Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm back and so soon too!

Joshy is in a "NO WAY" phase. Everything is No Way. Luckily, with the second child I know this is just a phase.

Joshy is talking SOOOOO much more. He is now understanding and using the word "Brother". Of course he has 4 different intonations when he says is and they range from "Bider", "Brudr", "Brutr" etc. And he is saying he wants to so to Brider's cool (brother's school). So I had a serious discussion with Jockey today about having to be potty trained to go to school. I asked him if he wanted to go to preschool, he said yes, but when I said he had to XX and OO in the potty, I got the inevitable "NO WAY" (see previous paragraph). But at least we have a goal now, because I REALLY want him to go to preschool in Sept '08 and HE REALLY REALLY wants to go NOW and will have to settle for Sept '08.

Caleb goes to his last Awana night for the year, they pick it up again in January. And I "get" to help out tomorrow too, which means Joshy gets to go too. I hope I don't come home with any flu bugs like I did on a previous night.

Caleb has his first Christmas program at 2:45pm this Sunday. If anyone is interested, let me know. It is short and sweet... meaning a short 20 minute program followed by sweets & goodies and social time.

We got to go to dinner at Papa Bill's and Grandma Judy's house two weekends ago. It was quieter this time because just Joshy went (Caleb was with Grammy and Papa Dahl camping). We got the wonderful suprise of getting to see Great Grandpa Severson and Great Aunt Sandy. GG Severson is coming up on 93 years old this Christmas season! WOW! And he is still such a positive, happy go lucky attitude, talkative guy. I'm so very very glad that Joshy and Caleb have gotten to meet him, and vice versa!
Joshy our studious one also got to spend some quality, uninterrupted, practice writing time with Papa Bill.

So here are some pictures from recent events, namely Thanksgiving at Cannon Beach:

Joshy's "Cheese" face is back for pictures. It's hilarious and toothy.

Getting ready for an evening of night spelunking

Ready set go, RACE!

Camp Catered Thanksgiving Dinner

And for those who care.... a few pictures of the new Cabela's retail store in Lacey, WA....

That's all for now folks.

Monday, November 26, 2007

So what has been going on you ask?

Caleb is keeping up at school. He talks about Alan and Hunter H every day and I can't wait for him to actually have play dates with these kids. Most likely after the holidays though. The season is already getting soooo busy.

Caleb has his first Christmas program on Dec 2nd. I can't wait. Just another photo oppty and a parental rite of passage "the first christmas play/program". We have to take the Saturday before and make goodies to bring.

Joshy has another work we have to avoid in public: Frog.

"No books in the shower" and "don't put that carrot in that glove" are new ones for the I-Didn't-Think-I'd-Say-That list.

We went camping this Thanksgiving to Canon Beach. The weather was remarkable. It was beautiful sunshine, but COLD. We pit stopped one night in the new Cabela's parking lot and woke up to frosty ground. Cabela's is worth a visit to see the animals. There is such a variety of animals... it's like a "still" zoo, to include a 38 year old 12-14 foot tall polar bear and a 2000lb sea lion, and aquarium under a fake mountain/waterfall. Canon Beach was very nice. The dogs and kids loved to run and the weather couldn't have been better. Of course the kids loved the pools with Grammy and Papa Dahl too! Thanksgiving Day was at their motorcoach with ham and crab, and we squeezed in turkey at the Saturday camp catered and camper pot-lucked event. And camping in the new to us trailer went good too. We stayed warm once we were hooked up to the electricity and could run the heaters all night. We have lots more space, and even were able to have a swedish pancake breakfast with Grammy and Papa one morning in our trailer.

Pictures to come.

We are back at it this week with bills, laundry, school, my jobs, Awana etc. I can't believe that the holiday season is here. I'm starting to get excited, but also feeling the crunch of getting everything done NOW!

So that's it for now. The boys have probably drawn on themselves with pens AGAIN while I've typed this.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Just a few stories.

Caleb went to Awana tonight. Although, he has got me nearly convinced that he would like to go to the old place because they played more games, specifically one where they run around with a ball balanced in a plunger. Funny the things that grasp and hold his interest. He is doing well with his scripture verse memorizing.

Joshy is very smart and talking every so much more, however, some pronunciation is not perfect. Funny, if you can get past the initial shock. "No Shirt" is the most interesting at this point. I'll let your imagination figure out which letter is dropped.

Joshy is getting a mind of his own! He is resolute on everything. An he is quickly joining the ranks of "Drama Prince". He likes to bow his shaking head, placing a hand over his face, and "wail" in an Oh no manner. He is also becoming a mimick of Caleb quite rapidly. Now I have to train Caleb on what are good behaviours because little bro is watching him.

Joshy is in a very clinging phase, sigh. I'm sure it is just a phase, and I'm trying to remember that he is the last of my "babies", and when he is done with this huggy phase, it might be lost forever, so enjoy it. It's hard when he wants to be held while cooking, cleaning, and other tasks that require two hands or non-tired back.

Joshy is still humored by "I crack you up tractor man" sounds like I crapman.
and says Shaweeee for shower.

I plan a fingerpainting session for Joshy since he is such a little artist. I wonder if he likes it as much as painting.

Caleb is doing well in school, and he might have just made his first outside friend today. A little boy named Hunter; he has little cars that Caleb has been invited to come over and play with, it's just a matter of setting it up with his mommy. Hopefully soon, since this is a fulfillment of one of my dreams for Caleb.

Caleb is starting to take on more responsiblity. It is so surprising and wonderful to see. He takes initiative to let the dogs in and outside. He's picking up toys. He offers to set the table and wants to help more with the cooking. We are going to start collecting pop cans and try to recycle them for spending money for Caleb; the goal would be to have him spend time pounding them flat and then recycle them. He is wanting so many more toys and doesn't yet understand the different between 10 and 100$. Time to learn, yes you may have if you save. So this is our new endeavor. Cans, lots of cans.

Well, that is all for now. It's late, more later.