Caleb was such a little helper and gentleman today. He helped for the first time actually change Jockey's diaper. He unsnapped and resnapped the sleeper, he wiped the bum, and he threw away the old diaper. He did really well, partly because Caleb is just great and the other part is he wants to see Jockey's bum... I guess because his own is a little difficult to see. Then we went out and he carried things that I asked him to and he was opening doors for me. And I'm thinking, Wow I'm really going to get to raise a little gentleman to treats mom and ladies properly. I was thinking that until after we went to 7-11 and got him a "little slurpee" as he requested and he started to burp on the way home. He told me he was "burping slurpee". Ok, so he is a gentleman in training, but so are most men.
Caleb put both of his hands on Josh's cheeks and said to him "Jockey, look, me, me brother." It was just amazing that he wants Josh to know who he is. And Josh loves the attention. Josh likes to have his hands clapped together, his legs "exercised", and to have someone click their tongue at him. He's also smiled and chuckled at the "Itsy, Bitsy Spider" song just like Caleb; that song was the first real stimuli that Caleb belly laughed to as a baby.
Well, the potty training is going surprisingly good. I guess the "Bribe a Butt naked boy with no place to go but the Potty" method is working. We've had a number of successes, and not just with "#1", which surprised me; everyone's told me that #2 is a harder thing for children to learn. Praise the Lord. The funniest thing is.... Well, see picture. The Pooh sticker didn't go on the potty this time.!

Today, Caleb announced that he was "Boy Dahl". He is still not saying Caleb. Sometimes he calls himself Cay. At least he knows the last name.
Caleb has started to answer the phone. Of course he doesn't answer it with a whole lot of clarity. Most of the time he picks up and says "daddy, hello daddy". So if anyone calls and gets a long pause and then a small little voice, just know that I'm on my way and that Caleb has just beat me to the phone. He's quicker than I am when I have to run with Josh in my arms.
Here's a picture of Caleb in his first snow adventure in the backyard. He came in and said "hand cold mom". I had to respond with "your hand gets cold when you pick up snow". We did race around the backyard in the sled. I stopped to catch my breath and without missing a beat he said "more". So I raced him around again and again until I was nearly dizzy, mostly because the smile on Caleb's face was a big motivator. Today, I dug out his sand bucket and shovel. He started digging and scooping, that solved the cold hands issue for a while.
I wasn't going to share this photo just because most of the people who read this blog were already there. However, I changed my mind. Caleb was looking at the pictures with me, as he frequently likes to see himself in pictures. As I was reviewing the pictures from the camera, this one came up and I asked him "who's that?" and he said "Family". That's enough, post it...
And as if that wasn't enough pictures for one blog posting.... I wanted to share this next one. I can really see the relationship forming at the very moment this shot was taken. And you wonder when the bonding begins, answer from the very earliest moment possible...
Josh is looking right at Grandpa with a bunch of smiles, and vice versa. They both had a good time, but so did I. I like seeing other people have a good time with and loving the two little wonders that make my life enjoyable. It is a comfort to know that so many people are interested in and love my sons; like I have back up if I'm ever in need of it, the assurance that others have my sons' best interest as heart makes it easier to let go later.
Well, back to the toddler/infant juggling act. Thanks for reading.
1 comment: I'm so glad that Caleb knows who we are, and that we are part of each other's lives. I love your boys, and hold them close in my heart. It gives me great joy to watch our children play, love, and learn together.
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