Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I haven't written for a few days because I've been blessed with having my mom visit and help me out for a few days. Her help has been priceless these last few days when I have been exhausted.

I loved watching Caleb and Grandma play. She gets right down and wrestles and giggles with him. He warmed up quickly to her, perhaps because she brought a toy plane with her, and let him much on her travel snacks. By the end of the visit he was sharing the raspberries and strawberries he'd picked with her and was running and leaping into her arms with lots of hugs. She shared a frango with Caleb, turns out those should be treated like popcicles- to be eaten while naked, outside, during the summer. She endured 5 playings of Toy story, 3 playings of Charlotte's Web, countless diaper changes (not all without a fight), 50 requests for his shirt, and even more requests for "juf" (juice).

Although Joshua doesn't know it, he spent ALOT of time with Grandma Bishop. He initated her during a diaper change, but only spit up on her clothes once or twice. They cuddled a bunch and fought to stay awake together-often for hours at a time. Grandma was helping keep him awake during the day so that he'd sleep during the night- ironically, I think Grandma had to go home and take a day time nap, I hope that that doesn't make her stay up at night. :) Grandma endured even more diaper changes with Joshua. She really got to know Joshua, and all of his noisy self. To our knowledge, he is the most moaning, grunting, sighing, wheezing, sneezing, and coughy baby all the while content and relaxed and often sleeping. Perhaps a bedside bassinet should be rethought in favor of the crib so that I can sleep at night.

Joshua is officially a little gobble, nursing hound. I've finally gotten him to space most of his meals out to roughly 3 hours apart, but in those meals he really sucks it back. I think he is over 10 pounds, and perhaps even at 11 now. I'm having to move to size 1 diapers because the newborn size is just too small! I hope he doesn't pack on so much weight that when it comes time to stand he can't because his little legs can't support it. We do daily stretches and leg exercises to help with that those, although he's already a STRONG little guy. He might have bigger quad muscles than I do.

I'll write more when I get a chance, I just wanted to let everyone in on the last few days.

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