The boys are still away, and fortunately I've (and Mike) have gotten a bunch done. Not as much as we want, but.... some is better than nothing.
I have heard good things about 3 hour swims, Caleb's good behavior, Jockey being a rascal.
The Ladies Tea went well. I realize that I may put on a pretty spread, but I still subconsciously function with the theory that if your arm works reach for the tea pot yourself. I got the first round taken care of, but the refills were occassional from me, and I was assisted by Kristina and Mary twice. But hey, the conversation was good, the food was good, none of the plates broke, the silver is all accounted for, and they all loved the decorations and favors. I had a great time with the details: using my cricut machine (thanks mom again, still) to make place cards, I always love making flower arrangements, I even glitterized push pins to hold the placecards to the rose-holding-apples. I came home WORN OUT, but I still had to wash everything and put it away.
Here are a few pictures. ( I realized when I down loaded the card, I haven't shared pictures for a long time, I'll have to correct that soon.)
Kristina hadn't yet shown up, but she was there too.
And other pictures:
You can see, they started out interested, and then moved on to other sights like green sea worms
Ponies, Pool, and McD's... a big day:
It was my pleasure to attend - thank you. And I didn't expect you to wait on me hand and foot - especially because I drank about 20 cups of tea. :-)
Hey there is one thing missing in the tea pic, ME!!! =+)
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