Friday, March 19, 2010

1 hour at the park this afternoon. For the Boys.
2.5 hours at the Children's museum on Free admission night. For the boys.

= 1 hour at the Friends of the Library book sale tomorrow for Mom. Not exactly an equal exchange rate, but one that for today/tomorrow I'll live with.

The boys said thank you as we drove off 8 minutes before 9pm from the Children's Museum. Of their own accord! I told them their are welcome, I hoped they had a good time. Then I explained that they had all this time tonight and earlier, so tomorrow mommy would like to do something and they will have to go with me just like I went with them and did what they wanted. I think they get it in thought... we'll see how patient they are with the actual action in the moment. I don't plan on spending huge amounts of time there, but I'd like a good chance to look. I've looked forward to this for nearly 6 months. Cheap prices, all the money supports Library... yeah! Finally, a cause I can get on board with.

The boys loved the museum. The rooftop was open and we went there first. From there it was a scatter of activities. We even made it downstairs to the construction areas. Jockey liked the art studio. Brittany and Emily went, a school mate/Awanas of Jockey's was there, and another MOPS mom also met up with us. Not exactly a chance to chat for the moms, but a huge benefit for the kiddos. Can't wait for next month. But oh boy and I glad that the boys are the ages that they are. Just a bit of independence so that I can ping pong between their areas, rather than attaching them to each other at the hip and have an arguement over what activity they are doing and crying over what they aren't getting to do.

In Rabbit news: I might have found 2 more homes. They are discussing it with the spouses and looking into care/hutches. But at least the two more prospects. And the one taken for sure... I'm feeling hopeful that we will find homes! The bunnies are just getting bigger and more of their under coats are coming in (until it is all in they are soft but shaggy). They are exploring the fresh air and back patio when we let them out. But really, they just want to climb up and be held. A couple of them are showing improved "coming when called" skills! Wonderful! And we are continuing to hold them multiple times daily to prepare them for homes with children. About a week away from getting the genders determined. (And for getting our new carpet in! Thanks Dad for the carpet, and Peter, in advance, for the help with install!)

So that's it for now. Have a great weekend.

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