe that the reason why they get into so much is because it is an unfamilar environment and the adjustment period is what is annoying.... optimistic, sure. But the alternative is knowing they are just careless and choosing reckless, disobedient, disrespectful behavior. I'd rather look at the positive side until proven otherwise.
The New Year is just hours away. We will begin a fresh in our minds (nothing is truly totally fresh.) I hope to instill in my sons confidence in who they are as people and follower's of Christ. I hope to give them confidence in their skills, and acceptance in their weakness and how to seek out balance in friends (and eventually spouses) that are strong where they are weak. My sincere wish that Caleb will be reading by the time school ends, although it's like trying to get a grasshopper to sit still and focus. And little Joshy is the "test-o-matic", a true second child who is testing all rules and boundaries for weakened resolve. I'm going to have to keep my eye on him and follow through on all consquences with that guy. It's hard to believe that I have a come up on 6 year old, and by the time school starts again, I'll have a 4 year old.
Time has just whipped by. All the baby stages are GONE for these two. I forgot to mention that Joshy has got about month of dry nights. He is a "Big boy" now without accidents at night! I'm proud of him. I don't know if it is an absence of urge, because I can't say that he is actually getting up in the middle of the night either. (Which makes me be ready for backsliding in the back of my mind.) But he is dry and he is so excited to wear just underwear! He darn near cries if I even ask him to wear a pull-up. So sucess until further notice!
Caleb told me that I should get a job the other day. He said I could keep the job I have now and just have 2 jobs. I asked him what that job would be. He said that I should deliever newspapers on my bike, and that those newspapers should have news that Jesus is alive on them so that everyone will know. Good thought towards the end of the conversation, however, I did have to have the talk about all the "jobs" that mommy actually already has...Hmmmm.
The New Year will begin for us in California, and I'm hoping to see a little sun while we are there. Then it can snow again all it wants once we are back. (I would like a safe arrival back home, but then snow snow snow). I never get tired of it. It's always so bright and peaceful to look at. And that's about all I do is look at it.
Happy New Year. TTFN.
Monday, December 29, 2008
I have narrowed all my to-do's down to one priority in the next two and half days. Packing for California. Of course, packing requires processing laundry which requires putting away what I'm not packing. And to pack, I have to get the suitcases down. Normally, I get anxious and try to clean the whole house and get it show perfect and get tons of other things done too. Not this time. I just want to throw clothes into a bag and go. That theory seems to be what the kids already think the visit involves, so why make it more complicated. They are so excited. I told them again on Sunday that we are going to California and they were jumping around, hugged me and Mike, and squealed out thank-yous. They were told when we are getting on the plane; the excitement seems to have melted all their memory because the boys keep asking over and over when we are going. I hope that California hasn't erradicated Christmas as fast as they have here, because it will be neat for the boys to see it all lit up and festive.
Well, contrary to our usual pattern of lingering as long as possible in the holiday enjoyment and beauty, we took down our tree yesterday. Caleb was very sad about that, surprisingly so. I didn't want to take the tree down, but I'll be gone and won't have time to take the tree down in time for the free pick up day (yes, I'm frugal and like convienence, to a fault). So it came down. The boys helped some, but it was such a tall tree, eventually it required a ladder. Everything in th house is now packed away. (I'm even allowing next year's Christmas spirit to sneak in, I packed so that next year has one specific box to pull down.) Caleb helped carry everything to the garage. A good helper. The only thing left up is the outside lights. There is just too much snow and ice on the house to get up on the roof safely.
The boys have played and played and played for days. We haven't HAD to go anywhere so we have enjoyed the freedom of staying home. They are playing lots and playing well together. Lots of "clean-up" sessions though. Toys and "forts" make for a big mess often. Their forts end up being a pile of blankets and pillows that they jump off of the bed and land in. (That is if I can contain the fort's construction to a bedroom.)
The snow is still lingering on th roads and yards. The yard is still up to 6 inches thick of snow/ice pack. And the main roads were only just scraped this weekend by the city. Without being scraped, the largest divets and ice contrived potholes had formed. When I went to work on Friday, let's just say, it is a good thing I have an all-wheel drive car and my shocks work. The kids would have though we were off-roading and should be in the bronco if they were in the car. As it was the foot+ of snow on the roof of the car was jostled so much that huge hunks were tossed off with each rocking back and forth.
So now, a-packing I will go. And to keep the kids busy, I think they will have to find homes for their new pile of toys. Daddy wants his hunting rubbermaid bins back. If I'm ambitious, we'll go out and look at some stores' holiday clearance sales, you know, getting ready for next year.
Have a great week and a Happy New Year. We will try. This is the first holiday season travel I've ever done. And the boys and I will be spending New Years' even on a plane and arrive in California with just a scant couple hours to go before 2009 is ushered in. I hope the New Year brings new adventures.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I hope all of your Christmases were fun, cheerful and safe.
We woke up and started getting things ready for the day. We actually had to wake the boys up to get them going today. They were excited about their stockings. They began to play with their toys and greeted our guests excitedly.
We breakfasted on our traditional Swedish pancakes with accompanying sausage, eggs and pineapple. The boys were exceptionally patient waiting for everyone to be finished eating and getting the kitchen cleaned up. We actually fit the table and 8 people into our kitchen!
So then it was on to gifts. What I liked most is the slow pace and the boys played with each toy and gave each toy it's due attention, rather than a massive and quick greedfest of opening. This Christmas could be summed up as "Merry Batman Christmas". Caleb got a little figure, a big figure, a car, a rappeling batman gun thing, a batman game; Holy smokes Batman, am I forgetting something batman? There were other things too. A DVD, board game, nerf dart target board. But he is in love with it all. The big challenge is ONE TOY At A TIME! Otherwise I'll be trailing after him every 10-15 minutes picking things up over and over and over. Joshy got a little bit more variety, but he did have a few batman things too. He really liked the Hungry Hungry Hippos, and well everything. He's played with everything in a rotating order. What I like most is that the boys have been sharing and playing together rather than fighting and taunting each other. It is such a nice peace that I can't describe the relief that I haven't had to mediate today. I'm crossing my fingers that it continues.
It SNOWED most of the day, until at least 1PM. It varied between light and heavy. I'd say we got at least another 2-3 inches over the course of the day. It snowed so much that Papa Bill, Grandma Judy, Papa Dahl and Grammy changed their evening plans. It ended up that everyone came back to our house bringing their entrees with them. We cooked up rib roast and king crab. Delicious. It was a pleasant evening of good food and good company. Of course, we forgot dessert... Well, it would have been nice, but perhaps our bodies are better for doing without.
Right now we are enjoying a wind down time. The boys are back to (or still) playing with their toys. Mike's crashed on the couch and I'm sitting here updating the site. I admit I'm little worse for wear. I woke up with a headache which only got worse as the day progressed, it turned to a dizzy and nauseous experience and sent me running to the restroom. I also crashed on the couch almost uncontrollably so... and woke up with my headache back to a dull roar and well enough to hold down the delicious crab.
An eventful holiday full of joy, snow, and family. It will take days to clean up after. But I also have to plunge into working tomorrow, cleaning up the house, and getting packed for our trip to California. Never a dull moment.
Merry Christmas to you and have a great rest of the week and weekend.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I hope you're all having an easy going cheerful day just like the boys and I. We dug out my car and I drove (for the first time this season in the snow) over to "Auntie" Brittany's this morning. We had gifts to deliver to them and they were very pleased that they got something (anything) too. It was nice that they had something to play with while we chatted.
Since it's been snowing since 2AM (yes, I was awake to see it start, projects you know) and has only has a few 15 minute breaks, we have accumulated another 4+" of snow. I keep asking the boys if they want to go outside; I even offered to put Caleb's snow shoes on him. But shockingly, they both decline. Maybe they got too cold last time. So we are cuddled up inside watching Polar Express and they are playing with their "shets" (see previous posting for what this is).
I hope that we still get to attend our church's candlelight services tonight. But regardless, dinner time comes and we will eat no matter what. But I do hope that Grandpa and Grammy get to come out and go to services, it is such a special magical thing to be surrounded by cheer and reverance.
Well, it is probably time for cocoa. I'll try to post some pictures later, I've been so busy.
Have a safe, warm, merry, blessed Christmas.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The boys love it. We went out and saw Christmas lights tonight. And helped a few stuck people. But we are back and enjoying another quite night in and getting projects done. Good thing the boys are already scheduled to be out of school, because there would be no way that they would be going tomorrow!
Ok, so that's it. Tomorrow I'll try to post pictures of what we wake up to in the morning.
Good night!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Our neighborhood, 2 blocks away
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
He was drawing and drew a happy face. He said "This is how they want you to draw a happy face". That seems like a pretty innoculous statment. However, it started my wheels turning. First I thought about how children don't inherently know the icons of feelings, often they don't even know the names of their own feelings. But then I wondered who are "they", that they are dictating to my son (or anyone) was happiness looks like either literally or figuratively? Why do they dictate? Why do we listen? Why does happiness have to appear a certain way to be accepted as "happy"?
A child may be quiet, but happy. A fast moving, talkative child may not be happy. A mountian dwelling hermit can be happy knowing he's doing as he wishes rather than the door to door salesman abrading away his time? Yet, hermits are judged to be unhappy. A quiet reserved person with few things is seen as unhappy or poor. A boisterous person with a bounty of materialistic items is seen to be happy.
I don't want anyone (other than me) dictating to my children what is happiness. I don't want Caleb to ever feel sadness because he doesn't measure up to what they characterize happiness by.Possessions are often a measure of happiness in this world, especially at this time of year. But that's not what I try to teach Caleb and Josh. They don't get alot, but I still want them to be able to find happiness. In our home we measure happiness with obediance to God's word and His will. Where else can you have peace and happiness than in the comfort in knowing you're where you should be or called to, doing as you should be doing or asked to do.
One thing that I have always loved about my sons is that they monetary value of a item has never come to factor in to the enjoyment they have with it. They would be happy with a garage sale .25 something that was worth close to that new. The easy to please nature of the boys is a blessing. I can bring them joy more often when it is so easily/affordably attained. Joy comes from sharing it, so I'm joyful when they are.
I guess I've learned another lesson from a kindergartener. Interesting.
At Awana, part of Jockey's craft project (which I was parent helping with) was that the kids were asked for one thing they'd like to give or do for their parents, it was written on the card, put in a little sleeve and then sent home for under the tree. The surprise element went bust for me because I was helping... however, it was quite cute what Joshy said. He said "I want to teach my parents a lesson.... (long pause, in which I started getting a little nervous).... to swing and jump." Cute, and I'm glad he has a specific idea of what we will be taught, rather than some ambiguous "lesson" like in extreme patience.
The boys have decided that action figures are "so cool". They like to pretend to be super heroes. They switch off being batman, spiderman, super-fast ninja turtles, ironman, bibleman, etc. At least there are less toys left out during this kind of play.
So that's all for now. I've got to get back to it.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
It was beautiful and sunny out today. And our family went out and got our Christmas tree. The boys have been excited all week to do this. Every time they would wake up either from the night or a nap they would ask if it was the day they were going to get to cut down a Christmas tree. And the day finally arrived, and it was probably the prettiest (or one of the prettiest) days that we have had for a tree cutting day. So we got all packed up today, stopped off for our usual cold sandwiches and then began the journey. We listened to Christmas songs and talked. We stopped off at the ranger station for our permit and map and then the fun really began. This is the FIRST year that we have been out with absolutely NO SNOW on the ground. I thought that it would be so easy without the snow on the ground.... Well, the driving was, in fact easy breezy. However, that usually present snow does pack down a lot of little seedlings and brush that really hung the kids (well all of us) up. But in the hiking the trees brushed against us, and we pushed branches away or even clung to them to steady ourselves, we came away with the refreshing smell of pine in our hair and lingering on our clothing. We entered and then hiked and hiked. Mike carried Jockey who was just about branch snap back height. We looked around and keep hiking. We crossed a little stream with care. The dogs excitedly got out of the truck and began to tramp in (on the way out, Zuma's previously injured leg was giving her troubles and she was wimpering.) We found a clearing and decided that one of these just had to be it. The boys were busy suggesting trees left and right. That is when Jockey wasn't BLOWING BUBBLES. That's right our littlest decided that the forest and bubbles were the perfect combination. While it was inconvienent that he wanted to blow bubble WHILE we were hiking, it did keep him busy during the time to survey, discuss and cut the chose tree. We found a good one. Mike took charge of the tree and Tigger, who didn't grasp the concept of not stepping on the trailing tree as we decended back to the road. I aimed the boys down the hill. It was rough going because it can be very slippery. I ended up having to carry Jockey most of the way. It's funny that it felt like we were so out there and it took a long time to get in and out. However, stripped down, it might be over A football field length, but not two. That's forest perspective for you. As Daddy loaded up the tree, I broke out the hot cocoa. Of course being HOT, I had to had a bit of fresh mountain stream water and it made it perfectly enjoyable for the kiddoes.
So this tree is the tallest tree we've ever had. Putting it at the highest part of our living allowed us that. It is a thick but not terribly wide tree, and wonderful NOT bare in any major/obvious areas at all... in fact it's hard to find a bare spot. I think it is one of our better/best trees. But from what Mike said, it had better be, because the thing is every bit of 100 lbs and Mike hauled it out alone. It is now finally set up. It took a while, especially since we needed to run out for more supplies because we have never had this size tree to cover with lights. The boys eagerly (an understatement) helped add items to the tree, and I slowly rearranged to create a balanced appearance. This year is the first year that we have needed a ladder (even Mike needed it to reach the top to place the star. The boys thought it an extra novelty to climb the ladder. In all previous years we had an abundance of ornaments at about 3' high, now we have them plethora at the 5' level, followed quickly with the rapid decent due to jumping off the ladder. The jumping got annoying let alone hazardous and almost drove the boys into a bedtime before the final light up and reveal. The boys are awed by the lights and the bells and all the little things on it. And it was perfect that the moment that we darkened the house and did the grand lighting of our tree for the first time, the radio came on with the sound bit from Charlie Brown's Christmas about what Christmas is all about: Jesus's birth, the celebration of the birth of the Savior of our world. It was a perfect way to finish the entire day. (Of course, that wasn't the end, there was garbage to pick up, pine needles to vaccum and all the snow clothes to pack away again... but you know what I mean.)
So we have two happy boys that were so happy with today that they didn't ask about presents at all. And they are even feeling pretty blessed and excited about sharing Jockey's bed for a camp out tonight.
This season has brought on silly songs from the boys, like 1) Rudolph the broken legged reindeer (our light up reindeer is suffering from a broken leg at the moment, and 2) Santa's dead... NOT as morbid as it sounds, really. We've explained to them that Santa/St. Nick is someone who once lived long ago, who gave gifts to others out of obediance to Christ's commandments and instructions. So when they asked if santa was alive like Jesus, we said no but we remember his generousity and obedience because it was Jesus he was obeying and Jesus first gave to us. So that's how they got that Santa was dead. I had to quickly admonish them NOT to tell anyone that because it might hurt someone's feelings if they thought santa was alive. "Ok mommy" is what they said.
So at the end of a long day, we are all tired. And I'll just have to get around to posting pictures tomorrow. Patience please. I'm going to go eat dinner now.
Good night.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
On to better news:
We are back into the swing of things at work, school, Awana and MOPS. I'm planning crafts and while I enjoy the theory of a TEAM, the shortest distance between idea and execution is not with a TEAM. Sigh, something I must endure and prevail in. Caleb earned yet another red jewel this week, and had store night and came home with lots of fun trinkets. The week is almost over and I'm relieved.
Other than MOPS, I have one task for tomorrow that I must get done. Finding all the boots, hats, mittens, pants and warm coats. We are going up Saturday and cutting our tree down in the woods. I'm looking forward to what has become a family tradition. We go up to Skykomish, get our permit at the ranger station, head up one of the near by forest service roads and start a looking. This year it will most likely not be very snowy (we have seen the spectrum over the last 6-7 years of tree cutting outings). This means that the tree maybe a little muddy, BUT the truck won't get stuck in the snow. I don't care, either way. As long as we are off the mountain by dusk (not worse than getting high centered in the snow in the DARK). We will probably do the usual packing up of cold sandwiches (the only food that is perfectly cool and waiting for us in the cold truck when we are ready for it). This year I'm a little ahead of the game because I've already pulled out the exact lights/ornaments I plan on putting on the tree. They kids have even left them alone for a week! This year we really put up lights on the house, which made the kids blissfully joyful and merry. So many other years they have been light observers (what goes up, must be taken down you know), however, this year we joined the ranks of colorfully decorated. They are still begging for me to get out the little lit deer. Maybe this weekend.
So that's the long update. I'm off to either reading, bed, or heaven help me, a project to work on.
Good Night.
Monday, November 24, 2008

I love the reverance displayed by one of the icons of our world to the Ruler of our world.
This is the perspective we have taken with our sons. Santa is a memory of a man who displayed obedience Christ when called to give and bless others just as Christ did for us.
God Bless your Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We've braved school, stages, Sparks, Cubbies, MOPS, Leading MOPS crafts, homework, my work, daddy's work, city coucil meetings (Mike attended to help prevent Breed specific language in the new dog control laws; Cane Corsos were unbelievably and foolishly on the dangerous animal list) and weather this week. Hopefully the weekend will lend a bit of wind down time.
Spectacular sunrises and sunsets are one thing that this city (Monroe) unexpectedly always offered us. I'm SOOO glad I got the kids to the park this week before the rain came in.
Jockey is still a "super fast ninja turtle" running around dressed in his BUZZ costume. He is insisting he is a big boy, even at bed time and that means he is tearfully protesting pull-ups. But after two nights of issues, we are now pulling rank and insisting on him wearing them.
Caleb is still in love with shooter. He goes out and sits on the edge of the hutch with the door open and interacts for 10-15 minutes at a time. (That's a long time doing anything in Caleb's world.) Caleb had three days with stages in them this week. We are hoping to get back on track soon starting with Thursday (a successful no-stage day).
My work is back under manageable hours, much to my (and Mike's) relieve. And I'm settling in at the store(s) that I visit most and they are getting to know me. It makes it more comfortable to walk in and get right to work, and I know the routine for each store and can work much faster now too.
So that's it for night now. Hope your weekend is looking fun and eventful or relaxing and uneventful, what ever you choose.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm happy that it isn't raining today. This means that Caleb can be dropped off with a little time to play and get his wiggles out before school actually starts. I think he needs this time and in the winter I know it will be rare. So for today, I'm happy about the non-rain. And I suppose that I should be happy that it is light enough to play, I'm sure the winter will bring a dark 8:30 AM. This week also marked the beginning of a slightly longer school day for Caleb. He will now get out 7 minutes later, at 11:32. I'm not sure what that gets us/him. But the tricky part is now picking Joshy up at 11:30 and trying to get to Caleb's school in 2 minutes. (Before I had 5 minutes to commute between the schools and half the city.)
Great news report: Caleb has been without Stages (discipline at school) for over 2 weeks now!!!! He is doing great and really is proud of himself. I'm happy that he has found success and likes the way that that feels.
Mike visited the classroom as a volunteer, and Caleb really is one of the better behaved and focused students. While I was shocked to hear that, I am pleased that all the work that we went to earlier this school year has actually paid off.
Joshy is back into the housebroken habit. It is such a relief. He's very happy with himself, he also has out how success feels. He's a big boy and no one can tell him different. Of course, he also insists that he is a "super fast" ninja turtle. Yes, he is still saying super fast for everything, running, writing, walking, spinning (on the LIFE board game wheel).
We went to Papa Bill's house for dinner on Saturday. Joshy and Caleb insisted on getting into costume. They were so excited that they put their costumes on before NOON, and even took naps in the costumes (and Caleb slept in his shoes) so that they would be all ready when it was time to leave. Joshy attended dinner as Buzz and Caleb went as Spiderman, of course, by the time dinner actually rolled around, Caleb was in normal clothes and Joshy had stripped himself down to underwear (he hasn't worn clothes under the costume).
Well, time to get everyone up and dressed for the day.
Have a great week.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
We are back and have plunged right in to the routine. Caleb's back at school, dreading homework and naps. Joshy can't wait to get back to school, but he doesn't have any until next week. I worked today (with Joshy). I work nearly 8 additional hours in the coming 2 days. We have Awana tomorrow, and the rest of life keeps chugging along too.
So, it's time to go make dinner, and make sure that the family world turns on an even axis too. TTFN.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Also, last night during the election. Mike and the boys were watching the tv. Caleb said, "that guy has big ears, and that guy has big ears, and that guy.... Daddy, are we electing elves?" I thought that was soooo funny. McCain didn't win (not that he was ever my very first choice, I'm truly a liberatarian, as little government as possible type of person), but at least I WON at Bingo!!!! Can't will them all, but at least the $ will help pay a little of the rising taxes to come. Or optimistically speaking... Christmas presents.
So have a great week. I'm certainly busy with my job and going camping for the weekend!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Fall is still out in a bloom of color. I don't like the dark much, and I can tolerate the rain. But I really like the frenzy of colors. I like them on the trees like enormous color puffs. I like it when the leaves fall into a blanket that I like to think of as colorful snow. I like to sit quietly and listen to the wind and the or the periodic fall of a leaf, it's almost as magical as the sound of snow falling. I hope to share this appreciation with my boys. Joshy will love the colors as he is showing lots of interest in artistic things. And Caleb will like the rough and tumble in a pile of leaves and maybe the smell since you can't help but smell like fall after you've rolled in it.
We took an evening walk in the dark, the cold and the rain. The kids had a blast because it was a perfect time for flashlights. We arrived home and plunged into cups of warm cocoa garnished with today's find of Dye-free Marshmallows (for the incredible $1 a bag, rather than the 36 for $ at Whole Foods.)
Now the kids are tucked into bed and hopefully getting good rest for their school tomorrow.
We worked with them on homework tonight. Again. It sometimes seems as if we are doing more with Caleb than what he's doing at school. (Thank you Grammy and Papa Dahl for the great workbook from Costco!!! Excellent!!) He is still doing great and not getting stages at school, too.
Joshy has decided that he has to do everything "super..." He wants to run "Super fast", he wants to walk "super fast". He wants to be "super cool". He is saying all sorts of things with extreme enthusiam... "oh my gosh, that's so cool".
There was something else I was going to put on here, but I forget. I'll try to remember tomorrow.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Caleb is feeling well enough (and has been without a fever long enough) to be able to go to school. So Mike is taking him right now. This also means he is well enough to go to Awana tonight. This is great because Caleb's buddy, Alan, is going to meet him there and be a visitor. I wouldn't have wanted to reschedule with Alan's parents and be a hassle for them.
Joshy is so funny. The other day, he was outside playing. He has such a curiousity about things. He was playing with worms. He chose a particular one and carried it everywhere for a while. He said it was his friend and it liked him. Then he was holding it up and put his nose right on it and sniffed the worm. ??? He said that the worm smelled bad but it was his friend. This is something about boys I'll never get. But it was silly none the less.
As things always go, I'm a bit sniffly, stuffy, headachy... I'm hoping to avoid any serious illness. But as it is, this doesn't feel great either. I'll be dragging myself to Joshy's parent teacher conference this morning to see how our littlest is doing in his school. Of course I'm hoping for a good report, but we'll see. This is quite an adjustment for Jockey, from nothing to school...
Well, that's all for now.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Well, yesterday was a beautiful sunny if cool day. And to treat every nice day as if it was the last because it very well could be, we met a couple of Caleb pre-K school buddies. He hasn't seen these buddies since July and it was very cool to finally meet up with them. Even Joshy gave them big hugs and said he missed them, cute. The pumpkin patch was more than just a patch. They had a big corral of corn to dive into, a hay bale maze that ended in a slide, they had excavators to dig with, a hay jump area, animals to pet, pig show, a swing set, duck races, and of course pumpkins in the fields. We were there for 3 hours of fun!
All the activities wore Caleb and Josh out. And then I noticed that Caleb felt hot at about 8pm. Sure enough, 100.8. So we loaded him up with medicine and have checked him all through the night (because he is our high fever kid). He is still warm this morning but better. So no school. He actually thinks his buddy Collin coughed in his face and got him sick. This is Caleb's first illness since last spring/late winter. I guess that I'll be plunging sooner than I thought into the the pile of $70 worth (only paid $5.89) of cough and cold supplies that I picked up. We will be spending a slow day at home today trying to get Caleb well. He's still sleeping even now.
So that's what new in our zoo. TTFN.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
It's the weekend!
The vaccines I went forward with against my better judgement. Mostly just to go with the mainstream flow for school and not be a problem. But the vaccine took it's toll on Joshy. Thursday early evening he developed a fever. Mostly he just wanted to lay down, hold still and sleep. He woke up at 2:30 in the morning and came into my room to cuddle. He was really hot, and when I got up to take his temperature and get him medicine, he thought it was time to get up, eat, and be as chattery as a monkey. He just went on and on and on and on, he went from one subject to the next without stopping. I just got to the point that I decided that I should just record it. I've always know Joshy was more talkative than Caleb, but this really was a vivid example of his speaking and subject variety. I would have like to share them, but they took forever (over half hour) to even give me an error... thus too big to share. But it was funny no less.
Gratefully, Friday midday found Josh back at a normal temperature and activity level.
I'm already looking ahead at the holiday season. We are going to try to squeeze in so much that I have to plan or something gets left out. We are, of course, going to get our very affordable $10 (plus gas) tree in the forest this year again (12/6); it's always night and fun day of family & forest adventure. We would like to get to Leavenworth for their city/tree lighting(12/19,20?), and this year we also hope to get to Warm Beach for the Lights of Christmas (12/13,19,or 21?)... we were rained out last year on the night we had planned to go. I'm hoping for better weather this time because it is such a nice safe, no huge crowds or cars, Christmasy feeling place with it's lights, animals, carolers, storytimes. With those three activities, that eats up December weekends before Christmas for us. And my hope is that we might get to California right after Christmas, but I have to watch airfares for that plan's feasability.
With all the "turn off the TV" time, we are finding ourselves playing board games more. Scrabble is the current addiction. Sure, we could be cleaning SOMETHING, organizing/planning SOMETHING, but we are spending the time doing things together.
Today Mike has begun and hopes to finish installing a new toilet. When the old one was out, Joshy finally admitted what was wrong with the toilet. Lets just say, that was one expensive and time consuming toy dinosaur. I thought we had made it safely out of this common pitfall of childhood, but no.. the dino ate my toilet.
On that note, it's time to go eat lunch. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The sun looks like it is going to come out strong today (strong for an October day, but nice anyway). The boys and I took advantage of the weather yesterday and went for a walk. We were cut short at our time at the park because the little man decided to have an accident. I'm hoping that walking home nearly a mile in wet pants was a good reminder as to why not to have accidents. We'll see.
We also updated the boys vaccines yesterday. It is unfortunate that they now know the place and specific room that they get shots in, because now they are a little nervous with just being there. Caleb only got nervous when they actually went to stick him. Joshy we had to hold down and restrain. 4 minutes later they were picking out stickers and wiping tears away, but still it was hard to do this to them.
Caleb got a new Bible, it is actually really really cool. He's very excited and that's part of what made the decision. This one should last him until I get the mature 2 decade long Bible for him. This one has COOL pictures, commentary, quotes, etc. And it's appropriately named (to match it's themed decor) The Adventure Bible. He's very interested in it. Joshy was also really excited to get a Bible, which was actually the reason I started looking at Bibles to begin with. But when I started looking, I realized that if I got him a Bible now, he can't read so he needs pictures mostly. And by the time that he can read, I'd LOVE (say that again LOVE) to get him the Adventure Bible for Early Readers. He was clinging to it in the store and already had sat down and was looking and flipping pages to look and discover. Maybe for his 4 yr old birthday or something. However, one expensive kid Bible is all we could spring for, and since Caleb is now requested to bring a Bible to Awana, I thought that he would find excitement and enduring interest if he was exposed a little further. Caleb generously offered Joshy his old Bible, which would be ok for just reading since I do that, but we went to Value Village to see what their selection was. Mike purchased another book and they ended up giving him Joshy's selected children's Bible for Free! Good price for the little boy who would carry it around with him EVERYWHERE if he was allowed (this one is not the pocket new testaments he had been glued to). So everyone was happy yesterday. Daddy got a Bible, Caleb got a screaming neat Bible, Joshy got one. (I'm a traditionalist when it comes to Bibles, I cling to my long enduring NKJV, highlighted and covered in notes of my personal thoughts and growth Bible like a warm cozy, iron clad blanket and solid ground for my feet. 3 yrs ago Tigger chew my 2 decade old Bible to pieces, it's the one time in my life I thought I was capable of murder.... and I still keep the pieces! So I'm happy with the old reliable 3 yr new Bible.)
Lastly, I'd like to share something that was just emailed to me:
The music alone was worth watching for me! I'd love to know what it is, anyone a music expert?
*** Read no further if you're sensitive ***
Anyway, I heard yesterday that whatever is on the web is accessible by all. So this is the largest forum for my voice and I want to do my part.
I say "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" found in the book of Joshua (ironically enough) in the Bible. And to that I would as that if I care about people then when I vote, I will vote in a way that will effect the greatest good and for persons' with stregnth of character and consistency. For me, I'm adamantly opposed to socialism, terrorist affiliations, and the crushing tax burdens; I will therefore will vote for patriotism and for individuals who living according to their values (not just talk about it) in McCain/Palin.
Thinking on Caleb's stregnth when he spoke to the man in the store about Halloween (and it turns out he spoke out to some waitress too), there are times I need to learn from the simplicity of a child. What is wrong with me that I wouldn't share what I should when a child is willing to share. He showed courage as a child, why should I be a cowardly adult? When did I out grow my courage? No more, and thank you Caleb for the lesson.
On the lighter side: From an 8 yr old girl "I want to be an adult because then candy and tv aren't bad for you anymore."
We have shut off the TV in our house. Not 100% TV free, but at least after 5pm for 95% of the time. A huge improvement in several areas of life.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Joshy's conferences are next week. I'm curious to see how the first conference about Joshy goes.
I have to work 2-3 days this week. So that will be good.
The sun is currently out, so I'm feeling less under a dark cloud that I did yesterday but I'm still a little tired. I might get out for a walk??? But boy is it getting a little chilly. I've got things to do here of course, but I don't want to waste a sunny non raining day. I do have to get ready for work though.
Mike opens all this week, so he was out of the house at a time of night/morning that should never exsist.
I was very proud of Caleb yesterday. We went to the grocery store and were shopping. A man was near by in one of the aisles and asked if he was ready for Halloween. Caleb proceeded to tell him that we don't celebrate it, it hurts Jesus' feelings, that it is bad and celebrates bad things and Jesus is the Savior of the world because he learned that in Sparks class.... etc, etc. It was really great. I had to give him a kudos talk when we got home, because most people don't have the boldness to share the truth like that and I don't want him to ever be shy or ashamed. He was really happy to be told I was proud of him, but he also was a little like, well it's the truth why wouldn't I say so. Funny, sound familiar.
Ok, that's enough for now. TTFN.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I don't have Caleb's pictures because they were taken with Mike's camera, which I haven't found to pull the card on yet. So those are still coming.
I've woken up to a sunny Saturday! I am hopeful to once again get out for a walk and it enjoy it as if it is the last one before the winter rains/cold closet me in. I am hopeful that I can push the kids out into the backyard to absorb their vitamin D too. And of course there are other chores/tasks I need to get to, so I hope I can accomplish everything I would like.
The boys are really enjoying the Veggie Tales movie :The Pirates who don't do anything. If they don't do anything, how could they make a 1 hour movie about it? Still they are really liking it. While I still think veggie tales are a little silly, at least I don't have to worry about the content.
Last night, Joshy got quite a huge bump on his head! Actually it's wasn't an actual bump, just a loud thud when he hit his head on the coffee table. It sent me into action. Ice, flashlight for checking his eyes, popsicle to cool him off, checking him ever 5 minutes to make sure he didn't fall asleep. He's fine now, but it got the heart pumping. Consequently, because of his head thump, I had to keep him up late from bed to make sure he was ok before making him sleep. Again, he's fine, but it was a late night the boys. (And me as it turns out, Brittany was over for a little scrapbook fun and talking).
Well, that's it for now. Caleb's pictures are still coming, check back again soon.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Mike took Caleb and it turned out ok. He was watching 4 kids and basically came back with the idea that Caleb is 100% normal in his even bad behavior. Although, he was mostly really good today. It did drizzle on them, and Mike came home tired, BUT they did have fun and pick out pumpkins and ride the rides. Everyone came home without injury so it was a good trip.
Joshy and I went to "the Farm", his first field trip ever. It tried to drizzle on us and the wind did pick up... BUT Joshy also found a delightful pumpkin. At first he wanted a green pumpkin, then he wanted an orange one, and finally he decided and picked right off the vine an orangy-yellow pumpkin. He was really excited and intent on choosing the perfect one, although his idea of perfect his very unique. He liked the slide in the hay barn, we went thorugh a hay maze, a petting zoo to include puppies and kittens, went on a tractor wagon and wrapped up with ice cream (interesting despite the weather, but so be it.) He kept running off, but in the end he did have fun and I was glad to be there to wrangle him. It was a good time all in all.
I'll have to post pictures when I get them transferred out of the camera. Look for those soon.
Right now, I'm going to finally eat dinner. I had to help with Awana tonight and so I'm alot tired and didn't get a chance to eat until now. So that's what I'm going to do.
I bid you "have a great weekend", if I don't update again.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Undeniably it is Fall. Though the colors are beautiful, it is starting to be wet and dark. It makes me tired and remember that last year the boys and I were able to visit sunny California when this season hit. We are way less footloose and schedule free this year (and for the next 15) and won't be making an October trip because Caleb's school is important and we can't just take a week or more off. But I miss the sunshine pick up.
Caleb had a stage today, but he is not taking it as hard as he did last week. He got a stage 1 for playing with a grasshopper and trying to show the teacher when he should be in line to go in from recess. That does sound like a boy, doesn't it? I'm proud of him for telling the truth, I'm pleased that his spirit wasn't crushed as it was on Friday by his perceived "failure". Tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it yet. And Caleb's understanding of the world around him is growing everyday.
Jockey was whisked away for a day with Grammy. Initially he said no he didn't want to get up, until Daddy said that it was to go and see Grammy, then he was on board. I don't have the report yet on how that day went, but I do know that they are going to go swimming. Josh loves the pool and swimming, he'd have a pool in heaven if you asked him.
My "alone" weekend was nice. The trailer was cold still but I managed wearing sweats, a heating pad and 2 heaters. I picked up some movies at the King County library, I read a little, took a nice 4 mile walk that was a bit much for my feet, I played bingo twice (and won on Friday night). I slept in until 10 on Saturday and 9 on Sunday. I realized that Zuma has me trained to wake up in the middle of the night to let her outside. I am very grateful for the weekend. I tried to relax and enjoy the sunshine. I sat in a chair out in the grass and just absorbed, good thing too because it very well might have been the last sun until March. I did my best to relax, but I was also called upon (at 2AM) to help a friend with some pretty severe life shattering problems. I was glad that I had time to dedicate to that friend, I wouldn't have had that time with kids hanging on me and trying to scream/talk to me. I was glad to have been there for my friend even though it cost a little of my relaxation, what kind of a friend would I be if I wasn't willing to give when I was more than able.
The boys were more than excited to see me when I got home. I barely got out of the car before they were yelling they missed me and giving me hugs. And with great relief, the house was in better condition than when I left. The kitchen was picked up, the house had been vaccumed and dusted, the toys were picked up, the hideous box and it's packing peanuts were off the porch. I still have things to do (it's there always more to do), but at least I didn't have to start from scratch with EVERYTHING to do. That was probably one of the highlights to my weekend away, that it wasn't a crushing weight of mess when I returned home. The kids and Mike had worked hard. Thank you.
The rest of the week appears predictable: school, Awana (which I help at this week) and field trips for the boys. Jockey goes to the "Farm" out in Snohomish and Caleb goes to Remlinger. And Mike is back to work on Thurs/Fri nights and Saturday. Like I said, predictable, barring natural disaster.
So that's it for now.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Caleb's had 7 days without Stages!! WOW.
Stages include reminders, so that means that Caleb hasn't even had to have reminders! He is really doing well and he is proud of himself for this achievement. His teacher was highly responsive to the suggestion that he would like to feel useful and needed, so she asks him to help put up the chairs at the end of the day. He's very proud of that and does feel like he's something special. He has really improved and hasn't "shut down" in the last week during homework time at home! I've tried to vary the rewards. He got pizza last Friday, he was allowed to skip naptime one day, he gets to play with his video games, and we attempted to get him a slurpee but the machine was broken. The 7-11 lady was nice and gave him a sticker though when we explained why we were there. I'm really excited for his success.
Caleb's teacher is great. She and I are in good communication and she is open in her ideas and with her cirriculumn. I try not to be a bother, and I appreciate any time she gives to Caleb and myself. This is our first year at a public school with a student and we don't know the ropes quite yet. Caleb's teacher is working well with us and is very understanding and sensitive to Caleb's needs, both in food restrictions and emotional.
Halloween is approaching and, of course, that raises a lot of issues when Caleb is in school. Caleb's teacher has been helpful and understanding the whole time. Through a discussion with Caleb (not trying to lead him into any decisions), we've decided to not send Caleb to school on the 31st. I explained that the holiday's intent (at the core) is to celebrate things that Jesus doesn't like so we don't celebrate it even though others do. He totally understood and in fact felt a compassion towards the others that did celebrate. I told him what he would see at school... costumes and that they would get in a line and walk around the school. He really didn't want to walk in a line. He was even fine not wearing a costume while others were, UNTIL he realized that the kids wouldn't JUST be wearing spiderman/batman/princess outfits. He said that seeing other children dressed as witches etc would "hurt his heart deep down inside" and he said this multiple times. And then without being told that it was an option, he asked not to go to school that day. Mike and I discussed it and decided that would be best. Now we have to reschedule the reading assessment that is to occur on that day, but again, Caleb's teacher is really easy to work with and understanding. So no school on the 31st for us, which might not be a bad thing since Dad will finally be home from hunting and will need to catch up with the boys after being away for over a week.
Awana tonight, and both the boys are doing well with their verses. Of course that is before the stage fright of having to say the verses to someone else. We'll see tonight.
Today, I have to gather things together for a little get away of my own for the weekend. I'm on system overload, especially boy overload and extreme lack of REM sleep. So I will be camping this weekend. I will get two mornings to wake up when I want to, not when the dog says she needs out, when the kids say they are hungry or some other disaster drags me out of bed. I want to do nothing and lots of fun things all at the same time, so I will have to find a balance. About the only thing I know I will do is play bingo at some point and sleep. Maybe read. Sleep. I suppose I will have to eat at some time, but??? that just takes up time when I could be enjoying absolute silence. I never thought I would miss silence but I do. I use to think that silence was swirling around emphasizing boredom and aloneness.... now it is the gateway to peace, the balm to a stress headache. So I will be getting weekend of self-determined activities and silence! I told Mike I wanted a cottage that no one visits, and I guess the trailer is as close as I'm going to get, but it is enough for now.
Joshy has decided that he and I will go to heaven together some day, and that his place now has a pool. He also said his first official prayer to God yesterday. Which I'm highly proud of and joyfully tearful about. He prayed that he and "brudder" would always be friends and that "brudder" would be nice to him. Ahhhh. Joshy is getting so much more developed in his thoughts and speech, it's amazing. He can count to 5 by himself, he can sing half the ABC song with accompanyment, and he can say about 6 letters by himself. He loves to be read to, although he stops me ever 20 seconds with an eager question. And of course, he loves his rabbit.
So that's it for this morning.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Well, it's taken me longer to get back here than I thought, but here I am finally.
I think the meeting with Caleb's teacher went well in terms of the spirit of cooperation and teamwork. I was a little saddened by not coming up with an earth shatteringly wonderful solution, but we did try to brainstorm a bit and decipher what is going on. We talked a little about his adjustment into Kindergarten and all the new rules etc. Caleb's teacher seems to care about what is going on and based on her actions on Friday (the day after our meeting) it appears she is highly responsive to the suggestions/ideas we did come up with. I suggested that Caleb really wants to be needed and wants to be a helpful participant, anything.... Friday Caleb was very proud to annouce he had helped his teacher put the chairs up. So I think that created a positive response in Caleb and show excellent responsiveness in his teacher. Even better, Caleb did not have any "stages" (levels of discipline) for 3 whole days this last week. This is great! And Caleb is proud of himself. I try to give him verval accolaids, but also at this early phase in a hopeful "reformation" I am showing him rewards (ex: Pizza on Friday). I want to show positive response, but also not get into the habit that all good behavior deserves kudos... we should just be happy we were not bad and not in trouble.
We went to Awana on Thursday, it was also my night to stay and help in Caleb's Sparks class. He said his verse and earned "shares" with makes him eligible to buy stuff on Store night. And Joshy at the end of his class was able to get over his shyness enough to say his verse. It's the only time I have ever seen Joshy shy. If it wasn't for his verse, he would be running around happy as a lark playing with the kids and toys. Performance anxiety? Whatever, we survived.
I'm not looking forward to Oct 16th, a field trip day with all the kids in Caleb's class (which I voluteered to be a chaperone for) AND that night I have to help in the Cubbies class with the wild 3-4 yr olds. That's going to be the longest day ever. I love my kids, although some days it's tough to say I LIKE them (or more accurately, their ACTIONS)... but I don't love other people's kids and don't especially like them either. So Oct 16ths is a full day of other peoples kids. yikes and yuck. The price I pay for being a parent. This account is getting overdrawn.
We did nearly nothing yesterday except I gave all the guys hair cuts. And today, although the weather is nicer, as a result of yesterday... the Club is without power and Mike had to drive down and run things and wait for PUD to come. There is a branch on the lines that both knocked out power and caught fire. So we are on hold waiting for him and what is going to happen. I suppose I could drag two kids to the grocery store if I wanted to torture myself. And I might have to do that since Joshy is still a potty-backslider and I need to replenish the stock of Pull-ups. sigh. And I'd love to get rid of the headache that's been plagueing me for the last few days.
As for the lighter side of life. I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I will again because the boys said it again. They are both loving the idea of going to heaven. They have both decided that the best part of heaven (since Jesus goes to prepare a place for each of them special) is that their house/room is going to have a bathroom in the bedroom. No more going across the hall for them, it's too far, they want potties in their bedrooms and Jesus can make it that way. Caleb also says that his friend Alan is going to stay with him for a while because it is going to take Alan's parents a while to get there. I thought that this was metaphorical, but also considerate of Caleb. Caleb's also decided that he wants a bunk bed in heaven.
Caleb and Joshy are really into having sleep overs in each other's rooms. I'm keeping that to a weekend only activity just in case they are staying up a bit later with a bit of talking. Last night I heard Poopy-head yelled for 5 minutes after I closed the door.
OK. That's enough for now.Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Tomorrow is my "date" with Caleb's Kindergarten teacher. Hopefully she and I can figure out what is going on with Caleb and find some good solutions. We are trying here at home and about 50% of the time he seems reined in and the other times he is just as frustrating.
I've started pulling back on the "mothering".... after three weeks of school he knows every morning he must eat, get dressed, brush his teeth, put on his shoes and socks and grab his backpack. So now I just make the breakfast, have the clothes laid out, & put the paste on the brush (can't leave the paste out, Joshy will get it), and tell him when we have 5 minutes before we leave. He's 5, he should be able to do those 5 things. And I don't need to start every morning telling, telling, huffing, begging, pleading, yelling, threatening lateness, etc. It's unpleasant for me and it has got to be for him. So I have resigned from the nagging role and will expect him to know the routine and do it. 5 things are not too much for his age group or intelligence. It's not like I'm asking him to cook eggs or oatmeal for himself, just his own shoes/sock, etc. I lay out the clothes each night, make and put breakfast on the table and paste on the tooth brush, that is enough. Especially with myself and Joshy to get ready and going.
Caleb has learned his second verse for Awana, so we all know he is capable. I just don't know what the triggers/buttons are that make everything click without him getting frustrated and shutting down.
Joshy has backslidden a bit on the potty training. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I am discouraged. After the 2nd outfit today, I refused to dress him again and would not let him play outside as a consequence. Maybe it will get through to him. Until then, I am forcing pull-ups on him for school and Awana. I will not inconvience those kind people again.
Once again, I am renewing my efforts to make Tigger a downstairs living dog. Once again, in the SAME spot no less, he has bashed into the wall with a mighty shoulder or hip and created a huge hole. This time it was so big that even my attempt at spackle wouldn't work. The mud was so thick to fill the bashed in area that it still wasn't dry on the third day... which became a spot of amusement and entertainment for the kids who of course had to poke their fingers into it and create a mess. Mike has said he will cut out the hole and put in a new sheet of drywall. Very nice of him. But we would be idiots if we take no steps to prevent a THIRD injury to the same wall. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me THREE times, I'm an idiot and shoot the dog. (Or make him live outside no matter the climate.)
I'm exhausted and worn despite getting a break yesterday and having accomplished much today as far as the house and errands go. I've already started on Christmas planning/preparing/projects. The early bird is less stressed on Dec 15th by lack of time and budget! My eagerness entices me to stay up later than I should sometimes and I pay for it the next day. I do it to myself sometimes, but often I'm just tired for no reason. I'm trying a b complex vitamin on the advice of Grandma Bishop, we'll see how it works.
So despite the darker mood of this posting, I do have one humorous note:
Caleb asked if I could speak to Daddy about going back to Yellowstone because "It's so cool. It's so hot, it's like chicken." I don't know where he came up with that, but that's what he said. Also, Joshy insists that he has a big boy bum, whatever than means.
Well, I'll post the results of my meeting with the teacher sometime soon. Good Night.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First the good news. 1) After a nearly two weeks, Shooter is holdable by adults and Caleb again (assuming stern admonitions against squeezing). Joshy is still too rough. Shooter is happy as can be when in the backyard. He hops, nibbles, digs and hops again. Inside, he's a pellet dropper, and he circles me again like he's wanting to make me his bunny bride. He's hot inside (when it feels cool to me) which reassures me that he is ok in the increasingly chilly days and NIGHTS. That dense soft coat is doing it's job for him. 2) Caleb's backpack was recovered and now it brandishes his name in puff paint. 3) We got a good hour in at the park before an accident occurred.
The down side of this mid-week update:
1) It's starting to be grayer more and more.
2) Jockey had his first accident at school. He did all that he should (ask and go to the bathroom) but the aim was a little off and the fluid ran out of the bowl and onto his clothes rather than back and into the water. I can't fault him for being too small for a big commercial size toilet and not being able to scoot far enough back to be over the water. It was in the last 5 minutes of school for which I was 5 minutes after picking him up. However for the first time in Little Doves history, a child (my son) refused to put on the back-up clothing. Just flat out cried and refused both teachers attempts. Luckily I got there in time. Later he told me he thought the replacement clothes were wet. The staff was wonderful and understanding and overall great. They even made sure to tell him that they looked forward to him coming back on Thursday for show and tell day; I had to ask them to do this because I had told him all summer that he would get kicked out of school if he peed in his pants. Well this was truly and accident of gravity not his own negligence so I feel ok sending him back to school and I just have to bide my time until he's tall enough to stand at that wall contraption. (Right now he'd need a stepping stool, but that's what you get with pipsqueak cute boys.) And I wasn't worried about it, that is until today.
2) We were at the park and he asked to use the bathroom. Of course he had to run have the distance of a football field and I picked him up by the tummy to get there faster... no such luck. So we had to leave the park today. Maybe I giggled it out of him over the long distance, but it's not a good streak this week.
3) The most depressing issue, however, is that Caleb has been in school 3 weeks and I've already been called into see the teacher for Caleb shutting down and increasing defiance. Sigh, do I have to deal with this on such a gray, pee soaked day? I responded to the teacher with a yes I'll meet you any day any time and then I sat down to speak with Caleb. He said he had a good day, no "stages" (levels of bad behavior), and no problems. So I asked him about pictures and his teacher, nope no problems. So then I read him the email from the teacher, and we talked about it. Turns out he was afraid of the picture man who was new to him and he was afraid of the red feet on the floor. He didn't know why the teacher wanted to have him stand on them, and he didn't tell the teacher why or what he was afraid of. And the other defiance? He had no excuses or examples. I don't know what's going on. I feel puzzled about how to affect change.
So he's spending the rest of the afternoon in his room. When I heard him playing with toys, I bagged everything except books, puzzles and one bear up; he was tearful, angry and then helped (that threw me too, but I put on a stoic front). I gave him a letter sheet and a math workbook and a pencil. He can work on those, stay in and think and take a nap. Daddy can have a talk with him at home because Caleb pulls the same defiance with me. I don't know what to do. I have to communicate the seriousness of this to him. And I felt awful about the toy thing until I remembered that it was done to me and it did leave and impression that I learned from. I have to get this stopped now.
I wish I was wrong about this, but I thought I'd have to be HIGHLY involved at school with Caleb. Now I've already been to orientation, PTA, 2 other brief talks with the teacher, dropping off separate snacks, searching for a lost backpack, Cirriculm night tomorrow, and now this! (On top of the Awana behavior issues too!) Ever have a job you want to resign from?
Why can't it always be sunny, pee-free days at the park, getting along with the sibling days, and "I love you mommy" and "Jesus told me" days?!
Ok, back to life, more as it comes.