Everything else: Jockey's better, totally recovered. His school attended a puppet show today in Lake Stevens/Snohomish. Afterward we ate at BK with friends and then popped in on Grandpa Bill and Grandma Judy for a quick visit while they were still in residence in Lake Stevens (new house in Stanwood as of tomorrow). Caleb went to school, still healthy as could be desired. Mike still under the weather but picked Caleb up from school and drilled Caleb on his spelling. Caleb will be continuing on with the Literacy Lab Class until 4/30. It has helped him and we hope for more very needed improvement. He's excited about it, and it works out well for Jockey to get a couple minutes to play at his school before I do have to rush off for Caleb's pick up. (I'm beginning to wonder if we need to get him tested for dyslexia. We have concerns, but I'm just too tired to type out all the concerns now.)
Baby Rabbits.... Well, ONE has it's eyes open 75%. The rest, well, you can see the deep crease where the two lids are separated/separating, but they aren't open yet. Maybe tomorrow. Still crossing the fingers. By Friday, I expect the eyes to be open, which will be good for the little boy visiting the bunnies. The bunnies still are really sleepy, so even it the eyes could open, they would most likely be closed for sleeping anyway. The boys love to hold them. They get to pick each time, and fortunately they switch all the time and all of the bunnies get their fair share of holding. (Surprisingly, it's mommy and daddy that have their favorites.) The bunnies are staying warm, as is the rabbit parents. Shooter is actually charging from across the yard to visit us and almost trips us up to stop us and get his attention and fair petting time. Funny.
So a few scant pictures:

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