Thursday, December 29, 2005
Also, Bears around the house contemplate New years diet resolution.
That's right folks. The new Winnie the Pooh isn't potty trained. Caleb has requested that a diaper be put on it for nap and bedtime. I'm not sure of the motivation, maybe he doesn't want to be the only one to blame for any accidents that might occur in the bed.
This was funny enough, but that also leads to the second story. The size 4 diaper barely fit the bear. The bear will have to lose some weight to fit into the diaper more comfortably. However, when the bear was consulted, his response was "With a hefty, happy appetite, I'm a hefty, happy Pooh." (Song from Winnie the Pooh and the honey tree, where pooh eats too much honey to get out of rabbit's house and gets stuck in the doorway until he loses the weight again.)
Josh has been extra tickly the last few days. Caleb is getting in on the tickling action. Josh loves it.
Well, I have to go find my other tennis shoe so that I can get things done.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
That's pretty self explanatory. EeeeWWWW, Yuck.
I didn't think I'd ever have to say "don't poop on the dog".
On the brighter side of things, Josh is starting to have interest in objects. He of course wants to put them all in his mouth. He would still rather have me stare at him and talk to him all day, and that wouldn'be be a bad way to spend a day... just not practical with other responsibilities like 2 yr olds who poop on dogs when you're not looking.
ok. That's two updates for today. I hope nothing Yucky and therefore Blog worth happens before bedtime.
Caleb's toys have maxed out the current space. I had to go out and buy storage bins to contain it all. (And Josh is out of 0-3 months clothes, so I had to buy him a storage bin for his "old" clothes too.) Caleb has given each toy it's due time. He's even tried to make Josh play with some of them.
I have had to play race cars a few times. And yesterday I was told, "mommy, I sleep pooh"; I had to process what he was telling me, Pooh has double meanings when you're trying to potty train. I laid him down for his nap and I heard chatter for a while. I went to the bedroom door to see what he was saying. Well, it wasn't him chattering, it was the Winnie the Pooh from Aunt Kristina, Uncle Ryan, and Cousin Tessa saying that friends and honeypots are the best. By the way, to any persons who didn't see this Winnie the Pooh, it is larger than Josh!!!
So I am finally getting the family recovered from the Holidays. It's hard to imagine that an event so fun requires so much recovery, but you all know what I'm talking about. Caleb started being awake for several hours in the middle of the night; he would wake Mike up and bounce on him or talk to him for hours. I knew that that couldn't go on since Mike needs to get up and go to work after the holidays, so I had to set the family goal to getting better sleep. Caleb his just about back to normal. With 4 crazy days, naps off schedule, too early or late or interrupted, so much excitement etc.... turning it back to normal was easier than I thought, but still totally necessary. He's doing much better now; he only woke up once last night and was thirsty.
Caleb isn't the only one whose had too much fun. Josh has been fighting sleep for his morning nap and bedtime. Just too much fun to go to sleep I guess. Last night I learned that squeezing his foot was a comfort and he fell asleep, of course the rules could change for tonight...
I should tell you that Monday, boy did Mike and I luck out. Caleb was wearing his big boy Buzz Lightyear underwear when it was time for his nap. Without thinking of the details, he was put down. We lucked out because at nearly three hours, he woke up dry!!!!!!!! That really could have been messy, instead we were just proud and relieved! That's a good Caleb boy!
Caleb can dress Buzz from inside out now. He got Buzz underwear, Buzz pj's and a Buzz warm-up/jogging suit. He's so cute. I just know that he's going to wear it with his Pooh boots, he's already worn his warm-up suit with his yellow puddle boots!
Caleb was so funny when he finally found a puddle with his puddle boots. He was so excited that he jumped and jumped in the puddle and then had to tell me what he was doing!
Well, Caleb is now playing "peek-eee-bow" with me and I should go and be interactive with him.
Monday, December 26, 2005
First I should tell you the pre-Christmas stories of the shopping trip Caleb and Mike went on. They went to the mall on Friday, from what Mike said, Caleb was a wonderful angel of a little boy. Caleb held Mike's hand when asked and otherwise, he rode on Mike's shoulder, and he ate a good lunch. But even more than that... They shopped together, Caleb apparently want to buy me jewelery because he kept pointing at the cases and saying "pretty, mommy". Mike told Caleb to wait a few years before setting that precedent, which the sales clerks heard and laughed in agreement.
They were also looking for something that they couldn't quite find; Mike made the comment to Caleb that they would have to find someone to help them. Caleb walked up to a young 20's lady and started slapping her bottom. She was quite shocked until she saw it was a little boy trying to ask her for help; Mike had to explain to him that she didn't work there. Just a simple funny case of mistaken identity I guess.
Later, they were at Costco. Caleb started acting up a little because he was tired. Mike told him emphatically to sit down in the cart. Caleb climbed into the proper child seat, held out the ends of the safety belt to Mike and then put his hands in his lap. That's all good, but what really funny to hear was he started telling other people that he was a good boy.
The last story Mike relayed to me requires that you know that this is a new pattern/infatuation of Caleb's.... HE wants to pay! He was in one store and insisted that he pay with the plastic; he got to hold the card and was very insistent on which clerk he handed the card to, too bad it wasn't the clerk who was ringing them up... so the one that he handed the card to had to leave her customer to come over to the register and swipe the card and hand it back. But Caleb now has the Swiping down. He was sitting in a cart and on the push rail of the cart Caleb was swiping the card on the little groove between the metal of the cart and plastic on the hand rail. I can just picture it, and it brings a chuckle to thing of it.
One of the gifts that Mommy and Daddy purchased for Caleb this Christmas was a real, see through coin jar... He got out his old peanut can and transfered all the money. Grandpa Dahl asked Caleb what he was going to buy with it... of all things... Caleb said "slurpee". That's my boy!!! He didn't say toys, ball, truck, but slurpee. We all laughed at that one. At least he is learning he needs to pay, and some day that will be true at the store and he will pick something out and use his own money. I actually look forward to that lesson.
Caleb got only 4 toys from his parents, but don't feel bad for this poor boy. He was slathered with generousity by EVERYONE else. Josh even got him a toy! He has got so much, I don't know what to do with it all. And he has given each toy an unexpected amount of focused time and attention. I can't exactly tell what is his favorite because he plays with them all. He doesn't really care about the clothes that Mommy and Daddy bought him, but what little boy is in to clothes; we appreciate him having the clothes though! THANK YOU to ALL of YOU for EVERYTHING that you blessed my sons with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He really likes every toy that he has received, which isn't a foregone conclusion when shopping for a two year old! So consider each toy a success, and Caleb (and his parents) want to extend a very grateful hug of appreciation to all.
Mike and I would like to also say thank you for the items that you all so thoughtfully blessed us with. We will enjoy the gifts, but not as much as we enjoy the wonderful people in our family that gave to us.
Caleb really got into the ripping of the paper this year. Again, "that's my boy" came into effect when frequently he would rip the paper off and run to the garbage to throw that piece away. I love the clean trend that he is showing. Caleb also pleased me that he wasn't exhibiting any greedy tendencies. (I know I should be grateful for that this year, because next year is probably going to be a whole different story!) He also liked sharing the experience with Joshua. And boy did Josh surprise us with his responses to packages. I thought that a 4 months old would be complete oblivious to anything. I was joyfully wrong. I place the gift Caleb "bought" for Jockey in Josh's lap. It was a gift bag, and he grapped that thing right away and nearly buried his whole face in it. Caleb of course was excited and curious for Josh and he was jumping up and down. We bought clothes for Josh, which he needed. But I have to say that Auntie Rene and Uncle Mel really his the target with the knitted Slyvester the cat. The stark black and white coloring with a cherry red nose really attracted Josh's attention and he started getting his hand and eyes to coordinate. He would touch and pull on it, and then bring it to his mouth and gnaw on it and drool on it. He really showed an astonishing amount of interest in it for a 4 month old! Thanks.
Christmas eve was delightful. We spent it at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. Caleb was a little shy entering a room so full of people but by the end of the night he had warmed up and he was jumping up and on people pay as sorts of attention to everyone. He and Tessa are just wonderful to watch interact. Just about like siblings. Their favorite is to hide in the nursery and be silly with each other. Caleb still thinks that what ever she is playing with is the most interesting thing on the market and therefore must be taken and conquered as his own. This did improve though by the time Christmas Day evening rolled around at Aunt Kristina and Uncle Ryan's house. Tessa shared her ball with him and they rolled is back and forth. Tessa gave him a little ring that he was quite proud of. They played a Memory game together, which turned into a stack the cards in the case game. Caleb of course made himself at home in their house. The boots lasted about 10 seconds, his jacket 1 minute. The pants 15-20 minutes. His sock came off within another 10 minutes. I have to say I was really surprised that he left his diaper on. And even more sureprised when he let me put the diaper back on after we used the potty. Caleb did really well at their house and I have to say that I am proud of him for cleaning up when I asked him to.
I loved spending time with Tessa. I learned a good deal about her and about myself in the quality time that we had together. I hope that their are many opportunities for quality time in the future.
I'm cutting this short because I have to get back to regular duties. I will update again later, perhaps even with pictures.
Friday, December 23, 2005
These are two of the best shots from our visit to the Bellevue Botantical Gardens' Garden D'lights!
The last picture is an impromptu compromise. Caleb wanted Joshua to be in the pictures but since he was sleeping I thought it better to let the sleeping baby lay. So I compromised by getting in the pictures with Caleb. He was even more excited about that than the original idea of Joshua in the pictures. However, I am not thrilled with my lack of makeup, hairstyle, super casual attire, and retained pregnancy weight. But as moms everywhere know, you do what makes the child happy sometimes at your own expense or embarassment. That being said, we are both smiling and looking the camera, and Caleb's nudist tendency is covered; for a two and a half year old that combination is an accomplishment!
I'm looking forward to the Christmas festivities. I can't wait to see the joy on Caleb's (and everyone else too) face! That's what makes me have a good time. Caleb has been fantastic and not played with the presents this year! Or the tree! Mostly, he just pushes them out of the way because his favorite place for me to take pictures of him is under the tree! I think the cat has played with the tree more! I'm sure that next year when he realizes that there are surprises inside for him, he won't be able to stay away. I'm making a mental note to be appreciative of that this year. We got fun things for Caleb and the practical as well; my favorite will be to see his face when he opens them. Even better will be his response to Joshu's presents to him. Yes, Joshua went to the dollar store and bought for Caleb, and Caleb doesn't know it yet, but he also shopped for Josh! As for Josh's parents: Mommy has asked him for "sleeping through the night" and Daddy has asked for "walking". At this stage, I don't know which is more likely.
Josh doesn't want to be overlooked or left out. He wants every one to know that he is growing and getting big and impressive. Here is a picture of him standing unassisted beside the couch. He is really showing his Daddy and myself that he is going to keep up with his big brother physically with no problem; he's also able to take his pacifier in and out by himself, which means he is pretty smart too.
We are looking forward to seeing the family for both Christmas eve and Christmas Day. Since it will be a busy few days, I can't promise more updates until after Christmas. Enjoy your holidays and have a Merry CHRISTmas!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
The "Things that I didn't think I'd say" list continues.
1) "Are you peeing on me?" Caleb the nudist in potty training evidently can't multi-task; meaning he can't take a bit of my sandwich, spit it back out, and not pee on the person feeding him.
2) "Don't put you [boy parts] on Jockey."
3) "Don't make Jockey touch your [boy parts], if you do that I'll have to put a diaper on you".
I'm not proud that I've had to say these things. Or the showers that I've had to take as a result. But if I didn't put them here, the memory could be lost. This blog has become the record that I'll eventually put in their baby books...or read at their graduations or as their wedding toasts, kidding.
Caleb also has decided that for the time being he likes baths over showers. However, he tells me he wants "bath, no bubbles. Water." He says "no bubbles eyes" and then he tells me the bath time rules of "no drink water" and "no poo bath". At least he knows the rules, even if he doesn't follow them all the time. I just find it funny that he has to go through the rules and type of bath he wants EVERY time that he wants a bath.
Ok time's up for me.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I was hoping that it wouldn't be for quite sometime, but you get what you get. I believe that Josh has a slight Cold. His breathing has started to sound congested at times and this morning he started out with a runny nose (which fortunately has cleared up). He doesn't have a fever and he is as happy as ever, which I'm grateful for both. I think this is just one I'll have to ride out.
Josh is starting to sit upright more and more. And along with that abdomen strengthening is coming is rolling over. He's starting to get the idea that if he moves one way or the other he can throw his weight in one direction or the other. Last night, as he laided tummy down on a pillow the slight slope helped him roll over 4-5 times. He started thinking it was a game!
I checked last night in the children's medical and developement book that I have; Joshua is on target for every physical, social or visual etc expectation. I need to re-weigh him and see how long he has gotten. I believe that he is actually getting to be long for his age. I have even had to put him into 6-9 month sized clothing.
Caleb is sharing his shirt with Josh more and more, and surprise surprise, Josh loves to get a fist around it and shove it in his mouth. Of course, Josh isn't exclusive to just Caleb's shirt, it can be anything fabric. Josh really is more of a mouthy child, and way more drooly that Caleb. I'm going to have to get Josh some bibs.
Caleb is really into pictures lately! Every night he wants "more pictures mom". He still signs More. Which is really cute.. He runs and turns on the Christmas tree and then sits down in front and says more pictures. Or he runs and gets the boppy and sits down and tells me that he is going to hold Josh. Today he told me, as he sat next to the tree with Josh, "me happy mom" and "me lucky, big boy". "Lucky" could have been "Like it", I'm not sure through the toddler-ese what he was saying, either way it was a pleasant statment.
Last night, I needed to drop something off at Uncle Brian and Auntie Brittany's house. When we pulled up, Caleb immediately wanted to get out and see them, he told me he was going to Knock on their door. I let him out and started to retrieve the items for them; Caleb marched right up their walk way. Brittany opened the door before he got to it, and Mr. Silly just walked right in without pausing or missing a stride. He went in and started wandering through the house looking for Buck (their dog) and Uncle Brian. He found them. Then he started showing off, doing somersaults, and running trying to get Buck to follow, and giving hi-fives. He definitely was doing things and waiting for a reaction as if because he hadn't seen them in a while that he was going to make sure they knew how great he was! He even made himself at home by taking off his boots and socks to roll around better. He was so crazy/silly. It was fun to see his acceptance of them. And they really love the boys too. They might even get to come over to see us on Christmas Day.
Well, dinner making time. Bye for now.
Monday, December 19, 2005

So here is the promised picture of Caleb holding Josh under the Christmas tree. Caleb is really getting into having his pciture taken... when he asks, which is not always the same time I want to take pictures of him. And his condition to taking his picture is that he wants to see himself. All I can say is, if I phrase it right, he sees the benefit of looking at the camera and smiling versus looking sideways and "roaring".
This last weekend was a bit exciting. Saturday, Caleb, Josh and I got all dressed up and went to the Christmas program at our church. Would you believe me if I had decided the day before what I was going to wear, and when I went to dress the boys in warm and clean clothing that we ended up matching....Honest, totally unintentional!!!! And yes, they were dressed warm. The one thing that I let Caleb pick out was what he wanted to wear in the way of shoes. In my mind, I had his white tennis shoes picked out, but I had looked in the drawer I would have chosen his suede hiking boots. Caleb on the other hand, well lets just say he changed his mind and his shoes as much as any woman getting ready for a blind date and trying to dress to impress. He tried on at least 3 different pairs of boots. My house was littered with the discarded shoes, as well as Josh's 2 pair. He did finally decided on Winnie the Pooh boots. Not exactly what I had in mind for him as he was wearing a red, snowflake and bear sweater and khakis... But it's his personality and what ever makes him happy. Not that the boots stayed on that long, mind you.
We chose a seat in the back, and boy was that ever the best decision. Things started out good, but when he discovered that the program was the Christmas story set in the American Wild West (I guess the cowboy boots that he tried on would have gone with the theme)... AND Caleb knows what a cowboy is!!!! My son would be the one in the back saying "look mommy, cowboy!" and "Baby Jesus!", "Star" and "Star gone!", and all sorts of other choice phrases, and of course don't forget giggling louder than the entired audience put together. He brought along a ring that flashes which he chose to play with in the dark of the sanctuary, or drop into the seat in front of us. He took off his boots and socks and pushed them under the seats in front of us; he twirled his shirt around and around (I tried to smother his giggles with it, which was counter productive), and he woke his blessedly quiet, sleeping brother up... I took him out into the nursery, but he didn't want to stay there, and once he knew the consequences he was a little better when I took him back in. However, the lady in front of us was VERY nice and VERY understanding and almost wanted to pay more attention to Caleb that the show; she was smiling and telling me that she had 5 boys and Caleb wasn't crying to yelling in anger so no problem, she was also the one who collected Caleb's boots off the floor. The man a seat away from Caleb also had a good time with Caleb. He was smiling and laughing at Caleb's antics, and chuckling at what I was doing trying to keep Caleb quiet. In the end, this gentleman was playing getcha/tug-a-war with Caleb and his shirt! Thank GOD!!! that these people are in a church and had Major amounts of grace and understanding for me. On the bright side, Caleb liked the songs and the lights etc.
The other thing that we did this weekend was go to the Garden D'lights at th Bellevue Botanical Gardens. It was a bit nippy with the wind, but it was clear and fresh outside. The lights were beautiful; there was a new feature of a fake pond with giant lily pads on it and flowers around. Plus all the favorites from last year, the frog, the wisteria/grape arbor, the dragon flies etc. It was a nice quick tour, I took pictures and will post some later of that. Caleb enjoyed looking at the lights, seeing the lit up animals was probably the best, and getting close enough to touch the lights. He really likes lights, he tells us that we have to turn right and leave our neighborhood in a particular direction so that the lights are on his side of the car! Josh, he asks, are we there yet, can I eat yet, is it time to sleep again, are you going to make eye contact with me so I can smile? So next year he might be into the whole light display a bit more. I'm even considering finding the infamous Candy Cane lane...viewable by drive-by, thus not cold and no kids to juggle; Caleb will be happy as long as the lights are on his side of the truck!
Ok, well that's it for today! Hope you've enjoyed reading.
I don't have much time to write at the moment, however I wanted to share a quick couple stories.
Caleb likes cookies, it is no secret. Today he was trying to be a good big brother and share... With Jockey. He pulled out Josh's pacifier and shoved a piece of cooking into his mouth. I got it out quickly, and I'm proud to announce that Josh hasn't developed a sweet tooth, or any tooth, because his reaction was to wrinkle up is nose and try to mouth-out that "disgusting" thing in his mouth.
We also made it to play group today... In miraculous timing no less; I had to forfeit a shower to do it, but we got there. Today was the first day that Caleb actually play with kids. A few other times he would talk to them and try to boss them, or share because he wanted what they had... But today, he actually spread out his shirt like a picnic blanket and sat down on it in a little huddle of kids. He was talking and playing. It was wonderful to see. Of course he went to his old tricks with interacting with girls and tried to take the pink frilly purse away. At least he was playing with the kids, it can only get better from here.
Potty training has gone so well when we are at home that we had to run to Whole Foods in Bellevue and get some more Dye-Free Candy. Between the candy, stickers, Daddy, and consistency and the happiness and approval we show Caleb things are GREAT. And we were running out of Candy! So we had to stock up. Success is success! Caleb is calling us to come watch him. He is very excited all the time and proud of himself. I'm relieved, I thought that this would never happen, especially when he would say "no!!!!" to every time I had offered. Well, praise God it's a reality.
Well, that's all I have time for now. I have other things to say but they will have to wait.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Well, it was a mixed experience. It was really great having something to do with Caleb, and even better that it was just 5 minutes outside of Monroe. It was very nice to meet and go with Sarah and her daughter, Avery (3yrs on Jan 18) and son Clark (1). And it was fun to see the kids reactions and try to teach them something new.
Caleb really liked to pet the medium sized turtles; they were double the size of a football. He kept going back to them over and over. The big ones were too far away to pet. But there was a VERY large sea turtle, I forgot the name already, that was just as big as a huge tortise, but it was swimming. It was swimming with it's nose into the corner like he was on a treadmill of currents. Caleb kept looking and staring; but when I put my finger on the glass to point out it's nose, Caleb was very sure to tell me "No touch". We saw monitors, iguanas, tarantulas, scorpions, all kinds of snakes, alligators, a cayman, frogs. Caleb got to pet an rack iguana named Rocco who was about 4 feet long (and held by the storekeeper, NOT mommy!) He was quite brave and he walked up and gave it a few pets and pats (we washed our hands afterwards). But then he went back to see the turtles. There were a few things that he ignored, and others that he didn't want to go near. (Same with Avery.) It was a good time to spend with friends and peers, his and mine. We even ended on the happy note of petting the storekeepers cute, fluffy, and friendly puppy! Caleb really is more of a traditional pet owner because that even beat the turtles.
I was glad to end on a happier note too, because I am NOT the reptile lover, or even liker.... I'm happy to report no nightmares of snakes after our visit, me I mean, Caleb's fine! I hope that there are many more adventures to share with Sarah and her children.
Caleb is gaining success upon success with the potty training. We are so encouraged that Mike and I are considering some sort of underwear for him. We'll see. We looked at JCpenney and they didn't have anything that would fit his little bum, which he is probably unknowingly grateful for because he'd rather go naked anyways.
You'll all be glad to hear that "daddy pants home". That is what Caleb told me when he woke up today from naptime. Yes Daddy has pants at home, but Daddy is at work.
Caleb has now routinely calleb Josh, "Jockey Brother". He's not just Jockey anymore it is always Jockey Brother. Last night he wanted to hold Jockey brother under the Christmas tree, how could I resist that picture opportunity. Pic to be posted soon. It was so cute, because Caleb was pointing out the lights to Josh. Caleb is dying to interact with Josh and he is trying in so many ways, both effective and kind ways and not so helpful ways. He'll learn and Josh will grow and one day they will meet in the middle.
Well, lots of things to do. Bye for now.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Yesterday he came home and was so happy to see me. He was very affectionate all night, lots of hugs, lots of kisses, helped with chores. With in the first 20 minutes of being home he said "I miss you, mommy". I just about melted. Of course then he said that he missed himself. But I took what I could get and buried it in my heart. Caleb was so joyful and his usual entertaining, high energy self last night.
We had more success with the potty training. Of course not before a minor disgusting disaster. I was letting Mike take a deserved nap. As I was incapacitated while feeding Josh, disaster struck. Caleb filled his diaper. But before I could finish feeding, Caleb decided that he didn't want to wear that icky thing anymore and took it off. In the process he got the contents on a few things. And of course, Caleb was now naked AND dirty running around and bottom dropping on the couch. But even more exasperating, it must have been that Caleb was so repulsed by the diaper that he tossed it a couple times around the family room. (He could have done it because he thought it funny, because that's what two year olds do, or because I said no no no no.) At that moment, I was nearly screaming in my brain for help from Mike. But not wanting to disturb him and in the interest of limiting how much Caleb was getting around; I gathered myself back up and started to clean up, starting with the moving target. Everything came out clean, and Daddy was relieved that he was sleeping and missed near tradegy. See paragraph one for why I'm so calm.
Josh loves kisses. I kiss the corner of his mouth/cheeks and he starts to laugh, coo and giggle. He even turns his face to get the full on kiss, of course he has his mouth wide open. He is so cute and is just wonderful in how responsive and interactive he is at such a young age. I love every minute of his smiles and laughs.
And astonishment of all, he slept from 10:30 to 4am!!!! last night! I didn't sleep all that time, but he did. Which means progress. I hope that I can keep the scheduling up and my energy up to truly convert him to night sleeping. But my hope if lifted when I see such dramatic, immediate results. Keep up the prayers, they are working.
Bye for now... lots to do.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I received a phone call from Caleb's Grammy last night of glad tidings and good cheer last night (and hear of additional reports of the same today) that Caleb used the potty at their house for the first time...twice! (Today another 4 times!!!!) This is fantastic! Wonderful! It's like it is really going to happen! Caleb is making a beeline to the restroom when asked and is happy about it! Imagine that, from the little boy who adamently said "NO" before. I'm so happy for him, it is a true success and I want him to feel that confidence and successful feeling. It's been a concerted effort between myself, Daddy and the Grandparents to get him this far, thanks to everyone! I'm looking forward to the days with only one diaper bill; I hope that Caleb not having diapers on doesn't mean more trouble (rushing to a bathroom when we are already loaded in the car and we are already late and there isn't time or I can't get there soon enough with Josh in my arms) than it's worth. Life has good and bad to every stage... I guess inconvience and laundry are cheaper than a case of diapers, so I'll just deal.
Caleb will return home today with surprises under the tree. I can barely wait to see the excitement on his face on Christmas day. I am wondering if Christmas is turning out to be for for me or the child. Caleb is so happy and content with what he has, he doesn't miss what he doesn't have. There is something special and precious about the innocence of childhood and the contentment that a child has with what they do have that is refreshing compared to the constant state of exhausting striving that adults live in trying to attain the next item or level of material success. It makes it a delightful joy to give to a child who feels love and give loves whether he opens gifts or not. Caleb wouldn't miss Christmas day, I'm glad; as long as he knows that the reason we have Christmas at all is because of Jesus Our Saviour, that's what makes me satisfied.
Keep your fingers crossed and prayers lifted up that Josh will get on a schedule and sleep through the night. I'm trying, but it is tiring. He sleeps during the day and it is very tempting to let him do that so that I can get things done and play with Caleb (or thought of all thoughts...sleep too). But I know in the long run that he should sleep during the night and I will not be as tired if we ALL sleep at night. It's amazing to me how he can wail and fight sleep, and then 10 seconds later be asleep. I wish I could fall asleep that fast!
I was watching Josh sleep. One of those mom moments when I should have been sleeping but I just couldn't sleep right away if I could watch such an angel sleep peacefully for a few moments. He has the most precious milky white and fleshy pink complexion, smooth like porceline; it was broken only my the dark brown flutter of his every lengthening lashes. His breath was rhythmic and warm. I'd close my eyes and he would stir and laugh. I'd enjoy that and start watching him again, just in time to see a sweet, contented smile, dimple and all appear and fade on his face. He's as happy in his sleep as he is when he is awake. It brings peace to me to know this.
Josh is getting better at sitting up, although he's not doing it by himself. He really enjoys standing and looking around. He is trying to be a thumb sucker, although right now he's settling for any and all parts of one or BOTH hands. For him, Eye Contact is where it is at, it's as if you don't exsist without eye contact. Josh is about 16, maybe a little more, pounds. And into SIZE 3 diapers!!!!! I wouldn't want to risk a smaller diaper when we are out at risk of a blowout too terrible to contain and clean up after. I'm so proud of his growth and health, although he isn't a giant compared to where Caleb was at this age.... Despite Josh's reputation as the big baby.
Tonight I am going to set Josh under the Christmas tree to see what he thinks of the colors and lights. I hope that he can enjoy as much of the holiday season as a 3-4 month old can.
Josh says times up, bye bye now.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Caleb is once again at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. He really likes it there. They have lots of toys, Papa Dahl is one of his favorite people, but lately there's something new he likes. We've asked him are you hungry, but now we've started to ask him what he wants to eat. In the past few days, Caleb's response has been that he wants to eat at Grammy's house. Maybe it's fun, or maybe it's because he likes what she serves, but it is cute to know that he wants to go there over anywhere else at the moment.
I'm hoping get Caleb's presents wrapped before he comes home tomorrow. Whether they go under the tree as soon as they are wrapped, I don't know. Caleb already wants Daddy to open his present, I can't imagine him being able to stay away from his own presents. My mom made a good suggestion that I should get an advent calendar to help Caleb count down to Christmas. If I find a cheap one, I'll do that!
And while Caleb is gone and during Josh's naps, I hope to do some online Christmas shopping. It is so much easier to shop from my desk that use up the precious little time and gas to drive all over the earth just to SEE if a store might have something that somebody MIGHT like.
We went to playgroup today and had a good time. Caleb spent most of his time observing the other kids from under the bleachers. I'll leave it to your imagination what else he accomplished from under the bleachers.
Wednesday I am looking forward to taking Caleb to the Reptile Zoo just outside of Monroe. I'm not going for my liking, believe me, but I think that Caleb will like it. We are caravaning out there with a lady I met at story time at the library and her 2 kids; I think I've mentioned Sarah before.
Also, I've discovered that the Factoria Mall has opened a Children's Museum. Fridays, 5-8pm, are free, so I'm hoping to get there a few times and maybe take Gi-Gi to watch Caleb discover whatever there is to play with.
Caleb and Gi-Gi are starting to get along famously. He is warming up to Gi-gi quicker and quicker. We went to dinner and they colored together. And he crawled under the table and popped up next to her so that he could sit on her lap. They were sharing food. Later we went back to her house and they were playing chase and gitch-ya. Caleb was squealing and giggling. Someone said once that leaders like to be chased, if that is true I've got a happy, natural born leader on my hands. He really likes to be chased, even if that means grabbing the favorite toy/object and running away with it. Gi-gi even got on the floor to wrestle/tickle Caleb (and to visit Josh too). She shared a few of her displayed objects with Caleb. I laughed particularly when he made her Mole from Germany hop like a frog down the hall way. And it was also very cute of Caleb to ask to touch her outside Christmas decorated tree. At home it is a no touch, but because her's in the ground I said ok. He pet it ever so gentle as if it was a little fragile puppy. It is so nice to see one of the littlest and the oldest in the family get along so well and cheerfully together. I hope that there are many more times together, and that Caleb (and Josh) developes memories that he can take with him into his adulthood.
Ok, I like to update this journal, but I have to many other things that I'd like to do with only Josh to juggle. Maybe I'll even get to sleep earlier. Even my toes are crossed for that!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Caleb has started to pronounce "hungry" a different way. Why it has changed I don't know, but now hungry is "honky". So this morning, Caleb came into my room and said "mommy, me honkey". I had to laugh. Once I realized that hungry was what he meant. I was thinking "honkey the Christmas goose" or what?! So Caleb is "honkey", at least 3-5 times a day.
Caleb is doing better on the potty training. I have to devote time to sitting in our family room with the door shut. And he does well in that environment, but outside of that room... he wants a diaper. He tells me every time that he is "soggy" and then stands, spreads his legs and slaps the sogginess. The good news is that he is getting more sensitive to being wet, he doesn't want to have any wetness in his diaper, so he is telling me very often that he wants his diaper changed. Perhaps I should leave a soggy diaper on him for a while so that he will choose more often to go in the potty. The problem is that sometimes the soggy diaper weighs so much the whole diaper will slide right off his bum! Which makes Caleb perfectly happy because his preferred attire these days is just a shirt and boots! The other day, Caleb delivered some great news: "daddy no eat boots". Aren't you all happy that Daddy did not eat Caleb's boots?!
Josh is getting VERY good at holding his head up. The exersaucer has really helped with that. Josh is sleeping better, quality wise, during the night, however he is still waking up in 3 hour intervals for food... and heaven help me if he decides it's diaper filling time... that can take 45 minutes for him to be done! The night before last I was awake from 3:30 am to 5:15 am with his whole process!
The bright side is that he is HAPPY!!! Just about all the time! And in case I haven't confirmed the dimple guess, YES Josh has a cute dimple in the same cheek that Caleb does. Sometimes seeing that dimple is the only reason I can go on with silly songs and baby talk; the dimple is the true definition of a smile in Josh's book. Of course, he is laughing a lot more too, and his laugh is changing. It use to be a huffy almost choking sound; it is turning to more of a giggle now, more of a "happy" sound. I love it.
That's all for now.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
After three days of working on it, sometimes with Caleb and sometimes with him working against me, the tree is finally done! I think it looks decent, I'm just glad that it is done. The first night of working on it was delightful. I turned on the Christmas carols, and Caleb was dancing with the tunes as he tried to help. Caleb was very interested in putting the ornaments and bells on the tree. He has no sense of symmetry or balance at this stage of the game though. If I didn't rearrange things we would have a very odd tree with identicale ornaments lined up on a branch like birds on a wire.

The other neat thing that we did today was we took out the nativity set. I sat Caleb down and we set it up together. I told him about the Christmas story and took each piece out as they appeared in the story. I think he is understanding more and more. The best thing was when I asked him who one of the figurines were and he said "bebe jees". It was adorable the way that he said that. Of course, after we set it all up, I had to have him look me in the eye and I told him "no touch" for the tree and the nativity set. I think he got it.

Josh is standing quite well. He gets tired of course, but he still likes to stand as much as possible until he is tired. I've finally gotten a picture of him standing with someone; I'd have had a picture of it eariler except I can't take a picture and be in the picture myself without an extra effort.
The exersaucer has been a great thing for him in the short period of time that it has been out. He has a great time and he reachs for things. He gets a great view of the world from it, not laying down or sideways for this kiddo anymore.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Well, new to him at least.

Daddy pulled this out of storage and cleaned it up for Josh. Josh loves it because he can put his feet down and stand, but also just let it cradle him. As you can see, we have to wrap blankets around him for stablity, but he stays warmer that way anyways. He likes to reach and play with the items on the tray. He can really see around the room now. And when Caleb returns, it will provide a safe buffer around him so that big brother doesn't play to rough with him.
Mike and I were talking last night about Josh. We agreed that having Caleb visit Grammy and Grandpa for a day was great for those parties, but Josh also benefits by having Mommy all to himself for a day as well, and an evening time with just Daddy. So thanks again Grandparents Dahl. Now all I have to find is a Caleb and Mommy time.... Well, that will come in time as Josh can go longer between feedings.
Ok, there is lots to do today before I have double kid duty again, so I better get to it. Bye for now.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The trees on the side of the highway start all looking like potential Christmas trees. But we ended up cutting down a tree from up in the forest by Skykomish instead. Caleb was really cute in his snowsuit. He was really excited to walk and play in the snow, until he realized that it was COLD. He definitely wanted his gloves to be sealed shut with the cuff of the snow suit. I had the thought run through my head to just duct tape the mitten on! Josh did wonderful! Although his contribution was minimal, he was so cute when we ended up waiting in the truck for daddy to come back with the tree.
Yep, Josh did reach a hungry point and Caleb a too cold to go any farther point, so the hero of a daddy hiked back to truck with us and then went back into the woods for a tree. And I think we have a good one too.
The tree is in the tree stand just waiting for the decorations. I haven't yet decided whether I should decorate it without Caleb and have his interest in the tree be unsatisfied and lead him to play with the tree for the next 3 weeks, OR if I should wait until Wednesday to decorate it with him and risk him thinking it is a toy or for climb for the next 3 weeks... It's a gamble either way isn't? I guess it comes down to time, energy, quantity and quality of fun, and picture opportunities. Given those criteria, I think that I'll wait until Wednesday.
The other big event for the weekend was Grandpa Dahl's birthday; which he was so generous in allowing his special day to turn into a family event. We saw the Lights of Christmas at Warm Beach, a festival of holiday lights that hopefully was beautiful enough to qualify as something special for a birthday. I felt that it was a wonderful was to kick off the holiday season. Our first stop was to see the Nativity ans tell Caleb about baby Jesus and why we are celebrating. "Jesus has a birthday, just like today is Papa's birthday" etc; I loved sharing the real reason for CHRISTmas. And Caleb understood BABY Jesus better this year because of his baby brother.
There were so many lights and so many activities, it was as if every light was lit by happiness and a truly enchanting experience. Caleb made the happiness contagious. He LOVED to ride the pony! He made Grandpa Dahl take him a second time. He was also quite bold in petting the donkey, rabbit, and other animals. We were also lucky enough to catch a session of storytelling; a perfect break to feed Josh and to get in to warm up a bit.
Personally, I had a delightful time. I hope that the rest of the family had a good time as well, and thank you for coming and making such a memorable experience. I have to also thank the Lord! I had prayed for a week that the weather would be nice, and what I meant by nice was not raining, not snowing and passable road conditions. The Lord was great, He not just answered my prayer but went one step farther and kept away any wind or breeze that would have bit right through our clothes. Instead it was a crisp clear night on which the sound of bells and music carried farther than expected, right into our hearts. So Praise the Lord!!! And here is the family photo:
Time for bed! Good night.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Caleb was such a little helper and gentleman today. He helped for the first time actually change Jockey's diaper. He unsnapped and resnapped the sleeper, he wiped the bum, and he threw away the old diaper. He did really well, partly because Caleb is just great and the other part is he wants to see Jockey's bum... I guess because his own is a little difficult to see. Then we went out and he carried things that I asked him to and he was opening doors for me. And I'm thinking, Wow I'm really going to get to raise a little gentleman to treats mom and ladies properly. I was thinking that until after we went to 7-11 and got him a "little slurpee" as he requested and he started to burp on the way home. He told me he was "burping slurpee". Ok, so he is a gentleman in training, but so are most men.
Caleb put both of his hands on Josh's cheeks and said to him "Jockey, look, me, me brother." It was just amazing that he wants Josh to know who he is. And Josh loves the attention. Josh likes to have his hands clapped together, his legs "exercised", and to have someone click their tongue at him. He's also smiled and chuckled at the "Itsy, Bitsy Spider" song just like Caleb; that song was the first real stimuli that Caleb belly laughed to as a baby.
Well, the potty training is going surprisingly good. I guess the "Bribe a Butt naked boy with no place to go but the Potty" method is working. We've had a number of successes, and not just with "#1", which surprised me; everyone's told me that #2 is a harder thing for children to learn. Praise the Lord. The funniest thing is.... Well, see picture. The Pooh sticker didn't go on the potty this time.!

Today, Caleb announced that he was "Boy Dahl". He is still not saying Caleb. Sometimes he calls himself Cay. At least he knows the last name.
Caleb has started to answer the phone. Of course he doesn't answer it with a whole lot of clarity. Most of the time he picks up and says "daddy, hello daddy". So if anyone calls and gets a long pause and then a small little voice, just know that I'm on my way and that Caleb has just beat me to the phone. He's quicker than I am when I have to run with Josh in my arms.
Here's a picture of Caleb in his first snow adventure in the backyard. He came in and said "hand cold mom". I had to respond with "your hand gets cold when you pick up snow". We did race around the backyard in the sled. I stopped to catch my breath and without missing a beat he said "more". So I raced him around again and again until I was nearly dizzy, mostly because the smile on Caleb's face was a big motivator. Today, I dug out his sand bucket and shovel. He started digging and scooping, that solved the cold hands issue for a while.
I wasn't going to share this photo just because most of the people who read this blog were already there. However, I changed my mind. Caleb was looking at the pictures with me, as he frequently likes to see himself in pictures. As I was reviewing the pictures from the camera, this one came up and I asked him "who's that?" and he said "Family". That's enough, post it...
And as if that wasn't enough pictures for one blog posting.... I wanted to share this next one. I can really see the relationship forming at the very moment this shot was taken. And you wonder when the bonding begins, answer from the very earliest moment possible...
Josh is looking right at Grandpa with a bunch of smiles, and vice versa. They both had a good time, but so did I. I like seeing other people have a good time with and loving the two little wonders that make my life enjoyable. It is a comfort to know that so many people are interested in and love my sons; like I have back up if I'm ever in need of it, the assurance that others have my sons' best interest as heart makes it easier to let go later.
Well, back to the toddler/infant juggling act. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Caleb is acting very curious about the snow. I don't think that he remembers it snowing at our house before. Of course I don't think he remembers much of the summer either. He was very excited when I told him that he could go outside in the snow. It was as if he was thinking "really?!" He kept calling it rain, I guess this is rain that was falling white and slow enough for him to actually feel/see, but I told him that it was snow. If it starts sticking enough I'm going to take our little sled out and pull him around in it. Although, it is getting quite dark already...sigh. I'm sure that it is getting colder (not warmer) and it will be here in the morning to venture out and see what kind of joy and mischief Caleb will get into. Knowing him, he'll want to take Buzz in the snow, and wear his yellow rubber boots!
We watch the "Polar Express" movie today. It was delightful, animated movie about believing in Christmas. The most quaint, wonderful thing was that half way through the movie, the snow started. It felt like a wonderful way to start the CHRISTmas season for the family. I really liked ending the movie with "look outside Caleb, it's snowing".
The other FANTASTIC, GREAT, AMAZING thing. I think Caleb is starting to show signs of potty training. I have to keep the heater on in our family room, and leave him butt naked... but all of the sudden he will go over and sit on his potty! He has had 3-4 successes today as well as yesterday!!! Praise the Lord. He runs over now and has me check his bum to see if it needs to be wiped; at least he has me check before sitting on the couch... that is my silver lining of the day. Caleb is very excited about the candy and Winnie the Pooh stickers (I stumbled upon these wonderful things at the dollar store.) that he gets as rewards. And Caleb knows exactly where to put the stickers, right on the lid of his potty! Just think, Pooh stickers for pooing on the potty. There is an element of irony to that, I just can't describe it well enough.
I'm looking forward to this weekend at Warm Beach to ring in the CHRISTmas season, and celebrate Grandpa Dahl's birthday. I'm praying for a clear night that carries the delightful sounds of holiday music unimaginable distances...right to our hearts, I hope. I'll be able to show Caleb the nativity and explain about Baby Jesus, a person he is starting to understand thanks to a "Can you find Jesus?" Look and Find book. I am eager to share the person of Jesus with my son(s) and open up their minds, hearts, and lives to knowing, living, loving and being loved by Jesus.
Josh is as cute and smiley as ever, but I must go wake him up now or he'll be up late. He's already showing signs of being a night owl like his Bro. He laid next to me in the bed for a half hour last night until nearly 10:30 just watching me and sucking on his pacifier. Now if only I can get that much contentment out of him during the day. Don't get me wrong, during the day he's wonderful, but he likes for interaction then that is hard when I'm trying to keep up with Caleb.
Caleb is showing all signs of love to Jockey everyday. I don't think that I have ever pushed him to love. Because of that, it feels even more wonderful to know that Caleb is showing love to his brother out of his own heart and desire. He often lays next to Jockey and holds his hand and tells me "happy". Or I leave the room to get something for Caleb and I come back to Caleb kissing Josh. And like today he said to me "Me pet Jockey head" as he lighting brushed the little fuzzy head of Josh, and Josh quite enjoys Caleb's attention.
Ok, I really have to go. Happy snowiness whereever you are!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I have about 2 minutes before I have to get Caleb dressed and begin the "getting out the door" process... "caleb get your juice, where's your shirt, do you have a coat, enough diapers in the diaper bag for each child, strap Josh in...etc". I'm looking forward to this playgroup especially. An acquaintance from the Library time is meeting me there. I am hoping to forge a friendship with her. She lives in Monroe (5-6 minutes away), she has 2 kids and one on the way (her oldest is Tessa's age), and I think she is a Christian. She and I would be on the same page in life and perhaps be able to help each other with advice and impromptu baby sitting. The added plus is that our parents are both in California and there is the crazy idea of the two of us flying to California on the same plane with the kids each way and visiting our own separate parents while we are down there... We'll see. $ is of course a consideration.
Josh has more tickle spots than I thought. Behind his knees seem to be ticklish, as well as his feet. Although I haven't gotten the laugh with tickling his feet.
Well, I should go and make sure I have everything before I leave. I'll write more later time permitting.
Monday, November 28, 2005
I haven't posted in a while and I've missed writing and reflecting about all that my little boys do that is funny, cute and endearing. So here I am today with a brief spot of time. I hope that what I write is as enjoyable as it will be to write it.
Thanksgiving was a pleasant day. Tessa and Caleb had to work out the wrinkles of learning to share. But after they went up into the nursery/kids play room and shut the door they seem to get along even better. Of course they were bound together in a little mischief. They both took the time to fill their diapers, and then they moved on to playing with the play-doh in the carpet. The carpet was rescued fortunately, but you should have heard the laughs and giggles coming from that room before their activities were discovered. The mess that had to be cleaned up was worth it to hear their joy.
The day ended strangely. We were still at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house, Caleb, nap deprived, requested a grilled cheese sandwich, but he fell asleep before it was made for him. Shortly after falling asleep he woke up hungry. The sandwich was already to go. Caleb cuddled up on Papa Dahl's lap and ate his sandwich; he brushed off the crumbs he dropped on Papa's tummy with his shirt, he gave good hugs and smiles, I think it was worth the extra time at their house. And boy did he ever stretch out eating that sandwich. It must have taken him at least and hour, but it was finished eventually.
Caleb is not yet familiar with the pronouns that refer to himself. He understands ME, but not I or my. So as a replacement, he calls himself "Boy". He told me today "Cut boy's hair". I've tried to get him to say his name even. I'm afraid to say that he refuses to say it, says "Yeah" when I tell him is name is Caleb, or even worse... has pronounced his name as Cable. As in Cable TV, not the name I was going for. Well, he'll get it eventually, just like potty training. That's another effort that has been doubled. He is having a bit more success. It has helped to have Dad back me up on the training and bribery, as well as staying in the family room when he is without a diaper. And he is without a diaper frequently because he has discovered how to undo the velcro tapes, or if that fails he some how wiggles out of them. Not my favorite though is when he throws the used diapers around the room. I can be feeding Josh and zing goes a diaper against the wall above the couch; fortunately to date they haven't been diapers with a load in them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my luck with hold out on that count.
Caleb is starting to interact with Josh even more. It is adorable to watch the relationship between the two bud. Today, Caleb pushed the button on his singing elephant, then he walked over and took Jockey's hands and bounced and swung them saying "dance Jockey". Also this morning, Caleb went and cupped Josh's cheeks in both his hands and kissed Josh on the mouth; Josh liked it, and I was sure to say positive things to Caleb. He was proud and said "Brother me". Caleb has been such a blessing on a few occassions that I have been in the middle of dinner or laundry and Josh has started to fuss. Caleb climbs up and gets in Josh's face and tries to tickle him or smile and laugh at him. The most enjoyable is when the two of them were smiling and laughing at each other; I was pleasantly surprised at how much and how well Josh was responding. Caleb has also begun to understand that Josh is a little person with likes and dislikes. He frequently tells me that Josh likes his pacifier, but last night I was told that Josh doesn't like baths. Although, that last part about the bath could have been because Caleb wanted to take a bath and I said no, mostly because he had just taken a shower and hadn't been dry and in clothes for more than 3-4 minutes. So I'm not a bad mom saying no for bad reasons... it was just a long day and I wasn't in to doing double duty.
Well, Josh is getting ready to get up from a nap. I have to get Caleb packed for another blessed time (for everyone invovled) at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. So time to go.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The plan for today is to be at Grammy and Grandpa Dahl's house for early dinner and maybe some club fun afterwards (So I'm told). Caleb and Mike left earlier today to get some work done at the club and have fun before dinner and get a nap. Josh and I will follow later. I'm taking a quick moment now to write the latest stories.
I mentioned the "Boots" before. The yellow gordon fisherm

But the boot story continues. Caleb "dressed" himself. Or at least he looked like it. Picture this (because I wasn't fortunate enough to get a picture): silver sunglasses, red shirt, gray sweat pants with navy blue stripes, medium blue coat with orange trim, no socks, and rubber boots! This is how he was attired when we went to dinner; he did his little strut and marched into the restraunt carrying his shirt. It was so funny!
This morning, when I was still in bed with Josh and Mike came up to talk to me, Caleb got into a little mischief... imagine that. Caleb discovered toilet paper. He must have had 25 feet of it and he was having himself a happy little toilet paper party in the family room. He was tossing it and rolling in it when Mike found him. Mike had to share with me

But seriously... Caleb does love Jockey. This is a picture that melts my heart. I have another one where Caleb is actually asleep holding Josh's hand.
Caleb always asks to hold Josh. The most funny time was when Caleb wanted juice. He asked to hold Josh, so I set him up on a pillow and placed Josh in his arms. Once Josh was settled, Caleb promptly said "mommy, juice". He had actually planned that once he was supervising Josh that I would be available to get him juice. What a smart kiddo. Good reasoning skills. And it was cute too. Caleb has grow more affectionate lately, and I don't mind one bit as the beneficiary. He is amendable to taking affection, but he also is initating it. I find myself being sat on or next to and cuddled alot or being covered with a repetition of kisses. I love it. Caleb sat next to me and linked his arm in my and sat hugging and squeezing my arm as he watched Winnie the Pooh. I felt so great I was afraid to move and break the moment. I'm glad that Caleb feels free to express demonstrative affection, and I'm hoping to foster actions that he will be comfortable with expressing longer in his life than just kisses that end at 7-8. He frequently asks to hold my hand while we sit somewhere, and I feel lucky and blessed.
One for the "I didn't think I'd ever say that" list: Caleb, don't put your fingers where the poo comes out.
Lastly, I finally got a picture of Caleb's obsession. Big Buzz. So in case there was any question as to what Buzz looked like in Caleb's Buzz is:
Well, that's all for now. I hope to come back from Thanksgiving with lots of tales to tell.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Yesterday, Caleb insisted on helping with the laundry. He carried his side of the laundry basket from room to room collecting clothes for the wash. Because he had volunteered to help, and because I found it in some pants that I was going to wash, I gave him .11 cents for a reward. I told him that he was helpful and that he earned it so he could put it in his money jar/peanut jar. Hey, it's a start. I am definitely going to show him that there are chores you do because it's just your responsiblity, there are chores you do simply because they are a help to your mom, and then on top of those there are chores to do extra if you want to EARN spending money. But I have to start laying the foundation somewhere. I have purchased a see through (thanks for the advice mom) money jar for Christmas for Caleb. I hope that he likes it and it will encourage saving.
Caleb continued to be a help by making a homemade pizza with me. He is turning out to be a "tasting cook". You know, the kind of cook that tastes each component of the recipe as you go. He tried olives and cheese, next time who knows.
I might make cookies tonight because I am attempting to make NATURALLY colored frosting so that Caleb's life of food won't be without color. I might have the technique perfected in time for Caleb's birthday, I hope!
I have to tell you something very funny. Apologies in advance if it is a bit off color. Caleb has stopped saying "eat" for when he is hungry. Now he says "hungry".... but it doesn't come out sounding like hungry, but rather "horny". The first time I heard him say it, it took me a while to clue in that he meant food rather than something entirely more complicated that what I wanted to deal with at 6 AM. At 6 in the morning I can deal with breakfast, "Here's your french toast. And Thank you Lord I figured out what he was saying because I was too tired to think of how to deal with the other!"
Well, all of these stories have been about Caleb. So now is time for a little blurp about Josh. I laid him down yesterday and place a mirror next to him. He is really starting to stare at that baby that is staring at him. He sticks his tongue out and talks to him. Early social behaviors I hope
A funny thing, Josh is video camera shy. Every time I turn it on he stares at the lens as if it is going to do something to him. Over interest in the noise it makes of course, but it makes it VERY hard to get him to smile, laugh, or coo on camera. The strange coincidence is that on his ultrasound before he was born, he was also camera shy and tried to block the camera's view with his hands as if he was saying "back off paparazzi". As a mom, I feel VERY grateful that he isn't as digital camera shy so that I can actually get a good smile out of him occasionally.
Well, more later. Time to distract Caleb by having him help make cookies.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Caleb, Josh and I went with Brittany to visit her mom, Pam. Pam had not yet seen Josh, and she really liked him. She remembered how much work it is to have 2; her girls were 8 months apart, so almost like twins. Caleb played with their dog, Vinny, who was patient and kind in return. Caleb showed off his big Buzz toy, and after lunch we walked to the park that is in the neighborhood. It was nice to visit and just talk, but in addition to that we were blessed to receive a box of boots, shoes, coats and other clothes from Pam; these items were from a renter who had left them... and they are the perfect sizes for right now or in the next 3-4 months! Thank you Pam and the Lord for orchestrating the visit; the Lord has great timing to have us visit Pam on the day that they were going to get rid of the box of items! Caleb LOVES certian items in the box! (see story later about the boots)
It was a good day, but I was sooooo tired by the time I got home. Having missed family naptime, I was glad to get off the road because I was fighting sleep and I told myself that I was not going to drive again until I got some sleep!
I've mentioned before that Caleb has talked in his sleep. And everyone knows that occasionally what is in your conscious slips out when you're unconscious. Given that, I have to tell you what Caleb is shouting out in his sleep! Last night I put Caleb to bed, about 45 minutes later he shouts out..."No Slurpee....5 unintelligible words, Mom". It was funny because I could hear it all the way into my room, and when I checked to see what was wrong... He was totally asleep! Another story, early one morning Caleb has climbed into bed with me. About an hour into sleeping, he says clear as day "Buzz? Buzz!" Buzz's wings pop off quite a bit (by design) and I'm constantly putting them back on, but at least that Buzz toy is bringing him joy when he's asleep as well as awake.
The next story is about this morning, and this is where the boots come in. Caleb woke up, which I didn't know right away because he didn't leave his room immediately. The first thing that I hear is "coming Mom", he walks into my room and says "I did it, boots". I look down and he is in his PJs and the yellow, rubber, puddle boots.... on the wrong feet! (picture to come) He was sooo proud of himself that he had put the boots on his own feet. He had insisted that he wear the boots to the park yesterday, but I thought that his loved of them would stop there, but no he really likes them because he can be independent with them and do for himself. They are just slightly big, hence the ease of putting them on. The boot story continues. I come home from grocery shopping and Caleb is in a t-shirt, diaper and these rubber boots and he is acting crazy... wanting to sweep and cook and chase the dogs.
And as if these boots were great enough.... Gues what was in the box too. POOH snow boots! The world is complete for Caleb now. He has Winnie the Pooh (and tigger too) snow boots, which are also of a size and velcro that he can put them on himself. He spent nearly a half hour last night AND again this morning taking the Pooh boots off and putting the puddle boots on and vise versa again and again and again! It was exhausting to watch as well as a moment of happy pride that he was enjoying his world and the things he has, and what the Lord has provided to me directly or through others, to provide to Caleb.
Well, Caleb has crashed early due to a nap shortage today. Hey, I'll take the toddler free time when I can get it. It's time to feed the littlest Dahl and then off to bed and reading for me! 'Night all.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Since the potty is downstairs and I can shut that room off from the rest of the house, I am leaving Caleb's diaper off for extended periods of time. He can't hide and I can watch him better in one room than I can in the whole house. Plus, with his diaper off he starts looking around with a knowable expression on his face, I can ask him right away, and I can pick him up fast and plunk him down on the potty quick. We had 2 successes yesterday. Of course there was a couple other times....
I let Caleb take a shower. Normally I have to warm him that his time is almost up. But after quickly checking on Josh in his crib, I came back to Caleb getting out of the shower himself. I later found out why... he left "things" in the shower for me to smell later. Thanks Caleb. And I thought when he got out of the shower saying "no poo in the shower" meant that he didn't want to poo in the shower, oh, my mistake.
Josh has about 3 tickle spots that make him laugh. He has a deep huffy laugh that is so cute. He opens his mouth really wide, and his dimple comes out. I like making him smile and laugh just to see that dimple some days! It's all the reward I get from him at this stage.
We are off to go with Brittany to her mom's house today. I hope all goes well down there. I feel like I'm bringing enough toys for 2 toddlers. And I hope that.we stay on schedule for the most part too.
Well, I have to go now. I'm having to fight Buzz over the keyboard.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Caleb is also showing signs of wanting to take a bath with Josh. He is back to being interested in baths because Josh takes a bath, and he gets in to his bath and says "Jockey turn" and splashes in the water. I guess that that will happen someday... perhaps when Josh can sit on his own and Caleb doesn't use the bath as a potty.
Caleb is enthralled with the Pooh movies that I found at a thrift store. He is even starting to talk about the other characters, not just Pooh. I had to go out on a search for more pooh movies because I was going out of my mind with the others that I had memorized. Mike even caught me singing the "rumbly in my tumbly" song. Caleb thought that it was wonderful to have his mommy singing with Pooh though, he jumped and laughed the whole time.
New today. Bribery. I told Caleb that if he wanted Candy he would have to use the potty. Of course, the moment that Daddy came home I had to bring Daddy up to speed on the deal because Caleb ran to him and asked him for candy. What a smart child. Smart if you think about it in terms of a two year old; it would be called manipulative if he was an older child, but for now, it tells me that he's a thinker.
Today was a day of tents and hair cuts. Caleb actually came up and asked me for a hair cut, so I obilged since I don't know when the next time will be. I think that he looks handsome as ever, although he made a terrible mess of the mirror. Well, that's the price to pay.
And we built tents in the living room with a big sheet. I always loved forts and tents growing up and I've been excited to share the fun with Caleb. He liked it for a while but his focus switched to something else quickly. Caleb did take some time to sit and cuddle and laugh with me, and that was fun too and made up for a half interest in the tent thing.
We talked to Grandma Bishop on the phone because Caleb said he wanted to. He was a little shy at first, but then he would just grab the phone and start telling her something and then hand the phone back. Josh was also quite vocal; some coos, some grunts, and then a few wails to let me know he was tired. All in all, a good phone call. I'm not entirely sure he knows which Grandma he was talking to because in the end he said "good-bye grammy". Well, he's got two Papa's, I guess if it helps to understand then he can have two Grammy's. Right now he says "Papa Daaahlll", so maybe it will Grammy Bishop or Grammy Daaahlll someday.
Caleb has really warmed up to Gi-gi in the last week. We visited her on the weekend and then we saw her again Monday and Tuesday. I think that Caleb has benefited from seeing her more. I love to see him return the love to people that love him so much. He talks more about her and runs to give her hugs and kisses. It's just very nice to see his world of people expanding around him.
Well, time to cook dinner. Bye.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Caleb is still in love with his new Big Buzz. He took it to bed last night. I had visions of him rolling over onto Buzz and hearing "Never tangle with a Space Ranger, my friend" and Caleb waking up, but that didn't happen. Caleb is teaching Buzz about the world around him. Buzz wanted to try to drink milk. Also, Caleb was very certain to show Buzz that Daddy's coffee was hot by opening Buzz's hand and holding it up to the hot cup. It was cute. Now, if Caleb would only want to show Buzz how to use the potty.
The other funny thing that Caleb is doing is "shaking hands". He doesn't shake another person's hand in introduction, no, that would indicate an understanding of social behaviour. He holds his hands up, about a foot apart with the palms facing each other and literally shakes his hands. I can't say why but it is funny every time he does it.
The funny things that my boys do are the glue that hold my days and sanity together.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
We went shopping today for a few needed things. We ended up in North Bend. Caleb was an excellent shopper as far as patience and obediance. As a reward we visited the toy shop. He was even good in there. He looked at lots of items, but he saw the gem, the ideal, his dream toy (something we didn't spy). A really 15" inches tall, all joints moveable, talking, pop out wings, with a helmet that goes "whoosh"...BUZZ! Boy, he is a happy guy! And the parents are feeling very good at making their little boy very happy; we were also very happy that it wasn't expensive!
After shopping, since we were so close to Gi-gi, we stopped in for a visit. Caleb showed off his Buzz to Gi-Gi, and she was dutifully interested and impressed by his toy. Josh also put on some happy smiles and cooed/talked nicely to Gi-gi. Of course, that's not all he did in Gi-gi's arms, but mommy changed that diaper and then he was back to smiling.
Josh has a "pooing-position". Yes, I hate to admit it. My silly son, whom I'm learning new things about every day, does have a certain position in which most of his action happens. And this wouldn't be so bad, except his favorite time is about 5 AM! So instead of letting him grunt and fight it for 2 hours, I have learned to just lay his head and arms over my tummy and leave his knees on the bed and rub his back. He wraps things up quicker and I can get back to sleep faster. Maybe this is another thing that he has nights and days mixed up on and I can switch them around. Ok, a mom can hope, can't she?!
Caleb can order his own drink now just like James Bond. "Juice, no water". I guess that he has learned his parents' secret of making a gallon of apple juice stretch further; he's learned that we water it down. It just struck me as funny that he now is placing requests on how we prepare his juice. I'm still going to water it down, but maybe not so that just a dribble of juice goes in but rather something that he can taste... because he gets really upset if it is water. That's what you get for teaching them how to talk. (kidding, I love the things that he says; see next paragraph for an example.)
Well, I've heard of the males of our species naming their male anatomy unit, but I didn't think that it came at 2 1/2 yrs old. For about a week now, Caleb has called it "food coloring"!!! He has said "food coloring" and slapped his diaper over it, he's said "no food coloring" and wagged his finger at me, etc. The irony is that makes it even more funny is that he is allergic, like Mike, to food coloring. I hope that the duo meaning that it has come to have in our house won't warp him for the future. "no food coloring" indeed, as if that will happen.
Another one for the list of things I didn't think that I'd say: "Caleb leave your food coloring in your diaper for sleeping." (It's not good to leave it out and fall asleep if you're not potty trained.)
That's all for now. Everyone's bedtime here!
Friday, November 11, 2005
I heard something and I went into see if Caleb was ok. Not only was he ok, he was fast alseep still. He had said "mommy" and later he said "shirt", all in his sleep. It's funny and amazing that he talks in his sleep, and I feel honored that I was one of the things that his unconscious was thinking about.
This morning Caleb came into my bedroom and crawled into bed with me. He then started talking and babbling. He started a discussion about the cat and the cat box. He suggested and I had to correct Caleb that "No, Mommy doesn't poo in the cat box." Well, it was funny at 5 am.
Well, off to do chores with the hope of a nap later since I didn't get my "sleeping in" break.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
This is not an exhaustive list, but close:
J.P. Peepers
Joshua Peter Peepers
Little Sweets
Duck Fluff (his hair after a bath)
Chubby Buddy (obvious)
Little Tank
Little Cutie pie (Auntie Brittany)
and he has "Thunder down under", meaning you can hear a diaper change coming because of the explosive nature of the bodily function.
Caleb was very happy with his special Buzz movie surprise. He curled up in my lap and watch with me for about 45 minutes, before I had to get up and cook dinner. But when I came back, he sat next to me and he took my hand and held it for nearly 5 minutes (which is long for his attention span). I felt so special and loved my little Caleb.
Caleb has also developed a growing fondness for Josh, even more than before. He actually cried when a little boy got too close to Josh at Pump it up. And today he had to be told that the kids were just looking at Josh, and it was not ok for a while, but when it was ok, he said "just looking" to the kids. As if it was only ok to look, but no touching... which they also wanted to do. It is funny that the other kids just wanted to pet Josh's head, but Caleb said no, and then he ran a car over Josh's head, hmmm.
My friend in Bellingham recently became pregnant and told me that I now had to mentor her and give her advice and the scoop on raising two. I told her GET SLEEP, and a few other things. But really, I think that if you're going to have 2, you should be sentences to 3 weeks with 3 kids and then having just 2 will seem easy. If you are going to have 3, then you should have to have 4 for a month, etc so that the actual work with the # you intend to have seems like light duty. I say this after the wonderful breaks that I enjoy from double duty when Caleb is at Grammy and Grandpa Dahl's. I still have Josh, so it isn't like I'm my own person, but it feels near miraculous to only maneuver tasks around one child's schedule. Breaks are necessary and nice. Brittany even leaves my house and appreciates the quietness and absentence of being climbed on or jumped near at her house, my response "glad to help you appreciate your life".
Caleb is just so energenic. He has learned to open the garage door, and has taken to enticing one or more of the dogs into the garage... And once they are there, it's anybody's guess what he does with them. Most of the time boss them around and tell them to sit or lay down or pull them by the collar around, or unfortunately hit them with what he can find in the garage, or force them to eat their dog food. (Actually that's a cover, Caleb generally wants to eat the dog food himself and only feeds the dogs when he is being caught red handed.)
That's all for now.
Monday, November 07, 2005

In the car, Caleb is so cute. When I have the radio on he starts bobbing his head to the music. Then he calls out, mom, mom, until I look back and he has to show me that he is bobbing his head. It is almost as if to say, "I like this song". There are other times I see him waving or shaking his index finger to the beat of the music. It is just so cute and good to know he enjoys music and that the car ride isn't some torturous event.
The Buzz saga.... Caleb is still a big buzz fan! He is at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house tonight, which again feels great to get a break; my heart gets refreshs so that I can keep loving Caleb with the same intensity and I can keep up with him too. Thanks Grammy and Papa. But he is in for a great surprise when he gets back tomorrow. I have picked up from the library the "Buzz Lightyear, Star Command Adventure" movie. Imagine a movie with the main star of Buzz! As soon as I learned this exsisted, I hunted it down for my little guy. I hope that he is impressed with the extent of how much I love him and the legnths that I go for him. I'd be happy if he shows just 5 minutes of excitement over this... We'll see.
However, the down side of Buzz. (as if there could be one, I know) I wrangled Caleb into the Buzz Lightyear costume that Grammy got for him. I was surprised that he is NOT a fan of "being Buzz". But at least I know why. In the movie, Buzz falls and breaks his arm, by "being Buzz" Caleb believes that he might hurt his arm again. It make sense, in fact I could try to find the silver lining in this and hope that this is an indication of logical, sequential thinking with decision making that would deter from "dangerous" results. Also, the other positive is that the costume is so big on him that he will fit it for at least the next year and in that time he might come to understand that his arm won't have to break to "be Buzz".

Lastly, a story that I will have to be as vague as possible while still conveying the humor. Caleb has been saying for a couple weeks that he's a boy, Daddy's a boy and Jockey is a boy, and that Mommy is a girl. He is now starting to learn what makes the difference, and he is now requesting to see "the difference" from Daddy, or me, or Jockey. I tried to tell him that he doesn't need to see Jockey's or Daddy's and Mommy just doesn't have one. However, Caleb is still very proud of himself. He stood on the bed, hands on his hips, chest pushed out with pride and he announces "Me pean!!"; did I mention that he was in the buff at the time of this announcement? This was after I was tricked. Yes, tricked by a two year old. He keeps saying that his bum hurts, so I take off his diaper to see what could be poking, rubbing, or cutting into him..... At which point he squirrels and wiggles away and takes the opportunity to run around the house nude! He's learned that I'll be attentive if something is hurting him (or if he's crying, as in the case of fake crying at night for my attention, which he tried at 3 am one night); but Caleb doesn't know that I know what games he is now playing...I'm wise to his racket. He doesn't have to fool me TOO many times before I learn.
Josh is really starting to be responsive to any person who will have eye contact with him. He can see about 12" inches away, anything out side of that and he behaves as if you're not there. He is even showing signs of being about to stick his tongue out in reaction to mommy doing the same. He also likes it when I click my tongue at him. Our favorite games are: singing the "wheels on the bus" as I exercise his legs, and "what are you going to tell me?" as I ask him when is he going to stand, walk, talk, get teeth, etc. He makes the most adorable sounds in response to my questions, I'm endeavoring to capture the sounds on video tape!
That's all for now.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Leave it to me to find something free. I found that the Imagine Children's Museum was having free admission this Friday (and Dec 2) so I took Caleb. Brittany went with us, which turned out to be an extremely helpful thing. Caleb had a good time, and I felt good exposing him to so many new things. He especially liked the "control tower", which is a network of clear tubes with air in them that push ping-pong balls. I think he might have just liked playing with the balls. He also felt very familiar with the plane; he just hopped right into a seat and tried to buckle his seat beat just like he was going to see Grandma and Grandpa Bishop. We played with the water exhibit (set inside a ferry), a farm exhibit (with a life-sized cow that had rubber udders you could milk water from), a tree house, the rock climbing wall, the bank, the "construction zone", of course the train area, etc. It was good for him. Although, I learned that I should bring the bjorn/snuggli to carry Josh in... Not the hand-held car seat/carrier. He got heavy and cumberson very quickly, not a great thing when Caleb is quick and can out run me when I have lots of things to carry. I intend to go back on Dec 2 because he had so much fun, it was VERY crowded though. I'm considering getting him a membership though...maybe! Used properly it would be very cost effective.
Well, we had fun and that's all that I ask.
This morning Caleb was very insistent that he get to hold Joshua. They he hugged him and kissed him, and then Caleb ran and got a book to show Josh. It's so neat to see Caleb grow in his affection for Josh and his interest in sharing with Josh. It's getting hard to remember to call Josh by his name, because Caleb talks about "Jockey" so much that I find that I often use "jockey" too when I talk. Hey, there are worse nicknames to have, I would just hope that Josh is interested in Sports when he is older so that the nickname sort of fits.
ok, that's all for now. Thanks for reading.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Every night Caleb and I read books before bedtime. Last night Joshua sat with us while we went through the books. Caleb did the cutest thing. He asked to hold Josh, which I got him into position to do. And then he wanted to read the books. So I held the books; these particular books are the "look and find" type where you find objects hidden in the picture. Caleb held Joshua's little hand and made Josh point to the objects on the page, then he shouted "jockey did it!" and patted Joshua's tummy/shoulder (just like I do to congratulate him when he finds the objects.). It was just an adorable moment.
Then this morning he wanted to hold Joshua, which I let him do. My little chatter bug started talking. "jockey happy" etc. And Caleb started talking about Daddy, who was in the shower and would open the door any minute. Caleb while holding Joshua then patted Josh's tummy and said "me daddy". So I had to say that no, Caleb is Joshua's brother. And he got really excited about that. And then the chatter began about "me, brother"!
Lastly, Caleb has long been into putting things into his pockets. It started with balls and rocks then moved to Buzz and then money. Then he wanted to put money into our pockets when he found it, which I thought was novel and only wished that that phase would last during the teenage years. But he now REALLY wants to play with money. He found some last night. So I decided that it was time for him to have a place to put the money. Since I didn't have a jar etc, I cut a slit into the plastic lid of a Planter's Peanut can and ta-da Caleb has a money jar. The tin bottom makes a particularly exciting (and noisy) sound for Caleb to hear when he drops money in. He loves it, "money in" and "money out". He has found more through out the house, which I don't know where it comes from but at least it's not where Josh will find it now. I gave him a few coins out of Daddy's coin jar and told him the "mommy is sharing some of Daddy's money with him", but then I had to explain that Daddy goes to work so that we have money, and that we save money up so that we can buy toys and slurpees. (Hey, you got to speak to a kid's interests.) Of course, at 10:30 at night, I really had to wonder what kind of situation I had stepped in when I had to convince him that he can't sleep with the money and that Big Buzz would watch the money for him while he slept. To which, when he finally understood, that he said "money sleep". Ok, yeah, sure Caleb, now YOU sleep!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Very briefly I'll tell you the funny and heart warming things that have happened since my last post.
Last night, Josh woke himself up by farting. He also was sleeping with one eye open. Those are the funny things. As for the heart warming story... I was watching Josh sleep next to me on the bed as I read a book and winding down for the night. He laughs a huffy little laugh, then he laughs and intakes air at the same time which sounds like a little squeal, and you can watch his face and every few seconds his mouth flickers into a smile which sometimes is wide enough to see his adorable dimple. And I thought to myself, admittedly with a little pride in my heart, that he must be happy with his life, me, his whole family, and the experiences he's had so far because he has happiness and joy that wells up out of him even when he is unconscious and sleeping. Praise the Lord for the happiness that is abounding in one so small.
As for Caleb... His heart warming moment was yesterday as we were leaving a store. I asked him to stay in the cart and not try to climb out while I loaded Josh into the car. He did as I asked so when I came back to get him I told him that he was a good boy, that his obedience made mommy happy and I loved him very much. To this he responded "mommy happy me." I smiled and said "yes, mommy is very happy with you". He thought that was great because then he said "Jockey (joshua) happy me", to this I laughed because Josh was quite contently sleeping and completely unaware of anything going on around him. Sure Caleb, Jockey's happy with you.
As for Caleb's funny story, a little background info is needed; Caleb has become interested and quite a fan of Winne the Pooh, as some of you might already know. I've dug out of his toy box a little, tiny stuffed 3" Winnie the Pooh bear that he now carries around with him, which is where this story begins. These are some of those "I never imagined I'd say that" things. I was expressing milk again and I actually had to say to Caleb "no, Pooh doesn't get a turn to pump". And then yesterday we were getting out of the car to go into the grocery store, I actually said "Caleb you may bring your shirt or Pooh, you have to choose." But the most funny was while we were in the store and he dropped Winnie the Pooh while I was picking out apples, and I found myself saying in the store "Caleb pick up your Pooh!" I ask you again, why would anyone name a character after a bathroom function?!!!!!!!!! And it's especially ironic in Caleb's case that he really likes Pooh, but really doesn't like poo.
Ok, enough potty talk. I'm going to get back to the boys and rescue the under the weather Daddy.