In bullet points for the sake of brevity:
* The 12/14 doctor's visit and ultrasound (and follow up phone calls) indicate that we have very positive numbers, meaning low risks, of Downs or trisonmy 13 or 18 in the new baby. Praising God for that. Healthy! They could identify arms, legs, hands, briefly feet, bladder, stomach, brain, nose, and heart which was beating at a strong 167 bpm. We have a 15 minute DVD as a result.
* We made it to the Lights of Christmas at Stanwood/Warm Beach. It was so nice to see a concentrated dazzling of lights, even on a bit of drizzly night. The boys liked the pony rides, petting zoo, the Polar Express tractor towed "train", the fresh hot donuts, the lights and the toy making work shop. They weren't so sure about talking to the Bruce the Spruce. It was worth the trip, and the coupon deal was awesome.
* We made it to Leavenworth for their town lighting. The sledding is what drew the attention fo the boys the most. They just love zinging down that hill again and again and again. (Perhaps next year the tubing hill at Snoqualmie, just a thought.) The chestnuts were a special treat as we listened to the town crowd singing. One side note, Jockey had to go to the bathroom every 5 to 15 minutes and asked to go home before they even lit the lights... kind of a damper but it seems like a legitimate medical problem and just not feeling good.
*Jockey went to the doctor for the first time ever for an illness. Not bad in 5 years, however, he was completely shy and would not hold still for the doctor's exam. And for his specific complaint, using the restroom successfully would have been a help too. End game, no infection, still took the antibiotics, and we have to come back and see the doctor to find out WHY... unfortunately they said it isn't completely IMPOSSIBLE for him to have kidney stones. Sorry son, I'm at fault for this one if that's what you have.
* We made it to the zoo for a bit of a mid-week trip. Rather than get things done at the house, I elected not to let them get worse with crazy boys running around inside all day. We met Cousin Tessa and Auntie Kristina. And followed the zoo up with a visit at their house for a movie and fun.
* We met my nephew (the boys cousin) Kyler for the first time ever. He just turned one this month. He has been walking about 3 weeks at the time of our visit. He was sure active and expressive, and totally into balls. All boy. Caleb and Josh now have a face to go with the "you have a cousin" claim.
*Christmas Eve we attended church services where Caleb bravely sang on stage with the other kids. He was great, but highly motivated by the bribe of a present from the Children's Pastor. Afterwards, Grammy and Papa Dahl came back to our house for casual dinner of the traditional German wieners and herring salad. Some of us abstained and went with the alternatives.
* Christmas Morning was at our house. I actually had to wake the kids up to open their stockings. They are the only kids I know that have to be woken up on Christmas morning. It was a good morning of conversation and hot breakfast with Grammy, Papa Dahl, Grandma Judy, and Papa Bill. The big difference this year is that Caleb can read the names on the presents and Josh can at least identify the first letter of a name... which means he got confused only with Grandma Judy's gifts and his own. So because of the reading thing, they were sifting through the gifts under the tree on their own trying to read everything to dole out the gifts themselves. Their enthusiam to read almost outmatched the gifts themselves... except Mario for the Wii, and Mario Kart with steering wheels. The Hot Wheels were also a huge hit.
* Christmas Night was at Grammy and Papa Dahls house for dinner where we saw all the morning people but also the Surfaces and GG Dahl. The kids played outside for a bit, and the Wii alot. That was what made it quiet enough for a nap...for me at least.
* The kids are recovered from the excitement of Christmas and on to being wild and crazy again. We met some friends of theirs at a Burger King and let them play on the equipment for 3 hours... hey, at least it's not my house being messed up. And another day we had Emily and Brittany over to give them their presents. Emily was so interested in a new environment to explore.
We have no set plans for the rest of the week or New Years. Just birthday party for one of Jockey's buds on Sunday afternoon. But that is the catch up to start fresh for the new year.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
Ok... It's been a while, and I'm still exhausted so this will be brief.
Thanksgiving was great. Good food, kind of co-op prepared. The boys were well occupied with the Wii and didn't destroy Papa Bill's house.
Thanksgiving (take 2) was on Sunday at Papa and Grammy Dahls, add GG, and Surfaces. The boys like the wii there and Cousin Tessa... and re-arranging the Christmas tree ornaments. Jockey insists that the lamb is called Sheep. And later that our new toothpaste is green "like than green stuff on the sheep".
We had 2 snow days right before Thanksgiving. I thought it was great. The boys were playing the backyard or playing Wii... no middle ground. Although, Jockey at one point asked "do I have school?"... no. "Do I have Bible study (ie childcare)?" To that he said "When is someone going to teach me something! I'm bored."
Lastly, officially annoucing the life altering news.... we are PREGNANT and expecting a little bundle in June 2011. Due date is 6/24, but we will be c-sectioned about a week earlier. As of November 17 when we visited the doctor... it is just one baby with a very healthy heart rate of 182 bpm. And on that day we were 8weeks 5 days.... which puts us not on December 6th to be 11 weeks 3 days. This is a long story and huge blessing, not that we knew God wanted this definitively, but we had been praying "Is this what you want for us?" since April/May. So I guess we have our answer and God has been in control and blessing us from the beginning... Just some examples: I went to the doctor in July to get Clomid (fertility med used to conceive the first two boys) and was given birth CONTROL; turns out July and August I laid hardwood floor to include smelly glue, painted walls & cabinets after TSP-ing, cut/installed molding and chair rail, NONE of which I could do if I was pregnant and sick, sensitive to chemicals or exhausted already. I went off the birth control after being sick and prayed that it was all in the Lord's hands. We NATURALLY (no clomid) conceived what seems so far to be a sucessful pregnancy... any other naturals we've lost. Per the ultrasound, if we had been "trying" and aiming for ovulation specific days... we would have missed it by a week! All the more proof that it wasn't in our timing/control but God's because usually a late conception is a "weak" and therefore unsuccessful conception. THEN, during the snow days before Christmas, I got a call (by the way, one week after getting the cost estimates on what this whole ball of wax is going to cost us) and it is from DSHS, turns out the boys now qualify for free medical (less than before) and now I qualify for Pregnancy Medical (since on the off chance I wrote in the margin of the income review form that we were expecting!) I just had to put my application in, and I just got off the phone to find out it was officially approved last FRIDAY! So between the private insurance (which I can drop for the next 8 months and save even more) and the DSHS... I shouldn't have any out of pocket expenses! A gigantic huge blessing to pay for the other blessing that God sent! THEN, the timing of the delivery will be in the last days of the boys' school, which gives me the whole summer to recover from surgery, get off pain meds, and get use to a demanding schedule before I have to get up every morning and get 4 people ready for school/dressed/fed etc; if it had been in "MY" timing I would be hitting the ground drugged and running kids to school with a new baby in MARCH/APRIL. So too many good things to be a coincidence, and it's all God.
We are hoping for a boy. It hadn't occurred to us that it would be a girl until everyone else brought it up. The boys are very excited and are already anxious to see their new brother, and I'm sure the excitement will grow and *I* do. We have a boy name picked out. We didn't even talk about girl names... in fact, we didn't talk about any other boy names other than the ONE we picked out and decided on. It means "gift of God", which fits perfectly all of what God has had us traverse in the past months. But we find out 2/8/2011 what gender for sure, assuming that he holds still and lets them take pictures!
So that's the news. We'll keep you posted.
Thanksgiving was great. Good food, kind of co-op prepared. The boys were well occupied with the Wii and didn't destroy Papa Bill's house.
Thanksgiving (take 2) was on Sunday at Papa and Grammy Dahls, add GG, and Surfaces. The boys like the wii there and Cousin Tessa... and re-arranging the Christmas tree ornaments. Jockey insists that the lamb is called Sheep. And later that our new toothpaste is green "like than green stuff on the sheep".
We had 2 snow days right before Thanksgiving. I thought it was great. The boys were playing the backyard or playing Wii... no middle ground. Although, Jockey at one point asked "do I have school?"... no. "Do I have Bible study (ie childcare)?" To that he said "When is someone going to teach me something! I'm bored."
Lastly, officially annoucing the life altering news.... we are PREGNANT and expecting a little bundle in June 2011. Due date is 6/24, but we will be c-sectioned about a week earlier. As of November 17 when we visited the doctor... it is just one baby with a very healthy heart rate of 182 bpm. And on that day we were 8weeks 5 days.... which puts us not on December 6th to be 11 weeks 3 days. This is a long story and huge blessing, not that we knew God wanted this definitively, but we had been praying "Is this what you want for us?" since April/May. So I guess we have our answer and God has been in control and blessing us from the beginning... Just some examples: I went to the doctor in July to get Clomid (fertility med used to conceive the first two boys) and was given birth CONTROL; turns out July and August I laid hardwood floor to include smelly glue, painted walls & cabinets after TSP-ing, cut/installed molding and chair rail, NONE of which I could do if I was pregnant and sick, sensitive to chemicals or exhausted already. I went off the birth control after being sick and prayed that it was all in the Lord's hands. We NATURALLY (no clomid) conceived what seems so far to be a sucessful pregnancy... any other naturals we've lost. Per the ultrasound, if we had been "trying" and aiming for ovulation specific days... we would have missed it by a week! All the more proof that it wasn't in our timing/control but God's because usually a late conception is a "weak" and therefore unsuccessful conception. THEN, during the snow days before Christmas, I got a call (by the way, one week after getting the cost estimates on what this whole ball of wax is going to cost us) and it is from DSHS, turns out the boys now qualify for free medical (less than before) and now I qualify for Pregnancy Medical (since on the off chance I wrote in the margin of the income review form that we were expecting!) I just had to put my application in, and I just got off the phone to find out it was officially approved last FRIDAY! So between the private insurance (which I can drop for the next 8 months and save even more) and the DSHS... I shouldn't have any out of pocket expenses! A gigantic huge blessing to pay for the other blessing that God sent! THEN, the timing of the delivery will be in the last days of the boys' school, which gives me the whole summer to recover from surgery, get off pain meds, and get use to a demanding schedule before I have to get up every morning and get 4 people ready for school/dressed/fed etc; if it had been in "MY" timing I would be hitting the ground drugged and running kids to school with a new baby in MARCH/APRIL. So too many good things to be a coincidence, and it's all God.
We are hoping for a boy. It hadn't occurred to us that it would be a girl until everyone else brought it up. The boys are very excited and are already anxious to see their new brother, and I'm sure the excitement will grow and *I* do. We have a boy name picked out. We didn't even talk about girl names... in fact, we didn't talk about any other boy names other than the ONE we picked out and decided on. It means "gift of God", which fits perfectly all of what God has had us traverse in the past months. But we find out 2/8/2011 what gender for sure, assuming that he holds still and lets them take pictures!
So that's the news. We'll keep you posted.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Last week was Parent/Teacher conferences.
Caleb is a "very hard worker, he works very hard on all of his papers" and "he is always willing to partner with other kids to work as teams for help them learn". These are great things to hear. He is reading at grade level, but will need to work are to continue to be there. He is doing great at math, especially addition and patterns. Subtraction and writing are the areas we are going to be working on, but overall the teacher had many positive things to say about Caleb.
Jockey is "quite a leader", of course it is making sure where he leads is appropriate and not on TOP of the playground's play house roof. He knows MOST of his letters and sounds, all shapes save a rectangle on the day of testing, and can write his name to include lower case letters. They are going out of their way to challenge him with Kindergarten papers occassionally to make sure he is learning and not bored. He is still squirly and has difficulty holding still, and giving other's a chance to talk at circle time, but they are working on it. Also, the school is very willing to do anything that will prepare Jockey for school, like practicing lining up and being quiet in line.
We went to Cascade Church' Harvest carnival on Friday night, but left at 7pm to make the "trunk 'n' treat" at Jockey's school because their buddies were there. Then Sunday night, we spent at our friend's church for their elaborate and vastly fun Trunk or Treat which the kids loved and dressed in their nearly authentic looking fireman costumes. They had a blast! And we have enough candy to keep a small army wired for awhile. It's hiding in the garage to be slowly doled out.
Saturday night the boys stayed at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house for the first time in their "new" house. They loved it. Especially the new downstairs with a tv and a bathroom on the same level. And their bunk beds are back!
This week, Jockey didn't have school Wednesday or Friday, so he has gotten lots of fun time at home. Holding rabbits, going to parks and having a play date, and going on walks. However, it was Jockey's first bee sting at the park yesterday, and we've learned that he has a bit (not fast or major) but in the course of 30-45 minutes his stung finger became a tight feeling, puffy hand. So Mike ran and got him Benedryl... which worked fine to include making him so sluggish he stayed home from Awana. He knew his verse, but he will still know it next week. It will be fine and we know more about the Jockey-bee combo than we did before.
No huge plans for this weekend. But next Wednesday, Grammy Bishop is in town, so the obvious house prep and getting Jockey's room ready is in order.
Well, that's it for now.
Caleb is a "very hard worker, he works very hard on all of his papers" and "he is always willing to partner with other kids to work as teams for help them learn". These are great things to hear. He is reading at grade level, but will need to work are to continue to be there. He is doing great at math, especially addition and patterns. Subtraction and writing are the areas we are going to be working on, but overall the teacher had many positive things to say about Caleb.
Jockey is "quite a leader", of course it is making sure where he leads is appropriate and not on TOP of the playground's play house roof. He knows MOST of his letters and sounds, all shapes save a rectangle on the day of testing, and can write his name to include lower case letters. They are going out of their way to challenge him with Kindergarten papers occassionally to make sure he is learning and not bored. He is still squirly and has difficulty holding still, and giving other's a chance to talk at circle time, but they are working on it. Also, the school is very willing to do anything that will prepare Jockey for school, like practicing lining up and being quiet in line.
We went to Cascade Church' Harvest carnival on Friday night, but left at 7pm to make the "trunk 'n' treat" at Jockey's school because their buddies were there. Then Sunday night, we spent at our friend's church for their elaborate and vastly fun Trunk or Treat which the kids loved and dressed in their nearly authentic looking fireman costumes. They had a blast! And we have enough candy to keep a small army wired for awhile. It's hiding in the garage to be slowly doled out.
Saturday night the boys stayed at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house for the first time in their "new" house. They loved it. Especially the new downstairs with a tv and a bathroom on the same level. And their bunk beds are back!
This week, Jockey didn't have school Wednesday or Friday, so he has gotten lots of fun time at home. Holding rabbits, going to parks and having a play date, and going on walks. However, it was Jockey's first bee sting at the park yesterday, and we've learned that he has a bit (not fast or major) but in the course of 30-45 minutes his stung finger became a tight feeling, puffy hand. So Mike ran and got him Benedryl... which worked fine to include making him so sluggish he stayed home from Awana. He knew his verse, but he will still know it next week. It will be fine and we know more about the Jockey-bee combo than we did before.
No huge plans for this weekend. But next Wednesday, Grammy Bishop is in town, so the obvious house prep and getting Jockey's room ready is in order.
Well, that's it for now.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Another one bites the dust.... ACTUALLY.... Biting is going to be a little more difficult for Caleb now. He was biting onto a towel and wrestling with Daddy and then Daddy pulled on the towel and pulled that tooth right out. Lots of blood and panic, but the reality is that it wouldn't have come out at all if it wasn't at all ready. Explaining that began the calm down process for Caleb, but now he is still self-conscious. I told him he is an excellent SHHH sound maker. He can say SHHH be quiet, SHort, SHape, Shoulder. That kind of helped him on the morning of his first day of school attending as a jack-o-lantern. I told him to look around an there will be other kids with missing teeth.
Jockey had his field trip to the pumpkin patch yesterday. What a great day, especially compared to the bitter cold or rainy days in the years past. He loved rolling in the corn bin, going down the tunnel slides, and RUNNING uncontrolably through the pumpkin patch. I finally pointed to the coming tractor and said that if he didn't have a pumpkin by the time the tractor stopped we were getting on without a pumpkin. THEN he got down the to business of picking out a pumpkin, which was completely different than the one he initially said he wanted to choose.
He was so wild and crazy that I couldn't take him home that way to tear up my house. We ended up at a Burger King letting him play while I worked on a bible study. It was sunny and beautiful, so when we picked up Caleb... we all headed off to the park to play and then walk around the lake. Back to the lesson of grass whistles... On this trip, Jockey's second attempt, he found decent success. This was Caleb's first trip and so I hope on his second trip he will find the same success Jockey did.
One more day of school this week, 3 jobs to work tomorrow and then we can all take a deep breath for the weekend. Mike works all day Saturday (IF he is feeling any better, he cancelled going to fire training today and is struggling to get to the regular job through nausea visits to the bathroom). It's suppose to be raining, so I suppose that will cut down on what we do, but I have hope that we will find fun things.
Jockey had his field trip to the pumpkin patch yesterday. What a great day, especially compared to the bitter cold or rainy days in the years past. He loved rolling in the corn bin, going down the tunnel slides, and RUNNING uncontrolably through the pumpkin patch. I finally pointed to the coming tractor and said that if he didn't have a pumpkin by the time the tractor stopped we were getting on without a pumpkin. THEN he got down the to business of picking out a pumpkin, which was completely different than the one he initially said he wanted to choose.
He was so wild and crazy that I couldn't take him home that way to tear up my house. We ended up at a Burger King letting him play while I worked on a bible study. It was sunny and beautiful, so when we picked up Caleb... we all headed off to the park to play and then walk around the lake. Back to the lesson of grass whistles... On this trip, Jockey's second attempt, he found decent success. This was Caleb's first trip and so I hope on his second trip he will find the same success Jockey did.
One more day of school this week, 3 jobs to work tomorrow and then we can all take a deep breath for the weekend. Mike works all day Saturday (IF he is feeling any better, he cancelled going to fire training today and is struggling to get to the regular job through nausea visits to the bathroom). It's suppose to be raining, so I suppose that will cut down on what we do, but I have hope that we will find fun things.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Another quick update....
Caleb is doing AWESOME in school. He's bringing home completed and 100% correct math homework. His teacher tells me it is his own work and he received a 100% on his last math test. He received 100% on his spelling test too. He is reading his "decoder" pamphlets consistently and learning to count by tens etc.
Jockey is enjoying sharing day, although there are never enough sharing days for him. His teachers say they are trying to challenge him a bit more than most the other kids because he is ready for a little push. At home he is working on some sight words, patters, beginning and ending sounds. He can tell me 20 of the 26 sounds in the alphabet. He can count into the +3's so far.
A very good start for both this year with conferences coming up to confirm progress at the end of this month. Also, MOSTLY they are both excited and feeling positive about homework rather than a war each night. Much to my relief.
Awana continues and they are both learning their verses consistently.
This last Saturday we made it to the Monroe Fire Station for their Open house. The boys were able to get a hat, stickers, watch a video on fire alarms, eat popcorn, meet the fire sniffing dog, ride the fire truck, crawl through the "smoke house" trailer to practice getting out of a house, saw a car cut into pieces, spray water at traffic cones with the actual hoses, and lastly eat free pizza. It was a FULL day, and luckily 90% INSIDE on a rainy day. (Better than the alternative, which was a visit to "Bob's Corn Maze").
Caleb did not have school this Monday, but Jockey did... So he used the nice weather to scooter around quite a bit. When it was time to pick up Jockey (2.5 hours later)... he said "oh, good. I miss him. It's been like 10 minutes or 2 hours." I asked him what he wanted to do with his brother... "I don't know". Crazy.
For those of you who don't connect on Facebook... I'll share this funny story of Jockey's.
One day I waved good by to Caleb with an out of the ordinary finger-waggling wave. Jockey asked me what was I doing. I told him that I was waving good by. He promptly tells me that I was not waving.... UNLESS I was waving in CHINESE!
Last Tuesday, Papa Bill came down and spent time hanging out with Jockey while I had to work. They cruised on the scooters all around the extended neighborhood area. Jockey was on the foot pushed razor scooter, and Papa Bill was on a motorized scooter. Amazingly, Jockey did not take a nap that afternoon... we were figuring he would be wiped but no.
Last Friday, our family of 4 ate with Papa and Grammy Dahl and Auntie Kristina and Cousin Tessa at Grammy's "new" house. The kids are in LOVE with a "fort" (aka wrapped around under the stairs storage area). It is the only carpeted place in the whole house and they just play and play in there. Silly Grandparents... Forts are for kids, not storage!
Lesson learned.... These are boys. Aka Future Men. In listening to (and remembering back to when I read the book) an author being interviewed, it occurred to me that the primary way men feel love is to actually be respected. Well, I have future men that I'm trying to foster up right now and I had better build a foundation for the relationship between myself and them now so that it is a respectful one when they are teenagers and in a time of natural coming of age tension. And as one of my mentors pointed out to me today, these efforts will be building into them an expectation or establish a norm in their hearts of what a respectful mom/wife is so that when it comes time to marry this respect is something they will find and gravitate to in potential spouses. It's hard to understand "boy", but it's worth my effort if when they get to be teenagers and we get along and the still give their mom hugs (even if it's at home when no peers can tease).
Getting on to boy level today... I attempted to teach Jockey how to "whistle" with a blade of grass. Hey, it's noisy, odd, "fart-like" or shrill, did I mention loud.... all things boy. One of the still dear and precious things that I love and still cling to about Jockey are his soft and not all the way leaned out child hands... However, these are not the greatest for holding tightly a blade of grass and thus his success was about 2%. We found a compromise though where I held the grass and he blew to make the loud bird-call, fart like sounds. Fortunately we were on the other side of a lake and weren't near anyone to annoy.
I'll try to post pictures soon. Time seems to be a precious commodity, and hardly ever lined up with energy.
Caleb is doing AWESOME in school. He's bringing home completed and 100% correct math homework. His teacher tells me it is his own work and he received a 100% on his last math test. He received 100% on his spelling test too. He is reading his "decoder" pamphlets consistently and learning to count by tens etc.
Jockey is enjoying sharing day, although there are never enough sharing days for him. His teachers say they are trying to challenge him a bit more than most the other kids because he is ready for a little push. At home he is working on some sight words, patters, beginning and ending sounds. He can tell me 20 of the 26 sounds in the alphabet. He can count into the +3's so far.
A very good start for both this year with conferences coming up to confirm progress at the end of this month. Also, MOSTLY they are both excited and feeling positive about homework rather than a war each night. Much to my relief.
Awana continues and they are both learning their verses consistently.
This last Saturday we made it to the Monroe Fire Station for their Open house. The boys were able to get a hat, stickers, watch a video on fire alarms, eat popcorn, meet the fire sniffing dog, ride the fire truck, crawl through the "smoke house" trailer to practice getting out of a house, saw a car cut into pieces, spray water at traffic cones with the actual hoses, and lastly eat free pizza. It was a FULL day, and luckily 90% INSIDE on a rainy day. (Better than the alternative, which was a visit to "Bob's Corn Maze").
Caleb did not have school this Monday, but Jockey did... So he used the nice weather to scooter around quite a bit. When it was time to pick up Jockey (2.5 hours later)... he said "oh, good. I miss him. It's been like 10 minutes or 2 hours." I asked him what he wanted to do with his brother... "I don't know". Crazy.
For those of you who don't connect on Facebook... I'll share this funny story of Jockey's.
One day I waved good by to Caleb with an out of the ordinary finger-waggling wave. Jockey asked me what was I doing. I told him that I was waving good by. He promptly tells me that I was not waving.... UNLESS I was waving in CHINESE!
Last Tuesday, Papa Bill came down and spent time hanging out with Jockey while I had to work. They cruised on the scooters all around the extended neighborhood area. Jockey was on the foot pushed razor scooter, and Papa Bill was on a motorized scooter. Amazingly, Jockey did not take a nap that afternoon... we were figuring he would be wiped but no.
Last Friday, our family of 4 ate with Papa and Grammy Dahl and Auntie Kristina and Cousin Tessa at Grammy's "new" house. The kids are in LOVE with a "fort" (aka wrapped around under the stairs storage area). It is the only carpeted place in the whole house and they just play and play in there. Silly Grandparents... Forts are for kids, not storage!
Lesson learned.... These are boys. Aka Future Men. In listening to (and remembering back to when I read the book) an author being interviewed, it occurred to me that the primary way men feel love is to actually be respected. Well, I have future men that I'm trying to foster up right now and I had better build a foundation for the relationship between myself and them now so that it is a respectful one when they are teenagers and in a time of natural coming of age tension. And as one of my mentors pointed out to me today, these efforts will be building into them an expectation or establish a norm in their hearts of what a respectful mom/wife is so that when it comes time to marry this respect is something they will find and gravitate to in potential spouses. It's hard to understand "boy", but it's worth my effort if when they get to be teenagers and we get along and the still give their mom hugs (even if it's at home when no peers can tease).
Getting on to boy level today... I attempted to teach Jockey how to "whistle" with a blade of grass. Hey, it's noisy, odd, "fart-like" or shrill, did I mention loud.... all things boy. One of the still dear and precious things that I love and still cling to about Jockey are his soft and not all the way leaned out child hands... However, these are not the greatest for holding tightly a blade of grass and thus his success was about 2%. We found a compromise though where I held the grass and he blew to make the loud bird-call, fart like sounds. Fortunately we were on the other side of a lake and weren't near anyone to annoy.
I'll try to post pictures soon. Time seems to be a precious commodity, and hardly ever lined up with energy.
Monday, September 20, 2010
So school has begun.... Awana has begun.... MOPS has begun... Bible Study has begun
Caleb is liking school. He thinks that the three recesses a day is the best thing about the entire 1st grade. He still sees his buddies on the playground, but gets to buckle down during class without those buddies he might be tempted to talk to. He is doing very well with all day school now. He isn't coming home exhausted, class weary or hungry. He's coming home ready to do just about anything, he runs to us when he sees us, he goes through the backpack right away to get out the papers, and he has remembered his sandwich holder EVERYDAY so far. I'm so proud of him for his smooth adjustment from summer play to the stiff school routine. I actually think Caleb flourishes with routine... not something I enjoy, but for the next 9 months... I can do it since it is good for him, as if I had a choice. ;0)
Jockey is loving school. Today was his first sharing day, and this first time he took his new birthday present Fire truck. It was kept a surprise under a towel until sharing time, and I'm told that it was a HUGE hit. Well, I'm glad that Jockey loved being "on". So far, the teacher has already told me that he is quite a leader. My concern is (after a big to do with a friend and her son in the same class with the school) that this class is truly Kindergarten PREP... aka Pre-K, not just a repeat of last year's preschool cirriculm. Not that I have many choices if I find I'm not satisfied with his class; really there is only one other school that we could afford... 15-20 minutes away, strict brand name lengthy supply list, $25 fees for just about any excuse possible. So, what that means is I choose to remove him from class and do work at home, or add work at home. The first option doesn't offer him intangible benefits like socialization, routines, following instructions (and selfishly, time for me to go to work). The latter option, I'm not a teacher and never claim to be, so I'm not sure if we could both survive the learning process. Although working with him this morning, he was already starting to understand a BASIC analog clock and digital read out. We'll see.
MOPS went smoothly the first meeting. The next one is the first craft... still working on the prep. But I'm confident we'll be ready.
Bible Study, good, lots of reading in the first week... but I think I'm finally caught up since I received my book late. Now I can pace myself and savor.
Awana. It's at a new place for Jockey (Caleb went to this church one year 3 years ago). Jockey's got two buddies in the class so I'm sure he'll acclimate quickly. And we were very happily surprised when Caleb found a familiar buddy in his class, so of course we are optimistic that he will have a great time too. They are both beginning to memorize verses and are showing promise. It's going to be a good year for them (and for Mom and Dad who will actually get 1.5 hours of alone, peaceful time TOGETHER once a week!!! Having our regular church cancel Awana and have to come to this one has GOT to be a blessing straight from heaven!)
I'll post pictures soon, I'm just too tired to search and post.
But hopefully soon.
Caleb is liking school. He thinks that the three recesses a day is the best thing about the entire 1st grade. He still sees his buddies on the playground, but gets to buckle down during class without those buddies he might be tempted to talk to. He is doing very well with all day school now. He isn't coming home exhausted, class weary or hungry. He's coming home ready to do just about anything, he runs to us when he sees us, he goes through the backpack right away to get out the papers, and he has remembered his sandwich holder EVERYDAY so far. I'm so proud of him for his smooth adjustment from summer play to the stiff school routine. I actually think Caleb flourishes with routine... not something I enjoy, but for the next 9 months... I can do it since it is good for him, as if I had a choice. ;0)
Jockey is loving school. Today was his first sharing day, and this first time he took his new birthday present Fire truck. It was kept a surprise under a towel until sharing time, and I'm told that it was a HUGE hit. Well, I'm glad that Jockey loved being "on". So far, the teacher has already told me that he is quite a leader. My concern is (after a big to do with a friend and her son in the same class with the school) that this class is truly Kindergarten PREP... aka Pre-K, not just a repeat of last year's preschool cirriculm. Not that I have many choices if I find I'm not satisfied with his class; really there is only one other school that we could afford... 15-20 minutes away, strict brand name lengthy supply list, $25 fees for just about any excuse possible. So, what that means is I choose to remove him from class and do work at home, or add work at home. The first option doesn't offer him intangible benefits like socialization, routines, following instructions (and selfishly, time for me to go to work). The latter option, I'm not a teacher and never claim to be, so I'm not sure if we could both survive the learning process. Although working with him this morning, he was already starting to understand a BASIC analog clock and digital read out. We'll see.
MOPS went smoothly the first meeting. The next one is the first craft... still working on the prep. But I'm confident we'll be ready.
Bible Study, good, lots of reading in the first week... but I think I'm finally caught up since I received my book late. Now I can pace myself and savor.
Awana. It's at a new place for Jockey (Caleb went to this church one year 3 years ago). Jockey's got two buddies in the class so I'm sure he'll acclimate quickly. And we were very happily surprised when Caleb found a familiar buddy in his class, so of course we are optimistic that he will have a great time too. They are both beginning to memorize verses and are showing promise. It's going to be a good year for them (and for Mom and Dad who will actually get 1.5 hours of alone, peaceful time TOGETHER once a week!!! Having our regular church cancel Awana and have to come to this one has GOT to be a blessing straight from heaven!)
I'll post pictures soon, I'm just too tired to search and post.
But hopefully soon.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
So a little catch up....
The boys have had the bouncy house up several times, they've enjoyed several campfires, and of course holding the baby bunnies. They have had a couple playdates too.
Grammy Bishop drove up from California for a visit. It went really well and the boys kept her really busy. She went to the fair, sat on the curb for the Fair Days Parade, and we cruised over to Leavenworth too for brats. The weather cooperated 80% of the time which was nice for someone not used to our kind of rain/gray. The boys cuddled around the campfires and had lots to say about everything. They were very excited to show her the bunnies and paint things to show her.
Jockey's birthday came and we had an informal party. With such a busy summer (remodel, house guests, fair, etc) the date just came upon us before we could blink. We ended up with 4 buddies over for a little bouncy house action, ice cream cake, mini pinatas, and a little craft. Jockey spied the craft and burst it open before I could prepare it. While it didn't go quiet as planned, at least I know my son's interest in art/creating. The other hiccup... the wind blew out the candles faster than Jockey could! The wind was helping him make a wish.
We've made it to the fair twice now... The boys had a day of rides and later a day of eating. We rode on the rides until I was sick, which is REALLY hard to do. (I had to accompany them so that Jockey "was tall enough" to go on). I'm so glad they had a good time and I could help bring it to them. Eating is Dad's favorite past time and they leapt into that too... alligator, seafood crepe, mini-corn dogs, pickles etc later.... We've DONE the fair. My scrapbook pages earn two common 1st place stickers, and one of them gone a Merit award. Not at good as last year, but more than the standard sticker. Better luck next year.
Grandma Bishop's birthday is today and I asked the boys what we should get her (I did ask earlier in the week)... Caleb said "we should get her a gigantic Giraffe"... Jockey said "Maybe a Platypus"... then Caleb said "or maybe a pretty plate or necklace". Wow, was a span of ideas.
With school so close, I have broken out the Kindergarten practice book for Jockey and the new 1st grade book (thanks Grammy Dahl) for Caleb. Jockey's excited, Caleb's grumbling as he pushes through. He does get distracted and inventive when he should be focusing; today, I caught myself saying "Caleb, stop drawing poo coming out of the animals."
Jockey woke up this morning with an unusual rash. I'd be really worried since it covers thickly, except it is only on the TOP half of his body... as if he didn't get an exposure while wearing pants. Thus, I'm thinking it's an allergy not a viral type of thing. We washed him up, popped a benedryl, and slathered hydrocortisone cream. Now we are just waiting and hoping for the best. It's not bothering him, but it does look disturbing.
Today, we attended a birthday party to one of my MOPS friend's little boy. He turned three today, and I can't express the relieve that they had rented a bouncy house and I didn't have to wrangle the boys INSIDE someone else's house all afternoon! One of Jockey's school/awana buddies came too. Jockey came away saying "That Curry(the birthday boy) is a nice boy". So I'm glad it was good day for the boys too.
Jockey is all set up to attend Little Doves again this year in a Pre-K class. MWF, in the AM. He will have classmates that he knows so it should be very fun! Caleb is going to be a big time, full-time, take my lunch with me, first grader! I should remember to call and find out the teacher and the classroom#... since Caleb can't remember at all from last year's pre-orientation. School starts for us this Wednesday.
We also got word that our church has lost so many leaders that they have suspended the Awana program. So as to not be idle, we have registered them for the Awana program at the church down the street, the First Baptist church..... the church Caleb FIRST attended Cubbies at. He has begged me to return and finally he will get his wish (we had wanted to find some continuity from Sunday AM class to Awana for peers until this point.) The good news is that it will be on a Wednesday night and Daddy will be home to help get the boys prepped and taken/picked up/parent help WITH me rather than being a Thursday formerly and it all came onto my plate. It was often hard to juggle their program and my other obligations to MOPS craft team leading. Now we will be able to walk as a family to this other church while the weather is good and it's light enough to see safely. Good family time, good God times, and good exercise. Starts the 15th.
MOPS starts the 17th, with a Leadership retreat on the 11th for me as the craft team leader. This will be an interesting year having to train not just lead since it will be my last year (I think) in MOPS due to graduating out. Mike has fire training on Thursdays (and Tuesdays) which has shifted my work hours often to Fridays... so it will be a fine line balancing act this year. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I'm not ready to say good bye to Summer, and neither are the kids. They still think every night is the perfect night to stay up and have a campfire. I guess when it is dark by 5:30pm, it will be a great time for campfire... and a blanket, and a hot cup of hot cocoa... Hmmm, I wonder if an electric blanket would work if I stretched out an extension cord. Well, in 20 years, I want them to remember the great times, not how cold it was for me.
We have just 7 baby rabbits left now. One found a home yesterday with the daughter (for her birthday) of one of our town's council members. It is possible that little "Streaks" as we had been calling her, will become a 4-H bunny! So 2 boys and 5 girls left.... However, 2 little girls will be going to one of Mike's co-workers on Tuesday. So really just 3 girls and 2 boys left. We are undecided if/how many of the girls to keep. And the boys change their mind nearly daily, I'm hoping for the same answer to "how's your favorite?" to occur two days in a row. They are adorable, soft, friendly, and getting to be near Rosie's size more than Shooter's this time around. Maybe summer bunnies eat more and grow faster. Either way... there is a special fondness for each regardless for who we keep.
There is just one thing I wanted to do this summer and it's not yet done... get Jockey to ride a bike without the training wheels... so that clock is ticking and I'll be squeezing that in, in the next week! And birthday pictures for Jockey, and maybe a zoo trip since last Thursday turned into "clean the whole house" day.
So that is the update. Sorry it has been so long. Somehow the time flies and there's never a great time to sit and just type especially with nice weather, guests, parties, bunnies, and a home remodel going on... ok, luckily that last one is done!
More again as it happens, and hopefully sooner than 3 weeks between posts!
The boys have had the bouncy house up several times, they've enjoyed several campfires, and of course holding the baby bunnies. They have had a couple playdates too.
Grammy Bishop drove up from California for a visit. It went really well and the boys kept her really busy. She went to the fair, sat on the curb for the Fair Days Parade, and we cruised over to Leavenworth too for brats. The weather cooperated 80% of the time which was nice for someone not used to our kind of rain/gray. The boys cuddled around the campfires and had lots to say about everything. They were very excited to show her the bunnies and paint things to show her.
Jockey's birthday came and we had an informal party. With such a busy summer (remodel, house guests, fair, etc) the date just came upon us before we could blink. We ended up with 4 buddies over for a little bouncy house action, ice cream cake, mini pinatas, and a little craft. Jockey spied the craft and burst it open before I could prepare it. While it didn't go quiet as planned, at least I know my son's interest in art/creating. The other hiccup... the wind blew out the candles faster than Jockey could! The wind was helping him make a wish.
We've made it to the fair twice now... The boys had a day of rides and later a day of eating. We rode on the rides until I was sick, which is REALLY hard to do. (I had to accompany them so that Jockey "was tall enough" to go on). I'm so glad they had a good time and I could help bring it to them. Eating is Dad's favorite past time and they leapt into that too... alligator, seafood crepe, mini-corn dogs, pickles etc later.... We've DONE the fair. My scrapbook pages earn two common 1st place stickers, and one of them gone a Merit award. Not at good as last year, but more than the standard sticker. Better luck next year.
Grandma Bishop's birthday is today and I asked the boys what we should get her (I did ask earlier in the week)... Caleb said "we should get her a gigantic Giraffe"... Jockey said "Maybe a Platypus"... then Caleb said "or maybe a pretty plate or necklace". Wow, was a span of ideas.
With school so close, I have broken out the Kindergarten practice book for Jockey and the new 1st grade book (thanks Grammy Dahl) for Caleb. Jockey's excited, Caleb's grumbling as he pushes through. He does get distracted and inventive when he should be focusing; today, I caught myself saying "Caleb, stop drawing poo coming out of the animals."
Jockey woke up this morning with an unusual rash. I'd be really worried since it covers thickly, except it is only on the TOP half of his body... as if he didn't get an exposure while wearing pants. Thus, I'm thinking it's an allergy not a viral type of thing. We washed him up, popped a benedryl, and slathered hydrocortisone cream. Now we are just waiting and hoping for the best. It's not bothering him, but it does look disturbing.
Today, we attended a birthday party to one of my MOPS friend's little boy. He turned three today, and I can't express the relieve that they had rented a bouncy house and I didn't have to wrangle the boys INSIDE someone else's house all afternoon! One of Jockey's school/awana buddies came too. Jockey came away saying "That Curry(the birthday boy) is a nice boy". So I'm glad it was good day for the boys too.
Jockey is all set up to attend Little Doves again this year in a Pre-K class. MWF, in the AM. He will have classmates that he knows so it should be very fun! Caleb is going to be a big time, full-time, take my lunch with me, first grader! I should remember to call and find out the teacher and the classroom#... since Caleb can't remember at all from last year's pre-orientation. School starts for us this Wednesday.
We also got word that our church has lost so many leaders that they have suspended the Awana program. So as to not be idle, we have registered them for the Awana program at the church down the street, the First Baptist church..... the church Caleb FIRST attended Cubbies at. He has begged me to return and finally he will get his wish (we had wanted to find some continuity from Sunday AM class to Awana for peers until this point.) The good news is that it will be on a Wednesday night and Daddy will be home to help get the boys prepped and taken/picked up/parent help WITH me rather than being a Thursday formerly and it all came onto my plate. It was often hard to juggle their program and my other obligations to MOPS craft team leading. Now we will be able to walk as a family to this other church while the weather is good and it's light enough to see safely. Good family time, good God times, and good exercise. Starts the 15th.
MOPS starts the 17th, with a Leadership retreat on the 11th for me as the craft team leader. This will be an interesting year having to train not just lead since it will be my last year (I think) in MOPS due to graduating out. Mike has fire training on Thursdays (and Tuesdays) which has shifted my work hours often to Fridays... so it will be a fine line balancing act this year. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I'm not ready to say good bye to Summer, and neither are the kids. They still think every night is the perfect night to stay up and have a campfire. I guess when it is dark by 5:30pm, it will be a great time for campfire... and a blanket, and a hot cup of hot cocoa... Hmmm, I wonder if an electric blanket would work if I stretched out an extension cord. Well, in 20 years, I want them to remember the great times, not how cold it was for me.
We have just 7 baby rabbits left now. One found a home yesterday with the daughter (for her birthday) of one of our town's council members. It is possible that little "Streaks" as we had been calling her, will become a 4-H bunny! So 2 boys and 5 girls left.... However, 2 little girls will be going to one of Mike's co-workers on Tuesday. So really just 3 girls and 2 boys left. We are undecided if/how many of the girls to keep. And the boys change their mind nearly daily, I'm hoping for the same answer to "how's your favorite?" to occur two days in a row. They are adorable, soft, friendly, and getting to be near Rosie's size more than Shooter's this time around. Maybe summer bunnies eat more and grow faster. Either way... there is a special fondness for each regardless for who we keep.
There is just one thing I wanted to do this summer and it's not yet done... get Jockey to ride a bike without the training wheels... so that clock is ticking and I'll be squeezing that in, in the next week! And birthday pictures for Jockey, and maybe a zoo trip since last Thursday turned into "clean the whole house" day.
So that is the update. Sorry it has been so long. Somehow the time flies and there's never a great time to sit and just type especially with nice weather, guests, parties, bunnies, and a home remodel going on... ok, luckily that last one is done!
More again as it happens, and hopefully sooner than 3 weeks between posts!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Just a few pictures:
A couple of the bunnies right now and their visitors

And the Cat who has adopted us... he still lives outside.. but we feed him and he sleeps on our front ledge and occassionally darts inside and finds a nice spot to curl up. No manners.

Thursday, August 05, 2010
We had a campout. At the campfire last night I came up with the idea of sleeping outside. Mike brought out the tent, and we all piled in with blankets and pillows. So we had our campfire, held our bunnies and slept outside. I read them a bed time book and it was lights out.
We woke up to the sound of birds and garbage trucks. But I leapt out of bed when Caleb cried "the rabbits are out"! One of the doors didn't get all the way latched last night in the dark... and 5 bunnies had jumped out of the hutch and tried to explore. We discovered 2 behind the couch (the backdoor had been left open to the house), 2 under the wagon next to the house, and the last (after looked for another 15-20 minutes) Tigger lead us to him ... he was behind the stack of firewood next to the house. So they were all rustled up this morning and put back because I'm sure they missed their water and mom-food. All safe and calming down now, and it's only 9 AM.
Still more painting today. Ran out of paint yesterday so today I have higher hopes. Unfortunately, once all the red is done.... I have all the ceiling to paint WHITE... sigh. But then REALLY, I'm done. oh, except the new moulding will have to be painted before being installed. And the rest of the kitchen subflooring will have to be ripped up so that the hardwood can get laid down on Saturday... and the last edges will have to get glued down since the pnuematic nailer won't reach those areas.... AND THEN, we have new lighting to install. It's alot. I'll be relieved when I no longer live in a construction zone, then I can actually have friends over who have smaller children.
We woke up to the sound of birds and garbage trucks. But I leapt out of bed when Caleb cried "the rabbits are out"! One of the doors didn't get all the way latched last night in the dark... and 5 bunnies had jumped out of the hutch and tried to explore. We discovered 2 behind the couch (the backdoor had been left open to the house), 2 under the wagon next to the house, and the last (after looked for another 15-20 minutes) Tigger lead us to him ... he was behind the stack of firewood next to the house. So they were all rustled up this morning and put back because I'm sure they missed their water and mom-food. All safe and calming down now, and it's only 9 AM.
Still more painting today. Ran out of paint yesterday so today I have higher hopes. Unfortunately, once all the red is done.... I have all the ceiling to paint WHITE... sigh. But then REALLY, I'm done. oh, except the new moulding will have to be painted before being installed. And the rest of the kitchen subflooring will have to be ripped up so that the hardwood can get laid down on Saturday... and the last edges will have to get glued down since the pnuematic nailer won't reach those areas.... AND THEN, we have new lighting to install. It's alot. I'll be relieved when I no longer live in a construction zone, then I can actually have friends over who have smaller children.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
So a little update post "flooring weekend"...
We have 95% of the Living-Dining room completed. The area by the stairs, closet and all of the kitchen are what we have to work on next. Mike and I have a system... I measure and install/place the flooring, Mike cuts with the saws and runs power nailer gun. It's working out prettty good. And here is a mid-project picture of the room... and the boys. They have been mostly good while we work on this big project. They are so eager to help, despite there bing only a limited number of things that they actually can help with. But the bouncy house in the yard and the bunny rabbits for holding have been excellent distractions for them. It is just a blessing that things have worked out the way that they have.

And due to requests, despite still being in "mid-project" condition (so a little grace please as we are "project jugglers" right now) here is the kitchen in red (still needing 2 coats of paint, white cabinets, and new granite).

And of course, bunny bonding moments (including bunny holding at a playdate this last week):

So that's it for now. Have a good week.
Monday, July 26, 2010
This morning the boys were awakened "early" to get ready for VBS. They have VBS all week. While both of them expressed being tired and Caleb says he doesn't want to go.... I know that this is a great time for them to see their friends. Our house is too torn up to have too many people over so a pre-arranged get together time is great.
It was so hot in the house last night that the boys ended up sleeping in our air conditioned bedroom on the floor. They were so cute this morning cuddled up at the end of the bed sleeping through the alarm clock, the shower and me walking around the bedroom. They are deep sleepers, which is advantage right now... we'll see about it when they are teenagers and have to get up to their own alarm clocks.
The bunny rabbits are adorable. The perfect size/age to watch them explore and discover. They are starting to eat "real" food, and they are loving the dandelions and Timothy hay. They are starting to show personality. We have some lickers in the bunch, which is what we were hoping for in this litter. They are still a bit young for an untrained person to be sure what gender they are, but we look forward to knowing. We've named them, although a couple of them we are not sure that's the final name... and the solids are hard to tell apart so the names rotate on which solid gets the name. Names are: Sparkler, Streak, Indy, Dash, Boom, Freedom, Bottle Rocket, Jet/Parade (see what I mean about the undecided names). We've had lots of warm evenings holding them in the backyard, a great summer activity.
We've also had more campfires in the last month that we would have in 1-2 seasons of camping. The boys are loving it. Roasted hot dogs and smores often... and lots of reasons to poke at the fire. The little pyros in training.
Mike is in his fire training twice a week at Index to become a volunteer. It's hard training, very physically challenging and there are also book tests. Lots to think about.
I've been working alot too. I work 8 hours over 3 days this week. I'm fortunate with that # of hours that the boys do have VBS so I can get the hours done.
The kitchen cabinets are 75% done, we have an experimental first coat of red paint on the walls in the kitchen, and the t-moldings etc arrive this Wednesday so the flooring will be laid this weekend. Lighting is due to arrive early next week. LOTS changing. Mike fought hard and finally got the faucet and sinks hooked up, which is great after a long week and a half without water in the kitchen.
So that's the latest.
It was so hot in the house last night that the boys ended up sleeping in our air conditioned bedroom on the floor. They were so cute this morning cuddled up at the end of the bed sleeping through the alarm clock, the shower and me walking around the bedroom. They are deep sleepers, which is advantage right now... we'll see about it when they are teenagers and have to get up to their own alarm clocks.
The bunny rabbits are adorable. The perfect size/age to watch them explore and discover. They are starting to eat "real" food, and they are loving the dandelions and Timothy hay. They are starting to show personality. We have some lickers in the bunch, which is what we were hoping for in this litter. They are still a bit young for an untrained person to be sure what gender they are, but we look forward to knowing. We've named them, although a couple of them we are not sure that's the final name... and the solids are hard to tell apart so the names rotate on which solid gets the name. Names are: Sparkler, Streak, Indy, Dash, Boom, Freedom, Bottle Rocket, Jet/Parade (see what I mean about the undecided names). We've had lots of warm evenings holding them in the backyard, a great summer activity.
We've also had more campfires in the last month that we would have in 1-2 seasons of camping. The boys are loving it. Roasted hot dogs and smores often... and lots of reasons to poke at the fire. The little pyros in training.
Mike is in his fire training twice a week at Index to become a volunteer. It's hard training, very physically challenging and there are also book tests. Lots to think about.
I've been working alot too. I work 8 hours over 3 days this week. I'm fortunate with that # of hours that the boys do have VBS so I can get the hours done.
The kitchen cabinets are 75% done, we have an experimental first coat of red paint on the walls in the kitchen, and the t-moldings etc arrive this Wednesday so the flooring will be laid this weekend. Lighting is due to arrive early next week. LOTS changing. Mike fought hard and finally got the faucet and sinks hooked up, which is great after a long week and a half without water in the kitchen.
So that's the latest.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Summer feels as if it is flying by so quickly...

For the fourth, we attended a community party. Not ours. Caleb and Jockey loved the park and the natural areas to rummage and boy around in. They watched the early fireworks in the cul-de-sac. Later, we came home and sat on the curb out in front of our house and watched the huge fairgrounds display and our own neighboorhood's worthy attempt to exceed the display at the fairgrounds.
We've dragged the kids around a bit to the showrooms for flooring and granite. They've had their good times and their not-so good times in said places. It won't last forever.
We've taken them to parks a few times. One day, after walking to the park, Mike drove down bringing the swimsuits and the boys hit the water just before the afternoon turned cold. And they happened to have run into a few school buddies for a impromptu playdate.
We've had a campfire again. We've held baby rabbits OFTEN. They are at a perfect age for being held. Their eyes are just coming open. They sleep and hold still. Just today, Jockey and his bunny fell asleep together on the couch for a little nap. I didn't get a picture of that. :( But it was adorable. And Jockey is again proving his Bunny-Whisperer abilities. (Can he get a TV deal too?)
Caleb left this morning with Grandpa and Grammy Dahl on their excursion and adventure down to Newport, Oregon in the motorcoach. He has been talking and, yes, even dreaming of "Georgie's" restaurant. He's so excited, it sounds like a higher scale-seafood oriented- Mcdonalds because YES there are toys involved! Hence Caleb's facination. He returns on Monday (or Tuesday, I forget). He was equipped with clothes, swimsuit, bike with helment, $10 and 3 kinds of allergy medications (you'd have to know my son to really understand the NECESSITY of these) and the bidding of be obedient and have a good time. His excitement has been uncontainable for the last 3 days!
Kla-hi-ya Days are tomorrow in Snohomish, and we will be strolling around starting mid-morning to see what there is to see. Maybe Jockey can get some chalk art done.
So here are some current bunny pictures:

Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Day Three of INDY DAY Bunnies.
They have their little teeth, little toe nails, peach fuzz/light silky coating of the fur indicators, their colors are showing. They are getting warm in all this heat and spreading out in the nesting area for their own space and cooling down. (Last litter they were a balled up heap for warmth). I put a fan out to move air around the hutch for Rosie-Mama. Absolutely, the count is at 8 babies, at this point they all should survive. We do a have one that is a bit smaller than the rest; it's about 1/2 the size of the largest, but there are all the sizes in between, so if it can just get a couple good solid feedings in there will be no worries. (This time the "pee-wee" is barely speckled/mostly white.) Caleb keeps calling these bunnies by the last litter's names. Jockey insists there is a Sparky and a Dash among them.

Well, off to get ready to close the house (paperwork on the refinance). The kids aren't all that excited because that means shopping for laminate flooring. But they are going for walks, getting to parks, wearing as little clothing as we let them get away with, and hello... we have baby bunnies.
They have their little teeth, little toe nails, peach fuzz/light silky coating of the fur indicators, their colors are showing. They are getting warm in all this heat and spreading out in the nesting area for their own space and cooling down. (Last litter they were a balled up heap for warmth). I put a fan out to move air around the hutch for Rosie-Mama. Absolutely, the count is at 8 babies, at this point they all should survive. We do a have one that is a bit smaller than the rest; it's about 1/2 the size of the largest, but there are all the sizes in between, so if it can just get a couple good solid feedings in there will be no worries. (This time the "pee-wee" is barely speckled/mostly white.) Caleb keeps calling these bunnies by the last litter's names. Jockey insists there is a Sparky and a Dash among them.

Sunday, July 04, 2010
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
Lots of news about California to tell, but the big news is...
They were born early this morning, between 12:30 am and 6:24 am, so they are definately Independence Day bunnies. How cool is that! They are so new, I haven't been out to even count how many. Maybe a little later we'll count them. But I think this time we will leave them where Rosie built the nest for a few days. She built her nest this time in the built-in nesting box attached to the cage rather than on a towel on the wire like last time. So the babies are a bit more secure and warm this time.
It is exciting. Anyone want to come and see in about a week, or week & a half?
This makes the summer even more perfect. New, built in firepit, fresh home grown strawberries, warm evenings, breeze in the trees and soon little babies to hold or hop all around us. Just great.
As to the trip, more details later and pictures too. But overall a good trip. Grandma went with us nearly every where, and there were a lot of places we went. The boys were decent in their behavior; happy to see Grandma and her new "puppy" Otis; played a bunch in the pool Grandpa bought for the back yard, and excellently behaved when we saw "grammy's old lady friend Dyer" aka Great Grandma Dyer. Chuck E. Cheese, parks, movie to avoid the heat, bowling, new-to-Caleb bike, picking oranges, a fair, and more thats the highlights of the trip. Like I said, more later.
Lots of news about California to tell, but the big news is...
They were born early this morning, between 12:30 am and 6:24 am, so they are definately Independence Day bunnies. How cool is that! They are so new, I haven't been out to even count how many. Maybe a little later we'll count them. But I think this time we will leave them where Rosie built the nest for a few days. She built her nest this time in the built-in nesting box attached to the cage rather than on a towel on the wire like last time. So the babies are a bit more secure and warm this time.
It is exciting. Anyone want to come and see in about a week, or week & a half?
This makes the summer even more perfect. New, built in firepit, fresh home grown strawberries, warm evenings, breeze in the trees and soon little babies to hold or hop all around us. Just great.
As to the trip, more details later and pictures too. But overall a good trip. Grandma went with us nearly every where, and there were a lot of places we went. The boys were decent in their behavior; happy to see Grandma and her new "puppy" Otis; played a bunch in the pool Grandpa bought for the back yard, and excellently behaved when we saw "grammy's old lady friend Dyer" aka Great Grandma Dyer. Chuck E. Cheese, parks, movie to avoid the heat, bowling, new-to-Caleb bike, picking oranges, a fair, and more thats the highlights of the trip. Like I said, more later.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Almost Wednesday which means almost Friday which means almost Fly Day.
The boys are counting down every day. Caleb has 2 more days of school, I have one day of work, Mike opens the club and then gets vaccines on Friday. We fly out aboutn 8PM that night. It will make for a long day, but it will be fun. And luckily, the weather forecast has come down out of the 90s for most of the trip and into the mid-oh so beautiful-80's! Very very pleasant, and comfortable to sleep in at night. The boys are talking about going in the hot tub already, and make sure I pack their goggles. They are talking about Chuck E. Cheese, McDonalds and the parks. I keep telling them there will be a new dog to play with too. We'll try to sneak in a visit with GG Dyer and Mr. Phineas too. We'll see all of what the trip entails once we are in the midst.
And the best part is that during all that fun, we will be distracted from the excitement and anticipation of the next batch of baby Bunnies! The trip will be a great way to keep the boys from asking where the bunnies are each day, multiple times a day.
So what else is new... Mike is officially, starting next Tuesday, a volunteer fire fighter! He begins next Tuesday to participate in the in-house training at the Index fire station that will make him able to volunteer at that station. It is expected that this training will take until mid-September at which time he'll offer 1 day a week for volunteer hours. Later (January) they are going to try to get him in to the Gold Bar official training that makes him state certifiable able (he still would have to go and take the test). This is great news and he feels excited to serve God by serving people especially when they will be facing critical times in their lives. We wish him the best of God's bless (as oppose to luck) and safety as well.
So the sun is out, time to go for a walk I think! Also, Tigger is better. He is eating, drinking, barking, following us room to room, drooling, and begging as per typical behavior. He is still very very scrawny, but we are trying to keep his exercise limited and pack the weight back on him. So he won't be going for this walk.
Have a good evening.
The boys are counting down every day. Caleb has 2 more days of school, I have one day of work, Mike opens the club and then gets vaccines on Friday. We fly out aboutn 8PM that night. It will make for a long day, but it will be fun. And luckily, the weather forecast has come down out of the 90s for most of the trip and into the mid-oh so beautiful-80's! Very very pleasant, and comfortable to sleep in at night. The boys are talking about going in the hot tub already, and make sure I pack their goggles. They are talking about Chuck E. Cheese, McDonalds and the parks. I keep telling them there will be a new dog to play with too. We'll try to sneak in a visit with GG Dyer and Mr. Phineas too. We'll see all of what the trip entails once we are in the midst.
And the best part is that during all that fun, we will be distracted from the excitement and anticipation of the next batch of baby Bunnies! The trip will be a great way to keep the boys from asking where the bunnies are each day, multiple times a day.
So what else is new... Mike is officially, starting next Tuesday, a volunteer fire fighter! He begins next Tuesday to participate in the in-house training at the Index fire station that will make him able to volunteer at that station. It is expected that this training will take until mid-September at which time he'll offer 1 day a week for volunteer hours. Later (January) they are going to try to get him in to the Gold Bar official training that makes him state certifiable able (he still would have to go and take the test). This is great news and he feels excited to serve God by serving people especially when they will be facing critical times in their lives. We wish him the best of God's bless (as oppose to luck) and safety as well.
So the sun is out, time to go for a walk I think! Also, Tigger is better. He is eating, drinking, barking, following us room to room, drooling, and begging as per typical behavior. He is still very very scrawny, but we are trying to keep his exercise limited and pack the weight back on him. So he won't be going for this walk.
Have a good evening.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Our Tigger is doing a bit better; we are still having to watch him closely.
After nearly 2 weeks of not eating on his own (only extremely minimal amounts when forced), he is just now starting to eat when food is put down. It truly is an answer to prayer and our own small miracle. We left for a walk last night after trying a last ditch, albeit strange, solution that Mike found obscurely on the internet. When we left on the walk he was near catatonic and unresponsive. We actually had it in the back of our minds that he was going to be gone when we returned home. These are pictures of Tigger this morning (AFTER he had eaten last night, and yes there was a difference.) It is hard to seen in his stripping and shiny coat, but all his ribs and hib bones are jutting out; he is thinner at the waist than Zuma, and his neck is the same size as Zuma. He's lost about 2 inches around the neck at least; his wrinkles use to roll over the collar.
Mike found information about a dog will vomit, then have a sensitive stomach lining, then not eat or drink, which dehydrates them and then they have waited so long to eat they are actually suffering from low blood sugar. The solution, maple syrup. OK. Well it was that or take him to the vet in the morning (if he survived the night) and pay between $600-700 for an exam, x-rays and fluids. SOO, we tried the syrup and went for the walk. When we came home (about two hours after the maple syrup was poured down his throat) he met us at the door. So right after the walk it was time to clean up the dinner dishes. Caleb had not finished all of his scalloped potatoes, so I asked him to offer it to Tigger.... he ate it. I had a left over baked potatoe from lunch, he ate that. I took a couple bites of the scalloped potatoes and gave the rest to Tigger... he ate that! And then a little water. This morning he ate 1/2 a can of wet food, at noon-1pm he had the second half and a couple cups of rice. We are slowly going to reintroduce solids to his system, but he is actually eating on his own volition. And now using the restroom (it had been days, but when nothing goes in, you can hardly expect something to come out.) So praise God, a little doggie miracle has happened here. Of course we are now going to have to work on getting him back up to weight. Slowly, but it will come!
Monday, June 07, 2010
A little catch up...
We did go camping the second half of Memorial day weekend. We wandered up to Lake Connor park which was nice, except the rain kept coming down. We returned home in time to have the sun break open about an hour after unloading the trailer.
Last week was pretty much normal as usual. School, Bible study, work.
The only variences: Friday, Mike went to school to help Caleb build a birdhouse out of a juice carton.
Saturday, Mike attended a training class that got him certified as a Healthcare Provider CPR and Basic Life Support. I'm proud of him getting an extensive certificate as this. Tests are never easy to face.
While Mike was in class, I took the boys to a birthday party at the Children's Museum. The weather could not have been better! The roof top playground was open and it was perfect to sit out there and watch them have fun with all the kids.
The next two weeks are routine with School, Bible study, work, cleaning, cooking, etc.
The only variences coming up:
1-Caleb's last day of school is the 17th!
2-We've booked our trip to California, we will be gone 6/18 through 6/30. We were so blessed that at the last minute the airlines reduced the rates, and our mileage points were posted... 1 free ticket and and 2 at a sale rate! And we are going down before the average temp is over 100!
3- If all is going as planned, we are expecting baby bunnies on Fourth of July weekend! It was such a great experience with the last litter. I envision this summer two months full of family time, cuddling baby rabbits on warm evenings in the backyard at sunset and twilight, while having long chats listening to the wind in the trees and the frogs across the street serenading. The boys will love this summer, and I hope it will be something they will always remember.
4- Also, we are in the middle of refinancing our house, and if it goes through, we might be able to use a very modest about of $ to make capital/home improvements that will increase the value of our home, so in the eventuality of the next time we try to sell, we will get a better sale price.
So that's the news on the Dahl front.
We did go camping the second half of Memorial day weekend. We wandered up to Lake Connor park which was nice, except the rain kept coming down. We returned home in time to have the sun break open about an hour after unloading the trailer.
Last week was pretty much normal as usual. School, Bible study, work.
The only variences: Friday, Mike went to school to help Caleb build a birdhouse out of a juice carton.
Saturday, Mike attended a training class that got him certified as a Healthcare Provider CPR and Basic Life Support. I'm proud of him getting an extensive certificate as this. Tests are never easy to face.
While Mike was in class, I took the boys to a birthday party at the Children's Museum. The weather could not have been better! The roof top playground was open and it was perfect to sit out there and watch them have fun with all the kids.
The next two weeks are routine with School, Bible study, work, cleaning, cooking, etc.
The only variences coming up:
1-Caleb's last day of school is the 17th!
2-We've booked our trip to California, we will be gone 6/18 through 6/30. We were so blessed that at the last minute the airlines reduced the rates, and our mileage points were posted... 1 free ticket and and 2 at a sale rate! And we are going down before the average temp is over 100!
3- If all is going as planned, we are expecting baby bunnies on Fourth of July weekend! It was such a great experience with the last litter. I envision this summer two months full of family time, cuddling baby rabbits on warm evenings in the backyard at sunset and twilight, while having long chats listening to the wind in the trees and the frogs across the street serenading. The boys will love this summer, and I hope it will be something they will always remember.
4- Also, we are in the middle of refinancing our house, and if it goes through, we might be able to use a very modest about of $ to make capital/home improvements that will increase the value of our home, so in the eventuality of the next time we try to sell, we will get a better sale price.
So that's the news on the Dahl front.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Happy Saturday.
A little catch up...
This week was Jockey's last week of school. He is officially out until next September. I don't think that he has fully grasped that idea, more that he was just sad that there wasn't any more "show-n-tell" days. We are just going to have to find some play date days to keep up with his friends over the summer.
Caleb had his official on the day birthday party at the pool on Wednesday. Again, he had a great time. Cousin Tessa was there, as well as my friends 7yr old twin daughters and some Grandma and Grandpas. He loves swimming and playing, so how could something like this go wrong.
Caleb did not have school this Friday, nor does he have school this Monday. We are planning to pack up the trailer to go up to Lake Connor park (Lake Stevens) for 2 nights at Papa Bill's campsite. It's nice that it is close and all, has parks and (Caleb is hoping it's open) a pool. I'm just hoping for a clear night and maybe a campfire, no kid bickering, and a good warm nights sleep. It looks like pretty rainy weather, so maybe there will be time to get some good reading in.
We were going to head up to Anacortes on Thursday, but that was going to be pricey AND Tigger got so sick that we didn't know if he'd make it. He didn't eat for nearly 3 days... luckily he is better and looks to have healed up (answer to lots of prayer). Mike is also recovered from his own illness too. So we are trying to salvage the remaining part of the weekend.
Though the weather is drizzly, the summer holiday is in sight! Yahoo!
A little catch up...
This week was Jockey's last week of school. He is officially out until next September. I don't think that he has fully grasped that idea, more that he was just sad that there wasn't any more "show-n-tell" days. We are just going to have to find some play date days to keep up with his friends over the summer.
Caleb had his official on the day birthday party at the pool on Wednesday. Again, he had a great time. Cousin Tessa was there, as well as my friends 7yr old twin daughters and some Grandma and Grandpas. He loves swimming and playing, so how could something like this go wrong.
Caleb did not have school this Friday, nor does he have school this Monday. We are planning to pack up the trailer to go up to Lake Connor park (Lake Stevens) for 2 nights at Papa Bill's campsite. It's nice that it is close and all, has parks and (Caleb is hoping it's open) a pool. I'm just hoping for a clear night and maybe a campfire, no kid bickering, and a good warm nights sleep. It looks like pretty rainy weather, so maybe there will be time to get some good reading in.
We were going to head up to Anacortes on Thursday, but that was going to be pricey AND Tigger got so sick that we didn't know if he'd make it. He didn't eat for nearly 3 days... luckily he is better and looks to have healed up (answer to lots of prayer). Mike is also recovered from his own illness too. So we are trying to salvage the remaining part of the weekend.
Though the weather is drizzly, the summer holiday is in sight! Yahoo!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
We survived the sleep over birthday party. We were blessed with 2 hours of clear weather and used that time to put up the bouncy house and wear the boys out. We made carmel apples (this was one boys' first time ever). We watched Astro Boy and there was a calm in the house. Then it was jammies and bed time. All the other kids had fallen asleep by 10:20, it was just our two boys that were fighting over who was touching whose sleeping bag and pillows and feet and whatever. I checked on them several times through out the night and then was up at just after seven making pancakes, bacon and eggs. We were blessed again with a bit of nice weather to put the bouncy house up again and fold it up in the clear weather. Caleb had a really really good time. He got to choose the chips he wanted (and I got a steal on the price, paid .89 for an enormous 3.89 bag of Bugles.) He received some very neat gifts, especially from Grandma Judy and Papa Bill. All the boys seemed to play well with each other despite the fact that they didn't know each other. No injuries. I think I could manage a similar event in the future. Really it was more of a big playdate than a birthday party, but Caleb had a great time and felt wonderful being surrounded by his friends.
Next Wednesday, his actual birthday, we are going to go swimming at the club and maybe have cake. And we'll for sure be making another trip to the Zoo in the future to use the zoo-pass-gift from Grammy and Papa Dahl. We have loved having that zoo pass and when we park on the street for free the cost is limited to gas. Great. I'm really looking forward to going down in the summer when all the roses are bloomed in the rose garden and seeing the beautiful colors and smelling all the different fragrances. But that is a selfish pursuit I know.
Only 2 more days of school for Jockey.
Awana is done.
Caleb goes through 6/18 or 6/19.
We are thinking of using some of the Christmas gift $ from Grammy and Papa Dahl and go to Anacortes camping this weekend (Thursday through Monday).
Mike attended Jockey's parent-teacher conference. He still is confusing his rectangles, but has excelled in many many other areas. His writing is now in a straight line and in the same size letters. He doesn't want to sing or join in with singing, but the teacher catches him singing by himself when he doesn't think anyone is watching. He is the dominant leader of the class without being aggressive. He has a protective streak when it comes to the girl in his class. He is at the top of his class academically, but still a little squirrely and has some defiant days. He would technically be a good candidate for the 4-day a week pre-K, but right now I think we are going to go with the 3-day, the teacher is looking into scholarships for the difference in cost. But the most wonderful thing is that Jockey appears to have an amazing understanding of God/Jesus, His nature/character, and has good demonstratable faith! If he did nothing else great but this, I would be happy. The faith and understanding in God is the long term, enduring, eternal purpose and is more important to me than if he can tell the difference between a square and a rectangle.
Caleb asked to go to the adult part of church today. I had been praying and wanting to show Caleb the more mature version of faith and relationship with God beyond that of Children's Sunday school. And it was upon his request today that he attended the adult services. It was great to let him observe and listen and quietly ask questions. I feel a new era of responsibility to Caleb in his area. It was great to see his willingness/readiness to move forward to greater depths of God. An answer to prayer.
So Sunday is the Sabbath and we are going to find something that relaxes us and refreshes us before the week of work begins...
Next Wednesday, his actual birthday, we are going to go swimming at the club and maybe have cake. And we'll for sure be making another trip to the Zoo in the future to use the zoo-pass-gift from Grammy and Papa Dahl. We have loved having that zoo pass and when we park on the street for free the cost is limited to gas. Great. I'm really looking forward to going down in the summer when all the roses are bloomed in the rose garden and seeing the beautiful colors and smelling all the different fragrances. But that is a selfish pursuit I know.
Only 2 more days of school for Jockey.
Awana is done.
Caleb goes through 6/18 or 6/19.
We are thinking of using some of the Christmas gift $ from Grammy and Papa Dahl and go to Anacortes camping this weekend (Thursday through Monday).
Mike attended Jockey's parent-teacher conference. He still is confusing his rectangles, but has excelled in many many other areas. His writing is now in a straight line and in the same size letters. He doesn't want to sing or join in with singing, but the teacher catches him singing by himself when he doesn't think anyone is watching. He is the dominant leader of the class without being aggressive. He has a protective streak when it comes to the girl in his class. He is at the top of his class academically, but still a little squirrely and has some defiant days. He would technically be a good candidate for the 4-day a week pre-K, but right now I think we are going to go with the 3-day, the teacher is looking into scholarships for the difference in cost. But the most wonderful thing is that Jockey appears to have an amazing understanding of God/Jesus, His nature/character, and has good demonstratable faith! If he did nothing else great but this, I would be happy. The faith and understanding in God is the long term, enduring, eternal purpose and is more important to me than if he can tell the difference between a square and a rectangle.
Caleb asked to go to the adult part of church today. I had been praying and wanting to show Caleb the more mature version of faith and relationship with God beyond that of Children's Sunday school. And it was upon his request today that he attended the adult services. It was great to let him observe and listen and quietly ask questions. I feel a new era of responsibility to Caleb in his area. It was great to see his willingness/readiness to move forward to greater depths of God. An answer to prayer.
So Sunday is the Sabbath and we are going to find something that relaxes us and refreshes us before the week of work begins...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
So life is just whipping past....
Caleb has lost (naturally) his second lower front tooth. He's got quite the odd smile lately, and yet he still asks for apples to eat. That is a really slow process.
Caleb heads to the zoo today with his class field trip.
And TOMORROW we are celebrating his birthday. We are praying for good weather for the afternoon all the way through to Saturday. That way we can put the up the bouncy house. We are having 3 other little boys come over and spend the night. We are just doing things low key... buy pizza & drinks. I think instead of a cake we'll do carmeled apples with choclate sprinkles as the special treat. Caleb's requested Bugles as the crunch snack. The Wii is working again and that should consume some time. There's games to play, toys to play with, a movie I'll rent etc etc. It's just 3 extra little boys... SHOULD be manageable.
I've been working lots, MOPS is winging down so lots to complete by Friday. Both boys have graduated through this year of Awana. Jockey's Parent teacher conference is tomorrow. He only has 2 more days of school and then the end of the year picnic. Caleb looks like he'll be in school until 6/19. whew.... So much going on and so quickly. Speaking of busy, time to go and pick up Caleb from school. More later if the computer lets me on to this site again.
Caleb has lost (naturally) his second lower front tooth. He's got quite the odd smile lately, and yet he still asks for apples to eat. That is a really slow process.
Caleb heads to the zoo today with his class field trip.
And TOMORROW we are celebrating his birthday. We are praying for good weather for the afternoon all the way through to Saturday. That way we can put the up the bouncy house. We are having 3 other little boys come over and spend the night. We are just doing things low key... buy pizza & drinks. I think instead of a cake we'll do carmeled apples with choclate sprinkles as the special treat. Caleb's requested Bugles as the crunch snack. The Wii is working again and that should consume some time. There's games to play, toys to play with, a movie I'll rent etc etc. It's just 3 extra little boys... SHOULD be manageable.
I've been working lots, MOPS is winging down so lots to complete by Friday. Both boys have graduated through this year of Awana. Jockey's Parent teacher conference is tomorrow. He only has 2 more days of school and then the end of the year picnic. Caleb looks like he'll be in school until 6/19. whew.... So much going on and so quickly. Speaking of busy, time to go and pick up Caleb from school. More later if the computer lets me on to this site again.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
So a little catch up...
Caleb has graduated from literacy lab. He was the only one. He did really well at the the graduation activities according to Mike who attended that day. He is reading the Bob books quite well. His confidence will come with practice.
Today was Jockey's Preschool "Mother's Day Tea". He was cute, easy to love and yet a bit frustrating. I must have birthed genetically unable to hold still and sing boys. For the second of Jockey's (and nearly all of Caleb's) performances... he sang while spinning in circles and a step out of line. Still he gave me a delightful card... he both knows me (in my affection for MOPS) and doesn't know me (I like to cook, WHAT? And apparently I'm just 22 yrs old. Thanks buddy!)
Tomorrow is Jockey's Awards Night for Cubbies.
Next Thursday is Caleb's Award night.
School field trip to Zoo for Caleb.
Last 2 MOPS meetings this week.
Of course, Caleb's birthday is later this month and planning is in negotiations. Kids have different definitions of friendship than we do, that kid that you knew last year who isn't all that nice to you, but you know him... isn't a "friend". Right now we are toying with the idea of a sleep over.. MAYBE; I really have to gear up my mind for a wild pack and horde of potty humored whirlwinds. Gulp.
This is Jockey's last month of school, only about 10 days left! I can hardly believe it! I'm already getting dates for VBS, summer camps etc. WOW. Well, we'll see what we actually do as far as activites.
Well life is just clicking by with homework, verses to learn, end of the year activities, new bible study beginning, work, school and chauffering, pet care, home maintenance, getting new-to-us carpet in our upstairs. etc. etc. So that's the current nutshell.
Caleb has graduated from literacy lab. He was the only one. He did really well at the the graduation activities according to Mike who attended that day. He is reading the Bob books quite well. His confidence will come with practice.
Today was Jockey's Preschool "Mother's Day Tea". He was cute, easy to love and yet a bit frustrating. I must have birthed genetically unable to hold still and sing boys. For the second of Jockey's (and nearly all of Caleb's) performances... he sang while spinning in circles and a step out of line. Still he gave me a delightful card... he both knows me (in my affection for MOPS) and doesn't know me (I like to cook, WHAT? And apparently I'm just 22 yrs old. Thanks buddy!)
Tomorrow is Jockey's Awards Night for Cubbies.
Next Thursday is Caleb's Award night.
School field trip to Zoo for Caleb.
Last 2 MOPS meetings this week.
Of course, Caleb's birthday is later this month and planning is in negotiations. Kids have different definitions of friendship than we do, that kid that you knew last year who isn't all that nice to you, but you know him... isn't a "friend". Right now we are toying with the idea of a sleep over.. MAYBE; I really have to gear up my mind for a wild pack and horde of potty humored whirlwinds. Gulp.
This is Jockey's last month of school, only about 10 days left! I can hardly believe it! I'm already getting dates for VBS, summer camps etc. WOW. Well, we'll see what we actually do as far as activites.
Well life is just clicking by with homework, verses to learn, end of the year activities, new bible study beginning, work, school and chauffering, pet care, home maintenance, getting new-to-us carpet in our upstairs. etc. etc. So that's the current nutshell.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sorry I haven't posted in a while... computer trouble...
So the biggest news... We have found homes for ALL the bunnies!
Friday of last week I received a call from a lady who lives here in Monroe. She ended up surprising her daughter ages (11-13) with a bunny. They chose little Shooter Jr and despite being a girl they were going to keep the name because it went with their dog's name.
THEN, as I was getting ready to take the boys to the Children's Museum another lady called and wanted Lone Star. Because she was in Marysville and we were headed to Everett, Lone Star (my favorite because he was the licker) took a car ride to meet his new owners. He cuddled with us in the car and said good bye.
So as we entered the Children's Museum, we only had two bunnies to find homes for.
Well Tuesday I had 4 calls/emails about the last 2. So I time stamped them and just went down the list. The people who came were from Echo Falls (between Monroe and Woodinville). They have two daughters one is between 2 and 3yrs and the other was turning 6 next Wednesday and the bunny was to be her birthday present. They ended up taking both Pee-Wee and Darko (the twins), and a list of spay/neuter locations that I printed out. By the time they left the little girl had renamed Pee-Wee to Sugar and Darko to Buttercup. Caleb was the first to point out when he came home, "But they can't eat butter cup!" The boys were able to say good bye before the tennis lessons which was a good thing because both bunnies were gone by the time they were back home.
The sad part is when the boys forget that we don't have bunnies and ask to hold them. I miss them too. They really had carved out a niche in our routines and hearts. We might have to do this again. It was a great experience, responsiblity, handling, procreation without the difficult questions... And let's face it. How many people actually get to experience baby-anything in their life. Even when you set out to get a puppy you get it at 8 weeks and miss the first 2 months of it's life. Not this time with bunnies. It was a very special time that I hope that Caleb and Josh remember and value when they are older.
So we've been to the Children's Musuem, Church, the Zoo and met Cousin Tessa and Auntie Kristina, school, work, Bible study, Awana. And we are headed into the weekend with limited plans. Perhaps the fishing derby at Tye Lake on Sunday will be a good thing to try...
We'll see. That's it for now. Thanks for checking in.
So the biggest news... We have found homes for ALL the bunnies!
Friday of last week I received a call from a lady who lives here in Monroe. She ended up surprising her daughter ages (11-13) with a bunny. They chose little Shooter Jr and despite being a girl they were going to keep the name because it went with their dog's name.
THEN, as I was getting ready to take the boys to the Children's Museum another lady called and wanted Lone Star. Because she was in Marysville and we were headed to Everett, Lone Star (my favorite because he was the licker) took a car ride to meet his new owners. He cuddled with us in the car and said good bye.
So as we entered the Children's Museum, we only had two bunnies to find homes for.
Well Tuesday I had 4 calls/emails about the last 2. So I time stamped them and just went down the list. The people who came were from Echo Falls (between Monroe and Woodinville). They have two daughters one is between 2 and 3yrs and the other was turning 6 next Wednesday and the bunny was to be her birthday present. They ended up taking both Pee-Wee and Darko (the twins), and a list of spay/neuter locations that I printed out. By the time they left the little girl had renamed Pee-Wee to Sugar and Darko to Buttercup. Caleb was the first to point out when he came home, "But they can't eat butter cup!" The boys were able to say good bye before the tennis lessons which was a good thing because both bunnies were gone by the time they were back home.
The sad part is when the boys forget that we don't have bunnies and ask to hold them. I miss them too. They really had carved out a niche in our routines and hearts. We might have to do this again. It was a great experience, responsiblity, handling, procreation without the difficult questions... And let's face it. How many people actually get to experience baby-anything in their life. Even when you set out to get a puppy you get it at 8 weeks and miss the first 2 months of it's life. Not this time with bunnies. It was a very special time that I hope that Caleb and Josh remember and value when they are older.
So we've been to the Children's Musuem, Church, the Zoo and met Cousin Tessa and Auntie Kristina, school, work, Bible study, Awana. And we are headed into the weekend with limited plans. Perhaps the fishing derby at Tye Lake on Sunday will be a good thing to try...
We'll see. That's it for now. Thanks for checking in.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy Tax Day, for those who have completed their forms... and who are getting a refund.
We are one day away from the weekend. Tomorrow we plan to go to the children's museum.
Yesterday, little "speckles" bunny was chosen by a family who lives in Carnation and renamed Taffy. They have two daughters ages 1 and 3. The 3 year old is handicapped and the bunny was selected as the perfect animal to be held and hop around her. Taffy was the name best pronouced by the 3 yr old. The family was delighted that these bunnies had such extensive experience being held by children. They thought that Speckles/Taffy had the most brillant pure white fur and was just so pretty they were attached almost at once.
Today, little "rosie jr/rusty/Lava boy" was selected for his new home. The family has 9 kids from 2 to teeanagers; all of which drove up from Shoreline to pick up their new family addition. They had had 7 other rabbits at various times, each living long lives. They saw the ad on craigslist and thought that Rosie Jr appeared to have an adventurous look. Ironically, Rosie jr actually DOES have a bit of an adventurous trait. It will be a great fit if they are looking for and expecting adventure and independence and that is exactly what he is.
This leaves just 4 bunnies: Darko-boy and PeeWee-girl both solid tortise colors, Lone Star-boy and Shooter jr-girl, broken tortises (color mixed with white).
For each departing rabbit, it is more and more difficult to see the next go. As the pack dwindles, both Caleb and Jockey are having increasing difficulties saying good bye. Caleb said good by to Rosie Jr before school just in case, and true enough, Rosie was gone when Caleb returned. Caleb had to be held for a couple minutes to comfort him because he was missing the bunny already. It makes it easier to know that they are going to good homes, but still a bit sad. With a smaller pack, we are getting a chance to get to know their personalities better and better. Lone Star is quite a licker, literally. He licks and shows affection that way. Darko nearly always has a plump tummy. PeeWee is basically the same size as the rest of the pack, no longer the runt. And Shooter Jr is a sweet cuddler.
Well, that's the tail of only 4 bunnies to go.
We are one day away from the weekend. Tomorrow we plan to go to the children's museum.
Yesterday, little "speckles" bunny was chosen by a family who lives in Carnation and renamed Taffy. They have two daughters ages 1 and 3. The 3 year old is handicapped and the bunny was selected as the perfect animal to be held and hop around her. Taffy was the name best pronouced by the 3 yr old. The family was delighted that these bunnies had such extensive experience being held by children. They thought that Speckles/Taffy had the most brillant pure white fur and was just so pretty they were attached almost at once.
Today, little "rosie jr/rusty/Lava boy" was selected for his new home. The family has 9 kids from 2 to teeanagers; all of which drove up from Shoreline to pick up their new family addition. They had had 7 other rabbits at various times, each living long lives. They saw the ad on craigslist and thought that Rosie Jr appeared to have an adventurous look. Ironically, Rosie jr actually DOES have a bit of an adventurous trait. It will be a great fit if they are looking for and expecting adventure and independence and that is exactly what he is.
This leaves just 4 bunnies: Darko-boy and PeeWee-girl both solid tortise colors, Lone Star-boy and Shooter jr-girl, broken tortises (color mixed with white).
For each departing rabbit, it is more and more difficult to see the next go. As the pack dwindles, both Caleb and Jockey are having increasing difficulties saying good bye. Caleb said good by to Rosie Jr before school just in case, and true enough, Rosie was gone when Caleb returned. Caleb had to be held for a couple minutes to comfort him because he was missing the bunny already. It makes it easier to know that they are going to good homes, but still a bit sad. With a smaller pack, we are getting a chance to get to know their personalities better and better. Lone Star is quite a licker, literally. He licks and shows affection that way. Darko nearly always has a plump tummy. PeeWee is basically the same size as the rest of the pack, no longer the runt. And Shooter Jr is a sweet cuddler.
Well, that's the tail of only 4 bunnies to go.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday, today the weather was beautiful. We used it to a great advantage....
Thank you Peter (aka Grandpa Dahl) for coming the second day in a row to work on installing carpet!
Also, the first bunny was picked up today and headed home. One of my MOPS/Bible Study friends came with her son today and picked out a rabbit. They had visited and thought he liked Speckles, but about half way through their visit today, Andrew decided that he would like to have Tawny. Tawny is Jockey's absolute favorite in the world. And the decision was made while Tawny was in Jockey's arms. Jockey's initial response was NO, but he said that once and I stopped and told him that they live near by and that we could visit any time. From there on out Jockey's behavior and maturity absolutely shocked and amazed me. This is a red letter day of motherhood pride. Jockey showed Andrew how to hold it, told him what Tawny liked to eat. Kissed Tawny good bye. He didn't cry, stomp, pout... NOTHING. I was so moved by his behavior. My friend was ready to say not to pick Tawny, but I explained to her that we would rather the favorite rabbit be near by to visit than go to a stranger far far away. She's also got 4 kids from ages 2 to 8, and Tawny was an excellent choice. Tawny has been well acclimated to being held by children and has been well prepared for a home with children.
So when they left. I took Jockey aside and told him how proud I was of him and how adult/"big boy" he had acted. I told him that Tawny would have a great home with the family of kids to hold/play with him and that Jockey had prepared that little rabbit for that perfect home through his care for Tawny. He said, "Yeah. I knew that he was gonna change his mind. I take good care of my rabbits because I'm the special Rabbit Man and I just love rabbits. Mommy, I love you." Jockey is amazing in the way he processed this whole experience. Again, I'm so very proud of him. And we look forward to visiting Tawny at his new home.
Still 6 for which to find homes. I pray that each rabbit departure is handled as maturely by the boys.
That's all for now, for some reason, I'm just worn out and the boys have lots of "mommy will you" and "mommy, can I"... I've got to go take care of some of those.
Thank you Peter (aka Grandpa Dahl) for coming the second day in a row to work on installing carpet!
Also, the first bunny was picked up today and headed home. One of my MOPS/Bible Study friends came with her son today and picked out a rabbit. They had visited and thought he liked Speckles, but about half way through their visit today, Andrew decided that he would like to have Tawny. Tawny is Jockey's absolute favorite in the world. And the decision was made while Tawny was in Jockey's arms. Jockey's initial response was NO, but he said that once and I stopped and told him that they live near by and that we could visit any time. From there on out Jockey's behavior and maturity absolutely shocked and amazed me. This is a red letter day of motherhood pride. Jockey showed Andrew how to hold it, told him what Tawny liked to eat. Kissed Tawny good bye. He didn't cry, stomp, pout... NOTHING. I was so moved by his behavior. My friend was ready to say not to pick Tawny, but I explained to her that we would rather the favorite rabbit be near by to visit than go to a stranger far far away. She's also got 4 kids from ages 2 to 8, and Tawny was an excellent choice. Tawny has been well acclimated to being held by children and has been well prepared for a home with children.
So when they left. I took Jockey aside and told him how proud I was of him and how adult/"big boy" he had acted. I told him that Tawny would have a great home with the family of kids to hold/play with him and that Jockey had prepared that little rabbit for that perfect home through his care for Tawny. He said, "Yeah. I knew that he was gonna change his mind. I take good care of my rabbits because I'm the special Rabbit Man and I just love rabbits. Mommy, I love you." Jockey is amazing in the way he processed this whole experience. Again, I'm so very proud of him. And we look forward to visiting Tawny at his new home.
Still 6 for which to find homes. I pray that each rabbit departure is handled as maturely by the boys.
That's all for now, for some reason, I'm just worn out and the boys have lots of "mommy will you" and "mommy, can I"... I've got to go take care of some of those.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Three Easter Egg Hunts.... What do to with all that candy (especially when the boys are benefactors of so much food coloring)?
Well, I wish I could say that I'm clever enough to come up with this idea, but as it is, I'll just take credit for seeing the potential and going with the flow. So the boys come down with 2 glasses filled with water and about 1/4 of their candy drowned and stuck in the bottom of the glass saying "Look Mom, a science experiment. You know colors and dissolving". Now I could have freaked out (especially about the wrappers littering the kitchen) and made them dump them out. However, I saw this for the blessing that it truly was. How else do you get two typical candy-crazy boys to be excited about getting rid of and not eating their food coloring bounty... a science experiment. So with the wisdom only God himself could have given, I said "oh, wow, it will take a while to dissolve though. You'll just have to set it down and check on it later." And later they moved on to another set of experiments and now most of their candy is gone. Yes, they did eat a fair share. Fair, not overboard insanity inducing quantities. Happy ending. And Caleb goes on record for saying that Easter is his most favorite day of the year to celebrate Jesus because he can have food color!
I overheard Caleb and Jockey talking the other day. Caleb was telling Jockey that "I have two names that you can call me. Caleb or Brudder (yes, pronounced that way), but I prefer Brudder." Just a cute kid-ism.
Another went something like this: "wow mom, I think I'm going to call you Fire Head. Or maybe Lava Girl"... After a recent hair make over. (BTW, I've gotten several less ambigous compliments.)
So Day One of Spring Break: Science Experiments, Rabbit holding, playing in the backyard, forts.
Day Two: pick up from day one, Tennis and spend the night with Grammy and Papa Dahl.
Day Three: get picked up by Mom and off to a playdate with a Literacy Lab buddy of Caleb's.
Day Thursday: Something with Dad, Mom works.
Day Friday... Don't know yet.
Easter: Church, grocery shopping, house pick up, Dinner with Grammy and Papa at our house.
Dentist: Filling date in May, Cleaning Date in June. Recommended extractions (possible implants later) and root canals on 3 others. Thank God for tranquilizers because if I could remember all of the appointment I'd be panicked right now. I think I'll go be an ostrich for a while.
Bunnies: 1 has a home planned, 6 to find for sure homes. Weaning planned for this week ending.
That's all for now.
Well, I wish I could say that I'm clever enough to come up with this idea, but as it is, I'll just take credit for seeing the potential and going with the flow. So the boys come down with 2 glasses filled with water and about 1/4 of their candy drowned and stuck in the bottom of the glass saying "Look Mom, a science experiment. You know colors and dissolving". Now I could have freaked out (especially about the wrappers littering the kitchen) and made them dump them out. However, I saw this for the blessing that it truly was. How else do you get two typical candy-crazy boys to be excited about getting rid of and not eating their food coloring bounty... a science experiment. So with the wisdom only God himself could have given, I said "oh, wow, it will take a while to dissolve though. You'll just have to set it down and check on it later." And later they moved on to another set of experiments and now most of their candy is gone. Yes, they did eat a fair share. Fair, not overboard insanity inducing quantities. Happy ending. And Caleb goes on record for saying that Easter is his most favorite day of the year to celebrate Jesus because he can have food color!
I overheard Caleb and Jockey talking the other day. Caleb was telling Jockey that "I have two names that you can call me. Caleb or Brudder (yes, pronounced that way), but I prefer Brudder." Just a cute kid-ism.
Another went something like this: "wow mom, I think I'm going to call you Fire Head. Or maybe Lava Girl"... After a recent hair make over. (BTW, I've gotten several less ambigous compliments.)
So Day One of Spring Break: Science Experiments, Rabbit holding, playing in the backyard, forts.
Day Two: pick up from day one, Tennis and spend the night with Grammy and Papa Dahl.
Day Three: get picked up by Mom and off to a playdate with a Literacy Lab buddy of Caleb's.
Day Thursday: Something with Dad, Mom works.
Day Friday... Don't know yet.
Easter: Church, grocery shopping, house pick up, Dinner with Grammy and Papa at our house.
Dentist: Filling date in May, Cleaning Date in June. Recommended extractions (possible implants later) and root canals on 3 others. Thank God for tranquilizers because if I could remember all of the appointment I'd be panicked right now. I think I'll go be an ostrich for a while.
Bunnies: 1 has a home planned, 6 to find for sure homes. Weaning planned for this week ending.
That's all for now.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
It's coming up Easter Weekend.
Jockey is learning about Christ's resurrection at school, and a variety of other Easter-y things Eggs, crafts etc. He loves to play with his friends, and having the extra time for him to play is really terrific. He is doing really well at school. He is a very smart cookie. And he is enjoying his at home school work (not assigned by the school, just something we have.) He surprises me with what he knows or can figure out. He's learning beginning sounds and rhyming.
Jockey-isms... After a baby rabbit scratched him..."The rabbit disciplined me", I can't get over how cute that one is. He's also saying "you are not making me have a good day" when things don't go exactly how he wants. I'm not too hung up on what he is saying, it's not my job to MAKE him have a good day... especially when the reason he's saying that is because we have to leave the playground to pick Caleb up from school. But nevertheless, Jockey is especially verbal in what is going on with him. His shoes don't feel "hard" aka tight enough.
Jockey is concerning me when he says his tummy hurts quite often. Although after his recent illness, he's decided that some medicine tastes good, and now it is hard to distinguish a problem from a fish for sweet medicine. But knowing Jockey as a Mom does, I tell him he needs to take time in the restroom to just sit and try. He tells me he likes to talk to himself in the bathroom (and it's true, he does). I also told him he could take the time to pray too. So that lead to a discussion of taking TIME to p**p and TIME to pray, and if he wanted to do both that was ok. (Heck, both are life skills.)
Caleb is pretty sad that we are going to try to find homes for all the bunnies. (Try, and then see what is left over.) He would like nothing more than to keep them all. His teacher is even considering one; they are hard to resist once you've seen them and we visited his class with a couple last Friday. It was a real good session of show-n-tell. Caleb of course had to explain a bit of the conception... Oh, yeah. A real learning session that day. Something about chasing and going behind a tv and shaking a bum even on the head. Uhm, yeah. That's enough Caleb. The kids really were interested, and I tried to provide true information, food, size, birth appearances. DAILY, multiple times a day I'm asked if they (the boys) can hold baby rabbits. Caleb just had a good time being the center of attention and "in control". Our first born really does have a control issue. Not quite sure if it is truly a problem to solve, or just an immature appearance of a character trait of his final personality.
Caleb is excelling in literacy lab. He's learned more in the last two months than ever before. Mike has taken over homework duties. (It became vastly apparent that I'm not it, from what I was told, too verbal for a visual boy.) Caleb had to read during last week's conference. That was the most reading he has ever done in front of me and the best he's done. I tried to provide huge praise so that he had the confidence to do that at home. He is on level with about have of things, and just on the borderline from getting all the other things. He really is quick at math, he gets it. I'm glad that there is an area of academics that is easier for him so that he is not discouraged by the whole school experience. Although, he still says that the only thing he likes about school is recess. But for such an active, competive, what-to-take charge boy... what could be better but sports.
Easter weekend... maybe find an Egg Hunt somewhere, go to the dentist (me), Easter Service on Sunday. Who knows what else. I like the holiday's meaning, but I'm not stoked into activity over it. It's been a hectic week and it's not over. The boys have Awana tonight, verses to learn today, I help in one of their classes, stay afterward to set up for MOPS tomorrow, then attend MOPS tomorrow and then pick Caleb up from school. It's a full set of days.
Well time to get Caleb off to school. TTFN
Jockey is learning about Christ's resurrection at school, and a variety of other Easter-y things Eggs, crafts etc. He loves to play with his friends, and having the extra time for him to play is really terrific. He is doing really well at school. He is a very smart cookie. And he is enjoying his at home school work (not assigned by the school, just something we have.) He surprises me with what he knows or can figure out. He's learning beginning sounds and rhyming.
Jockey-isms... After a baby rabbit scratched him..."The rabbit disciplined me", I can't get over how cute that one is. He's also saying "you are not making me have a good day" when things don't go exactly how he wants. I'm not too hung up on what he is saying, it's not my job to MAKE him have a good day... especially when the reason he's saying that is because we have to leave the playground to pick Caleb up from school. But nevertheless, Jockey is especially verbal in what is going on with him. His shoes don't feel "hard" aka tight enough.
Jockey is concerning me when he says his tummy hurts quite often. Although after his recent illness, he's decided that some medicine tastes good, and now it is hard to distinguish a problem from a fish for sweet medicine. But knowing Jockey as a Mom does, I tell him he needs to take time in the restroom to just sit and try. He tells me he likes to talk to himself in the bathroom (and it's true, he does). I also told him he could take the time to pray too. So that lead to a discussion of taking TIME to p**p and TIME to pray, and if he wanted to do both that was ok. (Heck, both are life skills.)
Caleb is pretty sad that we are going to try to find homes for all the bunnies. (Try, and then see what is left over.) He would like nothing more than to keep them all. His teacher is even considering one; they are hard to resist once you've seen them and we visited his class with a couple last Friday. It was a real good session of show-n-tell. Caleb of course had to explain a bit of the conception... Oh, yeah. A real learning session that day. Something about chasing and going behind a tv and shaking a bum even on the head. Uhm, yeah. That's enough Caleb. The kids really were interested, and I tried to provide true information, food, size, birth appearances. DAILY, multiple times a day I'm asked if they (the boys) can hold baby rabbits. Caleb just had a good time being the center of attention and "in control". Our first born really does have a control issue. Not quite sure if it is truly a problem to solve, or just an immature appearance of a character trait of his final personality.
Caleb is excelling in literacy lab. He's learned more in the last two months than ever before. Mike has taken over homework duties. (It became vastly apparent that I'm not it, from what I was told, too verbal for a visual boy.) Caleb had to read during last week's conference. That was the most reading he has ever done in front of me and the best he's done. I tried to provide huge praise so that he had the confidence to do that at home. He is on level with about have of things, and just on the borderline from getting all the other things. He really is quick at math, he gets it. I'm glad that there is an area of academics that is easier for him so that he is not discouraged by the whole school experience. Although, he still says that the only thing he likes about school is recess. But for such an active, competive, what-to-take charge boy... what could be better but sports.
Easter weekend... maybe find an Egg Hunt somewhere, go to the dentist (me), Easter Service on Sunday. Who knows what else. I like the holiday's meaning, but I'm not stoked into activity over it. It's been a hectic week and it's not over. The boys have Awana tonight, verses to learn today, I help in one of their classes, stay afterward to set up for MOPS tomorrow, then attend MOPS tomorrow and then pick Caleb up from school. It's a full set of days.
Well time to get Caleb off to school. TTFN
Monday, March 29, 2010
These are a couple current pictures of the little bunnies:
Darko, Male
Rosie Jr, Male

Rosie Jr, Male
All of these lucky little bunnies are being slathered with love and being held by the boys daily. We have gotten their litter box into the TV room and allow them to sniff and try it out. They enjoy the chance to stretch their legs and get a good "happy" hop run. They are eating rabbit food, hay and even dandilion greens galore. I think we will wean them mid to end of next week and try to get them ready for their new homes. (And the the boys ready to say good bye.)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
This last week, we had a visitors out to see the little honey buns (bunnies).
Auntie Kristina, Uncle Ryan (not pictured) and Cousin Tessa

Saturday, March 20, 2010
The book sale went well. The kids were astonishingly well behaved. They sat in a corner reading the kids books and selecting ones they wanted. 96% quiet, calm, no bickkering. And I purchased 16 books for 10.50 that have a regular retail value of $185 plus tax!
Auntie Kristina, Uncle Ryan and Cousin Tessa are on their way over as I type to visit the baby rabbits and us; in that order, if we are being completely honest. :) We plan to eat tacos here and call it good. The weather is awesome for an outside/inside visit. And this was perfect motivation to get the house clean.
That's the update.
Auntie Kristina, Uncle Ryan and Cousin Tessa are on their way over as I type to visit the baby rabbits and us; in that order, if we are being completely honest. :) We plan to eat tacos here and call it good. The weather is awesome for an outside/inside visit. And this was perfect motivation to get the house clean.
That's the update.
Friday, March 19, 2010
1 hour at the park this afternoon. For the Boys.
2.5 hours at the Children's museum on Free admission night. For the boys.
= 1 hour at the Friends of the Library book sale tomorrow for Mom. Not exactly an equal exchange rate, but one that for today/tomorrow I'll live with.
The boys said thank you as we drove off 8 minutes before 9pm from the Children's Museum. Of their own accord! I told them their are welcome, I hoped they had a good time. Then I explained that they had all this time tonight and earlier, so tomorrow mommy would like to do something and they will have to go with me just like I went with them and did what they wanted. I think they get it in thought... we'll see how patient they are with the actual action in the moment. I don't plan on spending huge amounts of time there, but I'd like a good chance to look. I've looked forward to this for nearly 6 months. Cheap prices, all the money supports Library... yeah! Finally, a cause I can get on board with.
The boys loved the museum. The rooftop was open and we went there first. From there it was a scatter of activities. We even made it downstairs to the construction areas. Jockey liked the art studio. Brittany and Emily went, a school mate/Awanas of Jockey's was there, and another MOPS mom also met up with us. Not exactly a chance to chat for the moms, but a huge benefit for the kiddos. Can't wait for next month. But oh boy and I glad that the boys are the ages that they are. Just a bit of independence so that I can ping pong between their areas, rather than attaching them to each other at the hip and have an arguement over what activity they are doing and crying over what they aren't getting to do.
In Rabbit news: I might have found 2 more homes. They are discussing it with the spouses and looking into care/hutches. But at least the two more prospects. And the one taken for sure... I'm feeling hopeful that we will find homes! The bunnies are just getting bigger and more of their under coats are coming in (until it is all in they are soft but shaggy). They are exploring the fresh air and back patio when we let them out. But really, they just want to climb up and be held. A couple of them are showing improved "coming when called" skills! Wonderful! And we are continuing to hold them multiple times daily to prepare them for homes with children. About a week away from getting the genders determined. (And for getting our new carpet in! Thanks Dad for the carpet, and Peter, in advance, for the help with install!)
So that's it for now. Have a great weekend.
2.5 hours at the Children's museum on Free admission night. For the boys.
= 1 hour at the Friends of the Library book sale tomorrow for Mom. Not exactly an equal exchange rate, but one that for today/tomorrow I'll live with.
The boys said thank you as we drove off 8 minutes before 9pm from the Children's Museum. Of their own accord! I told them their are welcome, I hoped they had a good time. Then I explained that they had all this time tonight and earlier, so tomorrow mommy would like to do something and they will have to go with me just like I went with them and did what they wanted. I think they get it in thought... we'll see how patient they are with the actual action in the moment. I don't plan on spending huge amounts of time there, but I'd like a good chance to look. I've looked forward to this for nearly 6 months. Cheap prices, all the money supports Library... yeah! Finally, a cause I can get on board with.
The boys loved the museum. The rooftop was open and we went there first. From there it was a scatter of activities. We even made it downstairs to the construction areas. Jockey liked the art studio. Brittany and Emily went, a school mate/Awanas of Jockey's was there, and another MOPS mom also met up with us. Not exactly a chance to chat for the moms, but a huge benefit for the kiddos. Can't wait for next month. But oh boy and I glad that the boys are the ages that they are. Just a bit of independence so that I can ping pong between their areas, rather than attaching them to each other at the hip and have an arguement over what activity they are doing and crying over what they aren't getting to do.
In Rabbit news: I might have found 2 more homes. They are discussing it with the spouses and looking into care/hutches. But at least the two more prospects. And the one taken for sure... I'm feeling hopeful that we will find homes! The bunnies are just getting bigger and more of their under coats are coming in (until it is all in they are soft but shaggy). They are exploring the fresh air and back patio when we let them out. But really, they just want to climb up and be held. A couple of them are showing improved "coming when called" skills! Wonderful! And we are continuing to hold them multiple times daily to prepare them for homes with children. About a week away from getting the genders determined. (And for getting our new carpet in! Thanks Dad for the carpet, and Peter, in advance, for the help with install!)
So that's it for now. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
THURSDAY... And healthy.
Awana tonight. School and a Craft MOPS tomorrow. Perhaps the Children's Museum tomorrow night. We'll see if I'm feeling up to taking them by myself....
Baby rabbits, cute, hopping, cuddling, within another week we will know genders and start minimal solid food.
All's well in this pin prick size part of the world.
Awana tonight. School and a Craft MOPS tomorrow. Perhaps the Children's Museum tomorrow night. We'll see if I'm feeling up to taking them by myself....
Baby rabbits, cute, hopping, cuddling, within another week we will know genders and start minimal solid food.
All's well in this pin prick size part of the world.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 15 of baby rabbits.
They ALL have their eyes open, even PeeWee's last crusted eye. They are getting their undercoats and are getting even more soft if that was possible. They are getting a bounce in their step/crawl. They groom each other in and adorable way, and they stand on their back legs and do the proverbial rabbit face washing motion. They are getting distinct personalities, some of which is the instinctual rabbit, and others is unique to themselves. Darko and Pee wee have always been BIG cuddlers and are staying true. Rosie Jr is Jockey's "Adventure Rabbit" but is consistently returning to Jockey and literally climbing into his lap. We took them out onto the grass for the first time to see what they would do. After the initial discovery of this new texture on their feet, they starting exploring. A couple were even quite quick in their hop/scurry. They are too small for the wire Dog crate-cum-exercise pen, so we can't have them all out at once. They are so small in comparison to the backyard it is hard to explain. And I'm sure there are alot more spaces for them to escape where their parents could dream of squeezing through. So we are keeping a close eye on them as they learn about the world around them. I wish I could post video of them because that would truly describe it more than I could. (I've tried, and it's just been unsuccessful.*****EDITED TO ADD: VIDEO NOW VIEWABLE ON FACEBOOK.***) But until I can figure it out, regular pictures will have to suffice.
Mid hop, Rosie Jr.
Lone-Star just checking things out.
Rosie next to Jockey's boot.

They ALL have their eyes open, even PeeWee's last crusted eye. They are getting their undercoats and are getting even more soft if that was possible. They are getting a bounce in their step/crawl. They groom each other in and adorable way, and they stand on their back legs and do the proverbial rabbit face washing motion. They are getting distinct personalities, some of which is the instinctual rabbit, and others is unique to themselves. Darko and Pee wee have always been BIG cuddlers and are staying true. Rosie Jr is Jockey's "Adventure Rabbit" but is consistently returning to Jockey and literally climbing into his lap. We took them out onto the grass for the first time to see what they would do. After the initial discovery of this new texture on their feet, they starting exploring. A couple were even quite quick in their hop/scurry. They are too small for the wire Dog crate-cum-exercise pen, so we can't have them all out at once. They are so small in comparison to the backyard it is hard to explain. And I'm sure there are alot more spaces for them to escape where their parents could dream of squeezing through. So we are keeping a close eye on them as they learn about the world around them. I wish I could post video of them because that would truly describe it more than I could. (I've tried, and it's just been unsuccessful.*****EDITED TO ADD: VIDEO NOW VIEWABLE ON FACEBOOK.***) But until I can figure it out, regular pictures will have to suffice.
Mid hop, Rosie Jr.

Pee Wee next to jockey's boot.

Shooter Jr standing on his back legs.

Shooter Jr and Rosie Jr.
Shooter Jr and Mama Rosie.

Shooter Jr and Rosie Jr.

So that was Rabbits in the late afternoon. Earlier this day we hiked on the Wallace Falls trail. Not all the way to the top, but at least out in nature and fresh air. Sorry, I forgot the camera on that trip.
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