Tuesday, December 04, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

On December1st we had a bit of snow to welcome the Christmas/Winter season. It was a nice surprise that the kids loved to play in. And it lasted just long enough not to make Caleb miss school. It did post-pone the Christmas program until 12/9 at 2:45. We got all dressed up and to the school to be told by a maintainence person that it was cancelled and we should have been called, which we weren't.... but life goes on. It turned into a quiet social hour at our house with the grandparents Dahl and Severson and special Cousin Tessa adding to the festivities. And I tried to help Caleb with what he could remember of the program.

And on Monday, despite wide spread flooding and road closures, we bravely set forth to celebrate Papa Dahl's 60th birthday.

Things are picking up for Christmas, getting busy etc. The 23rd, Sunday, we are going to the Warm Beach Lights of Christmas at 5:00pm and I'm hoping to see both family but also my long term friends Carolina and Amy and their families (both with children the same age as Caleb/Josh).

This weekend we are going out to cut our Christmas tree in the National Forest (with a permit, so we are not eco-theives). I'm hoping that we can still navigate the mountian logging roads enough to get to the trees, considering the recent snow fall.

So here are some pictures of the recent events:

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