Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So it's been a couple of interesting weeks...

We had a snow day last Wednesday. It was fun to have a mid-week break, but Jockey missed a day of school, and when you only go 3 days a week 1/3 is big. And then again with Martin Luther King Jr Day off, again he missed 1/3 of his school week. Next time, snow day on a Thursday!

We got together yesterday, Jockey and I, for a play date at the park and braved the cold for the sake of a hour with his friend. It was good until he slipped in the mud and the rain started, luckily only 15 minutes apart from each other in occurrence. We came home and he warmed up with a grilled cheese sandwich.

Caleb was out sick today from school. He came down with a fever Tuesday night, and despite only have a tickly throat Wednesday morning... the rules still state that if it was within 24 hours then keep them home from school. He and I did errands today and had breakfast together. He did feel well enough to harrass and argue with Jockey.

However, Jockey was a little jealous that he didn't get to skip school and threw fits ALLLLLL day long. He had problems before school, to the point I had to tell him we were leaving in 5 minutes and if he wasn't wearing any clothes then that was how I was going to put in him the car and that was how he was going to go to school. Surprisingly, if I could just press Mute on the tears, he actually DID get dressed. But he had problems at school. He had problems with Caleb at home, He got a bad report from Awana tonight. And let the C-O-N-S-Q-EN-CES begin!!!! I hope he's learned something today, but I'm sick too and I can not repeat a day like this with my health tied behind my back and a bad kid too!

Baby #3 update... last week they called me and the official DUE (not birth) Date is 6/24/2011, which more than likely means a birth date of 6/15-6/17, but that will be decided in March generally speaking. That adjusts how far along I am. As of today (1/19), I am 17 weeks AND 5 days, so nearly completely through 18 weeks. Still having sporatic morning/evening etc sickness, but also an increase in appetite. (I really need to get out walking again, but hard with all this rain.) I haven't quite felt consistent identifiable movement, just occassionally when I'm holding still long enough to wait for a movement. And definately not feeling anything outside yet. Still not into pregnancy clothes, but those regular jeans are feeling snug, but it's more about the uncomfortable pressure sensation because they are still buttoning fine. The list of aches & pains is growing almost by the day, but I won't complain, bore you or provide Too-Much-Info (TMI) on them all. And lastly, the days are being counted down in this household and mind until Feb 8th when we find out the gender. The last times were desires, even strong desires one way or the other, but this time I feel even more passionate about what I want. I know there will be a huge mental adjustment if it isn't the Nathan we expect, the boys only refer to the pictures and baby as HE. But that's all in God's hands. Still, the much anticipated date is on countdown!

Mike starts his academy officially next Wednesday evening and it will go Wed's and Sat's (all day) through June! But it is a huge/difficult step for this path!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

School has started again. (I'm already ready for a snow day and sleeping in.)
Awana has started again. Caleb is going to recite the whole 23 psalms and earn a "green Jewel" this Wednesday. Jockey is still doing well on his verse and extra credit.
Bible Study has started again... I'm already loving it one session in, and Josh likes the socialization and the "mommy" food afterwards.

Funny saying of the day:

Caleb- "Mom, how did the dinosaurs die?"
Me- I think they froze to death. None of them have fur.
Jockey- "And they don't have FLUBBER either."
Me- You mean blubber, like whales.
Jockey- Yeah. That stuff too.

Doctor's appointment today.
1) healthy baby heart beat at 150
2) good BP for me
3) NO weight gain yet for me (Stressing the word YET!)
4) blood drawn to check Thyroid and for fetal spina bifida
5) Doc and the Maternal Fetal doc are going to debate their ultrasounds to determine a final due date... which matters in terms of correct, healthy day to C-section.
6) next appointment is Feb 8th, This is also the day we find out the gender.

Caleb is doing way better reading and doing so every day. Although reading has had to become the baragining chip to play wii, or punishment for bad behavior... which I dislike doing, but it IS a button for him and I have to use what works.
Jockey is the "Friend of the week" and is loving all the attention. He got to take in a favorite game, stuffed animal, toy, book, and pictures of himself from birth to now. AND it was sharing day too.

This last weekend we bought off of craigslist and GREAT, beautiful, STURDY bunkbed! It is completely reliably safe and is very attractive too. A great deal @ $450! The Bunk came with the mattress (easily $400 new), 6 sheet sets since they said they wouldn't have a twin bed in the house after the bunkbed was gone, 2 valances for the windows, 2 comforters, 2 matching large sized stuffed bears... all this in addition to the bunkbed (regular retail cost $749). We can't wait to show it off to the grandparents, especially those with a vested interest! Caleb came home from school saying he can't wait to see his bed. Of course in the two nights of using it, the boys switch who sleeps where, and often trying to end up in the same bed even though the other mattress is only 4 feet away! And since all lower bunks suffer from being a bit dark, I've strung some rice lights under the top bunk so Joshy bottom bunk is lit up and special feeling. He likes having the control of turning them on and off and to which ever setting he wants.

Well, we are looking forward to the "major snowfall" predicted for today.... but I'm seriously doubting it will amount to more than a bunch of hype. I WISH it was significant because I could use a sleep in snow day. Only God knows, I suppose I should pray for what we want if we want it.
That's all for now.