Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I've washed our clothes already so we all the tanks tops we brought available to us.
Our pictures turned out well. We pick them up on 6/30. The colors were very complimentary. The boys did start to get energetic ,crazy, silly and not exactly obedient. But it's been worse. We got group shots, boys shots, and just Caleb. And I think that overall it was a good run at it.
Afterwards Grandma and I took the boys to a park to play. This park was suppose to have a water feature... but contrary to all logic, they shut the water off from 1-5 pm, you know when it is hottest and you want to cool off. Go figure. But they had fun anyway and played and made a friend in some kid name Jacob. At home we went into the hot tub. Grandma and I were reminescing about how well the boys were swimming and contrasting that with when they were babies just bobbing about. Now they are little fish and splash-o-matics.
Later this evening, I went out and got snacks for the following day and sidewalk chalk for the patio. They thought that this was great and when they were done (mutli-colored with chalk dust), Grandma sprayed them off with the hose. Which they thought was hilarious and fun.
Yesterday, we went to Fairytale town and met my friend Carolina and her two boys. The eldest boys were best of buds from the start, Jockey did his best to tag along and Charlie being the smallest happyily pursued his own interests. The boys buzzed around the whole park running from one attraction to the next and chasing ducks and roosters in between. They climbed on things, went down all the slides, pumped water with the old pump and did it all over again and again only stopping for water or snacks. Luckily there were picnic tables in the shade that were pretty central because they were flitting so fast it would have been too much to track every step. After a few hours, we unexpectedly headed to Funderland (3 minutes away). The boys were able to go on all rides with the exception of 2 rides (one was closed for maintenance, the other they were too short for). The majority of the park was wide open for their adventure. A few times we had to coach them on which boy had to take a younger brother to meet the heights and accompaniment requirements... but mostly they were happy just to be there and having fun. We bought the wristbands and got our money's worth in just over 2 hours! Then of course, it was getting pretty hot and it was time to head home for a quick nap and back into the cool hot tub. A few turns at playing computer games on the computer Papa Bishop especially configured for them and they were ready for a wind down watching Transformers, brush teeth and into bed.
Today, Papa took the boys to the free showing of Star Wars (clone wars, animated) and then took them to McDonalds to burn off their wiggles in the air conditioning. It is getting quite hot here in the afternoons and there isn't a way for us Northwesterners who are not used to the heat or lack of humidity to play outside when it is this hot. In fact, it is nearly 7 and only starting to be tolerable to be outside... in the shade. But the boys were well behaved and old slightly figdity in the theater. They played a long long time and ate all their food. They came home for a nap and are now playing outside, blowing bubbles. We'll let them have another run at the chalk and then pop them into the hot tub for a washing.
Mom and I bummed around today, mainly at book stores looking for things we haven't read and swapping thoughts on authors/books. We went to a nice place that is a salad-made-to-order restuarant. You choose the lettuce type, the toppings, the meat if desired, and dressing. Just what you like, just as you order it. Great on a hot day! And left overs for tonight too.
The next few days we don't have a plan yet other than beat the heat. I'm toying with the idea of lots of Sunblock and visiting the Roseville Aquatics complex. 0' depth beach with a play structure in 18" of water... similar to Mose Lake's and it will be in the hundreds here. A great way to cool off.
Well that's all for now.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Before I begin to tell all about California. Please rememeber Grammy and Papa Dahl in your prayers, their home has suffered a sever house fire. It will be a long road requiring patience and lots of decisions to make, and emotional recovery. Please keep them in your prayers.
Ok, so on to the CA update.
We arrived safe, though the boys slept only 20 minutes of the flight (so I was a little worn out by their figiting.)
Grandpa turned on the sprinkers for the boys to run through. I made up beds for the boys to sleep on. They ran around and around in the backyard. Mom and I dusted after the concrete guy made gritty concrete dust in their house. Jockey ate a carrot like corn on the cob and then drooled it on my pants, and then he drooled chocolate on my capris... so while wearing my third change of clothing, I began a load of laundry. The boys played soccer in the backyard until after dark... at which point they thought that it would be a good idea to roll in the grass. They were itchy, red speckly, and bit by some bugs... so they went in for a bath and a 1/2 Benedryll. They fell asleep within a half hour and stayed asleep until 8AM the next day.
Papa made us all a French Toast breakfast. The boys ate, watch cartoons and ran around the house. Later Papa came back from Starbucks and took them to McDonalds to play and play and play. (The boys had begged to go). Mom and I went to Penney's to find coordinating clothes for pictures on Monday and then went to Grocery Outlet for boy-food (hot dogs, mac'n'cheese, apples, bananas). Papa went to a Rivercats ball game; we had mac'n'cheese for dinner and the boys played again in the backyard running around and around. I turned the hot tub on, but they didn't want to wait to go in. They got in when the temperature was 78, and got out 15-20 minutes later when it was 80. And then back to running and playing.
Yesterday, a slower morning and then we hit a splash park and the boys ran through the water and played for hours. The weather has been so temperate that it has been very nice.. not too hot. Although I think that that is changing with this week. But it was more than comfortable in the shade while watching the boys. Then it was a family dinner with my aunt and cousin and second cousin over. The second cousin in just 2 weeks younger than Josh. Mr. Phineas didn't end up coming but I have hopes that we will see him before we leave.
Today, we have an appointment for taking pictures and I hope to get good happy faces out of Caleb and Jockey and have a rather painless experience. After than we don't have a plan yet.
Tomorrow, Fairytale town where we are meeting one of my friends and her boys (near the same ages). Funny that she lives in Bellingham and we in Monroe, but we have to be in California to meet. I haven't seen her for 3 years! It's time, and hopefully Fairytale town will be exciting to keep the boys busy.
So that's the update. Pictures will have to come later.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
So the year has ended except for the Monday formality. The sun is out and it's perfectly warm but not hot. We are all healthy. The rabbit hasn't been peed on lately ( I mentioned that didn't I? I think the rabbit is traumatized here at our house.) Zuma is hanging in there, although with each day I worry. (her screw broke through the skin on just before Mother's day weekend, then it came totally OUT about 2 weeks later. Her foot is not fully stablized now, and I'm hoping/praying that the other screw don't move. She's not yet showing pain/distress, but we have her on very limited activity. ) The strawberries are starting to be picked, the tree out from is ripening plums, I got rhubarb at a garage sale for 50 cents (store value of $10) and it. The blue berries will be ripe by the time we are back from California. And my check engine light went off for some reason and hasn't returned!!! And I'm making significant progress on Caleb's annual scrapbook pages and begun Jockey's too (don't want to get behind). And I've planned out what items I'm going to enter into the fair for exhibit. VBS is in the 3rd week of July. This year Mike will be home for the Monroe Fair Day's Parade. So that's how the summer's looking. With lots of camping spiced in there. And I hope play dates too!
That's all for this update, time to get out in the sun.
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Personal good news: Today for $1.90, I purchased: dishwasher detergent, Kid's toothpaste, Kid's plaque identifying rinse, and contact solution! Also, Free Shaving gel. (Well, it's the little things that make life exciting.)
Did I mention the mosquitoes? They drove us all inside except for the mandatory dog walks. And even then we were hosed down with skin so soft and DEET 23%. The kids fared better than the rest of us. Although Jockey has a lump in the side of his head that is every bit as big as a large grape! The dogs even got eaten!
We did not make it to the water park on Saturday because of the huge storm that rolled in and offered us high winds, thunder and lightening (which state law says must shut down the pools). So we "camped" out in the rvs. Whoever said the eastside always has better weather, rap rap on the knuckles. Not true. And the storm didn't even drive/blow the mosquitoes away for longer than a hour.
Sunday, we packed up and tried again for the water park. It was a nice park and the kids had a great time. I could have been a little warmer outside or in the water, or a hot tub to warm up in... but the facility offered a good variety of activities and LOTS that were in the 2.6" deep range and great for the boys abilities.
We pit stopped in Leavenworth and then headed home. We are all unpacked and now unwinding before bed and the start of school and work this week.
Caleb has just 6 days of school left!
And we have just 12 days until we depart for California. (Hopefully there won't be any mosquitoes there! It looks like they really like Jockey.)
So that's it for now.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
It is beautiful. The breeze is going today so it's even pleasant to listen to. Most of the day it's comfortable, but we have family room and bedroom AC units to take the edge off.
The boys staying busy.
Monday evening we took them for a dip in Lake Tye. They had alot of fun and Jockey really showed off his swimming capabilities. The goggles are like instant brave juice for him, because he was in Lake Tye last Thursday without them and he didn't do quite as well. We had to learn walk out and swim in towards shore otherwise you end up over your head.
Tuesday we cleaned the house a bit, and then the boys panted and hung out the front window for Grammy. They were so excited. It was swimming and tennis day. They just love it.
Today, it's getting hot and yet we are still moving and packing for this weekend. We are off to Potholes state park for the weekend and things have to be prepared. I've had to dig out the boys shorts and sleeveless shirts so that they can acclimate. Jockey still hasn't figured out where the sleeves went, almost like the shirt is broken and missing something. Well, it should be nice weekend, good weather, Grammy and Papa Dahl are going to be there, the campground has a playground. Fun.
In case I haven't mentioned before: Jockey wants to hold baby cows when he grows up. (future Kobe beef massager?) But this morning, he found a belt that fits him and now he has decided that he wants to be a cowboy. OK, at least you don't have to waist 4 years and 50K on college for that.
Sadly, I have to ask:
Why are they bad to each other? Especially Caleb towards Jockey. Like he's got to push the little guy down to prove he's better, or gets better priority. Their often physical pushing around of each other or shoving to get ahead is getting frustrating and disheartening. I am worn out by the dissent between the two of them. They are great separate, but the fireworks fly while together. sigh.
In good news, it seems we have our request for reservations in at Kayak Pt for August. Can we possibly be planning that far out?! But on the bright side, the Surfaces have also put their request for reservations too. So hopefully we will be notified soon and get in. The boys will be thrilled about camping with Tessa and we are going to be close enough that they will be able to go back and forth. I think I will wait until August 1st to tell them about it because otherwise they will be asking and hounding me about "is it today that we...?" for the next 2 months!
Ok, so that's the scoop. Time to find a cool hidey-hole.