Day 13.
The bunnies eyes are open (MOSTLY) at least a squint. A couple still need to open, but the majority. They are a bit more mobile. They can jump/scatter out of the nesting box, but always return to the heat of the box and lamp. At first we were worried that they couldn't get back in, but that proved unfounded. They were able to be down on the floor for a while. They have the oddest clumsy gait. It's a crawl of sorts with their little legs that sprawl out like a little frog mid leap. It's cute to watch them begin to explore their new world. They stretch out their necks to check the world before they actually get there with their bodies. The really neat thing is that about half of them will come when you call with a certain noise. Good training, when they can have solid foods we'll reinforce the coming on command.
We also had the visitors/prospective owners come and see the babies. I think the little boy has chosen "Speckles", but until the last minute he can change his mind. It was neat that Speckles was one of the few that had the eyes totally open and wide awake. It was also nice that the bunnies get to explore but then are ready for a curl up and rest without moving in about 15 minutes. Perfect for a visit. And the family has four kids, so each got to hold one without fighting. A good day.
Pee Wee climbed up for a cuddle

Shooter Jr. Crawling

Pee Wee out on the town looking around.

Tawny in a crawl, see the crazy frog legs.

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