For the fourth, we attended a community party. Not ours. Caleb and Jockey loved the park and the natural areas to rummage and boy around in. They watched the early fireworks in the cul-de-sac. Later, we came home and sat on the curb out in front of our house and watched the huge fairgrounds display and our own neighboorhood's worthy attempt to exceed the display at the fairgrounds.
We've dragged the kids around a bit to the showrooms for flooring and granite. They've had their good times and their not-so good times in said places. It won't last forever.
We've taken them to parks a few times. One day, after walking to the park, Mike drove down bringing the swimsuits and the boys hit the water just before the afternoon turned cold. And they happened to have run into a few school buddies for a impromptu playdate.
We've had a campfire again. We've held baby rabbits OFTEN. They are at a perfect age for being held. Their eyes are just coming open. They sleep and hold still. Just today, Jockey and his bunny fell asleep together on the couch for a little nap. I didn't get a picture of that. :( But it was adorable. And Jockey is again proving his Bunny-Whisperer abilities. (Can he get a TV deal too?)
Caleb left this morning with Grandpa and Grammy Dahl on their excursion and adventure down to Newport, Oregon in the motorcoach. He has been talking and, yes, even dreaming of "Georgie's" restaurant. He's so excited, it sounds like a higher scale-seafood oriented- Mcdonalds because YES there are toys involved! Hence Caleb's facination. He returns on Monday (or Tuesday, I forget). He was equipped with clothes, swimsuit, bike with helment, $10 and 3 kinds of allergy medications (you'd have to know my son to really understand the NECESSITY of these) and the bidding of be obedient and have a good time. His excitement has been uncontainable for the last 3 days!
Kla-hi-ya Days are tomorrow in Snohomish, and we will be strolling around starting mid-morning to see what there is to see. Maybe Jockey can get some chalk art done.
So here are some current bunny pictures:

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