SOOO Much has happened.
Last week, sigh, Caleb got a Stage 4 (out of a possible 5). NOT GOOD. I was called into the office for a conference and decision about what happened and discussion about the events, risks (feelings evoked from other children by Caleb's actions) and whatever. Caleb head rammed a girl twice his size. Yes he was out of control and out of line. But with a five year old's limited vocabulary, he had said (admitted, rather than lied, good for him) that he "hit" her. Which in the school inferred a fisted punch hit and things just rocketed from there. It's all resolved, and Caleb know the gravity of his actions, he wrote and apology (my idea) and came up with other ways to solve out of control feels (again my idea, what have they got NO solutions at this dismal educational system!) But it's on the mend. And, it was a huge blessing that Brittany was able to spur of the moment watch Josh while I high tailed it to the school. I would never have been able to focus proper on Caleb had she not. As it was, it took all the strength and wisdom God offered and I could absorb in the 4 minutes it took for me to get to school. Because truly, they are NOT my alia. Especially when they sneak in a staff member who flat out refuses to tell me her job title or position at the school (I found out later that she is 90% likely to the psychologist). AND, I sat in the office waiting in a chair for 10 minutes with, as it turns out, Caleb sitting a wall away from me, by himself in a conference room. IF it was their intention to give him time to cool off, okay, I could accept that. (But when asked, they said no.) So when the "Staff" member came out and got me and showed me into the conference room saying that we would wait a moment for Caleb's Teacher.... I said "I would like a moment alone with my son please". (Hindsight, Score one for the MOMMY!) That woman looked and acted so startled/shocked that I had asked and stutter stepped out the door. Of course, she wasn't so out of it to forget to convienently leave it open, yes, I know how these things work, they're trying to find out if Caleb is suffering from abuse physical or mental and THAT's the reason he would have a problem. But all I wanted is to hold my crying, broken souled child and tell him that I love him no matter what, we will get through this, and that I was on HIS side. And at the end of the conversation, I told them exactly what I thought of their stalling practice. "As much as I want to support the school's efforts, I am my SON's alia FIRST. I could have been comforting him and letting him know that I love him and this was not the end of the world while we were merely waiting for other's to show up for the meeting. Don't ever do that to me again. He is MY son." Again a shocked stare that a mom would have the audacity to pull rank. I'm not proud of my son's actions, but I'm proud of me that day. (P.s. I learned from the best.)
On to better news:
On to better news:
Thanksgiving was a great time. Papa Dahl got Caleb and Josh a very special remote control car to play with. It is Papa's car that can be used by the boys with supervision. The thing is almost big enough for them to sit in (ok not REALLY.) They had a lot of fun.
The kids got to swim for a very long time, it wore them out so much that they were actually nearly calm and peaceful during dinner. GG was there and we got to share time with her. The boys and I prepared Grandpa and Grammy appreciation scrapbook pages, they liked to do the cutting and the gluing (although I spiffened things up quite a bit once they moved on).
Say Hello to my little friend:
We are back into the swing of things at work, school, Awana and MOPS. I'm planning crafts and while I enjoy the theory of a TEAM, the shortest distance between idea and execution is not with a TEAM. Sigh, something I must endure and prevail in. Caleb earned yet another red jewel this week, and had store night and came home with lots of fun trinkets. The week is almost over and I'm relieved.
Other than MOPS, I have one task for tomorrow that I must get done. Finding all the boots, hats, mittens, pants and warm coats. We are going up Saturday and cutting our tree down in the woods. I'm looking forward to what has become a family tradition. We go up to Skykomish, get our permit at the ranger station, head up one of the near by forest service roads and start a looking. This year it will most likely not be very snowy (we have seen the spectrum over the last 6-7 years of tree cutting outings). This means that the tree maybe a little muddy, BUT the truck won't get stuck in the snow. I don't care, either way. As long as we are off the mountain by dusk (not worse than getting high centered in the snow in the DARK). We will probably do the usual packing up of cold sandwiches (the only food that is perfectly cool and waiting for us in the cold truck when we are ready for it). This year I'm a little ahead of the game because I've already pulled out the exact lights/ornaments I plan on putting on the tree. They kids have even left them alone for a week! This year we really put up lights on the house, which made the kids blissfully joyful and merry. So many other years they have been light observers (what goes up, must be taken down you know), however, this year we joined the ranks of colorfully decorated. They are still begging for me to get out the little lit deer. Maybe this weekend.
So that's the long update. I'm off to either reading, bed, or heaven help me, a project to work on.
Good Night.
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