They have their little teeth, little toe nails, peach fuzz/light silky coating of the fur indicators, their colors are showing. They are getting warm in all this heat and spreading out in the nesting area for their own space and cooling down. (Last litter they were a balled up heap for warmth). I put a fan out to move air around the hutch for Rosie-Mama. Absolutely, the count is at 8 babies, at this point they all should survive. We do a have one that is a bit smaller than the rest; it's about 1/2 the size of the largest, but there are all the sizes in between, so if it can just get a couple good solid feedings in there will be no worries. (This time the "pee-wee" is barely speckled/mostly white.) Caleb keeps calling these bunnies by the last litter's names. Jockey insists there is a Sparky and a Dash among them.

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