Last night, for a special treat I offered to let Caleb sleep in his "Fort". His fort is a couple of the pop up, Play-hut cubes with a tunnel attached. I put them side by side in the closet with the tunnel out the front (which means the closet door is perpetually open... but it was a small compromise to make my little guy happy). He slept in there all night. He was telling me what he thought about the fort and he said "cold" and stiffened up is arms and neck like he was chilled and shivering to express "cold". I asked him if he was cold and he said "fort cool, neat, yeah". I learned that "cold" is the same as "Cool" to him. It was funny. Of course he was having so much fun that he wanted me to sleep in there with him. But in the end he was content to have Buzz and his shirt. He was very proud and talkative about sleeping his is fort this morning. I might let him sleep in there more often if he is having so much fun; because hey, if he sleeps fine, the fort is IN his room, and if he stays in it all night... I call that fun success.

A couple other funny stories, and I'll be as vague as possible.
Caleb is in a phase of self-discovery. Well, he has now tried to find out of other persons are built like him. He's grabbed at Mike a few times. Well, yesterday, he tried to grab my male parts...with little success. I don't blame him, everyone he sees looks like him (except me). Just another phases for a little boy.
Caleb decided/demanded to be a helpful boy yesterday also. While I was pumping to rid myself of a painful, clogged milk duct, Caleb very insistently climbed into my lap and pushed my hands off the pump. He said "My turn" and then pumped. I tried to fight him because this was on the side of feeling weird. But he was pushing my hands off and away and demanding that it was his turn. And I was laughing so hard at his insistence. Finally, I realized that if I said "mommy's turn" he would stop, which he did. Strange, but funny. I guess this would explain the first funny story of exploring his environment including the people around him.
Moms are the true multi-taskers, mostly by necessity, and thank God that He designed us for it. I didn't ever think that I'd have to sit on the toilet lid, nursing an infant, while my feet were propped up on the training potty, as I shielded myself with the shower curtian as I supervised a splashing, batheing toddler.
Last night, I added something new to the repretoire of things I didn't think that I'd say; and I also am chalking up the mental note of not to leave a toddler in the bath while I answer a phone call. When I came back to Caleb, my first thought was "my, that is murky dirty water" which was followed very closely with... "hey, that's not a crayon...eeewwww". I actually said the Caleb "You don't poo in the bath tub, you get out and use the potty next time".
Caleb is also being so helpful. Any time that Joshua cries he either comes and gets us, or he says "coming Jockey" and goes to Joshua's side. What a caring big brother.
And as if those stories are enough... One more.
After a grocery shopping errand, I decided that I would go to 7-11 for a slurpee. I asked Caleb if he wanted to go to get "mommy's juice, a slurpee" and he said Yeah. Then of all the funny things he said "own". He wanted his own! Which was cute that he learned a new word and used it properly... but the kicker was when he said "mommy, buying"! I laughed so hard and said "yes, mommy's buying".
Well that's all. I hope that the stories have been more funny than disgusting, but as most of you know...motherhood isn't all cooing, laughing and mess free.
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