Thursday, November 08, 2007

Just a few stories.

Caleb went to Awana tonight. Although, he has got me nearly convinced that he would like to go to the old place because they played more games, specifically one where they run around with a ball balanced in a plunger. Funny the things that grasp and hold his interest. He is doing well with his scripture verse memorizing.

Joshy is very smart and talking every so much more, however, some pronunciation is not perfect. Funny, if you can get past the initial shock. "No Shirt" is the most interesting at this point. I'll let your imagination figure out which letter is dropped.

Joshy is getting a mind of his own! He is resolute on everything. An he is quickly joining the ranks of "Drama Prince". He likes to bow his shaking head, placing a hand over his face, and "wail" in an Oh no manner. He is also becoming a mimick of Caleb quite rapidly. Now I have to train Caleb on what are good behaviours because little bro is watching him.

Joshy is in a very clinging phase, sigh. I'm sure it is just a phase, and I'm trying to remember that he is the last of my "babies", and when he is done with this huggy phase, it might be lost forever, so enjoy it. It's hard when he wants to be held while cooking, cleaning, and other tasks that require two hands or non-tired back.

Joshy is still humored by "I crack you up tractor man" sounds like I crapman.
and says Shaweeee for shower.

I plan a fingerpainting session for Joshy since he is such a little artist. I wonder if he likes it as much as painting.

Caleb is doing well in school, and he might have just made his first outside friend today. A little boy named Hunter; he has little cars that Caleb has been invited to come over and play with, it's just a matter of setting it up with his mommy. Hopefully soon, since this is a fulfillment of one of my dreams for Caleb.

Caleb is starting to take on more responsiblity. It is so surprising and wonderful to see. He takes initiative to let the dogs in and outside. He's picking up toys. He offers to set the table and wants to help more with the cooking. We are going to start collecting pop cans and try to recycle them for spending money for Caleb; the goal would be to have him spend time pounding them flat and then recycle them. He is wanting so many more toys and doesn't yet understand the different between 10 and 100$. Time to learn, yes you may have if you save. So this is our new endeavor. Cans, lots of cans.

Well, that is all for now. It's late, more later.

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