Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hello Again.

Joshy is turning into such a "big boy". He is now telling people he is not a baby but hasn't quite gotten to the point of telling them he is a big boy. To make the transition, we are turning Joshy's room into a boy's room rather than the nursery. Code phrase: Funds in limitation is the source of creation. (I think I live by this motto). So Jockey now has pictures on his wall. These were scans of pictures out of a library book then printed on photo paper and framed with $-store frames. I've also hand make a window valance for his window, turned out bright, bold and a perfect match of style/fabric print. The most recent addition that we are all very excited is: A palm tree. For a jungle room, and especially for this little boy who knows exactly what a palm tree is after a California trip in October, a Palm Tree is a necessity. So two dowels, burlap and $-store silk greenery later, we have a floor to ceiling palm tree. Jockey is so proud of his "pump tee", and I am too honestly. All we need is a comforter (merry christmas Jockey) and, down the road, a jungle-esque lamp to make the room complete. I'll try to put up a picture or two later.

A couple nights ago, I was saying good night prayers with Joshy. "Thank you Jesus for a good day, yada yada yada, Thank you Jesus for helping us getting our errands done and Joshy behaving so nice. Thank you Jesus **** and then bam, Joshy inserts Grammy! Right there in the prayer; I think Grammy must have made and impact after spending sometime with him is last weekend with Grammy. Also this week, I said "ok guys, let's get ready to go to... (and I paused to do something) and Joshy chimes in "Grammy's!" I laughed and said, no school.

Speaking of school, we are trying to follow through on our bribe for Joshy. (Potty training equals getting to go to school.) Well, now he sits and it ok with that, but he toots and then says he did something. So I say no, try again; then he does his whole thing again. And then he wipes simply because that's what he thinks comes next. So no actual success to report, just humor.

I have finished 7 out of 8 big projects for Christmas. I'm feeling great about that. Now it's just down to wrapping and finishing that last gift. I just have to wait for the boy's bedtime for that. To really get Christmasy feeling, I try to do the bulk of the wrapping all at once while listening to Christmas music and sipping Sparkling Cider, or something special, egg nog maybe. So I'm hoping to spend tonight doing just that because this weekend is looking like a non-stop whirlwind of events.

So if I don't get back to posting here before Christmas, sorry, but all the same have a GREAT HOLIDAY (or two).

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