Well, new to him at least.

Daddy pulled this out of storage and cleaned it up for Josh. Josh loves it because he can put his feet down and stand, but also just let it cradle him. As you can see, we have to wrap blankets around him for stablity, but he stays warmer that way anyways. He likes to reach and play with the items on the tray. He can really see around the room now. And when Caleb returns, it will provide a safe buffer around him so that big brother doesn't play to rough with him.
Mike and I were talking last night about Josh. We agreed that having Caleb visit Grammy and Grandpa for a day was great for those parties, but Josh also benefits by having Mommy all to himself for a day as well, and an evening time with just Daddy. So thanks again Grandparents Dahl. Now all I have to find is a Caleb and Mommy time.... Well, that will come in time as Josh can go longer between feedings.
Ok, there is lots to do today before I have double kid duty again, so I better get to it. Bye for now.
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