The morning for him started with potty training Buzz...Again. This time Caleb didn't take his turn. sigh. I tried.
I've stumbled upon another activity that Caleb really likes. The watercolor paintings that have the color on the page already, just add water with the brush... He really likes it, and I like the fact that the worst that he can do is dump the little water that I place in the dish. And of course, the picture went on the refrigerator.
Last night Caleb and I had our first activity with just the two of us. We went to the library and returned the Pooh's Heffalump movie, and picked out others. I figured that if Caleb returned the pooh movie then he would understand where it went and why it's not at home to watch any more. And he had a good time playing in the kid's section too.
Then we went to get a slurpee, which I admit that he calls "mom's juice" and I do share a bit with him when he is good. Also, I'll admit to using it as a bribe last night to get him to eat a hearty soup last night for dinner. The positive perspective would not be to look at it as bribery, but as finding the proper motivation to bring about positive dietary habits. Ironic that I would have to use a nutritional vice in life to get a healthy meal into a toddler.
Josh is sleeping a bit more today, and I hope that he is getting sufficient enough sleep that he will not be overtired and fight bedtime again this evening. Here's crossing my fingers.
I've started comparing the two boys birth/1 month old pictures. Here's a couple of my favorites.

josh on left, caleb at right

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