Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Joshy was the early riser, if you call the first time he got out of be 3AM rising. The next time he was out of be was 5:48AM... so he was the first to get his stocking just after 7AM....

Caleb slept all the way through the night, and being not such a morning person like his mommy, he was a still a little sleepy when it was his turn to open the stocking...

Christmas morning is over, and we are all napping or destined for naps. It was a great morning of family, good food, laughs and generosity. We started with a quick pause to remember that the reason of today was the birth of Jesus and his gift to us. Then it was on to the morning activities. Hopefully every one enjoyed their gifts, the kids were definately excited... but overwhelmed. I say no all year so it surprises them that they get so much. Caleb was very excited, of course, about he Optimus Prime Transformer and the DVD movie. He's also getting the hand of the RC car from Papa Bill. Joshy was hard to tear away from his various drawing themed toys to give him the rest. He would have sat down and spent the rest of the morning just drawing if he was allowed. Thank you to all the Grandparents for their thoughtfulness, they truly fit each child's interests.... of course, I'm obligated to make them SHARE, so both boys will enjoy everything I'm sure.
In this picture, Joshy doesn't look like he has the greatest smile, but that is because he is in the middle of the surprised statement, "paper for ME?!!" Yes, we went all out this year and got our son a ream of paper... He's been reamed. What else does drawing-addicted kid need?

Caleb did well, considering most of his gifts had to be surgically removed from the packaging. That became Daddy's job this year.... open, open open.

Caleb and Joshy wish to say something:

Click on the arrow to play the clip.

It was also night to see the boys give gifts this year. They really wanted to give to others and that it what I hope to keep fostering in their futures.

Well, I'd better go and nap myself if I'm going to make the long stretch tonight. The exciting thing is that we even saw a snowflake or two this afternoon, so maybe there is more???!!!??

Again, Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Very quick post here.

I wanted to finally put up the picturesof Joshy's new palm tree.

And we just got back from a trip up to see Great Grandpa Severson, and I wanted to put that picture too. Great Grandpa Severson will be 94 this New Year's Eve!!!! Can you believe that? Caleb heard the four part of the age and asked if Great Papa is going to be 4 just like him.... We laughed and said add 90 years! On the way up to his house, Caleb was telling me that he loved Great-Papa Severson (he scrambles the last name) very much. I thought that that was so sweet, especially since Caleb had only seen him a handful of times. While we were up there, Great Grandpa couldn't believe how big Joshy was, and how active the kids were. And Caleb talked up a storm about our crippled looking Deer on the roof, Tigger and Zuma, and TRANSFORMERS! I nearly turned red when Caleb was telling Great Papa that Bumble Bee (a transformer) pees on the man. It was a good trip and really great weather compared to what we have been having recently.

Well, that's all for now, back to cleaning and getting ready for tomorrow.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, there's good news and bad news. The bad news, we have been rained out for going to the Lights of Christmas. The good news... this rain is suppose to be "Snow Flurries" on CHRISTMAS DAY!!! It just might be a white Christmas after all. But in the meantime, we are fumbling for an alternate plan on what do with our evening plans.

The kids are getting anxious to see their presents. But they are still doing great about staying out of the tree. I'm impressed. I wanted to share a quote. I forget the source, and I'll paraphrase, but I just had to share even if I mutilated it....

The best presents at Christmas is the presence of family.

It's a nice thought.

Well, I knew it was coming someday, but I didn't expect it so soon. Joshy has entered the WHY phase. And so ensues the long explanations of everything. But he actually does understand what we explain to him. He is a smart cookie. And he says "I smart" too.

That's all for now, we have to get back to deciding what plan "B" is for the weekend.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hello Again.

Joshy is turning into such a "big boy". He is now telling people he is not a baby but hasn't quite gotten to the point of telling them he is a big boy. To make the transition, we are turning Joshy's room into a boy's room rather than the nursery. Code phrase: Funds in limitation is the source of creation. (I think I live by this motto). So Jockey now has pictures on his wall. These were scans of pictures out of a library book then printed on photo paper and framed with $-store frames. I've also hand make a window valance for his window, turned out bright, bold and a perfect match of style/fabric print. The most recent addition that we are all very excited is: A palm tree. For a jungle room, and especially for this little boy who knows exactly what a palm tree is after a California trip in October, a Palm Tree is a necessity. So two dowels, burlap and $-store silk greenery later, we have a floor to ceiling palm tree. Jockey is so proud of his "pump tee", and I am too honestly. All we need is a comforter (merry christmas Jockey) and, down the road, a jungle-esque lamp to make the room complete. I'll try to put up a picture or two later.

A couple nights ago, I was saying good night prayers with Joshy. "Thank you Jesus for a good day, yada yada yada, Thank you Jesus for helping us getting our errands done and Joshy behaving so nice. Thank you Jesus **** and then bam, Joshy inserts Grammy! Right there in the prayer; I think Grammy must have made and impact after spending sometime with him is last weekend with Grammy. Also this week, I said "ok guys, let's get ready to go to... (and I paused to do something) and Joshy chimes in "Grammy's!" I laughed and said, no school.

Speaking of school, we are trying to follow through on our bribe for Joshy. (Potty training equals getting to go to school.) Well, now he sits and it ok with that, but he toots and then says he did something. So I say no, try again; then he does his whole thing again. And then he wipes simply because that's what he thinks comes next. So no actual success to report, just humor.

I have finished 7 out of 8 big projects for Christmas. I'm feeling great about that. Now it's just down to wrapping and finishing that last gift. I just have to wait for the boy's bedtime for that. To really get Christmasy feeling, I try to do the bulk of the wrapping all at once while listening to Christmas music and sipping Sparkling Cider, or something special, egg nog maybe. So I'm hoping to spend tonight doing just that because this weekend is looking like a non-stop whirlwind of events.

So if I don't get back to posting here before Christmas, sorry, but all the same have a GREAT HOLIDAY (or two).

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Well, Christmas is getting close, and things are getting really really busy.

This is Caleb's last week of school until January 8th when he picks it back up again. I think that I'm going to try to get the kids from the preschool down to Pump It Up for a energy burn off in the break sometime. And I'm going to look into the Children's Museum free day???? for them too. The kids will go stir crazy without sometime to keep them busy.

As a family we haven't done anything monumental. We have turned it into a family pass-time to watch Caleb "do his cool moves" (aka dancing). He actually dances different to every type of music with little to no hesitation. He's funny to watch, but now Joshy is also getting into the hang of it.

Joshy is getting ever so much more talkative. Where Caleb at this stage said "me honkey", Joshy actually said "I hunger." Latter being a complete sentence the former being hilarious.

Joshy is addicted to drawing. But, drum roll please, Caleb actually wrote his name this last week!!!! He is getting really good with his letters. And we are working on his numbers too, and even MATH! I can't believe it. But I want him well prepared for Kindergarten, so I better drill and drill and drill him. Mike is helping, which is great, because I quickly bore of 2+1....

Again the presents around the tree are shockingly being left alone. And even more shocking, Caleb is being able to "keep surprises". Mike is right that we need to try to distinguish between "secrets" and "surprises". Caleb is doing great with that, but he often wants to keep secrets with Joshy, but not being practiced in covert behavior, I overheard him talking loudly in their forts about their secrets and most of them involve, I'm sorry to say, defecate. Mostly beign, I guess.

Well, it's off to getting Caleb to school, groceries, post office... the list goes on, and I work too. So TTFN.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Caleb's Christmas Program

We made it through our first Christmas program both as participants (that's Caleb) and parents. Joshy would have liked to participate or play with the toys in the lobby. As it was he settled for writing on blank paper. Caleb seemed extremely shy. He know the songs and poems so I'm sure it was just the spotlight that made him withdraw. He's like someone else I know in that regard.

The the program was nice, short and simple. The time afterwards was rewarding as well. We got to chat with the other parents and grandparents. It was nice to see Caleb even making friends on his own and strengthening the budding relationships he's got. Overall it was a nice time and we were happy to be a part of it and have Grammy and Papa Dahl with us too.

So I'm going to try something new this time. Since so many people weren't able to attend either because of distance or illness... I'm going to try to put a couple video clips here. It's my first attempt and I hope it goes well. (My computer doesn't even have the speakers plugged in so I can't listen myself, so I hope I choose the right one.)

Let me know if it doesn't appear for you.


Well, it's snowing again! And of course it's Caleb's Christmas program today, so it should be interesting. As of 9:45 am, I spoke with them on the phone and the program is still on... and I left my phone number so that they can call this time. So I'm crossing my fingers that it will all work out.

In the meantime the kids are playing inside with an extra happy fervor knowing that they weather outside is a special kind of fun once it blankets the backyard.

Until the Christmas program, we are going to keep busy, no doubt about that. So I'd better be off to do as much as I can from my to do list.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

We got our Christmas tree today. We went right up Hwy 2 into the National Forest and chopped down a $10 tree. It was a beautiful day. We couldn't ask for a more sunny, clear and fresh day with the best road conditions a person could want. We filled the day with some snow hiking and laughs. We had prayed for a safe and pleasant day and got just that! We even made it home before dark, which is a big difference over every other year. The day ended perfectly with tree's decorating completed just in time to light it up just before the boys' bedtime.

Here are the highlights:

We've got Caleb's Christmas Program tomorrow. Second time has got to be a winner and memory maker! Talk to you later.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

On December1st we had a bit of snow to welcome the Christmas/Winter season. It was a nice surprise that the kids loved to play in. And it lasted just long enough not to make Caleb miss school. It did post-pone the Christmas program until 12/9 at 2:45. We got all dressed up and to the school to be told by a maintainence person that it was cancelled and we should have been called, which we weren't.... but life goes on. It turned into a quiet social hour at our house with the grandparents Dahl and Severson and special Cousin Tessa adding to the festivities. And I tried to help Caleb with what he could remember of the program.

And on Monday, despite wide spread flooding and road closures, we bravely set forth to celebrate Papa Dahl's 60th birthday.

Things are picking up for Christmas, getting busy etc. The 23rd, Sunday, we are going to the Warm Beach Lights of Christmas at 5:00pm and I'm hoping to see both family but also my long term friends Carolina and Amy and their families (both with children the same age as Caleb/Josh).

This weekend we are going out to cut our Christmas tree in the National Forest (with a permit, so we are not eco-theives). I'm hoping that we can still navigate the mountian logging roads enough to get to the trees, considering the recent snow fall.

So here are some pictures of the recent events: