Friday, September 30, 2005

Caleb's cast has come off!!!

Yesterday was the big day. Mike said he was a trooper when they took the cast off. He didn't want to wear the earphones though.
He's got some dry skin and a couple good bruises on the arm but other than that it looks ok. He has exercises to do to restore mobility and muscle use, and he is still limited in his activities. He can't do anything "risky", basically we have to treat his arm although it is still in the cast, but now he can move his arm. I guess gymnastics class and climbing at the park will have to wait a little longer.
Caleb is adjusting well to his cast coming off. He still does most of things with his left hand, but he is already starting to do more with his right. I am offering him activities that will encourage the right hand, or at least both hands, to be used. Over all he is doing great.

Due to his limited activities that are allowed him, and my own recovery, Caleb has been allowed to watch TV more frequently. Not something I'm proud of, but have seen sometimes as a necessary activity to keep him still. As a result, he is in love with "Buzz" from Toy Story. He says Buzz in the cutest way, with a little lisp for the zz's. Grandpa Bishop bought a Happy Meal for him, and of all things, it came with a little Buzz figurine.

He loves that thing! He takes it to bed, he make Buzz do all sorts of things, and of course, because this is the other phase Caleb's in... Buzz goes into his pocket. This morning he learned that if Buzz was in his shirt pocket, and if he spun around, Buzz "flies" out. So guess what he did over and over this morning...

The other thing Caleb has now become enraptured by: Winne the Pooh, or rather "Pooh's Heffalump movie". He woke me up one morning saying "pooh, pooh". As the mommy, I asked and nearly jumped out of bed saying "ok, let's go to the potty, you want to use the potty?" And he said no, "Tee (his word for tv), Pooh". What would make an author name a bear after something in the potty, unless their child was potty training at the time... But I learned quickly what Caleb meant, I should have know it wouldn't be to use the potty, because that would be want I wanted for him. sigh

The other cute thing Caleb did yesterday: He said "papa, papa" and I asked him if he was talking about Papa Dahl or Papa Bishop. And he garbled out "Bissop". And I told him that Papa Bishop went to California to see Grandma Bishop. And he said "me, me". I think I see a visit coming, as soon as I figure out how to travel with two on the airplane.

Joshua is doing well. Still a little Chubby Buddy. Gaining weight etc. He is staying awake more during the day, and I had another night of 5 hours between his 10 next feeding. I'm hoping to devise a way to get his tummy really full at the 3 am feeding so that he can go another 5 hours for the second part of the night. It would eliminate a feeding, but it would nearly change my life. (No, I'm not saying I'm giving up afternoon naps.)

Josh is starting to want to be upright and stand, or at least look around more. I really think that I have another active one on my hands. Which is great, as they grow they'll wear each other out.

Well, time to go. Later.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Joshua might have a dimple!

I'm about 85% positive that Joshua will have a dimple. Just one, same side as Caleb, which is to say the opposite side of mine. He smiled a big smile, I think he was having a dream, and I saw it. Grandpa Bishop also thinks he saw it. I think that is cool.

Last week, Caleb woke up in the middle of the night upset. I went into his room and he had lost his shirt in the bedding. I found it for him and he said "thank you mom". Which I was quite proud of him for being so polite. But then I leaned over and gave him a kiss and said "I love you"... and he said "love you too"!!!! It was the first time for me that he responded when I said that. It made waking up at 4 in the morning worth it! Makes being a mom worth it!

And then last night, Caleb and I read books and have prayers every night right before bed. Well, as we were reading (and he was bouncing a little to get situated on the bed) we bonked heads together. I said "ouch Caleb"... And he did the most endearing thing. As we both were rubbing our heads, he stopped and stood up and kissed my head where I was rubbing. I, of course, kissed his head, too. But his kind, loving, and gentle action just melted my heart. I'm very proud of my little guy. I hope that he is always so caring and sweet. Moments like this make all the rough nights and messes worth it.

Dear God, thank you very much for the blessing of my sons, they bring a love and joy that is the balm for weariness that life's routines and stresses often bring. Lord, my Creator, you knew me so well, that you sent exactly what I needed in my sons. Thank you for exsisting that I made subject my heart to You, the lover of my soul and the lifter of my head.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Here are some pictures!
Grandpa Bishop went home today, but not before an hour of Play-Doh fun! Caleb is really getting into the Play-doh, I'm a bit surprised... pleasantly surprised. I find it kind of funny and interesting that since he hasn't ever been exposed to play-doh before, I have to open his eyes to the creative possiblities and techniques. He learns quickly how to make the long spagetti noodle shapes and the balls with the palms of your hands. But it is neat to see the door open on his creativity.

Yesterday, Caleb attempted to feed Joshua for the first time. He was really interested in it. He held the bottle quite well even. He really loves his little brother, judging by the spontaneous requested to hold him, feed him, or kisses. It is heartwarming. Just wait until Josh can walk and talk back!

Caleb also got really hungry, and impatient yesterday in the evening. I was feeding Josh and I couldn't get up to get him his food. So he requested to be fed like Josh. I guess he's learned early resourcefulness and that there is more than one way to accomplish your goals. It was just funny, although a little sad for me that I couldn't meet my precious son's needs as quick as I'd like because I was meeting my other precious son's needs.

Well, I should go, feeding time and keeping Joshua awake time.

Caleb is watching "Pooh's Heffalump Movie" for the 2nd time today! And for the 5-6 time since Thursday! Lucky for me it is a library rental and it will go back!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Joshua slept for 4 hours straight last night! It might not sound like much, but for me it is a major cause for rejoicing!

Grandpa Bishop is still here, and Caleb is loving every minute of it. Especially their outings when McDonald's cheeseburgers are involved.

Robert (grandpa) is helping Mike put sheet rock up on the outside of our office today. This will be the first step in making our garage more organized and able to be navigated. Thanks to both of them!

Well, back to feeding, diapering, filling juice containers etc.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Caleb has a favorite book!

Thank you again Joann for the Look and Find Tigger book! I didn't know when you gave it to us that it would be such a hit! This is Caleb's nightly favorite! I can't put him to bed without going through a couple of the pages and letting him find everything on them. Admittedly, I'm a little worn out by the redundancy, but Caleb is definitely not tired of it. This is Caleb's chocolate.

Also, another of my favorites to share with Caleb are the "First Virtues for Toddlers" series. Thank you to my mom for giving us some more. I love the principles, the method they are displayed and the use of God's Word as the authority we answer to that these books use. I am proud to share these with Caleb. Thanks Mom.

Caleb and Grandpa Bishop continue to have a great time. Caleb climbs up and cuddles with Grandpa all day. Every day Caleb wakes up he asks for Papa, and is excited that all he has to do is go downstairs!

Josh is doing well. Still an amazing sleepy head. And gaining weight! He is my little chunky buddy! He is doing well and nearly over the thrush. (All the antibiotics that I took with the cold and c-section killed the good bacteria in his mouth). So I am very happy that it was so easily diagnosed and cured. Thank you Lord.

Josh is getting up at least every 3 hours during the night for meals, sometimes every 2 hours, which is tiring... And during the day he can go longer because he sleeps. My next goal will be to flip flop the sleeping to make him sleep longer during the night rather than the late afternoon and early evening.

So I am crossing my fingers in hopes for success... and I'll write more soon.

Oh, something funny.... Caleb has seen me (and Grandma Bishop) yawn so much, now he copies us. He fake yawns. It's so cute.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Grandpa Bishop is visiting!

Caleb and Joshua are having a great time. Caleb warmed up almost instantly to Grandpa Bishop, Boppa. They are off getting a cheeseburger for lunch.

We had a new experience this morning. We discovered Play-doh! Caleb realy enjoyed the animals I sculpted, and Boppa's imaginative play. It's definitely an activity that we will keep in the kitchen!

Well, Josh is hungry. Gotta Go.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Joshua Rolled Over!

He rolled from his tummy to back this morning! I'm so amazed and pleased that he has done this so soon. I think I have another active boy on my hands. Of course, he has gone off his schedule to sleep (despite my attempts to keep him awake) most of the afternoon to recoup from his exertion... sigh

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Just how sleepy is Joshua?

Most of you know that Joshua has had his nights and days mixed up. As a result, daily it has been a battle, a real challenge, a frustrating dilema to try to keep him awake for periods of time so that he will sleep at night. Just how sleepy is he: He's slept through diaper changes- common. He's slept while eating- common, and I wonder if this means he'll be a midnight snacker as an adult. He sleeps through being wiped down with cool wash cloths- a bit surprising. However, this tops it: He slept through his bath. I mean not a single eye lid flutter! Now that takes sleepy determination. And this is what I'm up against. Since babies don't do much, I thought this was a noteworthy story for one so little.
Caleb wants to help so much...

Tonight, Caleb made the request to feed the baby. And let me tell you, he didn't mean with the bottle, as he gestured pointing at his chest. I asked him if he wanted to hold the baby and he said "no", then he said "eat" and then he pointed at himself and said "me, yeah." And just so I got it, he pointed at my chest. So I think we had our first discussion of the differences between boys and mommies. I'm still not sure if his understanding now exceeds his desire to help. I'm sure I'll have to let him bottle feed Joshua soon... as a compromise.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Small signs of success.

Joshua is on his 3rd or 4th day of a schedule. Some predictablity has come into our lives now. He is eating at more consistent times, especially during the night!

Today was the easiest (although still a challenge) to keep Joshua awake at the correct times. This is mostly due to a better night sleep for him, I think. I had been concerned that he was breathing more raspy, wheezing, and nasal during the night when he was lying flat on his back, but during the day he would some times be in the Boppy and seem to sleep much more soundly and without a sign of stressed breathing. So after talking to my mom and Barb, I elevated the head of Joshua's bassinet. I think that in one night he slept better, at least he sounded better... which means that I slept better. But the best result was a more awake baby during the day. I even got some pictures of him awake and lifting his head up!

Yes, he lifts his head quite well and gets stronger every day. He also can stiffen up one of his legs and get a hip off the floor too while on his tummy. He could be an early rolling baby.

Caleb checks nearly daily for teeth in Joshua's mouth. I keep telling Caleb that Joshua can't have food because he doesn't have teeth. I've caught Caleb offering Joshua a wide variety of foods, including donuts. In the end, there aren't any teeth and Caleb then wants to shove the pacificer into Josh's mouth. Cute, but not exactly helpful. Caleb is very helpful in retrieving the pacifier from the bassinet though. And in a variety of other tasks. Praise God for his heart that's eager to please.

The three of us got out for a walk today. I've felt so bad about Caleb being cooped up during my recovery that I decided he had to get out. And once the cast is off he'll be back to all the active things he did before. The count down has begun in my mind until the 29th!

Well, back to diapers and feeding the family.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I haven't written for a few days because I've been blessed with having my mom visit and help me out for a few days. Her help has been priceless these last few days when I have been exhausted.

I loved watching Caleb and Grandma play. She gets right down and wrestles and giggles with him. He warmed up quickly to her, perhaps because she brought a toy plane with her, and let him much on her travel snacks. By the end of the visit he was sharing the raspberries and strawberries he'd picked with her and was running and leaping into her arms with lots of hugs. She shared a frango with Caleb, turns out those should be treated like popcicles- to be eaten while naked, outside, during the summer. She endured 5 playings of Toy story, 3 playings of Charlotte's Web, countless diaper changes (not all without a fight), 50 requests for his shirt, and even more requests for "juf" (juice).

Although Joshua doesn't know it, he spent ALOT of time with Grandma Bishop. He initated her during a diaper change, but only spit up on her clothes once or twice. They cuddled a bunch and fought to stay awake together-often for hours at a time. Grandma was helping keep him awake during the day so that he'd sleep during the night- ironically, I think Grandma had to go home and take a day time nap, I hope that that doesn't make her stay up at night. :) Grandma endured even more diaper changes with Joshua. She really got to know Joshua, and all of his noisy self. To our knowledge, he is the most moaning, grunting, sighing, wheezing, sneezing, and coughy baby all the while content and relaxed and often sleeping. Perhaps a bedside bassinet should be rethought in favor of the crib so that I can sleep at night.

Joshua is officially a little gobble, nursing hound. I've finally gotten him to space most of his meals out to roughly 3 hours apart, but in those meals he really sucks it back. I think he is over 10 pounds, and perhaps even at 11 now. I'm having to move to size 1 diapers because the newborn size is just too small! I hope he doesn't pack on so much weight that when it comes time to stand he can't because his little legs can't support it. We do daily stretches and leg exercises to help with that those, although he's already a STRONG little guy. He might have bigger quad muscles than I do.

I'll write more when I get a chance, I just wanted to let everyone in on the last few days.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Life doesn't always go as I've scheduled it, and when it doesn't I've found that I'm more frustrated than I need to be. And I just don't have the energy to be frustrated and heal and go on with the rest of life. Hence, I've made the decision that at least for the next week, the only thing that I'm going to try to accomplish with the new little boy is keep him fed and try to get some sleep and heal in between. Josh is so little and so tired, he's been sleeping all the time and I've been fighting it. So let him be, just keep him fed. He's so sweet and cuddly, not to mention patient. I should just be enjoying him anyways. I know I should have figured this out earlier.

Caleb was so precious today. As I held Josh today, Caleb came over and laid his shirt across Josh's back and ever so gently hugged Josh and then kissed his little head. I didn't have to prompt it or ask. And he said that he was sharing his shirt, and he left it there for a few minutes. You could almost see in his eyes the awareness that the future holds him giving up his shirt and he was ok passing it on to Josh... but not yet as he took it back a short time later for naptime. It was a moment to capture.

Caleb is also very insistent that he gets to help with Josh's diaper changes. He WANTS to climb up on the changer and watch with close attention, but I let him take the dirty, folded up diaper and throw it in the trash. He does very well. I'm so proud of him and his attitude. Although, I admit that with the cast on his arm, I often am hesitant to trust Caleb with the baby. I view the cast as the enemy to hurting the baby because jealously still might show up, or in Caleb's eagerness he might not be as gently as a newborn needs. I feel like I'm constantly on guard. Guarding them individually and from each other... I suppose should get used to it, they are siblings after all.

I'm also very proud of the vocabulary that Caleb is developing. He can explain what he wants and even comes up with new words that we haven't drilled into him, ones that maybe he's heard just once or twice in passing. He definitely explains every boo-boo and owie he ever gets. And I was pleasantly surprised when yesterday as I was on the phone, Josh woke up from a nap, Caleb came and told me that the baby was awake. Isn't that great?! He really is a help. Lord, please let this continue and grow.

Monday, September 05, 2005

I hope I've learned not to ask Caleb if he needs a spanking....

He was being disobedient and kept wanting to jump on the couch (the same couch he jumped off to break his arm) and it was too close to me as I was nursing. So I asked Caleb if he needed a spanking. He said yes and turned his backside to me and patted it, I thought that was funny so I just patted it gently. Then I refocused my attention else where. The next thing I know he says "mom, mom" until I give him my attention; he still has his bottom to me, his head is swiveled towards me and he pats his bottom again wanting me to pat him again. This turned into a game as his giggles errupted.
I hope he isn't feel starved for attention already.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Today I took Joshua to church for the first time. I have several friends there, and a few special ladies to thank for bringing us meals this last week. I went light on the meds so that I could drive, but I paid a little for that decision. But it was worth it to take my little boy to church and feel like I was standing before God in His house with His blessing to me. I know that we will formally dedicate Joshua at a later date, but I know I placed him in God's hands in my heart today. It was nice to show off a brand new baby too, especially one I'm so fond of.

Kristina and the Surface family were remarkable in bringing dinner all the way to our house this evening. We had a very good time watching our 2 yr olds play with each other and with the dogs. A constant giggle and talk fest. I was especially happy to see Tessa just settle in and feel at home, and equally happy that Caleb accepted her into his environment. Once they got square on whose ball was whose, then it was let the wrestling begin. Tessa made me smile when she held Joshua ever so sweetly and gently. Of course Caleb had to point and say "mine, mine" as if Joshua was his ball to be possessed. Caleb made me proud when he gave Aunt Kristina a BIG hug though.

So to wrap up the evening, I'm writing here and then trying my first time alone with 2 boys while Mike goes out with Brian to play Jump. I'm taking it this experience slow. Caleb is watching Disney, and it is only about an hour before bedtime to manage both. Then Joshua and I will debate whether another feeding is in order before lights out or not.

So a good day. I look forward to sleeping, for what I will get. And I look forward to this next week and what it will bring. My mom specifically, and also another visit from Barb!!! :)

Good night all.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Today was another day of errands and learning how to mesh the boy's schedules. Thankfully they are both so flexible, and they both eventually have to take naps. I can see my future stretching out before me where I will be looking for that inevitable time each day where both of my energizer bunnies need to recharge, which means I can recharge too. Praise God that my little ones are as close in age as they are and Caleb still takes naps.

Last night, Caleb stayed with Grammy and Grandpa while Mike worked. I got to stay home with Josh. There was, gasp, about an hour that I had to myself. The first since Josh was born. I had delightful leftovers from a thoughtfully prepared meal from a lady at my church, I sipped the celebratory sparkling cider, and I enjoyed quietness, eating without sharing or defending my food from little fingers, and choosing what activities I filled the hour with. Truly, an adult hour of self-determination. It was a little oasis hour. I know, grab and savory it while I can. As for the rest of the evening, I was fortunate enough to only have one little guy to focus on. I'm not recovered enough to chase after Caleb AND take care of Josh; thank you Grammy and Grandpa for rescuing me from having to test whether I am ready or not.

We've run errands today and hopefully purchased the finally things that will make life with baby user friendly: MORE diapers, formula, breastfeeding essentials. (Thank you G.G., these items were part of your baby shower gift to Josh.) And believe me when it comes to the "essentials", Josh will appreciate anything that will help his mommy feed him without grimacing in pain at each feeding. Yes, if you're the praying sort, please include me and this subject... nearly needing a miracle, at least that is what it feels and looks like.

Well, baby duty calls.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Today, Sept 1st, we visited the pediatrician for the first office visit. The stats are as follows on our little 7 day old: weight 8 pounds 6 ounces!!! Just an ounce under birthweight! He was weighed on Monday at 7lb 15 ounces, which means in 3 days Josh has gained 7 ounces! Unbelievable! His weight is in the 50th percentile. And he is measuring at 21 inches, hich just means that he stretched out a little better now than the first few seconds after birth and leaving his previously warm home. His height is falling in the 80th percentile. And for the sake of drill, they measured his head, it was 14 inches (no change since birth) and that was a 4oth percentile.
The pediatrician was very pleased with Josh's weight gain. The nurse even said that now he is basically back to birth weight and when he chooses to sleep through the night, not to wake him to feed. This was quite shocking, and as a parent I might choose to wake him once to feed, but this news frees me from feeling obligated to wake up the 3-4 times that I had thought necessary to keep Josh well fed. The doctor was VERY impressed with Josh's latch/suction. Apparently it it quite strong, although, you don't have to tell me because I'm the one breast feeding, I know....:) So we have a very healthy little boy on our hands, and with permission to not wake up a sleeping baby at night just to feed, we might get more sleep as parents.

Another bit of information that we are beginning to see emerge from our little Caleb is that he is quite the devoted, protective big brother. He didn't want the doctor to touch Josh if he thought the doctor would hurt him, and we had to explain what the nurse was going to do (the heel poke for the PKU test) and have him sit on our lap. He wanted to push or boss them away from Josh because he didn't want the baby to be upset. Amazing, here I thought that Caleb would be jealous and reject Josh or at least feel put out that he wasn't the center of attention anymore. But instead, Caleb is nearly constantly asking to hold Josh, and most of the time asking us to take pictures of him doing so. Caleb's acceptance of Josh was something I prayed for, didn't expect (strange that I'd pray for something and expect not to have that prayer answered), and am blessed 2x over by the surprisingly fast built love and affection between the two.
Maybe my little sons will be a good team like that of their biblical namesakes.

On the extreme bright side, Josh allowed me to sleep from 1 to 3:45 (2.75 hrs) and from 4:30 to 7 (2.5 hrs) last night. The best nights sleep I've has since before his arrival. And it really did feel like the world has changed for me. The psuedo-schedule is showing promise! So I'm going to keep it up. Thanks to all who wish me well and a good nights' sleep. I have every confidence that your prayers will be answered soon.