So here is the promised picture of Caleb holding Josh under the Christmas tree. Caleb is really getting into having his pciture taken... when he asks, which is not always the same time I want to take pictures of him. And his condition to taking his picture is that he wants to see himself. All I can say is, if I phrase it right, he sees the benefit of looking at the camera and smiling versus looking sideways and "roaring".
This last weekend was a bit exciting. Saturday, Caleb, Josh and I got all dressed up and went to the Christmas program at our church. Would you believe me if I had decided the day before what I was going to wear, and when I went to dress the boys in warm and clean clothing that we ended up matching....Honest, totally unintentional!!!! And yes, they were dressed warm. The one thing that I let Caleb pick out was what he wanted to wear in the way of shoes. In my mind, I had his white tennis shoes picked out, but I had looked in the drawer I would have chosen his suede hiking boots. Caleb on the other hand, well lets just say he changed his mind and his shoes as much as any woman getting ready for a blind date and trying to dress to impress. He tried on at least 3 different pairs of boots. My house was littered with the discarded shoes, as well as Josh's 2 pair. He did finally decided on Winnie the Pooh boots. Not exactly what I had in mind for him as he was wearing a red, snowflake and bear sweater and khakis... But it's his personality and what ever makes him happy. Not that the boots stayed on that long, mind you.
We chose a seat in the back, and boy was that ever the best decision. Things started out good, but when he discovered that the program was the Christmas story set in the American Wild West (I guess the cowboy boots that he tried on would have gone with the theme)... AND Caleb knows what a cowboy is!!!! My son would be the one in the back saying "look mommy, cowboy!" and "Baby Jesus!", "Star" and "Star gone!", and all sorts of other choice phrases, and of course don't forget giggling louder than the entired audience put together. He brought along a ring that flashes which he chose to play with in the dark of the sanctuary, or drop into the seat in front of us. He took off his boots and socks and pushed them under the seats in front of us; he twirled his shirt around and around (I tried to smother his giggles with it, which was counter productive), and he woke his blessedly quiet, sleeping brother up... I took him out into the nursery, but he didn't want to stay there, and once he knew the consequences he was a little better when I took him back in. However, the lady in front of us was VERY nice and VERY understanding and almost wanted to pay more attention to Caleb that the show; she was smiling and telling me that she had 5 boys and Caleb wasn't crying to yelling in anger so no problem, she was also the one who collected Caleb's boots off the floor. The man a seat away from Caleb also had a good time with Caleb. He was smiling and laughing at Caleb's antics, and chuckling at what I was doing trying to keep Caleb quiet. In the end, this gentleman was playing getcha/tug-a-war with Caleb and his shirt! Thank GOD!!! that these people are in a church and had Major amounts of grace and understanding for me. On the bright side, Caleb liked the songs and the lights etc.
The other thing that we did this weekend was go to the Garden D'lights at th Bellevue Botanical Gardens. It was a bit nippy with the wind, but it was clear and fresh outside. The lights were beautiful; there was a new feature of a fake pond with giant lily pads on it and flowers around. Plus all the favorites from last year, the frog, the wisteria/grape arbor, the dragon flies etc. It was a nice quick tour, I took pictures and will post some later of that. Caleb enjoyed looking at the lights, seeing the lit up animals was probably the best, and getting close enough to touch the lights. He really likes lights, he tells us that we have to turn right and leave our neighborhood in a particular direction so that the lights are on his side of the car! Josh, he asks, are we there yet, can I eat yet, is it time to sleep again, are you going to make eye contact with me so I can smile? So next year he might be into the whole light display a bit more. I'm even considering finding the infamous Candy Cane lane...viewable by drive-by, thus not cold and no kids to juggle; Caleb will be happy as long as the lights are on his side of the truck!
Ok, well that's it for today! Hope you've enjoyed reading.
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