First, the stat's/story of Baby Nathan...
He was born Friday, June 17th, 2011 at 8:54 AM via scheduled c-section at Evergreen Hospital. He weighed 7lbs, 12 ounces and was measured at 20 inches long (to compare: Caleb was 8lbs1oz 20 inches and Jockey 8lbs 7oz, 20.5 inches). He had healthy apgars at 9's. He peed on the doctor during delivery, and again the nurse just second's later as he was being wiped down and weighed. So he has already joined the FFAA... Future Fountains of America Association. He cried only when they started wiping him down, not immediately at delivery. He was quickly handed off to dad and then he waited patiently until mom was done with her part of surgery.
Within 3 hours of being born he had been visited by the on call hospital pediatrician and checked out as healthy with one item to watch: the frenulum, that little vertical piece of skin under the tongue which in Nathan's case was a little short/tight causing a mild "tongue tied" condition (often genetic, true in our case). After visits with 2 lactation consultants (because this affects both baby and mother for breastfeeding/nutrition) and a second pediatrician, on Day 2, we decided on having a frenulum-otomy. Just a snip of the skin. Grammy Dahl provided the amazing and necessary distraction to me during the "procedure", a beyond wonderful foot rub. The procedure was very quick, 3 drops of blood and very short crying protest (the circumcisions offered to boy babies these days are more traumatic than this was).
Nathan's first visitors: Of course, both Big Brothers, Caleb and Joshua. Then several grandparents, cousin and an Aunt. Tessa, Kristina, Grammy and Papa Dahl, Grandma Bishop and Papa Bill. Caleb looked briefly, but then moved on. On a return visit he showed dramatic interest and spent real time observing his littlest brother.
Jockey was enthralled from the first moments. He jumped right up on a chair and was peering over at this wrapped bundle and wanted to hold baby right away! He wanted to look at all the parts, toes etc. On his return visit, Jockey decided to show Nathan how to suck his thumb... meaning here Nathan, here is my thumb, suck on it!
Papa Bill returned later in the day with Grandma Judy. During his return visit he surprise and affected my heart with the offer and completion of a messy diaper change. It meant alot to me to see him so involved, especially given my bedridden condition. 
Grandma Bishop also returned later to provide even more help and support to me, and the foot rub from her was soooo appreciated by my painfully swollen feet. That foot rub was worth the price of the plane ticket that got her up here! Two items of note for this monumentus day: It was wonderful to be able to share such a huge day in my life and the life of my growing family with both my Mom and Dad at the same time in the same place. All the pregnancy difficulties was worth this precious boy and that opportunity to share him with my parents. Second, it was a huge joy and surprise to be visited by a beloved mentor, Mary. Her simple presence and sharing in my joy of this little baby made me feel so cared for by her; I was really touched.

Saturday, in the hospital... a whirlwind of medical visitors, medication times, times requiring me to stand up, meals, vitals checked on me and baby, and more family/friend visitors. "Uncle" Brian and "Auntie" Brittany visited, as did her parents Pam and Jay. Other than that, it was the attempt to get all the diapers changed, feedings in, and deal with the discomforts.

Sunday, Happy Father's Day Mike!!! It's your first...with NATHAN!!! After a long, difficult and hiccupped process, we were released from the hospital and headed home with our new little guy. We visited the boys with Grammy and Papa Dahl and then made our way home. We napped. Then received our first non-family visitor at our house. My friend Holly brought by some baby gear and held a sleeping Nathan. It was great to share this wonderful baby with someone!

Monday, Nathan, Grandma Bishop and I stayed pretty close to home. We did notice Nathan start to be a bit yellow. This will be checked Tuesday. Later in the afternoon, Grammy Dahl picked up Caleb from school and brought him, Jockey and GG Dahl to the house for a visit. They were excited again and couldn't wait to hold him... actually making GG Dahl wait her turn funny enough. But she was excited, enthusiatic and proud of her new, handsome, blonde, healthy grandson. The last baby she was out visiting was baby rabbits, this scored a little higher on the charts I think.
Tuesday, we went to the post partum appointment. Yes, Nathan is jaundice, but at the score of 12, he is within tolerable levels (anything below 16 is passing). After weighing him and seeing how much volume he consumes with a feeding.... they are very pleased and not concerned in the least with this little guy. He had regained 4.9 ounces bringing him back up to 7lbs 5.9ounces. A great recovery. It's me they were a bit concerned on, but end of story is take it even more easy than I have been. Grandma Bishop and I picked up Jockey after the appointment and Caleb later in the day from school Caleb had made the comment that he wanted the family back together again, so I tried to comply and be sensitive to his needs. And my friend Holly stopped by with the blessing of dinner for my family. Nathan slept through her second visit.
Wednesday was Caleb's last of school, Grandma Bishop was his transport that day in my stead. This day, my friend Tara stopped by and brought her son Conner over to play with a stir crazy Jockey. This was great since I'm not able to do much, and Jockey had been really concerned that he would get to see any of his friends this summer. Nathan showed off his eyes for some of this visit. I can't get enough of his facial expressions and the eyes hve such personality.
Thursday was a productive day, by my will alone.... but in hindsight probably was not the greatest idea. We excursioned out to Lynnwood to get Caleb's annual portraits done that I had put off long enough. We even tossed Jockey and Nathan in for one shot too. It is an adorable first picutre of the three of them together, too be shared later. Mike and my mom insisted on me riding in a wheelchair, but even then I over did it. My wonderful neighbor brought over a meal for the family which we will indulge in tomorrow night, and a MOPS friend brought over a delicious Chicken Enchilada for this night. It was so good the boys scarffed it down and ate seconds voraciously the next day for lunch. Getting that recipe for sure! And it was wonderful to share a little boy that I am enthralled with myself.
To date, we have discovered Nathan is a huge cuddler... almost a must for him to sleep peaceful, and is a certainty for me to sleep. I think I have a bit of separation anxiety too in a way, he's been "with" me so long it is strange feeling not to have him near, especially when I want to give myself permission to relax into subconsciousness necessary to sleep...I'm probably just crazy.
Nathan is occassionally taking a bottle of formula, which is a favorite time of Jockey's because he wants to hold and feed Nathan. (side note: the hospital gave us some samples of liquid Similac to supplement the feedings so that I can get some sleep....Much to the blessing and infinite wisdom and provision by God, this happens to turn out to be exactly the poduct and variety of formula that I was able to stockpile for really cheap... 49 cents... regular price is we are able to blessedly use formula that I thought wouldn't come in handy until 6 months out!) Nathan takes some bottles!!! HUGE!!! This is different from the other boys, and exactly what I had prayed about, for the option of an occassional "break" for sleep or errands or work. Praise God! Nathan likes swaddling. I am having to learn to be LESS prompt in changing his diapers because then "it" all goes in ONE diaper not three; the problem is that you don't know if 10 minutes is long enough to wait or if 20 minutes is... And there are only a few times he lets his voice to be heard... one of which is the "i'm wet/dirty and I don't like it", the other is "give me food, I smell it and I think you're holding out on me", the last one is he does not like cold baby wipes. Other than these issues, he is quiet and if awake, VERY observant and just stares and looks and listens. Jockey and Caleb are learning the needs of a baby, and the new analogy of a "both sided" feeding from me is the "full sandwich" because they wouldn't want to eat just half and then eat again really soon, they would prefer the whole or full sandwich and not be hungry for a while, right guys? So the new baby has brought new explanations. They both are showing interest in learning all the nuances from bottle feeding without baby sucking air, to the supply and demand system of a mom's body. Lots of new conversations around here.
Ok, I'm tired and I'll just have to post pictures later. Not to mention that I should get to sleep since baby is now sleeping and I'd be a fool not to sleep now that he is sleeping.
Saturday, in the hospital... a whirlwind of medical visitors, medication times, times requiring me to stand up, meals, vitals checked on me and baby, and more family/friend visitors. "Uncle" Brian and "Auntie" Brittany visited, as did her parents Pam and Jay. Other than that, it was the attempt to get all the diapers changed, feedings in, and deal with the discomforts.
Sunday, Happy Father's Day Mike!!! It's your first...with NATHAN!!! After a long, difficult and hiccupped process, we were released from the hospital and headed home with our new little guy. We visited the boys with Grammy and Papa Dahl and then made our way home. We napped. Then received our first non-family visitor at our house. My friend Holly brought by some baby gear and held a sleeping Nathan. It was great to share this wonderful baby with someone!
Monday, Nathan, Grandma Bishop and I stayed pretty close to home. We did notice Nathan start to be a bit yellow. This will be checked Tuesday. Later in the afternoon, Grammy Dahl picked up Caleb from school and brought him, Jockey and GG Dahl to the house for a visit. They were excited again and couldn't wait to hold him... actually making GG Dahl wait her turn funny enough. But she was excited, enthusiatic and proud of her new, handsome, blonde, healthy grandson. The last baby she was out visiting was baby rabbits, this scored a little higher on the charts I think.
Tuesday, we went to the post partum appointment. Yes, Nathan is jaundice, but at the score of 12, he is within tolerable levels (anything below 16 is passing). After weighing him and seeing how much volume he consumes with a feeding.... they are very pleased and not concerned in the least with this little guy. He had regained 4.9 ounces bringing him back up to 7lbs 5.9ounces. A great recovery. It's me they were a bit concerned on, but end of story is take it even more easy than I have been. Grandma Bishop and I picked up Jockey after the appointment and Caleb later in the day from school Caleb had made the comment that he wanted the family back together again, so I tried to comply and be sensitive to his needs. And my friend Holly stopped by with the blessing of dinner for my family. Nathan slept through her second visit.
Wednesday was Caleb's last of school, Grandma Bishop was his transport that day in my stead. This day, my friend Tara stopped by and brought her son Conner over to play with a stir crazy Jockey. This was great since I'm not able to do much, and Jockey had been really concerned that he would get to see any of his friends this summer. Nathan showed off his eyes for some of this visit. I can't get enough of his facial expressions and the eyes hve such personality.
Thursday was a productive day, by my will alone.... but in hindsight probably was not the greatest idea. We excursioned out to Lynnwood to get Caleb's annual portraits done that I had put off long enough. We even tossed Jockey and Nathan in for one shot too. It is an adorable first picutre of the three of them together, too be shared later. Mike and my mom insisted on me riding in a wheelchair, but even then I over did it. My wonderful neighbor brought over a meal for the family which we will indulge in tomorrow night, and a MOPS friend brought over a delicious Chicken Enchilada for this night. It was so good the boys scarffed it down and ate seconds voraciously the next day for lunch. Getting that recipe for sure! And it was wonderful to share a little boy that I am enthralled with myself.
To date, we have discovered Nathan is a huge cuddler... almost a must for him to sleep peaceful, and is a certainty for me to sleep. I think I have a bit of separation anxiety too in a way, he's been "with" me so long it is strange feeling not to have him near, especially when I want to give myself permission to relax into subconsciousness necessary to sleep...I'm probably just crazy.
Nathan is occassionally taking a bottle of formula, which is a favorite time of Jockey's because he wants to hold and feed Nathan. (side note: the hospital gave us some samples of liquid Similac to supplement the feedings so that I can get some sleep....Much to the blessing and infinite wisdom and provision by God, this happens to turn out to be exactly the poduct and variety of formula that I was able to stockpile for really cheap... 49 cents... regular price is we are able to blessedly use formula that I thought wouldn't come in handy until 6 months out!) Nathan takes some bottles!!! HUGE!!! This is different from the other boys, and exactly what I had prayed about, for the option of an occassional "break" for sleep or errands or work. Praise God! Nathan likes swaddling. I am having to learn to be LESS prompt in changing his diapers because then "it" all goes in ONE diaper not three; the problem is that you don't know if 10 minutes is long enough to wait or if 20 minutes is... And there are only a few times he lets his voice to be heard... one of which is the "i'm wet/dirty and I don't like it", the other is "give me food, I smell it and I think you're holding out on me", the last one is he does not like cold baby wipes. Other than these issues, he is quiet and if awake, VERY observant and just stares and looks and listens. Jockey and Caleb are learning the needs of a baby, and the new analogy of a "both sided" feeding from me is the "full sandwich" because they wouldn't want to eat just half and then eat again really soon, they would prefer the whole or full sandwich and not be hungry for a while, right guys? So the new baby has brought new explanations. They both are showing interest in learning all the nuances from bottle feeding without baby sucking air, to the supply and demand system of a mom's body. Lots of new conversations around here.
Ok, I'm tired and I'll just have to post pictures later. Not to mention that I should get to sleep since baby is now sleeping and I'd be a fool not to sleep now that he is sleeping.
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