Friday, July 29, 2011

Lifting his head! Brudder love!

Caleb holds Nathan for his first Big TUB bath (just like he held Jockey).

Bad picture, great smile!

Just a good pic (if I had edited the red-eye)

Children's Museum

Nathan at the Children's Museum

Nathan in the Boppy, in the car, at the skate park!!!

So a little catch up is in order. ...

Grandma Bishop went home 7/12. Her doggies missed her, but now that she's gone we all miss her too. The boys asked when she was coming again... September guys.

I went to the doctor, my check up says things are ok...
We've gone to the park a couple times.
The boys went camping in Toppenish with Grandma and Grandpa Dahl... That was very fun for the boys and a great way to allow me to focus on just Nathan and house for a few days. And I was fortunate enough to get out and play bingo! Ahh the luxuries of a baby who actually (my first) takes a bottle!
I passed a measurably sized kidney stone 7/19.
7/19-7/21 The boys attended VBS in the evening. They were so happy I found a program they could attend. It was very strange however that the first night Jockey suffered Brother-separation-anxiety because they were in different classes... which then made him cling (literally) to my leg have the night. But eventually he got over it and had a great time.
I started back to work 7/21.
The boys have tried their hand at Crabbing a few times. Twice they've had less than productive results, but once we did dine on crab that night! Mike has also gone clamming up at Camano with my Dad (aka Papa Bill) and brought home a small banquet. The boys might go up this Saturday (7/30) and try again for clams.

This week has been chocked full and I'm at the bottom of my tank...
Monday. It rained and the 3 boys and I dared 3 grocery stores! Headache, need nap...

Tuesday, we were going to go to a movie, and we even had 5 minutes to spare to get seats but the theater turned out not to participate in the $1 movie Summer promo, so we ended up BOWLING! I had signed up for free bowling for the kids and took advantage of it for the first time Tuesday... The boys had a good time, but it was over too quick in their minds. Each boy won one game, so all was fair and fun. Then it was home for a little out of the carseat time for Nathan. But then we spent 2 hours at the skate park playing on the scooters.

Wednesday... Children's museum where we met church friends, bowling, and then another 2 hours at the skate park.

Thursday. I worked, then about 3 we went AGAIN to the skate park for a couple hours.

Friday. The whole family shopped for MOPS projects, wedding attending attire, Christmas presents since Target has their imfamous toy clearance going on (scored!!!), and back to the Skate park after dinner for MORE fun for boys! Then a quick errand for more baby anti-gas drops... a must have in Nathan's world!

So that's a run down of what we've been up to. I'll have to think back and try to remember all the silly things the boys have done or said. Honestly it's been alot of sibling stuff and not so fun, but there are still gems out there to be recorded... if I can remember with this "baby brain" going on.

Friday, July 08, 2011

For July 4th, we drove up to Lake Connor (in Lake Stevens) to Grandpa Bill's property/campsite for a visit. The weather was nice. The distinct campfire smell was wonderful and almost relaxing. Grandpa Bill held little Nathan while I indulged in lunch prepared by Grandma Judy. Then the boys went swimming in the pool inside the campground. Grandma Judy took the boys for a spin in the new cart. They had a great time going for the ride. It won't be long before they beg to drive (I hope we can wait on that one!) As I've told other Grandparents, if the boys don't listen while on 2 feet, then they won't listen (hence be safe) when on 4 wheels. The boys played at the little park adjacent to the pool, and then it was off the head home.
Later, we watched the neighborhood fireworks from lawn chairs placed in the front yard. It was quite a sight, large, bright, close. Our next door neighbor (fellow Mops mom etc) came out and chatted for a bit. Then all of a sudden the neighbor two houses over had a firework backfire and slam into my direct neighbor's house. I ran over to stomp out anything that might have ignited, but fortunately it all fizzled out before anything caught fire. It's events like this that make me want to stay home and watch over the house on this day of each year. We also watched the fairgrounds' display, but this was from the boy's bedrooms... Jockey even sat on the dresser for the best view possible. Caleb disappeared from sight before it was over, and turns out he curled up in my bed with Daddy and fell asleep! He might have hit the hay early, but Nathan sure didn't... that crazy was still tossing, grunting, eating and stuff 'till 2:30AM.

Other events this week:
Grandma Bishop and I created a scavenger hunt for the boys in the backyard. They had to find eggs with exercise commands and clues to the final treasure... which was a piece of chocolate, a plain washer for decorating and making a necklace and a dollar for the DollarStore to choose anything they wanted. It was a great activity that they had a blast doing... even if it took an hour to prepare and they had to scooter and play at the park while they waited!

I took the boys to the splash park. It was the first outing I'd taken all three boys on BY MY SELF! It took us an hour longer than I anticipated to even get out of the house, but we did get out and arrive at the intended destination... while it was still sunny enough to enjoy the water portion of the park. We met one of Jockey's friends, which of course made the day "the best" for Jockey. Nathan did ok while I was there, mostly due to the Boppy that I brought for him to lay upon... since he really doesn't like his car seat. So there he lay, upon the Boppy, upon the picnic table in the shade while his brothers ran around the splash park in the sun. And a huge coincidence... we ran into my brother, Uncle Jeff! So Uncle Jeff, Aunt Danene, and Cousin Kyler got their first peek at new Nathan. We talked briefly as they were on their way out, but it was a a perfect coincidence to introduce a new little guy to family.

Nathan has spent the last two nights getting me up every 1.25 to 2 hours for eating and grunting, snorting, choking and other random noises in between feedings. So I'm tired and dragging the last two days. Nathan is getting very spoiled and has decided that he only wants to sleep when he is being held; the moment that I put him down he wakes up or starts in on the fussing (aka grunting/farting/pooping). He is really not a fusser, just a gas mover really, and voraciously hungry always!
Speaking of hungry, Nathan went to the doctor yesterday for a weight check. In the last 8 days he has gained 10 ounces... two more than they said was good/expected/average. So he is above the goals and healthy as can be. Even if he is outputting as quick and I input (or so it seems).
Today he had his second bath in the little sink. And he really liked it. As long as I kept a good grip and let him feel stable, he really liked the floating and the feeling. I love the fluffiness of his hair now that it is fresh and clean.
Saturday, I don't know what the plans are for Grandma, Nathan and myself, but Mike is taking the big boys out on the Livingston boat in the sound in the hopes of getting crab. They will do so again on Sunday, but in Grandpa Dahl's boat that day.

Things are getting a bit easier getting a load of laundry done per day, making the boys help put away their clothes each day, and picking up after themselves (I hadn't realized how MUCH I was acting like their maid). I still can't get out of the house with any predictable time, especially in the mornings... especially if I have to "sleep" late attempting to sleep in between constant feedings. I'm still not up to standing, cooking, and cleaning up from it all (thank you to all my supportive friends that have brought meals, it has truly been a blessing), and all the other household chores... but I'm doing better in getting the kids to help and just laundry. My mom has been a huge help in getting the boys retrained to be household participants not just hotel guests getting hand & foot service; she watches them while I try to catch up on sleep; she holds Nathan while I get other things done since that is his favorite position..being held. Moral support is intangible but priceless, just knowing someone is on your side and wants and works for what ever is best for you even if you are struggling or failing at the moment due to pain, exhaustion or post partum hormones gone crazy. Thanks Mom!

The boys are acting like their usual hyper active selves with humorous things to say all the time... my next challenge and fervent desire is to try to get them out of the house more often and give them opportunities to burn off all the excess energy. I still won't be able to leave the house on time, but if I leave and get them out successfully for an energy burn, it would be worth it! I have plans the get to the Children's museum eventually, bowling for which I have free coupons, and free movie days... Big plans, I just have to match with scrounging around for energy to follow through on.
In the meantime, the boys are enjoying nearly nightly "movie nights" with Grandma and the anticipated campfire tomorrow night and perhaps the crabbing with Dad too.

So that's the update. Nutshell: Good times, Healthy/Hungry Nathan, Tired/discombomulated Mom, Helpful Grandma (although tired too), Hyperactive Boys, Working Dad.
More pictures coming soon.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Bullet points of this last week:

  • As I termed on facebook: "I have faced the Mortality of my Capabilities"... Feeling overwhelmed, not on my feet, a bit hopeless, without a way to get back in the game of life as usual with chores/housework/bills/life details, TIRED, emotional (completely a-typical for me), despondent,... bottom line post-partum... And because of this Grandma Bishop stayed on to help me out because I just needed more help and more time to recover physically so that I can even attempt to take on the normal routine tasks... and I can't do it if I've had just 3-4 (broken up, non-consecutive) hours of sleep each night without naps to recover in the day. Or that extra pair of hands to hold baby while I get something done, or to get something done while I hold/feed/change baby.

  • Thursday was "Belly Button Day". Jockey was very excited to finally see Nathan's brand newly revealed belly button. He was so excited he tried to wake up Daddy and Caleb to share the news!

  • Splash week concluded with certificates from the instructor. Caleb was proud (even if they spelled his name wrong), and Jockey... well his is a bit damp. But they can't wait to use the month long guest pass at the Y for the big slide they have in the pool that was closed all week during splash week!

  • The boys continue to LOVE "movie nights" with Grandma. We've cleaned the library out of their family movies, twice.

  • NATHAN LAUGHED!!!! Not just smile, but a psuedo-giggle/chuckle!!

  • Nathan is even MORE HUNGRY (was that even possible) ... I'm worn out!

  • Nathan had his 2-week check up, he has gain weight! He is now 8 pounds 4 oz! That is nearly a POUND in TEN DAYS! No wonder he's hundry.

  • I've had my two week check up and so far they say the incision is looking "good". Honestly, it feels like a very tight, pulling, itchy, 1/2 numb, painfully tingling, area suffering in a bit of discomfort... but at least THEY think it's good. It's hard to stand for longer than 10-15 minutes, lift baby in car seat, etc.

Most interesting:

Caleb asked sounding a bit forelorn "how long do we get to keep him?" Meaning how long do we get to keep Nathan. Then we asked if we get to keep him until he's not a baby. He actually thought that we were not going to keep Nathan! He'd been a bit standoffish with Nathan, and then suddenly clinging... holding him for solid 45 minute stretches just rubbing the soft baby hair. And all this time he thought that some day he was going to have to give up Nathan... (like in "Meet the Robinsons", an animated movie with a mother giving up her baby for adoption as one of the premises of the film to be built around a kid finding a great home and seeing how his futured turned out). I set Caleb straight the moment he asked that. He seems more resolved and happier now. I still can't believe that he came up with that.... but the nearest I can tell, is that I've not been able to hide post-partum well and perhaps he thought this was what was going to happen if I didn't "get well", a term he uses when he prays for me. Amazing.

Well, that's it for now. I'm currently battling a baby wishing to turn his nights and days around... so back to work!

Jockey ready for his turn in diving in.
Lined up like little ducks at Splash Week, ready to plunge in!

Caleb!!! Doing great!

Mommy isn't the only one tired in our house!

Jockey, still loving to dress up in his "fancy clothes".... and now posing for pictures!

Mom, Nathan and Jockey, learning the features of the camera (Jockey's newest fascination).

Already a smiler

Caleb's "Hug hold"

Jockey likes to feed Nathan

GG Dahl came to visit the newest little guy

GG had to wait a long time to get her turn because both boys wanted their shot at holding Nathan too.