Monday, March 29, 2010

These are a couple current pictures of the little bunnies:

Darko, Male
Rosie Jr, Male

All of these lucky little bunnies are being slathered with love and being held by the boys daily. We have gotten their litter box into the TV room and allow them to sniff and try it out. They enjoy the chance to stretch their legs and get a good "happy" hop run. They are eating rabbit food, hay and even dandilion greens galore. I think we will wean them mid to end of next week and try to get them ready for their new homes. (And the the boys ready to say good bye.)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

This last week, we had a visitors out to see the little honey buns (bunnies).Auntie Kristina, Uncle Ryan (not pictured) and Cousin Tessa
Auntie Kristina, all three bunnies actually crawled up into her lap.

Cousin Tessa pet little Shooter Jr into a sleep on his back.

The bunnies crawled into Jockey's lap here for a little snuggle. He's learned if you sit still they come to you.
Grammy Dahl and the biggest of the small ones Tawny.

GG Dahl with the smallest of the small ones Pee Wee.
So that was this week in a visual nutshell.
Children's Museum pics at another time.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The book sale went well. The kids were astonishingly well behaved. They sat in a corner reading the kids books and selecting ones they wanted. 96% quiet, calm, no bickkering. And I purchased 16 books for 10.50 that have a regular retail value of $185 plus tax!

Auntie Kristina, Uncle Ryan and Cousin Tessa are on their way over as I type to visit the baby rabbits and us; in that order, if we are being completely honest. :) We plan to eat tacos here and call it good. The weather is awesome for an outside/inside visit. And this was perfect motivation to get the house clean.

That's the update.

Friday, March 19, 2010

1 hour at the park this afternoon. For the Boys.
2.5 hours at the Children's museum on Free admission night. For the boys.

= 1 hour at the Friends of the Library book sale tomorrow for Mom. Not exactly an equal exchange rate, but one that for today/tomorrow I'll live with.

The boys said thank you as we drove off 8 minutes before 9pm from the Children's Museum. Of their own accord! I told them their are welcome, I hoped they had a good time. Then I explained that they had all this time tonight and earlier, so tomorrow mommy would like to do something and they will have to go with me just like I went with them and did what they wanted. I think they get it in thought... we'll see how patient they are with the actual action in the moment. I don't plan on spending huge amounts of time there, but I'd like a good chance to look. I've looked forward to this for nearly 6 months. Cheap prices, all the money supports Library... yeah! Finally, a cause I can get on board with.

The boys loved the museum. The rooftop was open and we went there first. From there it was a scatter of activities. We even made it downstairs to the construction areas. Jockey liked the art studio. Brittany and Emily went, a school mate/Awanas of Jockey's was there, and another MOPS mom also met up with us. Not exactly a chance to chat for the moms, but a huge benefit for the kiddos. Can't wait for next month. But oh boy and I glad that the boys are the ages that they are. Just a bit of independence so that I can ping pong between their areas, rather than attaching them to each other at the hip and have an arguement over what activity they are doing and crying over what they aren't getting to do.

In Rabbit news: I might have found 2 more homes. They are discussing it with the spouses and looking into care/hutches. But at least the two more prospects. And the one taken for sure... I'm feeling hopeful that we will find homes! The bunnies are just getting bigger and more of their under coats are coming in (until it is all in they are soft but shaggy). They are exploring the fresh air and back patio when we let them out. But really, they just want to climb up and be held. A couple of them are showing improved "coming when called" skills! Wonderful! And we are continuing to hold them multiple times daily to prepare them for homes with children. About a week away from getting the genders determined. (And for getting our new carpet in! Thanks Dad for the carpet, and Peter, in advance, for the help with install!)

So that's it for now. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

THURSDAY... And healthy.

Awana tonight. School and a Craft MOPS tomorrow. Perhaps the Children's Museum tomorrow night. We'll see if I'm feeling up to taking them by myself....

Baby rabbits, cute, hopping, cuddling, within another week we will know genders and start minimal solid food.

All's well in this pin prick size part of the world.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 15 of baby rabbits.

They ALL have their eyes open, even PeeWee's last crusted eye. They are getting their undercoats and are getting even more soft if that was possible. They are getting a bounce in their step/crawl. They groom each other in and adorable way, and they stand on their back legs and do the proverbial rabbit face washing motion. They are getting distinct personalities, some of which is the instinctual rabbit, and others is unique to themselves. Darko and Pee wee have always been BIG cuddlers and are staying true. Rosie Jr is Jockey's "Adventure Rabbit" but is consistently returning to Jockey and literally climbing into his lap. We took them out onto the grass for the first time to see what they would do. After the initial discovery of this new texture on their feet, they starting exploring. A couple were even quite quick in their hop/scurry. They are too small for the wire Dog crate-cum-exercise pen, so we can't have them all out at once. They are so small in comparison to the backyard it is hard to explain. And I'm sure there are alot more spaces for them to escape where their parents could dream of squeezing through. So we are keeping a close eye on them as they learn about the world around them. I wish I could post video of them because that would truly describe it more than I could. (I've tried, and it's just been unsuccessful.*****EDITED TO ADD: VIDEO NOW VIEWABLE ON FACEBOOK.***) But until I can figure it out, regular pictures will have to suffice.

Mid hop, Rosie Jr.
Lone-Star just checking things out.
Rosie next to Jockey's boot.

Pee Wee next to jockey's boot.

Shooter Jr standing on his back legs.

Shooter Jr and Rosie Jr.

Shooter Jr and Mama Rosie.

So that was Rabbits in the late afternoon. Earlier this day we hiked on the Wallace Falls trail. Not all the way to the top, but at least out in nature and fresh air. Sorry, I forgot the camera on that trip.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 14 of baby Rabbits.

Pee Wee is the only one that had a sealed eye, but we wetted the lid to loosed the crusty and shortly there after the eye peeked open. So officially the bunnies eyes are all open. They are mobile and crawling around. A couple are starting to get a bounce in their back end during their crawl, the beginning stages of a hop. They are curious and wander around. Jockey calls Rosie Jr. his adventure rabbit. He says he likes adventure rabbits. Pee Wee is a climb up and cuddle little guy. Darko is also a good cuddler. Many of them will come when I "call" them, if their curiousity doesn't get the better of them... or a small boy interrupt their path. Tawny liked curling up on Mike's chest in the sun after a little romp around the room. Speckles and Shooter Jr liked just being held because we visited them during nap time. The nesting box is just a bed now, because they can get in and out to explore at will. They kind of scatter when you approach the cage, but they'll eventually know visitors are good and frequent. They are getting there undercoats and are less cold outside, another reason why they aren't just laying in the nesting box in front of the lamp. Rosie Mama is very curious as to what they are doing. Although, sometimes it looks like she is looking at the little rascals with a bit of an overwhelmed look in her eye. There is a lot of movement in that area of the hutch. Rosie Mama is coming up to us each time we open the cage now, but that's because she's been conditioned to expect treats
at each visit. The bunnies are now grooming each other and taking care of each other like a little pack. They lick and pig pile for warmth. It was neat to see the instinctual nurturing and caring for one another. When they sleep, they still seek out each other, an arm or the side of something to nestle against for warmth and protection.
Here are pictures from day 14.
Pee Wee in the front, Rosie jr in back
Speckles and Rosie.

Rosie jr Grooming, licking Darko.

Pee Wee on left, Darko on right. Pee Wee has caught up quite a bit, but is still the smallest.

PeeWee's good side, the other side is the closed eye.

Boys and Bunnies.
Mike and Tawny

Mike and Darko. Darko kissing.
Jockey and Speckles.
Day 13.
The bunnies eyes are open (MOSTLY) at least a squint. A couple still need to open, but the majority. They are a bit more mobile. They can jump/scatter out of the nesting box, but always return to the heat of the box and lamp. At first we were worried that they couldn't get back in, but that proved unfounded. They were able to be down on the floor for a while. They have the oddest clumsy gait. It's a crawl of sorts with their little legs that sprawl out like a little frog mid leap. It's cute to watch them begin to explore their new world. They stretch out their necks to check the world before they actually get there with their bodies. The really neat thing is that about half of them will come when you call with a certain noise. Good training, when they can have solid foods we'll reinforce the coming on command.
We also had the visitors/prospective owners come and see the babies. I think the little boy has chosen "Speckles", but until the last minute he can change his mind. It was neat that Speckles was one of the few that had the eyes totally open and wide awake. It was also nice that the bunnies get to explore but then are ready for a curl up and rest without moving in about 15 minutes. Perfect for a visit. And the family has four kids, so each got to hold one without fighting. A good day.
Pee Wee climbed up for a cuddle
Shooter Jr. Crawling
Pee Wee out on the town looking around.

Tawny in a crawl, see the crazy frog legs.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 12 of rabbits.
About half of the bunnies have at least peeked out. There lids have separated and we can see the little dark eyes, but the lids are fully open. So they look a little hung over and it's early in the morning. Not wide open, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Still cute. They are stronger in their movements, and quite good at crawling. No hopping yet. Ears still lay flat and closed. I think their undercoat is starting to form because their fur is starting to thicken up and show cowlicks and can be brushed back and forth. (before they were just baby fine with one direction, hair so fine it could lift up.) Of all the rabbits, the Rex fur is the most dense, soft and easy to take care of too! I love the breed choice we've made.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 11 of baby rabbits (and everything else.)

Everything else: Jockey's better, totally recovered. His school attended a puppet show today in Lake Stevens/Snohomish. Afterward we ate at BK with friends and then popped in on Grandpa Bill and Grandma Judy for a quick visit while they were still in residence in Lake Stevens (new house in Stanwood as of tomorrow). Caleb went to school, still healthy as could be desired. Mike still under the weather but picked Caleb up from school and drilled Caleb on his spelling. Caleb will be continuing on with the Literacy Lab Class until 4/30. It has helped him and we hope for more very needed improvement. He's excited about it, and it works out well for Jockey to get a couple minutes to play at his school before I do have to rush off for Caleb's pick up. (I'm beginning to wonder if we need to get him tested for dyslexia. We have concerns, but I'm just too tired to type out all the concerns now.)

Baby Rabbits.... Well, ONE has it's eyes open 75%. The rest, well, you can see the deep crease where the two lids are separated/separating, but they aren't open yet. Maybe tomorrow. Still crossing the fingers. By Friday, I expect the eyes to be open, which will be good for the little boy visiting the bunnies. The bunnies still are really sleepy, so even it the eyes could open, they would most likely be closed for sleeping anyway. The boys love to hold them. They get to pick each time, and fortunately they switch all the time and all of the bunnies get their fair share of holding. (Surprisingly, it's mommy and daddy that have their favorites.) The bunnies are staying warm, as is the rabbit parents. Shooter is actually charging from across the yard to visit us and almost trips us up to stop us and get his attention and fair petting time. Funny.

So a few scant pictures:

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Day Ten of Baby Rabbits.

Well, the eyes are not open yet. I was really hoping to see the peepers today, but also no. Perhaps tomorrow. They are getting thicker fur, their ears are more responsive although not up and open. Their toenails are even growing. (a couple scratches in the herd, but those heal). It's been so cold the last two nights that Rosie-mama has carved out a place next the the babies to sleep because the heat lamp is so near. They are cuddly, and I told the boys that they should enjoy the time now that the babies don't move around so much because soon they'll want to hop around and not be held as much.

It's cold, however, it is just a blessing that it is not raining and we can go in and out without too much wet/mud to visit them. The boys waited patiently until I got home from Bible study and errands to hold them. To rotate through all of the bunnies it takes a good 45 minutes at least. And I think it is important that we give each their fair time. (There was a study of hamsters, one group just fed, the other fed and held... the second group thrived while the first lost weight etc. So we want thriving bunnies here.) Tawny is definately the biggest, and has the pinkest ears. A couple of the others (Lone star and Speckles) will have a pink ear with dark edges around it like dad; Rosie Jr, still up in the air. Pee Wee and Darko, I expect darker ears. Why does this matter. Officially today, I got word that a family would like one for their son and his desire was a white bunny with pink ears. While these are solid white, they have white, pink ears and their fur is the softest out there. So 1 home found, a few homes to go.

The boys are beginning to be ok with that idea. But they still would like to keep one or some (preferrably the solids -darko, rosie jr, pee wee.) But we don't even know the genders right now and that makes a huge difference. 2 females can live in a hutch without problems, but 2 males in a hutch will fight, and we KNOW what opposite genders will do in a hutch. So I've made no promises what so ever, and so far the boys are accepting of that. This has been a great learning experience for the boys. They get to learn the how-to, what-fors, gentleness in handling, responsiblity of care and finding homes etc. It's just been a good bump in their childhood. One I hope they treasure the memories of until they are parents.

Pictures of today:

Baby Tawny

Lone Star

Monday, March 08, 2010

Just a quick update. Day 9 of Bunnies.

We brought a couple in for a quick visit today. I thought I saw one of them actually blink/sqeeze it's eyes shut or something similar. But the eyes were still closed/sealed this morning at the time of our visit. They are a delight to sit with and just pet. The boys will get better and better with the gentleness of their bunny handling (and prepare the bunnies for the possible future homes too.) We are going to watch them and make sure they stay warm in the forcasted cool streak that is suppose to be coming. Now would not be a good time to freeze. So we'll watch them, keep the heat lamp on etc.


Jockey is holding Rosie Jr and Tawny (the white/tanish one, Also THE BIGGEST in the litter!)
Rosie Jr.

It will be interested when our temporary names no longer fit the gender of the bunny. We'll have a boy Rosie Jr or a girl Shooter Jr I'm sure. We'll just have to laugh and make up new names.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Day eight of Baby Rabbits.... And Jockey is feeling better. He is well enough to go to the zoo apparently. Because that is the plan. We'll see if he is actually recovered enough or if we are just wearing him down enough to get sick again and have to miss school tomorrow. But Mike and Caleb are pumped to go to the zoo again. Here the zoo pics.

The baby rabbits are about the same although they are all sporting HUGE pot bellies. Like a little pygmy goat where the tummy is wider than their shoulders and hips by more than twice. So they are well fed. Speaking of feeding. We were treated to the rare sight of seeing Rosie nurse. Most mother rabbits wait until night time when it is quiet, calm and without fear of predators getting them. Caleb and I saw her last night while we were standing right there with the hutch door open, and I saw her again today. She stands right over them in a hover more or less and lets them attach from below. She will nuzzle/push them down under her with her chin if they get too far forward to find the good stuff. She is patient and now very interested in what we are doing with the babies. The babies are adorable, warm, fuzzy, wobbly. The biggest ones ears started to perk up on it's own, although they are still sealed. Like a human infant anything near their mouths triggers them to think food is coming. We took a moment to bring a few in at a time this evening and cuddled them on the couch. It was a great time and we could actually get to know them and start hypothesizing about personalities/health.

Here are pictures:

Rosie nursing.
Pee Wee is on the left, Darko is on the right. PeeWee is the runt, but TOTALLY Healthy.
This one was the lone bunny without a name= Lone Star
Caleb with DarkoMom with Rosie Jr.
Daddy with Darko.

So a few more days and we will have eyes and soon after that ears open! Can't wait!