Saturday, August 30, 2008

OK. First things first. We got the call Friday, Caleb has been approved for MORNING Kindergarten! Yahoo. It's just what is best for him!
Now for a little Catch up:
These are some pictures of Joshy's B-day party.

Then these are some of the pictures from our adventures of the fair. (Unfortunately the day we rode on the rides (oh boy did they have fun), but I forgot my camera, which might have been a good thing since we were soaked to the bones and dripping wet when we finally got home... wouldn't have wanted the camera to die a wet death.)

(in this last one, mine are 1- the top, second one in from the left...lavendar with 2 black circles. AND 2- the bottom right with the big "Class Winner"Ribbon next to it!!!)

LASTLY, But big news:

We are the "owners" (deposit has been made, and will be released on Labor Day evening) a BUNNY RABBIT. Yes, we are; we did it. We might question our sanity later, but the kids are in love. (I'm gettin there too.) Here he is:

So the details: Male(Buck), Junior at the age of 4 months old (born 4/25/2008), his coloring is called a "Broken Tortise", kind of a rare color combination actually. His name is "Shooter", after some country western song... but I don't know if the name will stay. Very alert, and shockingly cuddly with us (shocking because we are strangers, but he practically fell asleep in my arms). He will reach approximately 4.5 pounds as full size. The breed is a Mini Rex, aka "The velveteen rabbits", because they are as soft as a chinchilla. We talked the ears off a few breeders and spent many hours on several days looking at rabbits. This is a breed well known for being good with young children both in size and temperment. Rabbits in general haven't any diseases, don't require vaccinations, don't get fleas, if exposed to other animals (chickens) they might get mites which is simply solved with cat flea powder. Their maintenance is basically food ($16 for 5 months), water, handle it and cuddle it, clip it's toe nails (which we are lucky and Shooter's nails are white and easy to see the quick), and help it stay cool on some of our hotter days. We feel well informed by the breeders we spoke with, and all the information we received is confirmed and exhorted by what we in our research. We spoke extensively with the kids about responsiblity, etc. And bottom line, the breeder said that if it doesn't work out, we can ALWAYS bring him back. So he is in the competition at the Evergreen State Fair (of course we are cheering him on for his breed and color class), and we will pick him up on Monday evening.
Anybody know where we can get a super affordable rabbit hutch? LOL.
"Buhdat buhdat, That's all Folks!"

Monday, August 25, 2008


Joshy turns 3 today!

We went out and took portraits this morning. True to 3 yr old charm, it was a bit like pulling teeth to get a good smiling shot, but I think we got passible shots.
Speaking of shots we also make a tearful trip into the pediatrician for the vaccines required to get the boys into school. Of course it hurt, are you crazy, but the crayon shaped band-aids, pencils and stickers helped.
Then it was off to drop Caleb off for tennis and swimming and for the rest of the week. We chatted with Papa Dahl and Charlotte before running up to pick berries. I got nearly a gallon jug picture full before the rain came down to drench. The upside, Joshy got a chance to go swimming on his birthday. The big three year old got to go into the pool and hot tub by himself (which 2 lifeguards, mommy AND Grammy and occasionally Daddy watching.) He had a very good time, and was sleeping before we left the parking lot.
We ended Joshy's day with a couple errands and dinner, mostly because Joshy wanted to just was "shows" (specifically Cailou) or answer "poopy head" to what he wanted for dinner. Did I mention he was three.
We are within sight distance of being potty trained. If we are at home we are 90%, if we are out... all bets are off because he doesn't know when or where the potty is available. I'm hoping that preschool will become routine and familiar to him (also for Awana, which is only 1.5 hours which isn't too long of a time duration to "fake" it.)

So Caleb is with Grammy this week again until Thursday. I saw his tennis lesson a bit today. He was with just one other little girl and the trainer, darn near private lessons. And he really is enjoying it. And he is swimming like a fish. He is diving to the bottom of the 4.5 ft pool at the club with all bravery possible. He still stays a little near the edge for a hand hold when he comes up, but that's fine.

Joshy and I have errands and things to do this week and we are going to be busy. And I do hope to get the rest of the scrapbook pages for his previous year completed. I didn't make the deadline this time for the first time and I've promised myself no other projects until I get his completed.
On a sidebar, I saw at the fair that my photos won 2nd, 2nd and 3rd stickers. But, TOOT TOOT (my horn), I won "CLASS WINNER"(actually get a ribbon and maybe $ for it) for one of my scrapbooking entries, and a 1st sticker for the other. I'm happy. And surprised. It was the "My Buddy Buzz (as in Lightyear)" that won. I truly went in to see how good the winner was and what they did that was so great so that I could improve myself. I didn't expect class winner. And I was reading a book this last week..... Concept: Why are we defined by our occupation, rather than being defined by what we love to do and makes us feel alive. Well, I'm annoucing, I want to be known for my interest and performance in painting, photography, scrapbooking and floral design (a fair cateogory I intend to enter into next year), I do NOT want to be known as cleaner of the dirty underwear, toy picker upper, dishwasher empty-er, or shower stall scour-er!

That's all for now folks, good night. I'm off for a little wind down with another passion... a good book, or any book for that matter.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well, here we are again!

We have settled back into a pseudo-normal routine. Or as normal as a Summer can be.
Caleb's had a dentist appointment, I've worked. Then Caleb is in Swim lessons and in Tennis lessons that mean he stays with Grammy and Papa Dahl for 4 days a week for two weeks. Next week is his second week. He LOVES the tennis, something we were unsure about his interest. But he loves it, and he is doing GREAT in his swim lessons, one of best in the class. He is learning all sorts of movements and skills. And the time with Grammy and Papa is priceless and fun. I asked Caleb what was his most favorite and he said All of it.

So today, Saturday, we are celebrating Joshy's Birthday, since the day is officially Monday. Just a little get together to provide food and photo ops to commemorate the 3 yr rite of passage. Joshy is all excited because it is nice enough weather to set up the bouncy house. I will be taking Joshy in for annual portraits on Monday and then dropping Caleb off in Woodinville afterwards. I am hoping to squeeze in blackberry picking too, last week I was rained out.

We just returned from the Monroe Fair Day's Parade. Fun, but HOT! The kids are stocked up on free candy for the next 6 months. But that's good since I asked Joshy what special thing he would like when he was all the way potty trained and he said CANDY.

Well, it's time to get things moving towards being ready for the party. Talk to you later.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Well, We are back!

We had a good time, but after a day of travel, lots of work upon arrival at home, and a poor night sleep.... I'm TIRED. I'm sure the boys are a little tired too. But the sun is drawing them outside to play. I'm surprised at the humidity here that I didn't experience for the last two weeks.

We did lots of fun things. The kids loved the endless hours of playing at McDonalds play areas (the best indoor, air conditioned park around). We saw Fairytale Town for the first time; the boys loved to climb on everything. We got into a free showing of Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. And another big highlight.... community parks/playgrounds that also have water features. The various sprinklers keep the kids cool and having a great time. We had to keep that sunblock slathered on though. And it did start to get a little hot just watching sometimes (even from the shade.) We shared a few movies with Grandma and Grandpa. The boys played a bunch with the boxes of toys that were brought out.

HUGE NEWS**** From the moment we got off the plane, Joshy started wanting to use the little potty. He was about 85% on average. He had a couple perfect days, and a couple not so great days, but overwhelmingly and quite unexpectedly, Joshy was using the potty LOTS. At least 3 times a day! And he was so excited, he wanted to show me every time (oh, fun). I'm so proud of him. I hope he continues now that we are home. This could actually mean that he is going to go to PRESCHOOL and Cubbies! It happened just overnight basically, and Joshy is looking forward to school too! So I'm crossing my fingers and praying it keeps on.

I'll have pictures posted soon, but I'm so tired right now and it's is a process to get them downloard from the card and then uploaded here. So soon but not now!
Regardless, we are back and safe and just have to recover and clean up the house and get back into a routine.