Friday, September 02, 2005

Today was another day of errands and learning how to mesh the boy's schedules. Thankfully they are both so flexible, and they both eventually have to take naps. I can see my future stretching out before me where I will be looking for that inevitable time each day where both of my energizer bunnies need to recharge, which means I can recharge too. Praise God that my little ones are as close in age as they are and Caleb still takes naps.

Last night, Caleb stayed with Grammy and Grandpa while Mike worked. I got to stay home with Josh. There was, gasp, about an hour that I had to myself. The first since Josh was born. I had delightful leftovers from a thoughtfully prepared meal from a lady at my church, I sipped the celebratory sparkling cider, and I enjoyed quietness, eating without sharing or defending my food from little fingers, and choosing what activities I filled the hour with. Truly, an adult hour of self-determination. It was a little oasis hour. I know, grab and savory it while I can. As for the rest of the evening, I was fortunate enough to only have one little guy to focus on. I'm not recovered enough to chase after Caleb AND take care of Josh; thank you Grammy and Grandpa for rescuing me from having to test whether I am ready or not.

We've run errands today and hopefully purchased the finally things that will make life with baby user friendly: MORE diapers, formula, breastfeeding essentials. (Thank you G.G., these items were part of your baby shower gift to Josh.) And believe me when it comes to the "essentials", Josh will appreciate anything that will help his mommy feed him without grimacing in pain at each feeding. Yes, if you're the praying sort, please include me and this subject... nearly needing a miracle, at least that is what it feels and looks like.

Well, baby duty calls.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Oh, Krystal, I'm so sorry that feeding little Josh is painful for you. My friend Natasha is having some of the same issues and she got these funky "shields" to tuck into her bra that are really helping her - they somehow soothe the breast when the baby is not feeding. Also, have you tried cabbage leaves? It sounds crazy but I've heard they really help. I wish I could help're in my prayers, and I'm still looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.