It was Caleb's Class party and Field Day.
I went to the class party and saw a great slide show. I'll try to find a way to upload, link or take the pictures with Caleb and post it here.
I did not intend to stay for all of field day, but it turned out Caleb needed me to stay. The activities were well organizeds but the transition between was loosely termed a free for all, which didn't work out so great for Caleb. He turned shy and needed guidance to get from one activity to the other. I didn't mind and it was great to be a part of his school day. Although, I have to say that I left feeling like what I see on the outside of the school during pick up (appears orderly and planned) is NOT what I saw on the other side of the school doors (near chaos and how they would have ever found my child, I wonder). Well, next year he'll be that much older, faster, and use to the environment and routine so perhaps he'll have more self-confidence.
I did find out that next year Caleb will have Mrs. Adams for his kindergarten teacher. He's been in here class before for various other activities and he will meet her again during recess on Monday just to get use to her and know where she can be found this coming fall. I'm trying to decide whether to go for the 10 minutes Monday, or wait until the pre-school BBQ meet and greet. We'll see.
The count down to California has begun... counted by days left to do laundry and pack! But to my relief, the last time I checked their weather was in the mid-70s, NOT 90 something. The kids will enjoy it way more if the cars don't burn them when touched. And yet, it is still warm enough to visit the splash parks they specifically requested to visit!
So here are the pictures from the slideshow (field day ones still to come):

So the year has ended except for the Monday formality. The sun is out and it's perfectly warm but not hot. We are all healthy. The rabbit hasn't been peed on lately ( I mentioned that didn't I? I think the rabbit is traumatized here at our house.) Zuma is hanging in there, although with each day I worry. (her screw broke through the skin on just before Mother's day weekend, then it came totally OUT about 2 weeks later. Her foot is not fully stablized now, and I'm hoping/praying that the other screw don't move. She's not yet showing pain/distress, but we have her on very limited activity. ) The strawberries are starting to be picked, the tree out from is ripening plums, I got rhubarb at a garage sale for 50 cents (store value of $10) and it. The blue berries will be ripe by the time we are back from California. And my check engine light went off for some reason and hasn't returned!!! And I'm making significant progress on Caleb's annual scrapbook pages and begun Jockey's too (don't want to get behind). And I've planned out what items I'm going to enter into the fair for exhibit. VBS is in the 3rd week of July. This year Mike will be home for the Monroe Fair Day's Parade. So that's how the summer's looking. With lots of camping spiced in there. And I hope play dates too!
That's all for this update, time to get out in the sun.
Such great pictures! Thank you for sharing. This is our last week of school, and we have a full week to go, out Friday at 2:15. (We'd be done except for so many snow days.) I have no idea who Tessa's teacher is next year but that is okay. :-)
See you soon. Hurrah for summer!
Call me! Do you want to meet in Fairytale Town next week??? my cell is 360-738-6699 and my inlaws house number is 707-448-4008
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