Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today, the car said it was 113, but the bank said 108. Either way it is HOT HOT HOT. The INSIDE of our home is 94, except our two refuges of TV and master bedrooms. We are holed up in there doing various projects and TV watching. A little mundane but way cooler.

We saw a free movie today and met up with some buddies. Then went to a playland McDonalds and stayed cool for another 2 hours. Then it's been home and hot ever since.

Tomorrow I work, and then we'll see what can be done to stay cool. I'm ready to break down and actually PAY to see a movie or Pay to go to pump it up or something inside! We'll see.

Until then, I'm getting out of the hot office.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How hot is it???

We have to be done walking by 10, done playing on the playground by 10:30, upon JOCKEY's request to go home. The boys have spent the last 3 nights sleeping in the TV room because that is the other air conditioned room in our house. I ACTUALLY got into the club pool and laster about 2 hours rather than 20 minutes. And now for the second day in a row, the spoiled rabbit comes inside during the day and stays in a crate in our air conditioned bedroom!
I saw 100 degrees today, and it's listed as 48% humidity. I never thought I'd have to visit California in July to get cooled off!

We went to the pool today and were there a very long time, and then into the AC at Grammy's motorcoah and then to dinner. At 10PM, my car still says it's 86 outside! It's sticky.

So despite being tired now, tomorrow I will be taking the boys to the movie, and then perhaps the pool again. I don't think I can even sit in the shade and watch them play at this temperature/humidity. I'd like to but I have to know my limitations.

Well, that's it for now. The office is hot and I must now retreat to the AC'd bedroom.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

VBS ended with a nice picnic. The boys were entertained, Joshy more than Caleb. Caleb was very vocal on not enjoying the singing. Josh stood slumped over during the final performance, but at least he didn't sit down and face backwards the way Caleb did...
We've visted the parks several times, gone for walks.
Today we went to church and we are working on steam cleaning the carpets (I know, we nearly couldn't have chosen a hotter day to do this.) The carpets are really starting to look better. Mike's put in the majority of the work, although I've done a large amount too. I've also taken the time to wash down all the walls while the furniture is pulled away, and then cleaned the bathroom. The boys are loving visiting with Uncle Brian who stopped by, and watching Muppets in Space in the air conditioned TV room.
What's on the plate for this coming week.... we are going to try to find many ways to beat the heat. The first is going to a free movie on Wednesday in Everett. Ok, it's at 10AM before it REALLY gets hot, but it's something. And I think we will have to discover the splash parks in the area.
I work on Thursday.
Next weekend, we are trying to plan a camping trip towards the crab. I mean ocean water where putting out some crab traps is possible with good results. Cool crab around a campfire... only peel and eat shrimp/prawns beats it.
So that's the plan.
The following week: the boys are enrolled in swim lessons and will be with Peter and Lynda for 4 days. I'll be using the time to clean and work on projects to be entered into the Evergreen State Fair.
So that's the dahl nutshell.

Monday, July 20, 2009

So what happened in our weekend????

The Children's musuem was great...but as for the rest lets see.

Saturday the boys stayed home and played with Mike while I took Auntie Brittany out for her birthday. When I got back we shot out to Snohomish and saw the street fair, ate food, and watched the parade. We were home around 8:30 or so. They had a great time and we saw different things than the Anacortes fair.

Sunday, the highlight was that we drove up to Flowing Lake for a little water splashing, playground, and picnic time. Grammy and Papa Dahl drove up and joined the boys in the water. The boys had a great time, but Caleb kept thinking that any number of water animals were just waiting to snatch him under the water. He kept a keen eye out for sharks, sea turtles and fish...I don't think he understands the difference between saltwater and lake water. I don't know where he got concerned about fish nibbling his toes but he is. Fortunately, we dug out the legendary boogie boards (the ones I used in Hawaii when I was in 8th grade). They were quickly skimming the surface and trying to surf as they were towed around. It wasn't too hot out and it wasn't too cold in the water. The mosquitoes didn't bother us either. The food was good, the lake sounded cheerful and peaceful. The boys had a good time. Can't think of a better way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon/evening. The boys were worn out by the time we got home at the young hour of 7:30... we carried them into bed and that was that. Making for a calm night too!

Now, we are moments away from going to VBS. This is the first day of the next 5 days. I had forgotten that they were taking Josh too, so now I have some days with a bit of "free" time. Of course, then I look at my schedule and find I work two out of five days... so not so much "free" time after all. Well, regardless. The boys should have a lot of fun and hopefully learn a little, and maybe they will even meet up with a few familiar faces. I have hope at least, Caleb's already sad that they aren't going to have recess with soccer. But he's promised to have a good attitude. I'm crossing my fingers.

Ok, that's the update. Here we goooooo!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The puppet show Wednesday night was great. Really thought provoking, although Caleb was more interested in this buddies than the show.

Thursday, I worked and then we hung out at the house until we skipped accross the street and played baseball at the park with the neighbors. (The neighbors from behind us that Caleb has been talking to, the same ones we went to the puppet show with.)

Today, Friday, we went to MOPS in the Park for an hour and a half. It was nice to see the ladies. The boys burned off a lot of energy... but not all of it. By 4 pm we needed to get them tired again. We ended up in Everett at Forest park for a while, and then at the Everett Imagine Children's museum for their FREE admission night. What a nice way to spend a quality family Friday night. And inexpensive. What's more, one of Caleb's classmates ended up being there and instantly they were off playing and doing boy horsing around. An impromptu playdate, perfect!

We are going to tuck them into bed and then relax ourselves.
Tomorrow, I'm taking Auntie Brittany birthday bingo playing. Then in the afternoon the boys will be treated to the adventure of Snohomish's Kla-hy-ya days. Street Fair, "Taste of Snohomish" food, chalk art, chili cook off, salmon BBQ, carnival rides, and a parade at 6pm. Sounds fun.
Hope you're weekend is just as exciting. TTFN.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just a little update.

We went to the park yesterday for about 2 hours. It was a little chilly, but it was way better than trying to keep the kids occupied in the house. We met a family that we knew from last week, and then one of my MOPS acquaintances (her son was in Caleb's Kindergarten class) stopped by. So we had and unplanned playdate.

Then today, Mike came home sick. But he took Caleb out to eat for lunch.
Jockey and I chilled at the house until they returned.
I went to work today.

Caleb has been literally hanging over the fence making friends with the boys that live behind us. Today he was invited over, in fact Josh was too. So they went over there for about an hour. This is the first time I've had a playdate that I didn't attend myself and watch them. Any others I have been at, stayed at, etc; and it's rare that anyone but Grammy (school or Auntie Brittany, briefly) watches the kids, no babysitters here. So it was a shock to feel like a new phase has begun for the boys and myself. They are getting big enough to have social lives outside of me. At least Caleb is, Jockey is still a tag-a-long. He doesn't really see a difference between himself and Caleb's age group. It's a strange feeling. There is a huge trust issue that goes along with this. Can I trust other people to act safe/appropriate with my kids? Are my kids going to behave? It's a whole letting go thing.
I did receive a good report and told they would be welcome back anytime. We were also invited to a church puppet show performance tomorrow evening. I'm planning on going since the cousins of our neighbors will be there (the ones Caleb is REALLY interested in). These cousins (at least one of them) is in Caleb's Awana. So he knows them. But the intriguing thing is that Blake has been hounding his mom to get together with Caleb too. So I'm happy to hear that other's are wishing to seek Caleb out too. I have hopes that this will lead to some good friendships. (shared faith, similar ages, similar physicial capabilities, etc.)

Tomorrow, we will swim in the morning and see cousin Tessa. A nice but all too infrequent occurrence. I won't be telling them until the morning though because I don't want to be badgered about it for the next two hours. The morning will be enough.

Thursday, I work. I don't have significant plans for the boys.
Friday, MOPS in the park in the morning, IF we are still in town. Still toying with the idea of going somewhere.

However, right now the house needs alot of attention and work. I had the boys seriously excited and enthusiastically helping clean the bathroom yesterday. I hadn't ever seen this kind of cleaning energy from them, but I suppose the 1/4 box of Q-tips I let them use to clean the crannies was a unique experience. (We are working on the deep clean areas that often get neglected in the quick punt to get the general space clean...ex: the molding ledge, perfect q-tip width.) Spraying the cleaner was also a thrill. I'm hoping to train them now that they have to be a part of the cleaning since they are part of the household inhabitants. And if I have to go through an entire box of q-tips (only $1 at $-store) to get some help... so be it!!!! And I bribed them with gum, I admit it.

So that's the week in an upshot.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hitting the ground running....

We got back from California, and within 12 hours of walking in our front door, we were pulling away from the house again and heading to Anacortes for the July 4th weekend.
(and of those 12 hours, we slept some, and I went to work, and loaded the trailer.)

The weekend was nice. Couldn't have had better weather. The new Off Bug repellant clip on thing seemed to do the job. We had nice campfires and delicious shrimp. The boys are slowly learning the peeling shrimp technique. Caleb's better at it, but he's had more years to learn than Jockey. We went on walks and hikes looking for deadfall firewood. We visited their parks. We met Papa and Grammy Dahl, we went to the Farmer's Market and the Parade. We watched the city's firework display from the cozy comfort of the motorcoach which had a perfect view being parked at the marina. On Sunday, we even got to visit with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Judy who drove up with their dogs.

It was a sort of quiet week trying to get the house back in order after having been gone so long. (still not their yet). We visited the park (and got stood up for a playdate) and met a new kid for Caleb to play with and perhaps befriend. Turns out Gage had Mrs. Adams for Kindergarten last year, and this coming year Gage's sister will be in Caleb's class. So it's possible that Caleb already has a "friend" (yeah, a girl, but still.... did I mention he's begun his only boys phase) for the first day of school.
I worked Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, Caleb left with Grammy and Papa Dahl and headed with GG to the Oregon Coast for the weekend. I hear all good things about the trip, though he's not back yet. Jockey and I have used the time to paint, play with play dough, finger paint, and a special treat of a movie on a TV in his room. (no fighting over the movie selection was a big treat.)

So here comes another week and we have high hopes for decent weather and good times.
Have a great week yourselves.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

We're back safe!

It's late and I STILL have things to do before I can go to bed so I'll leave the update at that.

Home Safe. And we are heading to Anacortes for a camping weekend. More later!