Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving! We're back from Cannon Beach.

We arrived in the late afternoon on Thursday, and visited the beach quickly before dark and before the rain started. Then it was a turkey and ham dinner in Grammy and Papa Dahl's motorcoach. They went all out with decorative, Thanksgiving themed paper plates and napkins that gave the whole place a festive look.

Friday, it was raining when we woke up, but then quickly stopped. We ate, what is fast becoming traditional group family breakfast, sausage gravy over biscuits with scrambled mushroom eggs prepared by Grandma Judy and Papa Bill. We chatted in the motorcoach until the second rain shower was complete and then walked down to the beach. Caleb and the dogs had a lot of fun. After the beach was time to go hot tubbing. It is a good way to get warm. (or in my case, to have some quiet time...)

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. After breakfast we drove to Ecola State park and mini-hiked down to the beach. We then drove to the viewpoint and watched the parasailers have fun over the cliffs and trees. It was truly a lovely day. We did visit the hetic KB Toy's outlet, but with sales and no sales tax... for Christmas it was a necessary evil. Then it was back to camp for hot tubbing. The RV Resort hosted a turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing dinner with the campers bringing the rest. It was a nice time. Caleb was surrounded by a TV, arcades, and all sorts of bread type foods and desserts, so it was a peaceful meal for the rest of us too. Then back into the hot tub for the evening calm down.

Sunday. By this time we have heard the snow reports and decided after a hot shower (because our water heater was broken at home and this might be the last for a while) we packed up and headed home. We drove straight through other than a gas stop and two Caleb potty breaks. We got home at 2:30 as the rain began to mix with snow. By 3:00 it was all snow and had dropped 3-4 degrees and was starting to stick. (Mike fixed the hot water heater while I unpacked the trailer. Then he decided to get the trailer to the club before too much of the snow was on the ground it was parked in front of our house indefinitely.

So we are home safe, and had a good time. Here are a couple pictures.

With the snow on the ground and additional snow forcasted, I think we will probably stay close to home for warmth if nothing else. That's all for now.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

See, it didn't take that long to get another post here.

Today, I only had Josh to look after. Caleb went to spend time with Grammy, Daddy, and Papa. He tried gymnastics and the Daycare...success??? Well, we'll reserve judgement. He says that he misses us (mommy and daddy) and Joshy gets all the time and attention. So, we've got to make up some time with him to reassure him of his loved place in this world.

The flip side, Joshy and I got to spend time together. I thought I should update everyone on the person Joshy is becoming. He really likes to play catch (rather he throws, we catch and then roll it back to him). He really likes to listen to music. His new thing that causes giggles: sommersaults, he needs help, but loves it when we cause him to do them. He runs back for more. He's also enjoying the Baby Einstein movies. When Caleb's away we get a chance to pull out the shows that don't have words just visual stimulation, and he likes them! (Thank you Grammy and Papa Dahl for INVESTING in these when Caleb and Tessa were little, they are getting their use with the next grandchild.)

I should mention that we are going to be away this Thursday through Sunday. Thanksgiving will be sent in Cannon Beach (OR) this year with GG Dahl, Grammy and Papa Dahl and Papa and Grandma Judy. Pray for good weather because we are CAMPING not hotelling it!

Short and sweet, that's it for now.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hello to all.

Life is still busy. But here are the things that we are up to and the funny things taking place.

Yesterday, I actually had to say "Josh don't pick your brother's nose". Followed shortly by, "Caleb if you turned around he wouldn't be able to reach your nose." All of this was while we were at a craft bazaar in Monroe, and other than this incident and a couple other minor things, the kids were really well behaved. A few other people even commented about that.

This last week, we went to playgroup and Monday and Wednesday. Caleb was very excited about seeing his friend Donovyn. It's been a while since Donovyn got his adenoids removed. The boys played long, hard and nicely. It's fun to see Joshy trying to be a big boy. He follows them back and forth from one end of the gym to the other as best as he can.

Caleb is either very kind, gentle, and considerate to his brother or the rough, aggressive bully. I've seen both daily for quite some time. Although, the cutest thing happened. Caleb told me he was "scared" and I asked him about what. Suddenly he said he wasn't scared anymore. I mentioned that that was fast. He said that he had a button to turn it off, to which I said "wow, Jesus must have given you that button". He said "Yeah, He gives me lots of buttons. I share Jockey, 1 button... not now later. I take care Jockey." I thought that that was sweet. Caleb didn't believe me that one day they would both be big enough that Jockey would try to take care of him. He insisted that he was bigger than Jockey.

We took Caleb and Josh to Gymnastics classes. For Caleb, Grammy and I were shocked that Caleb's participation was bust. He pulled some kind of shy, "i need you to hold my hand/come with me mommy" behaviour... so we gave up on trying to make him go with his class.
JOSH, however, was a joy to take to class. He really enjoyed it. He had just woken up, so it took a couple of minutes for him to get orientated, and to find something to catch his interest. The minute he found something he liked, he started smiling and giggling. He liked to be bounced on the trampoline, although he didn't want the trampoline to bounce under him. He didn't know what to do with the foam block pit or the climbing wall. He did love the inclined mats which mommy helped him somersault down once he climbed up them. Joshy is a HUGE climber. He will climb anything, especially if it will get him closer to an object he wants to hold/put in his mouth. (Yes, Josh is still a really mouthy kid.) Josh climbed up a wooden play structure and the instructor came over and said that the way he manuevered the top was something some 5 year olds have problems with! He was doing fine, but then the MUSIC came on and the absolute JOY came out in Jockey. He started swinging his arms, raising his hands, and nodding his head to the beat and skip/walking. He is so funny to watch as he enjoys music. All kids have an interest and respond to music, but I'm having a great time being entertained by my little guy!

Thursday and Friday were days where they got to spend a bit more time with Daddy. They went to the dog park on one of those days and a neighborhood walk on the other. (Mommy tried and experimental, one time only job on Thursday, and a Dr. appointment on Friday.)

Caleb is in love with "Blue's Clues" Aka "Jockey's show". I thought it would dissuade him from wanting to watch it if I told him it was a show for Jockey's age. NOPE... with a big N! He will watch that ALL the time if we let him. So instead I've tried to focus and get him to watch "Leap Frog's LETTER FACTORY". And it has worked, I'm still having to watch Blue's Clues, but Caleb is now recognizing letters in the alphabet! Practice practice and more practice and we will get it down. We are thinking that the next phase is soon, the "Leap Frog WORDS FACTORY". He already likes the word CAT, because it is on his Cat in the Hat book. He is really excited when we exclaim how proud we are that he is reading, a real source of pride for him. But I've seen this week that he likes kudos and recognition, but he doesn't like to be in the spotlight for it. It's funny because that would seem like opposites, kudos without spotlight, and especially since every time we try to get Josh to do something Caleb has to cut in and try to steal the show. But I think that the latter is a sibling rivalry and the former is the actual personality trait. And of course, he is different with Mom and Dad than he is with others.

Well, winter is here and the plastic "play cube" is now in my living room. I figured that Joshy is going to climb whether it is a good thing to climb or not, so I'd better get a good thing inside to climb. The weather is so icky lately that it is unpleasant to send the kids out in the cold and rain to play on wet toys. So I brought a toy inside. I didn't get it even fully set down on the floor in the living room before Joshy had begun to climb up onto it. So I think that is proof that I did a good thing.

Joshy continues to talk... if you listen closely. He isn't always bell clear. But he says I did it, where mom, and other advanced things. I wish he would say please and understand what I say when I say wait. He whines because he has no patience and is easily frustrated. But he tries hard and is determined.
Today, he whined that I wouldn't let him play with Tigger's boy parts. I know, I'm awful, I don't let him do anything fun.

If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm so glad that Caleb is potty trained. I do have to remember that fact when I have to stop every 45 minutes to go to the restroom (and not for my own purposes!) I have determined that I will have Jockey trained earlier, I will NOT have 2 1/2 more years of diapers.!!! In the meantime, Joshy thinks toilet paper is the most fun toy and he would play with the plunger if I'd not put it out of reach. If I only listed the items that my kids have liked and fixated on (without explanation), you would think that we never bought our kids real toys. Caleb: broken fleecy dog toy/bone, swiffer, tape measure. Josh: new toilet bowl brush, swiffer.

Caleb's new phrases (that I'm sure he picked up from the adults in his life.)
"I mean it!" He also asks "Mommy, mean it, do you mean it mommy?" (I'm betting his one came from me)
"hmm, let me think, no" (thanks daddy)
"I'm thinking no." (thanks daddy) Especially funny (although also mildly cross eyed frustrating) when he says this to "Bedtime?" or "Brush your teeth?" "Get dressed?" I know, either stop asking, or ask "open" questions that don't require yes or no answers, I've read the books. I wonder if the authors actually have had children for some of things that they suggest.

Last story for now. Caleb and I drove to the store for our admittedly guilty pleasure, Slurpees. I drove up and got out and peeked in the window to see if the machine was "working" (not re frosting or out). I came back to the car and got in and was getting out the money and Joshy. Caleb asked if it was working and I said yes, he responds with "well, what are we waiting for!?" in an excited happy tone and starts struggling with his buckles in an uncontrollable anticitpation. I had to laugh. "What are we waiting for?!" indeed.

Good night. (at 6 it sure feels like 9!)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Some pictures, because they tell it better than words.

Mostly from Toppenish...

GG dutifully followed Joshy around to ensure his safety; note his choice toy, not the ball or other toys we packed, but the fly swatter.

We did bring Caleb's bike, but for Josh we brought the trike which also folds into a rocker. He liked it, and as you can see is a stunt devil in the making...

Dinner my motorhome and flash light...

Lake Easton State Park the morning we left....

And for those who haven't seen Tigger in a while, I'll get a better picture, but you might be able to assess a little bit of his size from this picture... Yup, this is our beloved (most of the time) 6 MONTH old puppy!

Ok, that's all for now. Good night.
Well, here we are together again. Well, not actually together, but it feels like it when you're reading and while I'm writing.

It's been too long again between posts, I apologize.

So here is what's been going on in the meantime.

Joshy is a climbing wonder. He has learned the tricks from Caleb and is attempting to climb up onto everything, and often with success... or whining when unsuccessful. I'm not sure which I like better, quiet success and high elevations, or noisy failure at the safe ground level. He is talking up a storm, although you have to listen carefully because it isn't all bell clear. But he asks questions like "wha doon?" (what are you doing?) and he answers most questions with a shake or nod of the head. He says "gahh iii" (got it). Puh is please. Several others. He is remarkable in his talking and every shocking in his understanding. Joshy is interested in everything, he is a watcher and a thinker; he is successful with most of the things that he tries, which makes me think that he has watched and waited until he can do things... which means he has understood for a long time. Amazing. The downside is that he is a big whiner for just about everything: Caleb wants privacy, Joshy whines because he wants to be in the bathroom too. He wants juice and I have to refill the cup first, he whines. He can't make a truck stay on the table when he pushes it, he whines.... The littlest things rock his world. I'm weary of it. But I should realize that it means he is smart and knows/understands what he wants and is eventually going to be able to communicate it clearly.
Joshy is mercifully gone back to sleeping through the night, I pray sincerely that this will continue. I might be able to glimpse what a life of normal sleep patterns looks like for the first time in a little over 3 years. Thank you Joshy for going back to sleeping through the night. However, he might be trying to give up his morning nap... We'll see.

Caleb is getting a little cooped up in the bad weather. This week instead of him staying with Grammy and Papa Dahl... Joshy did. That means that Caleb and Mommy got to go to Chuck E. Cheese and play. He really liked it, and for the first time he showed that he remembered from one visit to the next. Unfortunately, the last thing he remembered was a spider squashing game in California's Chuck E. Cheese and they don't have that in Bellevue. But he adjusted fast to the other games. He had a good time. Then it was off to the pool for a swim with Mommy and Daddy. He likes to play in the water, as long as he is on the stairs or in the hot tub. Beyond that we really need to work on his fear of the water. I think it might take consistent visits to the pool with just Caleb where we can work on new things, or the same old things over and over to build confidence. I look forward to the day that he will have fun and joy in the pool without reservation.
Caleb is in a "WHY" phase, heaven help me. It is why about everything. Why are we turning left (to go to the bank), why are we going to the bank (to put a check in), why do we need to put money in the acct (to pay bills), why do we have to do that.... etc. It's endless. Why does he need to put his socks on, why does he need to put his shoes on, why are we leaving, why are we going there, why does Grammy and Papa Dahl want to see him, WHY WHY WHY. I've tried to explain things, he asks why again... to the same question! I've tried saying because I'm in charge... why. I've tried to say I don't know... WHY! This is the phase that I knew the most about prior to having kids, and the phase I was least looking forward to... and now I know WHY.

So, what have we been keeping busy with...

Two weekends ago, we camped in Toppenish with Grammy, Papa and GG Dahl, and Papa Bill and Grandma Judy. It was a nice trip, good visiting, and there were bike rides and times in the pool. The most eventful item was, however, on the Sunday when we tried to get home. That's right, TRIED. Thanks to the road updates from Papa Bill (and the 1610AM) it was decided that the snowy and treacherous road conditions weren't worth the risk and we pulled off to camp in Lake Easton State Park for the night... about 10 minutes after unhooking the truck, the 1610Am was updated that the pass was completely closed due to dangerous road conditions, multiple accidents and deicing equipment to work. It's actually an interesting story. We got several calls from Papa Bill and listened to the radio a bunch, but home was sounding pretty good. So good that it was hard to make a decision. So I prayed and said, "Lord, I just don't know what to do. I know what I want to do, but I'm not sure what to do. So I'm going to ask Caleb and whatever he says that is what we are going to do, so please give him the right answer". So I turned and asked Caleb "Do you want to go home (I held up one hand) or camp one more night (and held up the other hand)?" He looked at me, paused, I repeated the question, and then with absolute certainity, he said Camp One more Night. So we did. The second miracle of the night was after dinner in Cle Elum, we were stuck on the shoulder of the road between semi's and the guard rail with two, luckily, sleeping kids, in a HUGE back up with the road closed and everyone with their engine and lights off. (I thought the next ramp off was just a mile up and no one would care if we just drove up and ducked off... some person was parked too far to the right to allow us passage.) So with no sign of movement, I told the Lord that we needed a miracle; with no word of lie, not 10-15 minutes later we heard the updated report that the pass was open and then we saw movement. In a back up and pass closed for 4.5 hours, we were only sitting for 40 mintues! Blessing, I think so!

Well, I'd like to go on. But my hands are tired, and the rest of me isn't that much farther behind. For those who pray and know Jesus, please pray for my Grandma Severson (Norma). She's not doing so good, and it's nearing her time. Of course, I want that to be with Jesus, and I want a pain-free, peaceful, not overly drawn out experience... and of course, remember all of those who know and love her in your prayers too. It effects everyone who knows and loves her. THANKS.