Thursday, November 04, 2010

Last week was Parent/Teacher conferences.

Caleb is a "very hard worker, he works very hard on all of his papers" and "he is always willing to partner with other kids to work as teams for help them learn". These are great things to hear. He is reading at grade level, but will need to work are to continue to be there. He is doing great at math, especially addition and patterns. Subtraction and writing are the areas we are going to be working on, but overall the teacher had many positive things to say about Caleb.

Jockey is "quite a leader", of course it is making sure where he leads is appropriate and not on TOP of the playground's play house roof. He knows MOST of his letters and sounds, all shapes save a rectangle on the day of testing, and can write his name to include lower case letters. They are going out of their way to challenge him with Kindergarten papers occassionally to make sure he is learning and not bored. He is still squirly and has difficulty holding still, and giving other's a chance to talk at circle time, but they are working on it. Also, the school is very willing to do anything that will prepare Jockey for school, like practicing lining up and being quiet in line.

We went to Cascade Church' Harvest carnival on Friday night, but left at 7pm to make the "trunk 'n' treat" at Jockey's school because their buddies were there. Then Sunday night, we spent at our friend's church for their elaborate and vastly fun Trunk or Treat which the kids loved and dressed in their nearly authentic looking fireman costumes. They had a blast! And we have enough candy to keep a small army wired for awhile. It's hiding in the garage to be slowly doled out.

Saturday night the boys stayed at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house for the first time in their "new" house. They loved it. Especially the new downstairs with a tv and a bathroom on the same level. And their bunk beds are back!

This week, Jockey didn't have school Wednesday or Friday, so he has gotten lots of fun time at home. Holding rabbits, going to parks and having a play date, and going on walks. However, it was Jockey's first bee sting at the park yesterday, and we've learned that he has a bit (not fast or major) but in the course of 30-45 minutes his stung finger became a tight feeling, puffy hand. So Mike ran and got him Benedryl... which worked fine to include making him so sluggish he stayed home from Awana. He knew his verse, but he will still know it next week. It will be fine and we know more about the Jockey-bee combo than we did before.

No huge plans for this weekend. But next Wednesday, Grammy Bishop is in town, so the obvious house prep and getting Jockey's room ready is in order.
Well, that's it for now.